International Journals
Greek Journals
State of the art or invited
International Conference Proceedings
Greek Conference Proceedings
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International Journals
- Dimitriadi V., Bouckovalas G., Chaloulos Y., Aggelis A. (2017),
"Seismic liquefaction performance of strip foundations: Effect of ground improvement dimensions",
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
- Dimitriadi V., Bouckovalas G., Papadimitriou Ach. (2017),
"Seismic performance of strip foundations on liquefiable soils with a permeable crust",
Soil Dynamics & Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 100, pp. 396-409.
- Chaloulos Y., Bouckovalas G., Karamitros D. (2017),
"Trench effects on lateral p-y relations for pipelines embedded in stiff soils and rocks", Computers and Geotechnics, Vol 83, pp 52-63.
- Melissianos V., Korakitis G., Gantes Ch., Bouckovalas G. (2016),
"Numerical evaluation of the effectiveness of flexible joints in buried
pipelines subjected to strike-slip fault activation", Soil Dynamics & Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 90, pp. 395-410, November
- Bouckovalas G., Tsiapas Y., Zontanou V., Kalogeraki C. (2016),
"Equivalent Linear Computation of Response Spectra for Liquefiable Sites:
The Spectral Envelope Method", Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0001625)
- Bouckovalas G., Tsiapas Y., Theocharis A., Chaloulos Y. (2016),
"Ground Response at Liquefied Sites: Seismic isolation or amplification?",
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Special Issue: 6th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering
(in print, available online)
- Karamitros D, Zoupantis Ch., Bouckovalas G. (2016),
"Analytical Verification of Buried Pipeline with Bends against Permanent Ground Displacements",
Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 53 (11), pp. 1782-1793.
- Chaloulos Y., Bouckovalas G. (2016),
"A hybrid computational simulation of pile installation effects in sand", submitted for publication.
- Chaloulos Y., Bouckovalas G., Zervos S., Zampas A. (2015),
"Lateral Soil-Pipeline interaction in sand backfill: Effect of trench dimensions",
Computers and Geotechnics, 69, pp 442-451
- Chaloulos Y., Bouckovalas G., Karamitros D. (2014), "Analysis
of liquefaction effects on ultimate pile reaction to lateral spreading
", Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,
ASCE, Vol. 140 (3).
- Chaloulos Y., Bouckovalas G., Karamitros D. (2013), "Numerical
simulation of pile response in lateral spreads: computational milestones
and experimental verification", Soil Dynamics and Earthquake
Engineering, Vol. 55 (275-287).
- Andrianopoulos K., Papadimitriou Ach., Bouckovalas G., Karamitros
D. (2013), "Insight into the seismic response of earth dams with
emphasis on seismic coefficients", Computers and Geotechnics, Vol.
55, pp.195-210.
- Papadimitriou Ach., Bouckovalas G. , Andrianopoulos K. (2013),"Methodology
for estimating seismic coefficients for Performance Based Design of
earth dams and tall embankments", Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,
Vol. 56, pp. 57-73.
- Karamitros D., Bouckovalas G., Chaloulos Y. (2013),"Seismic
settlements of shallow foundations on liquefied soil with a clay crust",
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 46, pp. 61-76.
- Karamitros D., Bouckovalas G., Chaloulos Y., Andrianopoulos K.
(2013),"Numerical analysis of liquefaction-induced bearing capacity
degradation of shallow foundations on a two-layered soil profile",
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. Vol. 44, pp. 99-101
- Karamitros D., Bouckovalas G., Chaloulos Y. (2013), "Insight
to the Seismic Liquefaction Performance of Shallow Foundations", Journal
of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE Vol. 139 (4)
- Valsamis A., Bouckovalas G. , Chaloulos Y. (2012), "Parametric
analysis of single pile response in laterally spreading ground", Soil
Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 34, pp. 99-100.
- Bouckovalas G., Papadimitriou A., Niarchos D., Tsiapas Y. (2011),
"Sand fabric evolution effects on drain design for liquefaction mitigation",
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 31(10): 1426-1439.
- Karamitros D., Bouckovalas G., Kouregis G., Gesouli V. (2011),
"Analytical verification of buried steel pipelines at normal fault
crossings". Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering , Vol 31, pp.
- Kouretzis G., Bouckovalas G., Karamitros D. (2011), "Seismic
Verification of Buried Pipelines and Tunnels Considering Rayleigh
Wave Effects". Tunneling and Underground Space Technology; Vol. 26,
- Valsamis A., Bouckovalas G., Papadimitriou A. (2010), "Parametric
investigation of lateral spreading of gently sloping ground", Soil
Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 30: 490-508
- Andrianopoulos K., Papadimitriou A., Bouckovalas G. (2010),
"Bounding surface plasticity model for the seismic liquefaction analysis
of geostructures", Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 30 (10):
- Andrianopoulos K., Papadimitriou A., Bouckovalas G. (2010),
"Explicit integration of bounding surface model for the analysis of
earthquake soil liquefaction", International Journal for Numerical
and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, DOI 10.1002/nag.875
- Loukidis D., Bouckovalas G., Papadimitriou A. (2009), "Analysis
of fault rupture propagation through uniform soil cover", Soil Dynamics
and Earthquake Engineering, 29(11-12): 1389-1404.
- Papadimitriou A. Antoniou A., Bouckovalas G., Marinos P. (2008),
"Methodology for automated GIS-aided seismic microzonation studies",
Computers and Geotechnics, 35(4): 505-523.
- Yiouta-Mitra P., Kouretzis G., Bouckovalas G. and Sofianos A.
(2007) "Effect of underground structures in earthquake resistant
design of surface structures", Geotechnical Special Publications (160),
American Society of Civil Engineers, ISBN 9781604237719.
- Karamitros D., Bouckovalas G., Kouretzis G. (2007), "Stress
analysis of buried steel pipelines at strike-slip fault crossings",
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 27: pp. 200-211. (pdf,
262 KB)
- Kouretzis G., Bouckovalas G., Gantes Ch., (2007), "Analytical
calculation of blast-induced strains to buried pipelines", Inernational
Journal of Impact Engineering 34 1683 - 1704. (pdf,
802 KB)
- Kouretzis G., Bouckovalas G., Gantes Ch., (2006), "3-D shell
analysis of cylindrical underground structures under seismic shear
(S) wave action", Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics,
26: pp. 909-921. (pdf,
432 KB)
- Loizos A., Bouckovalas G. (2005), "Pavement Soil Characterization
using a Dynamic Stiffness Model", International Journal of pavement
Engineering, Vol. 6 (1),
- Bouckovalas G., Papadimitriou A., (2005), ''Numerical Evaluation
of Slope Topography Effects on Seismic Ground Motion'', Soil Dynamics
and Earthquake Engineering, 25: pp. 547-558.(pdf,
393 KB)
- Loizos A., Bouckovalas G., Karlaftis A. (2003), "A dynamic
stiffness modulus for pavement design evaluation", Journal of Transportation
Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 130(1).
- Bouckovalas G., Papadimitriou A., (2003), ''Multi-variable
relations for soil effects on seismic ground motion'', Earthquake
Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 32: 1867-1896.(pdf,
460 KB)
- Bouckovalas G., Andrianopoulos K., Papadimitriou A., (2003),
"A Critical State interpretation for the cyclic liquefaction resistance
of silty sands'', Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 23: pp.
115-125.. (pdf,
524 KB)
- Papadimitriou A., Bouckovalas G., (2002), ''Plasticity model
for sand under small and large cyclic strains: a multiaxial formulation'',
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 22: pp. 191-204.(pdf,
375 KB)
- Bouckovalas G., Kouretzis G., Kalogeras I., (2002), "Site-Specific
Analysis of Strong Motion Data from the September 7, 1999 Athens,
Grecce Earthquake". Natural Hazards, volume 27, pp. 105-131, 2002.
2.933 KB)
- Hasiotis T., Papatheodorou G., Bouckovalas G., Ferentinos G.
(2001), "Earthquake - induced coastal sediment instabilities in
the Western Gulf of Corinth, Greece", Marine Geology, 186 (319-335).
- Bouckovalas G., Kouretzis G.,(2001), "Stiff soil amplification
effects in the 7 September 1999 Athens (Greece) earthquake". Soil
Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, vol 21, pp. 671-687, 2001. (pdf,
1.134 KB)
- Bouckovalas G., Kouretzis G. Kalogeras I. (2001), "Site
specific analysis of strong motion data from the September 7, 1999
Athens (Greece) Earthquake", Natural Hazards 27, 105-131..
- Loizos A., Bouckovalas G., Karlaftis A. (2001), "A dynamic
stiffness modulus for pavement design evaluation", Journal of Transpartation,
ASCE (in print).
- Papadimitriou A., Bouckovalas G., Dafalias Y., (2001), ''A
plasticity model for sand under small and large cyclic strains'',
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 127(11),
209 KB)
- Marinos P., Bouckovalas G., et al. (2001), "Seismic classification
of soils at West Athens", Engineering Geology, Vol. 62, No. 4, pp.
- Christoulas St., Bouckovalas G., Giannaros Ch. (2000), "An
experimental study on model stone columns", Soils and Foundations,
Vol. 40, No. 6.
- Bouckovalas G. (1996), "Prediction of Soil Effects on Seismic
Motions: A comparative Case Study", Earthquake Spectra, Vol. 13, No.
3, August..
- Michaelides Od., Gazetas G., Bouckovalas G., Chrysikou T. (1996),
"Approximate Nonlinear Dynamic axial Response of Piles", Geotechnique,
Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 33-53.
- Michaelides Od., Bouckovalas G., Gazetas G. (1996), "Non-linear
Soil properties and Impedances for axially vibrating Pile Elements",
Soils & Foundations, Japan. Soc. of Soil Mech. and Found. Eng.,
Vol. 38, ??. 3, September.
- Karantoni T., Bouckovalas G. (1997), "Description and Statistical
Analysis of Damage from Pyrgos 1993 (Greece) Earthquake", Soil Dynamics
& Earthquake Engineering", Vol. 16, pp. 141-150.
- Bouckovalas G., Anagnostopoulos A. Kapenis A. Karantoni T. (1996),
"Analysis of Soil Effects and Distribution of Damage from Pyrgos 1993
(Greece) Earthquake", Geotechnical & Geological Engineering, Vol.
14, pp. 111-128.
- Bouckovalas G. (1996), "Evaluation of Cyclic Model Tests
on Anchor Piles in Clay", Soils and Foundations, Japan. Soc. of Soil
Mech. and Found. Eng., Vol. 36, No. 4, December.
- Bouckovalas G., Ting N-H., Whitman R.V. (1994), "Liquefaction
Analysis of a Model Anchored Bulkhead in the Centrifuge", Soil Dynamics
and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 14, pp. 347 360.
- Bouckovalas G., Stamatopoulos K., Whitman R.V. (1991), "Analysis
of Seismic Settlements and Pore Pressures in Centrifuge Tests", JGED,
ASCE, Vol. 117(10)
- Stamatopoulos K., Bouckovalas G., Whitman R.V. (1991), "Analytical
Prediction of Earthquake-induced Permanent Deformations", JGED, ASCE,
Vol. 117(10).
- Bouckovalas G. (1989), "Drained Permanent Deformation of
Sand due to Cyclic Loading", JGED, ASCE, Vol. 114(10), DISCUSSION.
- Bouckovalas G., Hoeg K. (1987), "Computational Model for
Saturated Sand under Cyclic Loading", Soils and Foundations, Japan.
Soc. of Soil Mech. and Found. Eng., Vol. 27(4).
- Bouckovalas G., Marr W.A., Christian J.T. (1986), "Analyzing
Permanent Drift due to Cyclic Loads", JGED, ASCE, Vol. 112(6).
- Bouckovalas G. (1984), "Prediction of Earthquake- induced
Deformations of earth dams", Soils and Foundations, Vol. 24 (2), DISCUSSION.
- Bouckovalas G., Whitman R.V., Marr W.A. (1984), "Permanent
Displacement of Sand with Cyclic Loading", JGED, ASCE, Voll 110(11).
Greek Journals
- Bouckovalas G. Papadimitriou A. (2005), "Multi-variable relations for soil effects on elastic response spectra", Technika Chronika, Jan. - April. (pdf, 2.630 KB)
- Bouckovalas G., Papadimitriou A. (2005), "Multi-variable relations for soil effects on peak seismic motion parameters", Technika Chronika, Jan.-April. (pdf, 6.259 KB)
- Bouckovalas G., Kouretzis G. (2000), "Preliminary evaluation of the acceleration induced during the Athens 07/09/99 Greece earthquake at the nearby areas", Bulletin of the Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE), September.
- Bouckovalas G. (1995), "Earthquake-induced Hydrodynamic Pressures on Retaining and Quay Walls", Journal of Hellenic Civil Engineering Society, Bull. 226 (in Greek).
- Gazetas G., Bouckovalas G. (1993), "Aseismic Design of Retaining and Quay Walls", Journal of Hellenic Civil Engineering Society, Bull. 209 (in Greek).
- Kalteziotis N., Anagnostopoulos A., Bouckovalas G., et al. (1989), "Experience from the first Onshore Application of the Marcheti Dilatometer in Greece", Bulletin of KEDE, July.
- Zervogiannis Ch., Bouckovalas G., Christoulas S. (1988), "Correlations for Mechanical Characteristics and Classification of Greek Soil Formations", Bulletin of Public Works Laboratories (KEDE), December (in Greek).
- Bouckovalas G., Sabatakakis N. (1988), "Soil Conditions and Building Damage in Kalamata from the 1986 Earthquake", Bulletin of Public Works Laboratories (KEDE), December (in Greek).
- Christoulas S., Tsiambaos G. Sabatakais N, Bouckovalas G. (1986), "Correlation of Soil Conditions and Building Damage in Chalandri from the 1981 Earthquakes", Bulletin of Public Works Laboratories (KEDE), July (in Greek).
Invited Papers & Book Chapters
- Bouckovalas G, Psycharis I., et al. (2017),
"Performance-based design of bridge piers in liquefiable sites with shallow foundation and limited ground improvement",
Performance Based Design, PBD III, Vancouver, Canada, June
- Bouckovalas G., Tsiapas Y. (2015),
"Seismic Isolation Effects and Elastic Response Spectra of Liquefied Ground", 6th ICEGE, Christchurch, New Zealand, Nov. 1-5.
- Bouckovalas G., Karamitros D., et al. (2015), "FLIQ:
Experimental verification of shallow foundation performance under
earthquake-induced liquefaction", Chapter 32 in Experimental
Research in Earthquake Engineering, Springer Intrn. Publ., Switzerland.
- Bouckovalas G., Chaloulos Y. (2014),
"Analysis of piles in laterally spreading liquefied ground",
7th Hellenic Geotechnical Engineering Conference, Athens, Nov. 5-7.
- Bouckovalas G., Karamitros D., et al. (2013), "Experimental
verification of shallow foundation performance under earthquake induced
liquefaction", SERIES concludin Workshop, May 28-30, Ispra, Italy.
- Bouckovalas G., Chaloulos Y. (2013), "Single pile in
laterally spreading soil: numerical against experimental simulation",
5nd ICEGE, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Bouckovalas G., Chaloulos Y. (2012), "Numerical Analysis
of Kinematic Interaction Performance of Single Piles in Laterally
Spreading Ground", 2nd International Conference on Performance Based
Deign in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering,Taormina, Italy.
- Bouckovalas G., Papadimitriou A., Andrianopoulos K., Valsamis
A., Karamitros D. (2011), "Numerical modeling of liquefaction
and related ground and foundation performance", Keynote Lecture, MERCEA
'08, May 2008, Reggio-Calabria, Italy (3rd Volume publ. in 2011)
- Bouckovalas G., Karamitros D. (2010), "Surface Foundation
of Bridge Pier on Liquefiable Soil with Limited Ground Improvement",
6th Hellenic Conference on Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,
Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, Volos (in Greek).
- Bouckovalas G., Dimitriadi V. (2009), "Geotechnical Issues
on the Seismic Protection of Monuments", 3rd Greece - Japan Workshop
on Seismic Design, Observation and Retrofit of Foundations with Special
Issue on Protection of Cultural Heritages, Sept. 22 - 23, Santorini.
- Bouckovalas G., Andrianopoulos K., Papadimitriou A. (2009),
"On the numerical modeling of ground and foundation performance under
severe seismic shaking and liquefaction", Keynote Lecture, COMPDYN
2009, Rodos, Greece (CD-535).
- Bouckovalas G., Papadimitriou A., Niarchos D. (2009), "Gravel
drains for the remediation of liquefiable sites: the Seed & Booker
(1977) approach revisited", Keynote Lecture, IS-Tokyo 2009
- ?ouckovalas G., Dakoulas P. (2007), "Performance based design
of footings on clay crust over liquefiable sand", Special Lecture,
4th ICEGE.
- Bouckovalas G. ,Papadimitriou A. (2007), "Earthquake-induced
liquefaction: new evidence and prospects", Proceedings, 5th Hellenic
Conference on Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, May 2006,
Xanthi, (in Greek).
- Bouckovalas G., Loukides D., Antoniou K. (2001), "Active
fault propagation through recent soil deposits", 9th Intern. Conference
of the Hellenic Geological Society, Athens, September (in Greek).
- Bouckovalas G., Kouretzis G. (2001), "A review of soil and
topography effects in Athens 09/07/199 (Greece) earthquake", special
lecture, 4th Intern. Conference on Recent Advances in Geotech. Earthq.
Engineering and Soil Dynamics, San Diego, March.
- Bouckovalas G., Gazetas G., Papadimitriou Ach.. (1999),
"Geotechnical aspects of the Aegion (Greece) earthquake", 2nd Intern.
Conference on Geotech. Earthq. Engineering, Lisbon, June.
- Bouckovalas G. (1995), "Seismic Risk and Response assessment
for the Preservation of Monuments", Intern. Seminar on Geotechn. Aspects
of the Protection of Monuments, Limone sul Garda, Italy, Sept. 4 10.
- Statham I., Bouckovalas G., Langer M.F.B. (1995), "The Identification
and Monitoring of Geohazards", State of the Art Report, XI ECSMFE,
Copenhagen, May 28-June 1.
- Bouckovalas G., Ting N-H., Whitman R.V. (1993), "Analytical
Predictions for an Anchored Bulkhead with Liquefiable Backfill", VELACS
Intern. Conf., Univ. of California Davis, Oct. 17 20.
- Bouckovalas G. (1991), "Ekofisk Tank: Performance Prediction
during the Storm of Nov. 6, 1973", X ECSMFE, Florence, May 26 30.
International Conference Proceedings (with full text review)
- Marinatou S., Zontanou V., Bouckovalas G., Chaloulos Y. (2017),
"Liquefaction Induced Uplift of Pipelines: Numerical Modeling and Parametric Analyses", Performance Based Design, PBD III, Vancouver, Canada, June
- Chaloulos Y., Bouckovalas G., Tsifis B.(2017),
"Analysis of pile response in liquefied laterally spreading soil with a crust", Performance Based Design, PBD III, Vancouver, Canada, June
- Karatzia X., Mylonakis G., Bouckovalas G. (2017),
"3D Dynamic Impedances of Footings on Liquefiable Soil", 16WCEE, Santiago Chile, Jan 9-13.
- Tsiapas Y., Bouckovalas G., Zontanou V., Kalogeraki C. (2016),
"Simplified Computation of Elastic Response Spectra for Liquefiable Sites", 1st ICONHIC, Chania Greece, June 28-30.
- Tsiapas Y., Bouckovalas G., Theocharis A. (2016),
"Analysis of Seismic Isolation and Amplification Effects for Liquefied Ground", 1st ICONHIC, Chania Greece, June 28-30.
- Karamitros D., Cilingir U., Bouckovalas G., Madabhushi S., Papadimitriou A., Haigh S. (2013),
"Experimental Verification of Shallow Foundation Performance in an Earthquake-Induced Liquefaction Regime",
International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering: from Case History to Practice, Istanbul, Turkey, June 17 - 19
- Karamitros D., Bouckovalas G., Chaloulos Y. (2013),
"Analysis of Shallow Foundation Response Mechanisms in Liquefied Ground",
International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering: from Case History to Practice, Istanbul, Turkey, June 17 - 19
- Dimitriadi V., Bouckovalas G. (2013),
"Numerical Simulation of Seismically Induced Settlements of Shallow Foundations on Remediated Ground against Liquefaction",
International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering: from Case History to Practice, Istanbul, Turkey, June 17 - 19
- Bouckovalas G., Theocharis A., Tsiapas Y., Chaloulos Y. (2013),
"Numerical Analysis of Liquefied Ground Response", International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering:
from Case History to Practice, Istanbul, Turkey, June 17 - 19
- Papadimitriou A., Andrianopoulos K., Bouckovalas G. (2012), "Simplified methodology for the performance based seismic design of tall embankments and earth-dams", 2nd International Conference on Performance Based Deign in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering,Taormina, Italy.
- Karamitros D., Bouckovalas G., Kouretzis G., Gkesouli V. (2012), "An Analytical Method for Strength Verification of Buried Steel Pipelines at Normal Fault Crossings", 2nd International Conference on Performance Based Deign in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering,Taormina, Italy.
- Karamitros D., Bouckovalas G., Chaloulos Y. (2012), "Performance-Based Design of Bridge Foundation on Partially Improved Liquefiable Soil", 2nd International Conference on Performance Based Deign in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering,Taormina, Italy.
- Bouckovalas G., Papadimitriou Ach., Dimitriadi V. (2012) "Gravel drain performance in liquefiable soils: numerical simulation and applicability", 2nd International Conference on Performance Based Deign in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering,Taormina, Italy.
- Papadimitriou A., Andrianopoulos K., Bouckovalas G. D. (2012), "Simplified methodology for the performance-based seismic design of tall embankments and earthdams", Proceedings, 2nd International Conference on Performance-Based-Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, May
- Loukidis, D., Papadimitriou, A., Bouckovalas, G. (2011),
"Ground surface distortion zone in the vicinity of active dip-slip
faults", Proceedings, ERTC-12 Workshop on Evaluation of Geotechnical
Aspects of EC8, Athens, Sunday, Sept 11
- Andrianopoulos K., Papadimitriou A., Bouckovalas G. (2011), "Implementation of a cyclic soil plasticity model in a finite-difference solution algorithm", Proceedings, 7th GRACM International Congress on Computational Mechanics, Athens, 30 June-2 July
- Papadimitriou A., Andrianopoulos K., Bouckovalas G., Anastasopoulos K. (2011), "Simplified methodology for estimating seismic coefficients for the pseudo-static slope stability analysis of earth dams", Proceedings of Symposium of 79th ICOLD Annual Meeting, May 29 - June 3, Lucern
- Karamitros D., Bouckovalas G. Chaloulos Y. (2011), "Simplified Methodology for Performance Based Design of Hallow Foundations on Liquefiable Soil with a Clay Crust", 5th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, January 10 - 13, Santiago, Chile.
- Valsamis A., Bouckovalas G., Chaloulos Y. (2011),"Simplified Design Of Single Piles Under Liquefaction Induced Lateral Srpeading", 5th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, January 10 - 13, Santiago, Chile, (pdf, 323 KB [CORRECTED] ) .
- Bouckovalas G., Dimitriadi V., Tsiapas Y., Tsioulou A., (2011), "Numerical Simulation of Drain Performance in Liquefiable Soils", 5th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, January 10 - 13, Santiago, Chile.
- Valsamis A., Dimitriadi V., Bouckovalas G., (2010), "Parametric Investigation of Lateral Spreading in Free-Face Ground Formations", 5th International Conference in Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics and Symposium in Honor of Professor I.M. Idriss, San Diego, CA - May 24 - 29.
- Andrianopoulos K., Papadimitriou A., Bouckovalas G. (2011),
"Applications of the NTUA-SAND model for the seismic liquefaction
analysis of geostructures", 2nd International FLAC/DEM Symposium on
Numerical Modeling, February, Melbourne
- Papadimitriou A., Andrianopoulos K., Bouckovalas G. (2010),
"Improved methodology for the estimation of seismic coefficients for
the pseudo-static stability analysis of earthdams", 5th International
Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
and Soil Dynamics & Symposium in honor of Prof. I. M. Idriss, San
Diego, CA - May 24-29.
- Valsamis A., Bouckovalas G., Drakopoulos E. (2009), "Design charts for single piles under lateral spreading of liquefied soil", Proceedings 3rd Greece - Japan Workshop on Seismic Design, Observation and Retrofit of Foundations With Special Issue on Protection of Cultural Heritages, Sept. 22 - 23, Santorini.
- Papadimitriou A., Andrianopoulos K., Bouckovalas G. (2008),
"Efficient numerical modeling of Liquefaction-Induced Deformations
of Soil Structures", Geotechnical Earthquake and Soil Dynamics IV,
Sacramento, May 18-22
- Bouckovalas G., Papadimitriou A. , Karamitros D. (2007),
"Compatibility of EC-8 ground types and site effects with 1D seismic
wave propagation theory", 14th European Conference on Soil Mechanics
and Geotechnical Engineering, Madrid, 24 - 27 September, 227-232.
- Kouretzis G., Bouckovalas G. and Gantes Ch. (2007), "Strain analysis of buried pipelines due to blast-induced ground shock waves", 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 25-28.
- Valsamis A., Bouckovalas G., Dimitriadi V. (2007), "Numerical Evaluation of Lateral Spreading Displacements in Layered Soils", 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Thessaloniki, June 25-28, Paper 1644, (pdf, 285KB)
- Andrianopoulos K., Papadimitriou A., Bouckovalas G. (2007), "Use of a new bounding surface model for the analysis of earthquake-induced liquefaction phenomena", 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Thessaloniki, June 25-28, Paper 1443, (pdf, 507KB)
- Papadimitriou A., Loukidis D., Bouckovalas G., Karamitros D. (2007), "Zone of excessive ground surface distortion due to dip-slip fault rupture", 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Thessaloniki, June 25-28, Paper 1583,(pdf, 1010KB)
- Papadimitriou A., Moutsopoulou M.-E., Bouckovalas G., Brennan A. (2007), "Numerical investigation of liquefaction mitigation using gravel drains", 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Thessaloniki, June 25-28, Paper 1548, (in print). (pdf, 747KB)
- Papadimitriou A., Moutsopoulou M.-E., Bouckovalas G. (2007), "Numerical analysis of gravel drain performance in liquefiable soils", 2nd Japan-Greece Workshop on Seismic Design, Observation and Retrofit of Foundations, Tokyo, 3 - 4 April (in print).
- Kouretzis G., Bouckovalas G., Sofianos A. and Yiouta-Mitra P. (2007), "Detrimental effects of urban tunnels on design seismic ground motions", 2nd Japan-Greek Workshop on Seismic Design, Observation and Retrofit of Foundations, Tokyo, April 3-4.
- Bouckovalas G., Papadimitriou A., Kondis, Bakas G. (2006),
"Equivalent-uniform soil model for the seismic response analysis of
sites improved with inclusions", 6th European Conference on Numerical
Methods in Geotechnical Engineering, Graz, 6 - 8 September, pp. 801-808.
305 KB)
- Papadimitriou A., Vytiniotis ?., Bouckovalas G., Bakas G. (2006), "Equivalence between 2D and 3D numerical analyses of the seismic response of improved sites", 6th European Conference on Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering, Graz, 6 - 8 September, pp 809-916. (pdf, 393 KB)
- Andrianopoulos K., Bouckovalas G., Karamitros D., Papadimitriou A. (2006), "Effective stress analysis for the seismic response of shallow foundations on liquefiable sand", 6th European Conference on Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering, Graz, 6 - 8 September, pp. 211-216. (pdf, 442KB)
- Karamitros D., Bouckovalas G., Kouretzis G. (2006), "Analytical prediction of pipeline stresses at strike-slip active fault crossings", Proceedings 13th ECEE & 30th Assembly of the ESC, 3-8 September, Geneva.
- Bouckovalas G., Papadimitriou A. (2006), "Aggravation of seismic ground motion due to slope topography", 1st European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Geneva, 3 - 8 September, paper no. 1171. (pdf, 470 KB)
- Bouckovalas G. Fanouraki N., Valsamis A. (2006), "Dynamic behavior and liquefaction resistance of gravels", Proceedings 13th ECEE & 30th Assembly of the ESC, 3-8 September, Geneva.
- Andrianopoulos K., Papadimitriou A., Bouckovalas G. (2006), "Numerical analysis of geo-structures in a liquefaction regime", 1st European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Geneva, 3 - 8 September, paper no. 1245. (pdf, 508 KB)
- Andrianopoulos K., Papadimitriou Ach., Bouckovalas G. (2006), "Implementation of a Bounding Surface Model for seismic response and liquefaction of sands", Proceedings 4th Intern. FLAC symposium, Madrid 29-31/05.
- Bouckovalas G., Valsamis A., Andrianopoulos K. (2005), "Pseudo static vs. performance based seismic bearing capacity of footings on liquefiable soil", Proceed. Satellite Conf. on Recent Developments in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Osaka, September.
- Bouckovalas G., Valsamis A., Andrianopoulos K. (2005), "Numerical vs. analytical simulation of liquefaction effects on the seismic bearing capacity of footings", Proceed. of 11TH Intern Conf of IACMAG, Torino, June.
- Andrianopoulos K., Papadimitriou A., Bouckovalas G. (2005), "Bounding surface models of sands: Pitfalls of mapping rules for cyclic loading", 11th International Conference of IACMAG, Torino, June 19-24, Vol. 1, 241 - 248. (pdf, 231KB)
- Papadimitriou A., Antoniou A., Bouckovalas G., Marinos P. (2004), "Approximate relationships for GIS-aided evaluation of soil effects on seismic ground motion", 11th ICSDEE and 3rd ICEGE, January 7-9, Berkeley, U.S.A.
- Bouckovalas G., Papadimitriou A. (2004), "Numerical evaluation of slope topography effects on seismic ground motion", 11th International Conference on Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering & 3rd International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Berkeley, USA, January, Vol. 2: 329-335 (2 citations). (pdf, 393 KB)
- Papadimitriou A., Bouckovalas G, (2001), "Modeling sand fabric evolution during cyclic loading", 15th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Istanbul, August, 235-238. (pdf, 647 KB)
- Loukidis D., Bouckovalas G. (2001), "Numerical modelling of active fault propagation in soft soil", 4th Intern. Conference on Recent Advances in Geotech. Earthq. Engineering and Soil Dynamics, SanDiego, March 2001.
- Bouckovalas G., Kouretzis G., (2001), "Review of Soil and Topography Effects in the September 7, 1999 Athens (Greece) Earthquake". Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics And Symposium in Honor of Professor W.D. Liam Finn, San Diego, California, March 26-31, 2001. (pdf, 1.384 KB)
- Andrianopoulos K., Bouckovalas D., Papadimitriou A., (2001),"A Critical State evaluation of fines effect on liquefaction potential". Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics And Symposium in Honor of Professor W.D. Liam Finn, San Diego, California, March 26-31, 2001. (pdf, 693 KB)
- Memos C., Bouckovalas G., Tsiachris Al. (2000), "Stability of Rubble-Mound breakwaters under seismic action", Proceedings of Coastal 2000, ASCE, July 16-21, Sydney, Australia.
- Bouckovalas G., Gazetas G., Papadimitriou A., (1999), ''Geotechnical aspects of the Aegion (Greece) earthquake'', 2nd Intern. Conference on Geotech. Earthq. Engineering, Lisbon, June. (pdf, 604 KB)
- Egglezos D, Bouckovalas G. (1999), "Permanent strain and pore pressure relations for cyclic loading of sand", 2nd Intern. Conference on Geotech. Earthq. Engineering, Lisbon, June. (pdf, 1400 KB)
- Papadimitriou A., Bouckovalas G., Dafalias Y. (1999), ''Use of elastoplasticity to simulate cyclic sand behavior'', 2nd Internernational Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Lisbon, June. (pdf, 731 KB)
- Gantes C., Bouckovalas G., Gerogianni D. (1999), "Safety of buried steel pipelines subjected to explosions", Eurosteel'99, 2nd European Conference on Steel Structures, Prague, May.
- Cascone E., Bouckovalas G. (1998), "Seismic bearing capacity of footings on saturated sand with clay cap", Proc. 11th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paris, September (in CD-ROM).
- Egglezos D.N., Bouckovalas G. (1998), "Analytical relationships for earthquake-induced pore pressure in sand, clay and silt ", Proceedings 11th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paris, September (in CD-ROM). (pdf, 102 KB)
- Bouckovalas G., Panourgias T. (1998), "Theory-based relations for soil effects on elastic response spectra", Proc. 11th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paris, September (in CD-ROM).
- Bouckovalas G., Gazetas G., Stavrakakis G. (1995), "Source Mechanisms and Soil Effects in the 1993 Pyrgos (Greece) Earthquake", 5th Intern. Conf. on Microzonation, Nice, Oct. 17 19.
- Bouckovalas G., Marinos P., Tsiambaos G., Sabatakakis N. (1995), "Effects of Geology in the seismic Microzonation of Pyrgos, Greece", XI ECSMFE, Copenhagen, May 28-June 1.
- Bouckovalas G., Papadimitriou A. (1994), "Storm- Induced Cyclic Loading of Anchor Piles in Clay", BOSS'94, M.I.T., Boston, July.
- Steensen-Bach J., Bouckovalas G., Anagnostopoulos A., Steenfelt J. (1994), "Cyclic Loading Response of Anchor Piles in Clay", XIII ICSMFE, New Delhi, February.
- Bouckovalas G. (1994), "Analyses of Local Soil Effects on Peak Seismic Motion Parameters", XIII ICSMFE, New Delhi, February.
- Bouckovalas G., Christodoulias J., et al. (1991), "Stabilization of Landslides in Greece - National Report", Proceedings of the European Commitee on Stabilization of Landslides in Europe, Bogazici University, Istanbul
- Bouckovalas G., Krikeli I. (1989), "Effect of Local Soil Stratigraphy on Microtremor Measurements", 2nd Int. Conf. on Geotech. Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, St. Louis MO.
- Bouckovalas G. (1989), "Analyzing the Effect of Drainage on Earthquake Induced Settlements in the Centrifuge", 3rd Young Geot. Engineers Conference, Raubichi, USSR, May 22 26.
- Bouckovalas G., Kalteziotis N., et al. (1989), "Shear Wave Velocity in a very Soft Clay - Measurements and Correlations", XII ICSMFE, Rio de Janeiro, August 13 18.
- Pachakis M. Konstantinidis C., Bouckovalas G. (1988), "Long Term Stability of Cutting Slopes on the Basis of Field Evidence", 5th Int. Conf. on Landslides, Luzzane, July 10 15.
- Bouckovalas G., Madshus C. (1987), "Permanent Displacement and Pore Pressure from Partially Drained Cyclic Loading", Int. Conf. on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Houston, Texas, March 1 5.
- Marr W.A., Urzua A., Bouckovalas G. (1982) ,"A Numerical Model to Predict Permanent Displacements from Cyclic Loading of Foundations", BOSS' 82, Boston, MA, August.
- Kausel E., Roesset J.N., Bouckovalas G. (1981), "A Stiffness Matrix Approach for Layered Soils", 7th World Conf. on Earthquake Engineering, Instambul, September.
National Conference Proceedings (with full text review)
- Karamitros D., Bouckovalas G., Dimitriadi V., Papadimitriou A., Loukidis
D., Madabhushi S., Cilingir U. (2014), "Experimental investigation
of the seismic performance of shallow foundations in a liquefaction
regime", 7th Hellenic Geotechnical Engineering Conference, Athens,
Nov. 5-7 (in Greek).
- Zoupantis C., Karamitros D., Bouckovalas G. (2014), "Analytical estimation of strains in curved buried pipelines due to permanent ground displacements", 7th Hellenic Geotechnical Engineering Conference, Athens, Nov. 5-7(in Greek).
- Chaloulos I., Bouckovalas G., Karamitros D. (2014), "Kinematic Pile Loading under Liquefaction-induced Lateral Ground Spreading", 7th Hellenic Geotechnical Engineering Conference, Athens, Nov. 5-7 (in Greek).
- Tsiapas I., Bouckovalas G., Chaloulos Y., Malissianou M. (2014),
"Simplified Estimation of Elastic Response Spectra for Liquefied
Ground", 7th Hellenic Geotechnical Engineering Conference, Athens,
Nov. 5-7(in Greek).
- Bouckovalas G., Tsiapas I., Theocharis A., Chaloulos I. (2014), "Effect
of Liquefaction Soil Thickness on Seismic Ground Response", 7th
Hellenic Geotechnical Engineering Conference, Athens, Nov. 5-7(in
- Bouckovalas G., Papadimitriou A., Niarchos D., Tsiapas I. (2014),
"New Design Charts of Drain Systems for Liquefaction Mitigation",
7th Hellenic Geotechnical Engineering Conference, Athens, Nov. 5-7
(in Greek).
- Dimitiadi V., Bouckovalas G., Agelis A. (2014), "Analytical
Design Methodology of Shallow Foundations on Liquefiable Ground with
Controlled Ground Improvement", 7th Hellenic Geotechnical Engineering
Conference, Athens, Nov. 5-7(in Greek).
- Dimitiadi V., Bouckovalas G., Chaloulos I. (2014), "Numerical Simulation of Seismic Response of Shallow Foundations on Liquefiable Ground", 7th Hellenic Geotechnical Engineering Conference, Athens, Nov. 5-7 (in Greek) (in Greek).
- Karatzia X., Mylonakis G., Bouckovalas G. (2014), "Elastodynamic Analysis of Surface Footing on Liquefiable Soil Stratum", 7th Hellenic Geotechnical Engineering Conference, Athens, Nov. 5-7(in Greek).
- Chaloulos I., Bouckovalas G., Papadopoulos V., Valsamis A. (2014),
"Numerical Investigation of Static p-y Curves for Kinematic Pile
Loading in Sands", 7th Hellenic Geotechnical Engineering Conference,
Athens, Nov. 5-7(in Greek).
- Karamitros D., Bouckovalas G., Chaloulos I. (2010), "Simplified
Methodology for the Performance-based Design of Shallow Foundations
on Liquefiable Soil with a Clay Crust", Proceedings of the 6th
National Conference of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,
Volos, 29-09 to 01-10 (in Greek).
- Valsamis A., Bouckovalas G., Chaloulos Y. (2010),"Numerical
investigation of single pile behavior under lateral spreading", Proceedings,
6th Hellenic Conference on Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,
Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, Volos (in Greek).
- Valsamis A., Dimitriadi V., Bouckovalas G. (2010),"New Relationships
for Liquefaction-induced Lateral Spreading in Gently Sloping Ground",
Proceedings, 6th Hellenic Conference on Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental
Engineering, Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, Volos (in Greek).
- Papadimitriou A., Andrianopoulos K., Bouckovalas G., Anastasopoulos
K. (2010), "New methodology for estimating the seismic coefficients
for pseudo-static slope stability analysis of earth dams", Proceedings,
6th Hellenic Conference on Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,
Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, Volos (in Greek)
- Andrianopoulos K., Papadimitriou A., Bouckovalas G., Anastasopoulos
K. (2010), "Parametric numerical investigation of the seismic
response of earthdams and tall embankments", Proceedings, 6th Hellenic
Conference on Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Sept.
29 - Oct. 1, Volos (in Greek)
- Bouckovalas G., Papadimitriou A., Karamitros D. (2010), "Compatibility
of EC-8 design seismic actions with wave propagation theory", Proceedings,
6th Hellenic Conference on Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,
Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, Volos (in Greek)
- Kouretzis G., Bouckovalas G. (2010), "Rayleigh wave propagation
effects on the aseismic design of flexible underground structures";
Proceedings of the 6th National Greek Conference on Geotechnical and
Geoenvironmental Engineering, Volos, September (in Greek).
- Papadimitriou A.G., Bouckovalas G., Anastasopoulos K. (2008),
"An improved method for the evaluation of seismic coefficients for
pseudo-static slope stability analysis of earth dams", 1st Hellenic
Conference for Large Dams, Larisa.
- Papadimitriou A.G., Bouckovalas G., Anastasopoulos K. (2008),
"Improved estimates of seismic coefficients for pseudo-static slope
stability analysis of earth dams", 3rd Hellenic Conference of Engineering
Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Athens (paper No.2060)
- Karamitros D., Gesouli V., Bouckovalas G. (2008), "An
Analytical Methodology for the Design of Buried Steel Pipelines at
Normal Fault Crossings", Proceedings of the 3rd National Conference
of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, Athens, 05 to
07-11, Paper 2069 (in Greek).
- Karamitros D., Bouckovalas G., Kouretzis G. (2007), "A New
Method for the Stress Analysis of Buried Steel Pipelines Crossing
Active Strike-Slip Faults", Proceedings of the "Pythagoras" Conference
on Scientific Research in the National Technical University of Athens,
Plomari, Lesvos, 05 to 08-07 (in Greek).
- Kouretzis G., Bouckovalas G., Gantes Ch. (2006), "Analytical
calculation of blast-induced buried pipeline strains"; Proceedings
of the 5th National Greek Conference on Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental
Engineering, Vol. II, Xanthi, June (in Greek).
- Kouretzis G., Bouckovalas G., Gantes Ch. (2006), "3-D shell
analysis of flexible underground structures under seismic action";
Proceedings of the 5th National Greek Conference on Geotechnical and
Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. II, Xanthi, June (in Greek).
- Papadimitriou A., Loukidis D., Bouckovalas G., Karamitros D.
(2006), "Numerical Investigation of Active Fault Rupture Propagation
through Soft Soil", 5th Hellenic Conference of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental
Engineering, Xanthi, May 31-05 to June 02.
- Karamitros D., Bouckovalas G., Kouretzis G. (2006), "A New
Method for Steel Pipeline Stress Analysis at Active Strike -Slip Fault
Crossings", 5th Hellenic Conference of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental
Engineering, Xanthi, May 31-05 to June 02.
- Bouckovalas G., Valsamis A., Anastasopoulos G. & Nikolaidi M.
(2006), "Comparison of empirical evaluation of liquefaction resistance
from SPT and CPT tests", 5th Hellenic Conference on Geotechnical and
Geoenvironmental Engineering, Xanthi, 31/5-2/6, 2nd Volume, pp 97-104
(in Greek).
- Bouckovalas G., Papadimitriou A., Vasdekis S., Vourvahakis T.,
Drandakis E., Sofianou I. (2006), "Approximate relations for topography
effects on seismic motion", 5th Hellenic Conference on Geotechnical
Engineering, Xanthi, May, Vol 2, pp. 343-350. (in Greek) (pdf,
309 KB)
- Andrianopoulos ?., Bouckovalas G., Papadimitriou ?. (2006),
"Numerical analysis of geo-structures in a liquefaction regime", 5th
Hellenic Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, Xanthi, May, Vol
2, pp. 73-80. (in Greek). (pdf,
286 KB)
- Papadimitriou A., Antoniou A., Bouckovalas G., Marinos P. (2006),
"Automated execution of seismic microzonation studies using G.I.S.",
5th Hellenic Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, Xanthi, May,
Vol 2, pp. 393-400. (in Greek) (pdf,
373 KB)
- Papadimitriou A., Vytiniotis A., Bouckovalas G., Bakas G. (2006),
"Equivalence between 3D and 2D numerical analyses of the seismic response
of improved sites", 5th Hellenic Conference on Geotechnical Engineering,
Xanthi, May, Vol 2, pp. 377-384. (in Greek) (pdf,
419 KB)
- Bouckovalas G., Fanouraki N., Valsamis A., (2006), "Analyses
of laboratory data for the seismic response and liquefaction of sand
and gravel mixtures", 5th Hellenic Conference on Geotechnical and
Geoenviromental Engineering, Xanthi, June (in Greek), Xanthi, May.
(in Greek) (pdf,
455 KB)
- Gantes C., Bouckovalas G., Kouretzis G., et al. (2005),
"Seismic design of Komotini-Alexandroupolis-Kipoi high pressure pipeline
at active fault crossings", 5th Hellenic Conference on Metal Structures,
Xanthi, June (in Greek).
- Koumousis V.,Gantes C., Bouckovalas G., Dimou C., Lemonis M.
(2002), "Thessaloniki - Skopje crude oil pipeline at fault crossings:
verification case study", 4th Hellenic Conference on Metal Structures,
Patra, 24-25 May (in Greek).
- Bouckovalas G., Loukidis D., Antoniou K., (2001), "Fault
rupture propagation through soft soil covers". 9th Intern. Conference
of the Hellenic Geological Society, Athens, September. (in Greek)
1.574 KB)
- Papadimitriou A., Bouckovalas G., Dafalias Y. (2001), "An
elastoplastic formulation for non cohesive soil behavior under cyclic
shearing", 4th Hellenic Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, Athens,
I: 139 - 146. (in Greek) (pdf,
205 KB)
- Bouckovalas G., Memos K., Mouzakis C., Tsiachris A. (2001),
"Geotechnical evaluation of the seismic response of a model rubble-mount
breakwater", 4th Hellenic Conference on Geotechnical Engineering,
Athens, June (in Greek).
- Bouckovalas G., Kouretzis G. (2001), "Stiff soil amplifications
effects in Athens 07/09/99 Greece earthquake", 4th Hellenic Conference
on Geotechnical Engineering, Athens, June (in Greek).
- Egglezos G., Bouckovalas G. (2001), "Empirical relations
for the computation of permanent strain and pore pressure due to cyclic
loading of sand", 4th Hellenic Conference on Geotechnical Engineering,
Athens, June (in Greek).
- Andrianopoulos K., Bouckovalas G., Papadimitriou A. (2001),
"Effect of silt content on earthquake-induced liquefaction: a new
approach", 4th Hellenic Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, Athens,
2: 91 - 98. (in Greek) (pdf,
255 KB)
- Egglezos D., Papadimitriou A., Bouckovalas G., Sabatakakis N.,
(1997), "Comparative Evaluation of Cross-Hole and Down-Hole Measurements
of Seismic Wave Velocity", 3rd Hellenic Conference on Geotechnical
Engineering, Patra, I: 411 - 417. (in Greek) (pdf,
7.205 KB)
- Koumoulou E., Bouckovalas G. (1997), "Analytical Computation
of Seismic Pore Pressures in Sands", 3rd Hellenic Conference on Geotechnical
Engineering, Patra (in Greek).
- Cosmatopoulos M., Bouckovalas G. (1997), "Earthquake-induced
changes in Earth-pressures", 3rd Hellenic Conference on Geotechnical
Engineering, Patra (in Greek).
- Michailidis O., Gazetas G., Bouckovalas G. (1996), "Axial
and transverse non-linear dynamic analysis of pile", 3rd Hellenic
Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, Patra (in Greek).
- Platis A., Kousoulos S., Panagopoulos N., Bouckovalas G. (1996),
"Foundation of Harbour Works on soft soils improved and reinforced
by geosynthetic materials", 3rd Hellenic Conference on Geotechnical
Engineering, Patra (in Greek).
- Tsamis V., Bouckovalas G. (1992), "Evaluation of Earth Pressure
Computations for non-uniform Surcharge", 2nd Hellenic Conference on
Geotechnical Engineering, Thessaloniki (in Greek).
- Bouckovalas G., Kotta N. (1992), "Improved Analysis Method
for Earthquake-induced Sliding of Gravity Walls", 2nd Hellenic Conference
on Geotechnical Engineering, Thessaloniki (in Greek).
- Bouckovalas G., Gazetas G., Stamatelopoulos S. (1992), "Soil
Parameters for Inelastic Analysis of Axial Pile Vibrations", 2nd Hellenic
Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, Thessaloniki (in Greek).
- Bouckovalas G., Siafarika Ou., Siachou S. (1992), "Evaluation
of Common Assumptions for Seismic Response Analysis", 1st Hellenic
Conference of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Geology, Athens,
May 6-8 (in Greek).
- Gasios E., Constantinides Ch., Bouckovalas G. (1988), "Long-term
Stability of Highway Embankments on Weathered Phlysch", 1st Hellenic
Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, Athens, February 3-5 (in Greek).
- Karamitros D., Bouckovalas G., Chaloulos Y., (2013), "Analysis
of Shallow Foundation Response Mechanisms in Liquefied Ground",
5th ICEGE: from Case History to Practice, Istanbul, Turkey, June 17
- 19 (abstract review).
- Dimitriadi V., Bouckovalas G., (2013), "Numerical Simulation
of Seismically Induced Settlements of Shallow Foundations on Remediated
Ground against Liquefaction", 5th ICEGE: from Case History to
Practice, Istanbul, Turkey, June 17 - 19 (abstract review).
- Bouckovalas G., Theocharis A., Tsiapas Y., Chaloulos Y., (2013),
"Numerical Analysis of Liquefied Ground Response", 5th ICEGE:
from Case History to Practice, Istanbul, Turkey, June 17 - 19 (abstract
- Bouckovalas G., Papadimitriou A., Marinos P. (2007), "Submarine
liquefaction-induced mass flows at Eratini Greece due to the Aigion
earthquake of 15-6-95", Proceedings, 3rd International Symposium on
Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences, Santorini, October
- Bouckovalas G., Papadimitriou A. (2003), "Lefkada M=6.4,
14/8/03 Earthquake: Analysis of Soil Effects and Liquefaction on Strong
Seismic Motion Recordings", Proceedings, 1st Intern. Workshop on Earthquake
Prediction Research, November, Athens (abstract).
- Bouckovalas G. (as a member of a group coordinated by Assistant
Professor Psicharis J.) (1999), "The Athens, Greece earthquake
of Sept. 7, 1999", EERI special earthquake report, November.
- Bouckovalas G., Papadimitriou A., (1997), "Effects of Soil
and Topography in the Aigion, Greece Earthquake of June 15th 1995",
Post Symposium Tour 1 Proceedings, International Symposium on Engineering
Geology and the Environment, IAEG, Athens, Greece, June, pp. 8-29.
- Bouckovalas G., Papadimitriou A. (1997), "Effects of Soil
and Topography in the Aigion, Greece Earthquake of June 15th, 1995",
Proceedings, 29th General Assembly of the International Association
of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior, Thessaloniki, pp.
330 (abstract).
- Bouckovalas G., Papadimitriou A., (1994), ''Storm-induced
cyclic loading of anchor piles in clay''.(pdf,
10.755 KB)
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