

The process (mechanism) of erosion
Ultrasonics Sonochemistry

Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 4 (1997) pp. 269

The process (mechanism) of erosion of soluble brittle materials caused by cavitation

C. G. Stephanis, J. G. Hatiris, D. E. Mourmouras

National technical university of Athens, Department of physics, Zografou Campus, GR-157 80 Athens, greece


This is research that determines which of the phenomena that appear during cavitation is responsible for the erosion of some brittle water soluble materials like gypsum and alum when found in a high intensity ultrasound field over the cavitation level.The observation that gypsum suffers no erosion under the effect of an ultrasound field when the material is irradiated in a saturated solution of gypsum in water, gave rise to this experimental attempt.
Keywords: Cavitation, gypsum, erosion.

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