
- RC Book:
Design of Reinforced Concrete Buildings for Seismic performance
Modeling and assessment for resilient inland waterways
Digital twins for resilient urban areas under multiple hazards
Methods and tools innovations for seismic risk assessment
Training on improved resilience and sustainable reconstruction of cultural heritage areas
Improved resilience and sustainable reconstruction of historic areas
- NSFuse:
Ductile steel fuses for the protection of critical nonstructural components
Decision support system for increasing the resilience of transportation infrastructure
Archetypal telemetry and decision support system for the protection of monumental structures
Improving resilience of sensitive industrial plants & infrastructures exposed to cyber-physical threats
Fully dissipative and easily repairable devices for resilient buildings with composite steel concrete structures
Advanced structural solutions for automated steelrack supported warehouses
Innovative solutions for design and strengthening of telecommunications and transmission lattice towers
Valorisation of knowledge for European pre-qualified steel joints
- ATC-120:
Seismic analysis and design of nonstructural components and systems
Reliability of Coupled High-Speed Trains and Bridges Under Earthquakes
Valorisation of innovative seismic devices
- iDesign:
Enabling Seismic Design Decision-Making under Uncertainty
- SeaWind:
Performance-based design of offshore wind turbines
Seismic Vulnerability Guidelines Development and Seismic Vulnerability Functions
Risk assessment for the seismic protection of industrial facilities
RC BookDesign of Reinforced Concrete Buildings for Seismic performance |
Title |
Design of Reinforced Concrete Buildings for Seismic performance:
Practical, deterministic and probabilistic approaches
Authors |
M.Aschheim, Santa Clara University, CA
E.Hernandez-Montes, University of Granada, Spain
D.Vamvatsikos, NTU Athens
| CRC Press, 2019 |
The costs of inadequate earthquake engineering are huge, especially for reinforced concrete buildings.
This book presents the principles of earthquake-resistant structural engineering, and uses the latest tools
and techniques to give practical design guidance to address single or multiple seismic performance levels.
It presents an elegant, simple and theoretically coherent design framework. Required strength
is determined on the basis of an estimated yield displacement and desired limits of system ductility
and drift demands. A simple deterministic approach is presented along with its elaboration into a
probabilistic treatment that allows for design to limit annual probabilities of failure. The design
method allows the seismic force resisting system to be designed on the basis of elastic analysis
results, while nonlinear analysis is used for performance verification. Detailing requirements of
ACI 318 and Eurocode 8 are presented. Students will benefit from the coverage of seismology,
structural dynamics, reinforced concrete, and capacity design approaches, which allows the book to
be used as a foundation text in earthquake engineering.
Websites |
Online resources: Examples, source code, records & tools
The actual book from the publisher
PLOTODeployment and assessment of predictive modelling, environmentally sustainable and emerging digital technologies and tools for improving the resilience of IWW against climate change and other extremes |
PLOTO aims at increasing the resilience of the Inland WaterWays (IWW) infrastructures and the connected land- infrastructures, thus ensuring reliable network availability under unfavourable conditions, such as extreme weather, accidents and other kind of hazards. Our main target is to combine downscaled climate change scenarios (applied to IWW infrastructures) with simulation tools and actual data, so as to provide the relevant authorities and their operators with an integrated tool able to support more effective management of their infrastructures at strategic and operational levels. Towards this direction, PLOTO aims to:
- use high resolution modelling data for the determination and the assessment of the climatic risk of the selected transport infrastructures and associated expected damages;
- use existing data from various sources with new types of sensor-generated data (computer vision) to feed the used simulator;
- utilize tailored weather forecasts (combining seamlessly all available data sources) for specific hot-spots, providing early warnings with corresponding impact assessment in real time;
- develop improved multi-temporal, multi-sensor UAV- and satellite-based observations with robust spectral analysis, computer vision and machine learning-based assessment for diverse transport infrastructures;
- design and implement an integrated Resilience Assessment Platform environment as an innovative planning tool that will permit a quantitative resilience assessment through an end-to-end simulation environment, running "what-if" impact/risk/resilience assessment scenarios. The effects of adaptation measures can be investigated by changing the hazard, exposure and vulnerability input parameters;
- design and implement a Common Operational Picture, including an enhanced visualisation interface and an Incident Management System.
The PLOTO integrated platform and its tools will be validated in three case studies in Belgium, Romania and Hungary.
Funding |
European Commission - European Climate Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
Horizon Europe
HORIZON-CL5-2021-D6-01-09 |
Collaborators |
EXUS Software
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
University of Maribor
Diadikasia Business Consulting SA
Radios Segelyhivo Es Infokommunikacios Orszagos Egyesulet
Universite de Liege
Regia Autonoma Administratia Fluviala a Dunarii de Jos Galati
Universitatea Danubius din Galati
Asociatia Romanian River Transport Cluster
Mav Magyar Allamvasutak Zartkoruen Mukodo Reszveny Tarsasag
National Technical University of Athens
RISA Sicherheitsanalysen GmbH
Budapesti Szabadkikoto Logisztikai Zartkoruen Mukodo RT
Finnish Meteorological Institute
Societal Resilience and Climate Change Center of Excellence
Service Public de Wallonie
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
European Road Transport Telematics Implementation Coordination Organisation
period |
Sep 2022
- Feb 2026 |
TWINCITYClimate-aware risk and resilience assessment of urban areas under multiple environmental stressors via multi-tiered digital city twinning |
What is the impact of a prolonged pandemic shutdown on an urban community? How much and how long would it cost to rebuild a town after a severe storm or a strong earthquake? What would the impact of climate change be on an Aegean island fifty years from today? How could one best mitigate such risks by leveraging policies and financial tools? The National Technical University of Athens in co-operation with the Finnish Meteorological Institute, Resilience Guard Gmbh, RED Risk Spa and researchers from the University of Notre Dame, Texas Tech, EPFL and AUTH are proposing the creation of the TwinCity platform to answer exactly these questions. TwinCity aims to leverage existing tools and services (e.g., climate models, modelling of extreme events and their impacts, EU services, etc.), and develop novel technologies (Layered-Block Models, City Digital Twins) to deliver an integrated socioeconomic resilience assessment platform, addressing multi-hazard risk understanding, better preparedness, faster, adapted and efficient response, and sustainable reconstruction of urban areas. Taking advantage of the unique opportunity offered by the COVID-19 quarantine to calibrate for the effect of business shutdown and recovery, TwinCity offers a robust digital twin of an urban area that accounts for local socioeconomic and business ecosystems to run end-to-end simulations of multiple "what-if" disruption scenarios. The final goal is to offer an open-source basis upon which performance, risk and resilience can be assessed by stake-holders, to be tested with a large-scale pilot study of an island Greek town subject to earthquake and weather/climate hazards.
Funding |
Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation
2nd Call for H.F.R.I. Research Projects to support Faculty Members & Researchers
Collaborators |
National Technical University of Athens
Finnish Meteorological Institute
ResilienceGuard GmbH
RED, Risk Engineering + Development |
period |
Feb 2022
- Jan 2025 |
METISMethods and tools innovations for seismic risk assessment |
The proposed project intends to translate research to practice through rigorous and efficient methodologies and tools to
assess seismic safety of NPP. It also has the aim to innovate current practice by supporting simulation results with
experimental data and experience feedback in the framework of Bayesian approaches and machine learning. The research
will develop methods to improve the predictability of (non linear, best-estimate) beyond design analyses (design extension
earthquakes). The refined seismic PSA provides meaningful support in the decision making process and could be useful for
real time expertise of plant safety in case of temporary unavailability of safety relevant equipment or structures. It is also
proposed to develop efficient tools to identify major contributors to risk such that efforts to increase safety and resistance are
focused on relevant equipment. The outcome will thus increase the reliability of the analyses and in turn increase confidence
in the probabilistic and deterministic safety assessment results. The results of this project will then help nuclear operators in
their periodic safety reviews and to respond to the high-level EU-wide safety objectives of the amended EURATOM nuclear
safety directive (stress tests). The considered accident scenarios will provide input for updating severe accident
management guidelines (SAMG).
Funding |
European Commission - Nuclear Fission and Radiation Protection Research
Horizon 2020
NFRP-2019-2020-03 |
Collaborators |
Electricite De France
EDF Energy R&D UK Centre Limited
Limited Liability Company Energorisk
Fondazione GEM
Helmholtz Zentrum Potsdam Deutschesgeoforschungszentrum GFZ
Unstitut de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire
Instituro Univeritario di Studi Superiori di Pavia
LGI Consulting
National Technical University of Athens - NTUA
State Enterprise State Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety
Technische Iniversitaet Kaiserslautern
Univerza V Ljubljani
Geo-Research Institute
North Carolina State University
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center
period |
Sep 2020
- Aug 2024 |
YADESTraining on improved resilience and sustainable reconstruction of cultural heritage areas |
YADES aims to efficiently train a network of fellows on the field of the resilience of Cultural Heritage (CH) areas and historic
cities against Climate Change (CC) and other types of hazards. Towards this direction, YADES aims to introduce a research
framework for downscaling the created climate and atmospheric composition as well as associated risk maps down to the
1x1 km (historic area) scale, and specific damage functions for CH materials. Applying atmospheric modelling for specific
CC scenarios at such refined spatial and time scales allows for an accurate quantitative and qualitative impact assessment
of the estimated micro-climatic and atmospheric stressors. YADES will perform combined structural/geotechnical analysis of
the CH sites and damage assessment under normal and changed conditions, based on the climatic zone, the micro-climate
conditions, the petrographic and textural features of building materials, historic data for the structures, the effect of previous
restoration processes and the environmental/physical characteristics of the surrounding environment. The data coming from
installed monitoring system will be coupled with simulated data (under our cultural heritage resilience assessment platform-
CHRAP) and will be further analysed through our data management system, while supporting communities' participation and
public awareness. The data from the monitoring system will feed the DSS so as to provide proper adaptation and mitigation
strategies. The produced vulnerability map will be used by the local authorities to assess the threats of CC (and other natural
hazards), visualize the buily heritage and cultural landscape under future climate scenarios, model the effects of different
adaptation strategies, and ultimately prioritize any rehabilitation actions to best allocate funds in both pre- and post-event
environments. To train the fellows, the project will make use of extensive workshop ad training sessions, as well organise
summer schools.
Funding |
EU Research Executive Agency
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Reseasrch and Innovation Staff Exchange
H2020-MSCA-RISE-2019 |
Collaborators |
National Technical University of Athens - NTUA
UAB Metis Baltic
Resilience Guard GmbH
Environmental Reliability and Risk Analysis
Geomatics (Cyprus) Ltd
Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis
Technologiko Panepistimio Kyprou
Politecnico di Milano
Finnish Meteorological Institute |
period |
Jan 2020 - Dec 2023 |
HYPERIONDevelopment of a decision support system for improved resilience
and sustainable reconstruction of historic areas to cope with climate change and extreme events based on novel sensors and
advanced modelling tools |
HYPERION aims to introduce a research framework for downscaling the created climate and atmospheric
composition as well as associated risk maps down to the 1x1 km (historic area) scale, and specific damage
functions for Cultural Heritage (CH) materials. Applying atmospheric modelling for specific Climate Change (CC)
scenarios at such refined spatial and time scales allows for an accurate quantitative and qualitative impact
assessment of the estimated micro-climatic and atmospheric stressors. HYPERION will perform combined
hygrothermal and structural/geotechnical analysis of the CH sites (indoor climate, HVAC, related strains
and stresses, etc.) and damage assessment under normal and changed conditions, based on the climatic zone,
the micro-climate conditions, the petrographic and textural features of building materials, historic data for
the structures, the effect of previous restoration processes and the environmental/physical characteristics of
the surrounding environment. The data coming from the integrated monitoring system will be coupled with
simulated data (under our holistic resilience assessment platform-HRAP) and will be further analysed through
our data management system, while supporting communities' participation and public awareness. The data from
the monitoring system will feed the DSS so as to provide proper adaptation and mitigation strategies, and
support sustainable reconstruction plans for the CH damages. The produced vulnerability map will be used
by the local authorities to assess the threats of CC (and other natural hazards), visualize the built
heritage and cultural landscape under future climate scenarios, model the effects of different adaptation
strategies, and ultimately prioritize any rehabilitation actions to best allocate funds in both pre- and
post-event environments. The project outcomes will be demonstrated to four European historic areas in
Norway, Spain, Italy and Greece (representing different climatic zones).
Funding |
European Commission - Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
Horizon 2020
H2020-LC-CLA-2018-2 |
Collaborators |
Institute of Communication and Computer Systems
Finnish Meteorological Institute
ResilienceGuard GmbH
Oslo Metropolitan University
National Technical University of Athens
RISA Sicherheitsanalysen GmbH
University of Padova
University of Granada
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
CyRIC - Cyprus Research & Innovation Center Ltd
Iuav University of Venice
Vestfold and Telemark County Council
City of Venice
Municipality of Rhodes
City Council of Granada
Intercultural Euro-Mediterranean Centre for UNESCO
RED, Risk Engineering + Development |
period |
Jun 2019
- Nov 2022 |
NSFuseDuctile steel fuses for the protection of critical nonstructural components |

The testing and experimental/analytical verification of a controlled yielding fuse concept is proposed for the seismic protection
of critical nonstructural components. The objective is to offer a reliable and inexpensive solution for the protection of acceleration-
and drift-sensitive equipment, such as mechanical components, HVAC units and medical devices that underpin the functionality of nearly
all buildings. Recent events have showcased the vulnerability of non structural components to even low- or moderate-intensity earthquakes
that occur far more frequently that design-level events. Thus, critical facilities are often crippled for months despite having suffered
little structural damage, clearly failing in the much-sought-after objective of resilience. The problem lies in the dynamics of narrowband
excitations appearing at the floors (and ceilings) of buildings and the corresponding resonant response of many rigidly-connected
components, introducing component accelerations that can exceed 5 times the (already amplified) peak floor response. In contrast,
a controlled yielding anchor offers a reliable detuning effect that only requires a minor ductility of 1.5 - 2.0 to achieve reductions
in acceleration and deformation demands by factors of 2 to 3. Still, an actual verification of this concept and a prototype design of
such a fuse-like yielding element are yet to appear. The proposed project aims to comprehensively fulfill this need by offering an
innovative experimental campaign featuring an easily-modifiable specimen, replaceable sacrificial elements, and multiple input
acceleration timehistories from instrumented buildings to test the yielding fuse concept to satisfaction.
Funding |
EU SERA Network
Horizon 2020
H2020-INFRAIA-2016-1 |
Collaborators |
National Technical University of Athens - NTUA
University of Bristol
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
Stanford University |
period |
Sep 2018-Dec 2019 |
development of a decision support system for increasing the resilience of transportation infrastructure based on combined use of terrestrial and airborne sensors and advanced modelling tools |
The purpose of the PANOPTIS project is to improve the resiliency
(ability to adapt) of the road infrastructures and ensuring reliable
network availability under unfavourable conditions, such as extreme
weather, landslides, and earthquakes. The project's main goal is to
combine down-scale climate change scenarios (applied to road infrastructure)
with structural and geotechnical simulation tools, and with actual data
from sensors (terrestrial and airborne) so as to provide the operators
with an integrated tool able to support more effective management of
their infrastructures at planning, maintenance and operation level.
The following technologies will be implemented in the PANOPTIS tool:
- Reliable quantification of climatic, hydrological and atmospheric stressors
- Multi-Hazard vulnerability modules and assessment toolkit
- Development of a forecasting module to provide high-resolution tailored weather
and precipitation forecasts
- Improved prediction of structural and geotechnical safety risk through the use
of Geotechnical and Structural Simulation Tool (SGSA)
- Improved multi-temporal, multi-sensor observations with robust spectral analysis,
computer vision and Machine Learning (ML) damage diagnostic for diverse Road
Infrastructures (RI).
- Detailed and wide area transport asset mapping, integrating state-of-the-art
mobile mapping and making use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) technology
- Design of a Holistic Resilience Assessment Platform (HRAP)
- Design of a Common Operational Picture (COP) including a Decision Support
System (DSS), an enhanced visualization interface and an Incident Management System (IMS)
The PANOPTIS integrated platform (and its sub-modules) will be implemented in two
motorway sections in the Greek and Spanish primary road network.
Funding |
European Commission - Innovation and Networks Executive Agency
Horizon 2020, Mobility for Growth
H2020-MG-2017-Two-Stages |
Collaborators |
Airbus Defence and Space SAS
National Technical University of Athens
ACCIONA Construcción SA
Egnatia Odos AE
Future Intelligence Ltd
Universiteit Twente
French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, Development and Networks
Finnish Meteorological Institute
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Sofistik Hellas AE
C4Controls Ltd
Hydrometeorological Innovative Solutions
Confederation of Organisations in Road Transport Enforcement |
period |
Jun 2018-Nov 2021 |
ARCHYTASArchetypal telemetry and decision support system for the protection of monumental structures |

The project proposes the development of an intelligent platform for remotely monitoring monumental
structures, promptly diagnosing their potential for instability and making subsequent decisions on taking
remedial actions. It is a timely proposal that is developed in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture to
protect the entirety of the monumental structures in Greece, through the accurate diagnosis and the
assessment of the estimated micro-climatic and atmospheric stressors. HYPERION will perform combined
prioritization of rehabilitation needs, aiming to optimize the distribution of available funds. For this purpose,
two discrete levels of system deployment are offered. The first requires minimal resources and involves the
use of software for risk assessment under multiple environmental hazards (earthquake, wind, flood,
deterioration, ageing). It employs probabilistic methods and models to estimate the risk of instability and
offers some remote monitoring capabilities through local or regional measuring of the intensity of
environmental actions. At the second level, a sensor network is deployed at the monument and connected
to the remote monitoring platform, offering continuous up-to-date information to optimize the accuracy of
instability prediction via the risk assessment software.
The platform will be validated via its pilot application to two emblematic monuments of Classical Antiquity:
a) the Horologion of Andronikos Kyrrhestes (Tower of the Winds) in the Roman Forum of Athens and b) the
Temple of (Athena) Aphaea in Aegina Island. The exploitation of the platform is expected to offer
considerable direct and indirect benefits, both for the research and industrial partners, as well as for the
Agencies of the Ministry of Culture and the Greek state.
Funding |
EPAnEK 2014-2020 Operational Programme Competitiveness-Entrepreneurship-Innovation
ESPA 2014-2020, Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs/MIA-RTDI
T1EΔK-00956 |
Collaborators |
Engineering Firm AETMON
National Technical University of Athens
Engineering Firm DOMOS
Ancient Monument Restoration Agency of the Ministry of Culture |
period |
Oct 2018 - Jul 2021 |
INFRASTRESSImproving resilience of sensitive industrial plants & infrastructures exposed to cyber-physical threats |

InfraStress addresses cyber-physical (C/P) security of Sensitive Industrial Plants and Sites (SIPS) Critical Infrastructures
(CI) and improves resilience and protection capabilities of SIPS exposed to large scale, combined, C/P threats and hazards,
and guarantee continuity of operations, while minimizing cascading effects in the infrastructure itself, the environment, other
CIs, and citizens in vicinity, at reasonable cost. In fact, InfraStress will develop TRL4+ solutions from preceding research and
innovation towards TRL7 level producing maximum adoption of the proposed methods and solutions. Addressing the current
fragmentation of the available security solutions and technology, InfraStress will provide an integrated framework including cyber
and physical threat detection, integrated C/P Situational Awareness, Threat Intelligence, and an innovative methodology for
resilience assessment - all tailored to each site.
InfraStress adopts a user-driven approach carried out through: a) delivery of usable and user-friendly Services and
Applications for C/P protection and resilience; b) technical activities driven by and receiving active input from end users, i.e.
SIPS and relevant stakeholders; c) a comprehensive set of 5 real-world Pilots and Evaluation activities to be carried out by
User Partners.
InfraStress matches key impacts not only in response to the Work Programme Call but also at Strategic, Socio-economic
and Market levels. In fact InfraStress was concerned since the beginning with a strong business vision in mind and will carry
out effective exploitation actions ensureing successful go-to-market. Tailored activities are also planned to rise a culture of
participatory security to involve all stakeholders including companies, workers, public authorities, citizens and civil society.
InfraStress involves 27 partners of excellence from 11 countries with very cross-cutting and complementary competences
and excellent track records, including 5 SIPS operators.
Funding |
EU Commission
Horizon 2020
H2020-SU-INFRA-2018 |
Collaborators |
Engineering - Ingegneria Informatica SPA
MOTOR OIL (HELLAS) Diilistiria Korinthou AE
Attilio Carmagnani "AC" S.p.a
FISIPE - Fibras Sinteticas de Portugal SA
Petrol Slovenska Energetska Druzba dd Ljubljana
Depuy (Ireland) Unlimited
Luka Koper, Port and Logistic System, D.D.
Municipio do Barreiro
European Virtual Institute for Intergrated Risk Management EU VRI EWIV
Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per L'Informatica
Rina Consulting SPA
Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies GmbH
INOV INESC INOVACAO - Instituto de Novas Tecnologias
Ethniko Kentro Erevnas kai Technologikis Anaptyxis
DR Frucht Systems LTD
United Technologies Research Centre Ireland, Limited
SATWAYS - Proionta kai Ypiresies Tilematikis Diktyakon kai tilepikinoniakon Efarmogon Etairia Periorismenis Efthinis EPE
National Observatory of Athens
Holo Industrie 4.0 Software GmbH
G & N Silence LTD
Institut Jozef Stefan
Stam SRL
Uniwersytet Technologiczno Przyrodniczy im Jana i Jedrzeja Sniadeckich w Bydgoszczy
Institut za Korporativne Varnostne Studije Ljubljana
DIN Deutsches Institut Fuer Normung E.V.
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven |
period |
Jun 2019 - May 2021 |
DISSIPABLEFully dissipative and easily repairable devices for resilient buildings with composite steel concrete structures |

Anti-seismic devices previously designed and characterized within RFCS Projects by the proposal's
authors will be further developed taking into account the experience collected so far. Optimized
structural systems will be proposed, with improved dissipation, reliability and reparability
features. Single storey buildings with seismic resistance provided by the improved devices will be
built and subjected to strong earthquakes. Systematic post-earthquake repair and reassembly
procedures for these buildings applied and provided as "instructions for use". Ability of repaired
systems to resist strong earthquakes will be examined. Economic and environmental benefits and
improved resiliency properties of the proposed systems will be quantified.
Funding |
EU Research Fund for Coal and Steel
EU Research Fund for Coal and Steel
800699-RFCS-2017 |
Collaborators |
Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI)
Instituto Superior Tecnico (IST)
National Technical University of Athens - NTUA (NTUA)
D. Sofras - Masina Team Anonimi Etaireia Metallikon & Mikanoyrgikon Ergasion (SOFMAN SA)
Universita Degli Studi di Trento (UNITN)
Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH AACHEN)
RINA Colsulting - Centro Sviluppo Materiali SPA (CSM SPA)
Universita di Pisa (UNIPI) |
period |
Jul 2018 - Dec 2021
STEELWARAdvanced structural solutions for automated steelrack supported warehouses |

Image credits: www.logiksrl.it, www.sacmaspa.com
Automated Rack Supported Warehouses (ARSW) represent the future of storage technology,
providing substantial savings in terms of cost, space and energy with respect to traditional
warehouses. Currently, designers refer to building codes, without any control of their correct
applicability to the specific typologies of these peculiar steel structures. This creates important
safety and efficiency problems because ARSWs' structural characteristics are considerably
different from those of normal steel structures for buildings. Basing on an accurate evaluation of
safety level of the design concepts actually adopted in current practice (in the total absence of
specific design codes), the main objective of the proposal is the definition of dedicated innovative
design approaches for ARSWs in not seismic and seismic conditions. In particular, attention will be
focused on loading conditions that characterize the ARSWs during its installation and service life
and on ductile design under seismic loading. Based on such analysis specific design rules and
recommendations will be carried out for erection and design of ARSWs.
Funding |
EU Research Fund for Coal and Steel
Horizon 2020
754102-RFCS-2016 |
Collaborators |
Universita di Pisa (UNIPI)
FINCON Consulting Italia SRL (FINCONIT)
National Technical University of Athens - NTUA (NTUA)
Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTHA ACHEN)
Universiteit Hasselt (UHasselt)
Noega Systems Sociedad Limitada (Noega)
Modulblok Spa (MODULBLOK SPA)
Sacma Spa (SACMA S.p.A.)
Nedcon bv (NEDCON BV)
Mecalux, s.a. (MECALUX, S.A.)
System Logistics s.p.a. (System Logs)
Universita degli Studi di Firenze (UNIFI)
period |
Jul 2017 - Jun 2021 |
ANGELHYInnovative solutions for design and strengthening of telecommunications and transmission lattice towers |

Angle sections are extensively used in lattice towers and masts for telecommunication or
electricity transmission. In addition, single or built-up sections made of angles are used in a wide
field of civil engineering applications including buildings, bridges or for strengthening existing
structures. However, there is a lack of consistent European rules for design for members made of
angle profiles. Recent developments have led to a wider application of large angle sections made
of high strength steel, for which European design rules are missing. Due to increasing loads,
strengthening of existing towers, especially for communication, is an issue faced in everyday
practice. However, design codes cover only one specific configuration.
The objective of this proposal is the development of design rules that exploit the carrying potential
of angle sections, including large angles from high strength steel, the improvement of existing
rules for built-up sections and the incorporation of innovative types of built-up sections composed
of two angles with unequal sections. In addition, hybrid profiles composed of angle sections and
FRP plates will be investigated and relevant design rules developed. Such hybrid members provide
innovative and cost effective solutions for strengthening existing lattice towers. Experimental and
numerical investigations will be performed at the level of cross sections, members, as well as of
structural tower sub-assemblies to incorporate the influence of realistic connection conditions,
existing eccentricities and load shedding between tower walls. Case studies will be examined and a
performance-based assessment of the actual system safety will be conducted incorporating
uncertainties in loads, material and geometry. A comprehensive evaluation of the reliability
infused by the new design rules will be made. The proposed rules will be integrated in design
software for towers.
Funding |
EU Research Fund for Coal and Steel
Horizon 2020
753993-RFCS-2016 |
Collaborators |
National Technical University of Athens - NTUA (NTUA)
ArcelorMittal Belval & Differdange SA (AMBD)
Universite de Liege (ULG)
COSMOTE Kinites Tilekoinonies a.e. (COSMOTE)
Centre Technique Industriel de la Construction Metallique(CTICM)
Sika France SAS (Sika France) |
period |
Jul 2017 - Dec 2020 |
EQUALJOINTS-PLUSValorisation of knowledge for European pre-qualified steel joints |

Within the previous RFCS project EQUALJOINTS (RFSR-CT-2013-00021), seismic prequalification
criteria of steel joints have been developed. This proposal aims at the valorisation, the
dissemination and the extension of the developed prequalification criteria for practical
applications to a wide audience (i.e. academic institutions, Engineers and architects, construction
companies, steel producers). The main objectives of the proposal are the following:
- To collect and organize informative material concerning the prequalified joint typologies:
informative documents will be prepared in 12 languages (English, Spanish, French, German, Italian,
Dutch, Portuguese, Czech, Bulgarian, Romanian, Greek, and Slovenian);
- To develop pre-normative design recommendations of seismically qualified joints on the basis of
results from Equaljoints project;
- To develop design guidelines in order to design steel structures accounting for the type of joints
and their relevant non-linear response;
- To develop a software and an app for mobile to predict the inelastic response of joints;
- To organize seminars (2) and workshops (14) for disseminating the gained knowledge over EU
and internationally. Workshops and seminars will be organized in the own-countries of partners
involved in the project as well as in United States of America (USA). With this regard, since in
EQUALJOINTS dog-bone joints with heavy sections have been qualified using US shapes produced
in Europe, the organization of seminars in USA will be an important opportunity to get to the US
Market, consolidating the gain of European economy and having beneficial impact on exportation
of European products in USA;
- To create a web site with free access to the users in order to promote the obtained results;
- To create a You-Tube channel to make available the videos of the experimental tests and
simulations to show the evolution of damage pattern.
Funding |
EU Research Fund for Coal and Steel
Horizon 2020
754048-RFCS-2017 |
Collaborators |
Universita degli Studi di Napoli Federico II.
Convention Europeenne de la Construction Metallique ASBL
Universite de Liege
Universitet po Architektura Stroitelstvo i Geodezija
Ceske Vysoke Uceni Technicke v Praze
Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen
National Technical University of Athens - NTUA
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
Centre Technique Industriel de la Construction Metallique
Universita degli Studi di Salerno
ArcelorMittal Belval & Differdange SA
Technische Universiteit Delft
Universidade de Coimbra
Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara
Univerza v Ljubljani
Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine
period |
Jul 2017 - Jun 2019 |
ATC-120Seismic analysis and design of nonstructural components and systems |

NIST GCR 13-917-23, Development of NIST Measurement Science R&D Roadmap: Earthquake Risk Reduction in Buildings
(developed by the Building Seismic Safety Council (BSSC) of the National Institute for Building Sciences (NIBS) for NIST in 2013)
identified nonstructural issues as a top priority need for problem-focused studies related to earthquake engineering for new and
existing buildings. The report identified four critical areas related to nonstructural design criteria needing focused study:
- the vertical distribution of nonstructural design forces over the height of a building, Fp;
- the response modification coefficients for nonstructural components; Rp;
- the overstrength factors used in the design of nonstructural anchorage; and
- nonstructural component and system performance metrics.
Nonstructural components and systems can account for a significant percentage of the construction cost of a building
(depending on occupancy), and significant economic losses resulting from downtime and loss of functionality have been
observed in past earthquakes, even when the structure is not severely damaged. With recent advancements in performance-based
design methodologies, and the development of concepts for community resilience, there has been an increased emphasis on economic
losses resulting from downtime and loss of building function due to nonstructural components and systems, and an increase in research
and testing in this area. Development of new research results, and the availability of new international standards,
makes reexamination of U.S. nonstructural design criteria possible at this time.
Funding |
US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
NIST GCR 13-917-23 |
Collaborators |
National Technical University of Athens - NTUA
period |
Jan 2017 - Sep 2018 |
Reliability of Coupled High-Speed Trains and Bridges Under Earthquakes |

High speed railway (HSR) lines extend for thousands of kilometres many within
earthquake prone areas. In the greater China region, bridges may constitute even more than
80% of the total length of a HSR line. As a consequence, the likelihood a running train is on a
bridge during earthquake shaking is far greater than otherwise. At the speed levels HSR trains
operate (250-350 km/h) seismic events that are of little significance for the integrity of the
bridge might represent a credible threat for the train's running safety. Such low to moderateintensity
earthquakes are common even in low seismicity areas like the Guangdong region. In the very short lifetime of HSR,
trains have already derailed on bridges shaken by earthquakes.
Traditional earthquake engineering focuses on bridges and major earthquakes. In contrast, HSR are coupled
vehicle-bridge systems vulnerable also to the exponentially more frequent moderate earthquakes.
This research focuses on the interdisciplinary area linking bridge and vehicle dynamics to examine the seismic response
of coupled train-bridge systems. To assess the safety of trains running on seismically-vibrating bridges research
usually relies on indirect methods such as force-based metrics or geometric criteria. This prevents a more realistic estimation
of direct and indirect earthquake consequences for HSR train-bridges and hinders the quantification of the seismic risk.
The overriding goal of this research is to assess, analytically and numerically, the seismic safety and reliability of
HSR train-bridge systems. To this end it will develop an original seismic analysis scheme capable of simulating different
failure modes of the coupled train-bridge system including train derailment and overturning, and bridge damage. Subsequently,
this research will establish, for the first time, a probabilistic performance-based seismic assessment framework tailored to
HSR train-bridge systems. In this context, it will account for the uncertainties characterizing the earthquake-bridge-train problem.
Upon completion the proposed research will assess the consequences of train-bridge seismic damage and operation disruption,
in terms of casualties, monetary loss and lost time. The envisaged methodology will provide a risk-decision support framework
needed to assess the efficiency of possible mitigation measures such as tuning of early warning systems, operational speed adjustment,
and modification of design guidelines.
The proposed research can lead to seminal and timely advances in the areas of bridge, infrastructure and earthquake engineering
related to the analysis of coupled train-bridge systems and their safety. This is a high-priority research area that is attracting
international attention and major funding.
Funding |
General Research Fund, Hong Kong
General Research Fund, Hong Kong
16244116 |
Collaborators |
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
National Technical University of Athens - NTUA |
period |
Jan 2017-Dec 2019 |
INNOSEISValorisation of innovative seismic devices |

Valorization actions for 12 innovative anti-seismic devices will be undertaken. The devices were
recently developed in the frame of RFCS, EU and national research projects by the partners
involved in the project. Information documents for all devices will be produced for dissemination
to all partners of the construction sector such as Architects, structural Engineers, construction
companies, steel producers and all potential decision makers of the construction sector. These
documents will be bundled in a volume for dissemination. The volume will be translated in several
European languages. Criteria will be set on which it may be decided which of the devices are
subject to CE marking in accordance with EN 15129 and which may be considered as innovative
systems that require a code approval in EN 1998-1. For the latter pre-normative design
recommendations will be drafted that will allow them to receive the status of code-approved
systems. A reliability based methodological procedure to define values of behavior factors (qfactors) for building structures will be established. This procedure will be applied in turn to
determine q-factors for structural systems with the anticipated devices. Case studies with
application examples in which the devices are employed will be worked out. The case studies refer
to new single story steel buildings, new multi-story steel-concrete composite buildings and to
interventions for seismic upgrading of existing buildings. Seminars and Workshops will be
organized in large parts of Europe. In addition, Seminars will ne organized in non-European
Mediterranean high seismicity countries to promote technologies and codes developed in Europe.
A web site with free access to the users will be created and promoted to practice. Printed and
electronic material will be produced and disseminated to all involved in the construction sector
Funding |
EU Research Fund for Coal and Steel
Horizon 2020
709434-RFCS-2016 |
Collaborators |
National Technical University of Athens - NTUA
Convention Europeenne de la Construction Metallique ASBL
Universiteit Hasselt
Universitet po Achitektura Stroitelstvo i Geodezija
Maurer Sohne Engineering GMBH & CO KG
Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen
Politecnico di Milano
Universita degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Universita di Pisa
Instituto Superior Tecnico
Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara
period |
Jul 2016 - Dec 2017 |
Seismic Design Decision-Making under Uncertainty |

Figure 1:
An efficient algorithm based on Latin Hypercube Sampling is employed
to estimate the dispersion due to model parameter uncertainty
in the seismic capacity of a 9-story steel moment-resisting frame.
Using 160 (right) versus 10 (left) realizations of the uncertain model significantly
tightens the estimates around the correct answer (red line).

Figure 2:
We seek to design a 4-story steel frame building for a high-seismicity site. The hazard surface (left)
shows the frequency of different levels of seismic excitation (spectral acceleration) being exceeded at
the site for potential (currently unknown) vibration periods of the building. The Yield Frequency Spectra
(right) help the engineer find the appropriate period and strength of the structure, shown in the lower
right corner, by selecting the closest curve that lies below the specified performance objectives.
These are the red X symbols, each representing a maximum allowable frequency of a given global ductility
(or damage) occurring in the building.
primary objective is the development of a simple yet accurate
method for performance-based design of structures in seismic areas.
In essence, we seek to revolutionize the standard process
that every professional structural engineer undertakes to design
a structure subject to seismic forces. The reason is that recent
earthquakes have shown that buildings reflecting current design
approaches may reduce the rate of fatalities, but often result
to staggering monetary losses and disruption of functionality.
Thus, earthquakes can still financially cripple entire cities,
or even countries.
To holistically
quantify such effects, the concept of seismic performance
is employed. This characterizes the behavior of a given structure
under seismic loads. Ideally this is based on the use of metrics that
are of immediate use to engineers, e.g., story forces and deformations,
but also to stakeholders, such as monetary losses, human casualties and
time-to-repair (or replace). At a simpler level, one may quantify damage
by using simpler engineering metrics such as global ductility or maximum
interstory drift. Performance-based
earthquake engineering is concerned with tackling the dual problems
of assessment and design. Assessment is the direct process of
estimating the performance of a given (existing) structure. Design
is the inverse problem, whereby a (new or rehabilitated) structure,
its members and properties are sought to assure a desired performance
under a given seismic hazard. As typically befitting such dualities,
the direct path of assessment is by far the simpler of the two.
Designing a structure to achieve a desired level of performance
is an indirect process that is currently solvable only through
arduous iterations: It is simply not applicable in practice. To
make things worse, the considerable uncertainty inherent in earthquakes
(i.e., when, where, how intense) and structures (what has been
constructed versus what was designed on paper, what are the material
properties, issues of corrosion, aging etc.) make this problem
even more difficult.
To offer a
practicable path for performance-based design, three important innovations
have been introduced. First, a computationally efficient approach is proposed
for rapidly establishing the effect of model uncertainties on the seismic
performance (Figure 1). This allows the quantification of the consequences of
uncertainties and their inclusion in subsequent analyses. Second, a simplified,
yet accurate formula is offered for evaluating the seismic performance in terms
of the mean annual frequency of damage occurring in the building. Thus,
intuition is gained on the structural parameters that influence the seismic
behavior of the building, while an analytical estimation of the building
performance becomes possible. Finally, the concept of Yield Frequency Spectra
(Figure 2) is developed, whereby an engineer can directly determine the required
strength and stiffness of the structure given the seismic hazard at the building
site and the owner's requirements on how frequently it sustains low or high
levels of damage. Both analytical approximations and accurate numerical solutions
are available, encoded in open-source software that can estimate Yield Frequency
Spectra within seconds to provide a reliable design basis for any building and
any user requirements.
Funding |
EU Research Executive Agency
Marie Curie Actions, Continuing Integration Grant
Collaborators |
Vamvatsikos, NTU Athens
A.K. Kazantzi, NTU Athens
M. Fragiadakis, NTU Athens
D. Giannopoulos, NTU Athens
M. Aschheim, Santa Clara University, USA |
period |
Sep 2011
- Aug 2015 |
publications |
- Kazantzi A.K., Vamvatsikos
D.(2016). Intensity measure selection for vulnerability studies of building classes. Earthquake Engineerning
and Structural Dynamics, (accepted).
- Kazantzi A.K., Vamvatsikos D., Lignos D.G. (2014). Seismic performance of a steel moment-resisting frame subject to strength and ductility uncertainty. Engineering Structures, 78: 69-77.
- Vamvatsikos D. (2014). Seismic Performance Uncertainty Estimation via IDA with Progressive Accelerogram-wise Latin Hypercube Sampling. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 140(8), A4014015.
- Vamvatsikos
D. (2014). Accurate application and second-order improvement
of the SAC/FEMA probabilistic formats for seismic performance assessment.
ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 140(2), 04013058.
- Vamvatsikos
D. (2013). Derivation of new SAC/FEMA performance evaluation
solutions with second-order hazard approximation. Earthquake Engineerning
and Structural Dynamics, 42(8): 1171-1188.
- Giannopoulos D.G., Vamvatsikos D. (2015). Influence of rotated ground motion components on the response distribution of inelastic oscillators. Proceedings of the COMPDYN2015 Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Crete, Greece.
- Kazantzi A.K., Vamvatsikos D. (2015). A next generation scalar intensity measure for analytical vulnerability studies. Proceedings of the COMPDYN2015 Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Crete, Greece.
- Vamvatsikos D. (2015). A view of seismic robustness based on uncertainty. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP12, Vancouver, Canada.
- Vamvatsikos D., Katsanos E.I., Aschheim M.A. (2015). A case study in performance-based design using yield frequency spectra. Proceedings of the SECED 2015 Conference, Cambridge, UK.
- Vamvatsikos D., Aschheim M.A. (2014). Direct performance-based seismic design of structures using Yield Frequency Spectra. Proceedings of the 10th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Anchorage, AK, USA.
- Vamvatsikos D., Aschheim M.A., Kazantzi A.K. (2014). Direct performance-based seismic design: Avant-garde and code-compatible approaches. Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN 2014), Porto, Portugal.
- Giaralis A., Vamvatsikos D. (2014). Local wavelet-based spectral "epsilon" modification of ground motions in support of incremental dynamic analysis. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Vulnerability and Risk Analysis and Management (ICVRAM2014), Liverpool, UK.
- Vamvatsikos D., Aschheim M.A. (2014). A code-compatible application of yield frequency spectra for direct performance-based design. Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (2ECEES), Istanbul, Turkey.
- Vamvatsikos D., Aschheim M.A., Kazantzi A.K. (2013). Direct performance-based seismic design using yield frequency spectra. Proceedings of the Vienna Congress on Recent Advances in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics (VEESD 2013), Vienna, Austria.
- Kazantzi A.K., Vamvatsikos D., Lignos D.G. (2013). Model parameter uncertainty effects on the seismic performance of a 4-story steel moment-resisting frame. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR), New York.
- Vamvatsikos
D. (2012). Accurate application and higher-order
solutions of the SAC/FEMA probabilistic format for performance
assessment. Proceedings of the 15th World Conference on Earthquake
Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Kazantzi
A.K., Vamvatsikos D. (2012). A study on the correlation
between dissipated hysteretic energy and seismic performance.
Proceedings of the 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering,
Lisbon, Portugal.
SeaWindPerformance-based design of offshore wind turbines |

A holistic methodology for performance-based wind/wave engineering is proposed to develop criteria for the feasibility evaluation
and selection of optimum configuration of offshore wind turbines. Considering both fixed and floating alternatives, for intermediate
water depths and for wind/wave conditions encountered in Greek and Chinese seas, a comprehensive probabilistic approach will be
formulated to optimize engineering decisions and associated initial and total investment costs within the expected lifetime
of a wind park. Thus, performance based design methodologies that are widely used in earthquake engineering, will be evolved for
wind/wave engineering, a process posing significant scientific and technological challenges and promises. This research effort is
in line with recent strong trends towards renewable energy sources world-wide and in Greece and China in particular. To that effect,
a consortium of participants from industry and the academia has come together, encompassing all aspects of design, construction and
operation of wind turbines. Expected outcomes of the project include:
- Calibrated detailed and simplified models for fixed and floating offshore wind turbines
- Performance-based design and assessment methodology
- Environmental contours and hazard surfaces for wind/wave action in a pilot region
- Preliminary design guidelines for different typologies of offshore wind turbines
- Pilot preliminary designs
- Feasibility studies
The proposed project is expected to improve substantially the current state of the art in the initial selection, design and operation
of offshore wind turbines, with emphasis on local conditions that are characteristic of Greece and China, thus facilitating investments
in this field in both countries, with many direct (financial) and indirect (environmental) benefits.
Funding |
Hellenic General Secretariat for Research and Technology
ESPA 2007-2013, European Regional Development Fund, EPAnII
12CHN184 |
Collaborators |
National Technical University of Athens - NTUA |
period |
Apr 2013-Sep 2015 |
GEM-GVCSeismic Vulnerability Guidelines Development and Seismic Vulnerability Functions |

Part of the effort of the Global Earthquake Model (GEM) Foundation is to compile a library
of seismic vulnerability relationships and standard guidelines for creating new ones. By "seismic
vulnerability relationships" is meant here repair costs, casualty rates, and probabilities of exceeding
important damage states, as functions of ground-motion intensity, often conditioned on building
category. These will be used in the broader context of estimating and manage seismic risk anywhere in
the world. The GEM Vulnerability Consortium (GVC) led by its partners, with assistance from
representatives of EERI, the Catholic University of Chile at Santiago, Geoscience Australia, Willis
Ltd, and many others, has undertaken this task on behalf of GEM.
The GVC effort has 5 general thrust areas: empirical vulnerability functions (led by University
College London), analytical vulnerability functions (University College London and National
Technical University of Athens), expert-opinion vulnerability
functions, empirical-national vulnerability functions (both led by the US Geological Survey in
Golden), and casualty modelling (by Cambridge University). University of Colorado is
coordinating GVC and leading efforts to deal with nonstructural vulnerability. In addition to its 5
thrust areas, GVC is supported by a team (Stanford) focusing on the proper treatment of uncertainty
and on methods for performing Bayesian updating of existing vulnerability functions with new
empirical information.
Funding |
Global Earthquake Model Foundation
Collaborators |
University of Colorado at Boulder
University College London
Arup, London
United States Geological Survey in Golden
Cambridge University
Stanford University
National Technical University of Athens - NTUA
period |
Jul 2012-Dec 2015 |
RASORRisk assessment for the seismic protection of industrial facilities |

The main objective of the RASOR project is to develop a systematic PBEE methodology for the seismic risk mitigation of industrial
equipment structures, focused on the most important structures of a typical industrial facility: liquid storage tanks, industrial
pressure vessels, industrial piping systems and their supports. This objective will be achieved through a multi-disciplinary approach which
combines Civil and Mechanical Engineering with Earthquake Engineering, Engineering Seismology, Computational and Stochastic Mechanics,
in a effort to produce an integrated seismic risk analysis framework, tailored to the specific characteristics and particularities of
industrial installation structures, such as their geometry, high pressure and temperature, operational requirements, material aging and
corrosive effects. Of particular importance are the increased safety requirements due the explosive or toxic content of such facilities.
Funding |
Hellenic General Secretariat for Research and Technology
ESPA 2007-2013, Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs
Collaborators |
National Technical University of Athens - NTUA
University of Thessaly
University of Patras
Institute of Engineering Seismology and Earthquake Engineering |
period |
Jan 2012 - Sep 2015 |