Conference publications
Charis Gantes has published 192 papers in confeence proceedings:
- Rossetos, I., Voulgaris, S., Kazakis, G., Gantes, C.J. and Lagaros, N.D., "Numerical Investigation of 3D-printed Spinal Braces",
IASS 2024 Symposium - Redefining the Art of Structural Design, Zurich Switzerland, Aug. 26-30, 2024.
- Gkatzogiannis, S., Phocas, M.C., Christoforou, E.G. and Gantes, C.J., "Efficient Structural Design of Reconfigurable Spatial Structures by Adopting Aerodynamic Shapes",
IASS 2024 Symposium - Redefining the Art of Structural Design, Zurich Switzerland, Aug. 26-30, 2024.
- Chatzidaki, A., Bilionis, D., Ntaifoti, A.I., Gantes, C.J. and Vamvatsikos, D., "Fatigue Damage Assessment of the Egnatia Odos Sign-Support Structures under
Spatially-Correlated Time-Varying Wind Fields.",
10th Hellenic National Conference on Steel Structures, Athens, Greece, 19-21 Oct. 2023 (in Greek with English summary).
- Psaras, I., Spiliopoulos, A. and Gantes, C.J., "On-Site Works, Experimental Testing and Numerical Simulations for the Structural Condition Assessment of the
Steel Superstructure of the French Wharf in Lavrion",
10th Hellenic National Conference on Steel Structures, Athens, Greece, 19-21 Oct. 2023 (in Greek with English summary).
- Pantazis, G.D. and Gantes, C.J., "Design of Deployable Shelters for Emergency Situations",
10th Hellenic National Conference on Steel Structures, Athens, Greece, 19-21 Oct. 2023 (in Greek with English summary).
- Panagiotopoulos, V., Hadjipantelis, N. and Gantes, C.J., "Statistical Evaluation of the Effect of Printing Parameters on the Geometric and Mechanical Properties of
Wire Arc Additively Manufactured Structural Elements",
10th Hellenic National Conference on Steel Structures, Athens, Greece, 19-21 Oct. 2023 (in Greek with English summary).
- Ntaifoti, A.I., Chatzidaki, A., Gantes, C.J. and Vamvatsikos, D., "Influence of Corrosion on the Strength and Fatigue of Lighweight Steel Highway Sign-Support Structures",
10th Hellenic National Conference on Steel Structures, Athens, Greece, 19-21 Oct. 2023 (in Greek with English summary).
- Ioannou, O. and Gantes, C.J., "Design of Steel Cladding Panels to Mitigate the Effects of an Explosion on the Supporting Structure",
10th Hellenic National Conference on Steel Structures, Athens, Greece, 19-21 Oct. 2023 (in Greek with English summary).
- Papavasileiou, V.D., Gantes, C.J., Thanopoulos, P. and Lignos, X.A.,, "Monitoring and Simulation of the Dynamic Response of a Triple-Single Bailey Bridge due to Vehicular Traffic",
10th Hellenic National Conference on Steel Structures, Athens, Greece, 19-21 Oct. 2023 (in Greek with English summary).
- Vernardos, S.Ì. and Gantes, C.J., "Numerical Simulation and Parametric Analysis of Sandwich-Type Shells for Wind Turbine Towers",
10th Hellenic National Conference on Steel Structures, Athens, Greece, 19-21 Oct. 2023 (in Greek with English summary).
- Karvelis, A.C., Dimas, A.A. and Gantes, C.J., "Investigation of Wind Pressures on “Gamma-Shaped” Cross-Sections Using Computational Fluid Dynamics",
10th Hellenic National Conference on Steel Structures, Athens, Greece, 19-21 Oct. 2023 (in Greek with English summary).
- Rossetos, I., Gantes, C.J., Kazakis, G., Voulgaris, S., Lagaros, N., Soultanis, K., Galanis, D., Ploiarchopoulou, F., Matsika-Klossa, K., Chatzintai, N. êáé Karalekas, D.,
"Numerical Simulation of Spine Guardians with the Finite Element Method",
16th Annual Congress of the Hellenic Spine Society, Porto Heli, 13-15 Oct. 2023 (in Greek).
- Gkatzogiannis, S. and Gantes, C.J., "Simulation of Welding Residual Stresses in Large Structures – First Results of Thermal Analyses",
10th Eurosteel Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 12-15 Sep. 2023.
- Gantes, C.J., Vernardos, S., Koulatsou, K.G., Doganli, A.E. and Gunes, O., "Optimization of Mandoor and Ventilation Openings of Tubular Steel Wind Turbine Towers with Respect to Buckling",
6th Izmir Wind Symposium and Exhibition, Izmir, Turkey, 23-24 Sep. 2021.
- Gantes, C.J., Villi Billi, M., Guldogan, M. and Gul, S., "A Tripod Substructure for Tall Onshore Wind Turbine Towers",
6th Izmir Wind Symposium and Exhibition, Izmir, Turkey, 23-24 Sep. 2021.
- Koulatsou, K.G., Chondrogiannis, K.-A. and Gantes, C.J., "Buckling Verification of Manhole Area of Tubular Steel Wind Turbine Towers via Non-linear Finite Element Analysis",
ce/papers Special Issue: EUROSTEEL 2021 Sheffield — Steel's coming home, Vol. 4, Issue 2-4, pp. 2425-2433, the 9th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures, Sheffield, UK, 1-3 Sep. 2021.
doi: 10.1002/cepa.1291
- Gantes, C.J., "Overview of Scissor-Type, Bi-Stable Deployable Structures",
International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium 2018 - Creativity in Structural Design, Boston, U.S.A., 16-20 July, 2018.
doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3564175
- Vernardos, S.M., Papageorgiou, N. and Gantes, C.J., "Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Steel-Concrete-Steel Sandwich Wind Turbine Towers",
International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium 2018 - Creativity in Structural Design, Boston, U.S.A., 16-20 July, 2018.
doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3564060
- Thanasoulas, I.D. and Gantes, C.J., "Effects of Roller-Bending on Curved Constructional Steels of Rectangular Hollow Section",
International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium 2018 - Creativity in Structural Design, Boston, U.S.A., 16-20 July, 2018.
doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3560002
- Melissianos, V.E., Vamvatsikos, D.J. and Gantes, C.J., "Performance Assessment of Protection Measures of Buried Pipelines under Activation of Seismic Fault",
2nd Young Researchers Workshop ÅÔÁÌ - NTUA "Earthquake Engineering through the Scientific Viewpoint of Young Researchers and Engineers",
NTUA School of Civil Engineering, 3 Nov. 2017 (abstract only, in Greek).
- Koulatsou, Ê., Aggelopoulos, J., Thanasoulas, I.D., Ntaifoti, Á., Kalivas, S., Georgiou, Ï., Louka, Á., Likomitros, V., Gkologiannis, C.P. and Gantes, C.J.,
"Support Steel Structure of the Cladding and the Dome of the "Oval Tower" Building at Limassol of Cyprus",
9th Hellenic National Conference on Steel Structures, Larissa, Greece, 5-7 Oct. 2017 (in Greek with English summary).
- Koulatsou, Ê., Kosmidou, Å., Lignos, X.Á. and Gantes, C.J., "Experimental Investigation of the Behavior of Bolted Wind Turbine Tower Connections under Static Loading",
9th Hellenic National Conference on Steel Structures, Larissa, Greece, 5-7 Oct. 2017 (in Greek with English summary).
- Vernardos, S.Ì., Lignos, X.Á., Badogiannis, E.G. and Gantes, C.J., "Experimental Investigation of Bending Behavior of Sandwich Section Shells for Wind Turbine Towers",
9th Hellenic National Conference on Steel Structures, Larissa, Greece, 5-7 Oct. 2017 (in Greek with English summary).
- Thanasoulas, I.D., Vardakoulias, I.K., Kolaitis, D.I., Gantes, C.J. and Founti, M.A., "Nonlinear Numerical Simulation of Fire Resistance Tests for Load-Bearing Cold-Formed Steel Drywall Systems",
9th Hellenic National Conference on Steel Structures, Larissa, Greece, 5-7 Oct. 2017 (in Greek with English summary).
- Leontaris, Ê., Roussos, Í., Villi, Ì. and Gantes, C.J., "Design of the Steel Bracing for the Temporary Support of Deep Excavations through Nonlinear Numerical Analysis",
9th Hellenic National Conference on Steel Structures, Larissa, Greece, 5-7 Oct. 2017 (in Greek with English summary).
- Livanou, M.A., Katsidoniotaki, M., Gantes, C.J. and Avraam, T.P., "Analytical and Numerical Investigation of Flexural Buckling of Members in Double-Pitched Plane Steel Frames",
9th Hellenic National Conference on Steel Structures, Larissa, Greece, 5-7 Oct. 2017 (in Greek with English summary).
- Karvelis, A.C., Melissianos, V.E. and Gantes, C.J., "Local Buckling Investigation of Buried Steel Pipelines due to Seismic Fault Activation",
9th Hellenic National Conference on Steel Structures, Larissa, Greece, 5-7 Oct. 2017 (in Greek with English summary).
- Balaoura, Å.S. and Gantes, C.J., "Ivestigation of the Effectiveness of Capacity Design Guidelines in Multi-Storey Steel Buildings with Concentrically Braced Frames",
9th Hellenic National Conference on Steel Structures, Larissa, Greece, 5-7 Oct. 2017 (in Greek with English summary).
- Angelides, M., Gantes, C.J. and Kalochairetis, K.E., "Buckling of Large Diameter Industrial Steel Chimneys",
9th Hellenic National Conference on Steel Structures, Larissa, Greece, 5-7 Oct. 2017 (in Greek with English summary).
- Bouckovalas, G., Psycharis, I., Gantes, C.J., Sextos, A., Kappos, A. and Mylonakis, G., "Performance-Based Design of Bridge Piers in Liquefiable Stes with Shallow Foundation and Limited Ground Improvement",
PBD-III, 3rd International Conference on Performance-Based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Vancouver, Canada, 16-19 July 2017.
- Livanou, M.A. and Gantes, C.J., "Assessing the Necessity to Account for Geometric Nonlinearity in von Mises Trusses Representing Simple Shallow Roofs",
International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium 2016, Tokyo, Japan, 26-30 September 2016.
- Melissianos, V.E. and Gantes, C.J., "On the Efficiency of Flexible Joints in Mitigating the Consequences of Seismic Fault Activation on Buried Pipelines",
ARC'14 - Qatar Foundation Annual Research Conference, Doha, Qatar, 18-19 Nov. 2014.
- Kaimenaki, V., Vassilopoulou, I., Gantes, C.J. and Bouckovalas, G., "Assessment of Sensitivity of an Arched Steel Bridge to Imposed Horizontal Soil Displacements",
8th Greek National Steel Structures Conference, Tripoli, 2-4 Ïct. 2014 (in Greek with English summary).
- Margariti, G., Bentas, A., Gantes, C.J., Fourniotis, N. and Dimas, A., "Parametric Study of Wind Effect on Wave Hydrodynamic Loading Acting on Monopile Offshore Wind Turbines",
8th Greek National Steel Structures Conference, Tripoli, 2-4 Ïct. 2014 (in Greek with English summary).
- Margariti, G., Bentas, A. and Gantes, C.J., "Comparative Evaluation of Structural Design Parameters of Monopile Offshore Wind Turbines",
8th Greek National Steel Structures Conference, Tripoli, 2-4 Ïct. 2014 (in Greek with English summary).
- Vernardos, S. and Gantes, C.J., "Preliminary Feasibility Investigation of Sandwich-Type Shells for Wind Turbine Towers",
8th Greek National Steel Structures Conference, Tripoli, 2-4 Ïct. 2014 (in Greek with English summary).
- Koulatsou, K., Thanasoulas, I., Margariti, G. and Gantes, C.J., "Artificial Wind Load Time Histories Generation on Wind Turbine Towers",
8th Greek National Steel Structures Conference, Tripoli, 2-4 Ïct. 2014 (in Greek with English summary).
- Thanasoulas, I., Koulatsou, K. and Gantes, C.J., "Nonlinear Numerical Simulation of the Response of Bolted Ring Flange Connections in Wind Turbine Towers",
8th Greek National Steel Structures Conference, Tripoli, 2-4 Ïct. 2014 (in Greek with English summary).
- Livanou, M.A. and Gantes, C.J., "Interaction of Inelastic Global and Local Buckling in Steel Bars under Compression",
8th Greek National Steel Structures Conference, Tripoli, 2-4 Ïct. 2014 (in Greek with English summary).
- Kalochairetis, K.E. and Gantes, C.J., "Analytical Method for the Evaluation of the Behavior of Single-Storey Frames Consisting of Built-Up Members",
8th Greek National Steel Structures Conference, Tripoli, 2-4 Ïct. 2014 (in Greek with English summary).
- Melissianos, V. and Gantes, C.J., "Upheaval Buckling Risk Assessment of Buried Steel Pipelines due to Reverse Seismic Fault Activation",
8th Greek National Steel Structures Conference, Tripoli, 2-4 Ïct. 2014 (in Greek with English summary).
- Livanou, M.A. and Gantes, C.J., "Investigation of Interaction between Global and Local Buckling in Rods Subjected to Compression",
IASS-SLTE 2014 Symposium, Brasilia, Brazil, Sep. 15-19, 2014.
- Melissianos, V. and Gantes, C.J., "Upheaval Buckling of Onshore Buried Steel Pipelines with Flexible Joints",
IASS-SLTE 2014 Symposium, Brasilia, Brazil, Sep. 15-19, 2014.
- Margariti, G. and Gantes, C.J., "Analytical Estimation of Critical Buckling Load for Guyed Towers",
IASS-SLTE 2014 Symposium, Brasilia, Brazil, Sep. 15-19, 2014.
- Thanasoulas, I., Koulatsou, K.G. and Gantes, C.J., "Nonlinear Numerical Simulation of Bolted Ring Flanges in Wind Turbine Towers",
IASS-SLTE 2014 Symposium, Brasilia, Brazil, Sep. 15-19, 2014.
- Kalochairetis, K.E. and Gantes, C.J., "Collapse Load of Laced Built-up Members: Experimental, Numerical and Analytical Investigation",
EuroSteel 2014, 7th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures, Napoli, Italy, Sept. 10-12, 2014.
- Sextos, A., Psilla, N., Psycharis, I., Kappos, A., Taskari, O., Vassilopoulou, I., Mylona, E.K. and Gantes, C.J., "Performance Criteria for Bridges Designed with Spread Footings on Liquefiable Soils",
2ECEES - 2nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, M.A. Ansal and M. Nurlu (eds.), Istanbul, Turkey, Aug. 24-29, 2014.
- Melissianos, V. and Gantes, C.J., "Earthquake Induced Upheaval Buckling of Buried Pipelines with Flexible Joints",
2ECEES - 2nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, M.A. Ansal and M. Nurlu (eds.), Istanbul, Turkey, Aug. 24-29, 2014.
- Melissianos, V., Vamvatsikos, D. and Gantes, C.J., "Seismic Risk Assessment of Buried Pipelines at Active Fault Crossings",
2ECEES - 2nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, M.A. Ansal and M. Nurlu (eds.), Istanbul, Turkey, Aug. 24-29, 2014.
- Psychari, A., Vassilopoulou, I. and Gantes, C.J., "Sensitivity of a Steel Arch Road Bridge to Imposed Foundation Displacements and Rotations"
International Conference CESARE'14 - Civil Engineering for Sustainability and Resilience, C.C. Baniotopoulos and K.M. Abdalla (eds.), Amman, Jordan, Apr. 24-27, 2014.
- Gantes, C.J. and Melissianos, V., "Buckling and Post-Buckling Behavior of Beams on Elastic Foundation Modeling Buried Pipelines",
International Conference CESARE'14 - Civil Engineering for Sustainability and Resilience, C.C. Baniotopoulos and K.M. Abdalla (eds.), Amman, Jordan, Apr. 24-27, 2014.
- Olmati, P., Petrini, F., Vamvatsikos, D. and Gantes, C.J., "Stochastic Simplified SDOF Model of a Steel Blast Door",
XXIV Giornate Italiane della Costruzione in Acciaio, Torino, Italy, Sep. 30 - Oct. 2, 2013.
- Livanou, M.A. and Gantes, C.J., "Revisiting the Problem of Buckling Mode Interaction in 2-DOF Models and Built-up Columns",
International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium 2013 "Beyond the Limits of Man", J.B. Obrebski and R. Tarczewski (eds.),
Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland, 23-27 Sep. 2013.
- Koulatsou, K., Dimopoulos, C.A. and Gantes, C.J., "Evaluation of Stiffening Types of the Cutout in Tubular Wind Turbine Towers via Dynamic Analysis",
International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium 2013 "Beyond the Limits of Man", J.B. Obrebski and R. Tarczewski (eds.),
Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland, 23-27 Sep. 2013.
- Kalochairetis, K.E. and Gantes, C.J., "Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Collapse Load of Laced Built-up Columns",
International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium 2013 "Beyond the Limits of Man", J.B. Obrebski and R. Tarczewski (eds.),
Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland, 23-27 Sep. 2013.
- Gantes, C.J. and Koulatsou, K., "Methodology for Nonlinear Finite Element Analyses to Evaluate Strength of Steel Structures",
International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium 2013 "Beyond the Limits of Man", J.B. Obrebski and R. Tarczewski (eds.),
Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland, 23-27 Sep. 2013.
- Gantes, C.J., Kalochairetis, K.E. and Akgun, Y., "On the Trade-off between Structural Performance and Deployability",
1st Conference Transformables 2013, F. Escrig and J. Sanchez (eds.), Seville, Spain, Sep. 18-20, 2013.
- Dimopoulos, C.A. and Gantes, C.J., "Comparison of Stiffening Types of the Cutout in Cylindrical and Conical Steel Wind Turbine Towers",
CanCNSM2013: 4th Canadian Conference on Nonlinear Solid Mechanics, Montreal, Canada, July 23-26, 2013.
- Kougioumtzoglou, I.A., Vassilopoulou, É. and Gantes, C.J., "Stochastic Response Determination and Reliability Assessment of a Nonlinear
Cable Net Structural System",CompDyn 2013: 4th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Kos, Greece, June 12-14, 2013.
- Koulatsou, K., Petrini, F. and Gantes, C.J., "Artificial Time Histories of Wind Actions for Structural Analysis of Wind Turbines",
BCCCE 2013: 2nd International Balkans Conferance on Challenges of Civil Engineering, Tirana, Albania, May 23-25, 2013.
- Gantes, C.J. and Koulatsou, K., "Suspended Steel Roof of the Archaeological Site of the School of Aristotle",
BCCCE 2013: 2nd International Balkans Conferance on Challenges of Civil Engineering, Tirana, Albania, May 23-25, 2013.
- Gantes, C.J. and Melissianos, V., "Numerical Analysis of Buried Steel Pipelines",
BCCCE 2013: 2nd International Balkans Conferance on Challenges of Civil Engineering, Tirana, Albania, May 23-25, 2013.
- Ruck, B., Gantes, C.J. and Gkologiannis, C.P., "Wind Tunnel Tests for the Evaluation of Wind Pressures on the Steel Roof of the New Football Stadium of Panathinaikos F.C. in Votanikos",
7th Greek National Steel Structures Conference, Volos, 29-30 Sep. And 1 Oct. 2011.
- Gkologiannis, C.P., Gantes, C.J., Athanasiadis, A., Majowiecki, M., Zoulas, F. and Schmidt, H., "Structural System of Steel Roof of the New Football Stadium of Panathinaikos F.C. in Votanikos",
7th Greek National Steel Structures Conference, Volos, 29-30 Sep. And 1 Oct. 2011 (in Greek with English summary).
- Gantes, C.J. and Koulatsou, Ê., "Optimum Locations, Cross-Sections and Prestressing Forces of Cables of Suspended Roof Covering Aristotle's Lyceum",
7th Greek National Steel Structures Conference, Volos, 29-30 Sep. And 1 Oct. 2011 (in Greek with English summary).
- Hadjioannou, M., Douthe, C. and Gantes, C.J., "Numerical and Analytical Evaluation of Residual Sress Distribution Induced by Cold Curving of Straight Members",
7th Greek National Steel Structures Conference, Volos, 29-30 Sep. And 1 Oct. 2011 (in Greek with English summary).
- Lemonis, M.E. and Gantes, C.J., "Calibration of an Analytical Model for the Cyclic Response of Beam-to-Column Connections",
7th Greek National Steel Structures Conference, Volos, 29-30 Sep. And 1 Oct. 2011 (in Greek with English summary).
- Vassilopoulou, É. and Gantes, C.J., "Response of Cable Networks under Wind Loading",
7th Greek National Steel Structures Conference, Volos, 29-30 Sep. And 1 Oct. 2011 (in Greek with English summary).
- Gantes, C.J. and Kalochairetis, K.E., "Nonlinear Analysis of Imperfect Timoshenko Members under Lateral Loading and its Application to Laced Built-up Columns",
7th Greek National Steel Structures Conference, Volos, 29-30 Sep. And 1 Oct. 2011 (in Greek with English summary).
- Dimopoulos, C.A. and Gantes, C.J., "Behaviour and Strength of Cylindrical Shells with Opening and Different Strengthening Schemes under Bending",
7th Greek National Steel Structures Conference, Volos, 29-30 Sep. And 1 Oct. 2011 (in Greek with English summary).
- Gkagka, E.E., Kalochairetis, K.E. and Gantes, C.J., "Investigation of Alternative Structural Systems of Cable-Stayed Pedestrian Bridge",
7th Greek National Steel Structures Conference, Volos, 29-30 Sep. And 1 Oct. 2011 (in Greek with English summary).
- Vassilopoulou, É. and Gantes, C.J., "Nonlinear Dynamic Behaviour of Saddle Shaped Cable Nets under Wind Action",
35th International Symposium on Bridge and Structural Engineering, jointly organised by IABSE-IASS, London, England, September 20-23, 2011.
- Douthe, C., Adamakos, K. and Gantes, C.J., "Experimental Testing of Arches with Rectangular Hollow Sections",
6th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures, Budapest, Hungary, Aug. 31 - Sep. 2, 2011.
- Hadjioannou, M., Douthe, C. and Gantes, C.J., "Infuence of Residual Sresses Induced by Cold Curving on the Resistance of I-Section Steel Members",
6th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures, Budapest, Hungary, Aug. 31 - Sep. 2, 2011.
- Dimopoulos, C.A. and Gantes, C.J., "Experimental Investigation os Buckling of Cantilever Cylindrical Shells with Opening and Stiffening",
6th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures, Budapest, Hungary, Aug. 31 - Sep. 2, 2011.
- Kalochairetis, K.E. and Gantes, C.J., "Second Order Analysis of Imperfect Timoshenko Members with Arbitrary Boundary Conditions and its Application to Laced Built-up Columns",
6th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures, Budapest, Hungary, Aug. 31 - Sep. 2, 2011.
- Kalochairetis, K.E. and Gantes, C.J., "Numerical and Analytical Investigation of Collapse Loads of Laced Built-up Columns", 6th MIT Conference
on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 15 - 17, 2011, edited by K.J. Bathe.
- Douthe, C. and Gantes, C.J., "Coupled External/Parametric Resonance of Small Sagged Inclined Cables",
CompDyn 2011: 3rd International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Corfu, Greece, May 26-28, 2011.
- Vassilopoulou, É. and Gantes, C.J., "Nonlinear Dynamic Behaviour of a Saddle Form Cable Net Modeled by an Equivalent SDOF Cable Net",
CompDyn 2011: 3rd International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Corfu, Greece, May 26-28, 2011.
- Akgun, Y., Gantes, C.J., Sobek. W., Korkmaz, K., and Kalochairetis, K.E., "A Novel Transformation Model for Deployable Scissor-hinge Structural Mechanisms",
Spatial Structures - Permanent and Temporary, Symposium of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) 2010, Shanghai, China, November 8-12, 2010.
- Gkologiannis, C.P., Gantes, C.J., Athanasiadis, A., Majowiecki, M., Zoulas, F. and Schmidt, H., "Structural Design of the New Football Stadium of Panathinaikos F.C. in Votanikos, Greece",
34th IABSE Symposium, Venice, Italy, September 22-24, 2010.
- Pnevmatikos, N.G. and Gantes, C.J., "Time Delay and Saturation Capacity Interaction in the Control of Structures",
CompDyn 2009: Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Rhodes, Greece, June 22-24, 2009.
- Papageorgiou, A.V. and Gantes, C.J., "Equivalent Damping Coefficients for Irregular in Height Concrete/Steel Structures and their Application in the Greek
Seismic Code", 3rd Greek National Conference of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, Athens, 5 - 7 November 2008 (in Greek)
- Papageorgiou, A.V. and Gantes, C.J., "Decoupling Criteria of Mixed Steel-Concrete Structures with Elastoplastic Material Law",
6th Greek National Steel Structures Conference, Ioannina, 2-4 Oct. 2008 (in Greek with English summary).
- Lemonis, M.É. and Gantes, C.J., "Nonlinear Response of Beam-to-Column Joints",
6th Greek National Steel Structures Conference, Ioannina, 2-4 Oct. 2008 (in Greek with English summary).
- Vassilopoulou, É. and Gantes, C.J., "Sensitivity Criteria of Cable Networks against Fatigue Phenomena",
6th Greek National Steel Structures Conference, Ioannina, 2-4 Oct. 2008 (in Greek with English summary).
- Douthe, C. and Gantes, C.J., "In-Plane Stability of Uniformly Prestressed Elastic Circular Arches",
6th Greek National Steel Structures Conference, Ioannina, 2-4 Oct. 2008.
- Gkologiannis, C.P., Athanasiadis, Á. and Gantes, C.J., "Presentation of the Structural System of the Roof in the New Panathinaikos Stadium in Votanikos",
6th Greek National Steel Structures Conference, Ioannina, 2-4 Oct. 2008 (in Greek with English summary).
- Papageorgiou, A.V. and Gantes, C.J., "Modal Damping Ratios for Irregular in Height Concrete / Steel Structures",
5th European Workshop on the Seismic Behavior of Irregular and Complex Structures, Catania, Italy, Sep. 16-17, 2008.
- Papageorgiou, A.V. and Gantes, C.J., "Equivalent Uniform Damping Ratios for Irregular in Height Concrete / Steel Structural Systems",
5th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures, Graz, Austria, Sep. 3-5, 2008.
- Dimopoulos, C.A. and Gantes, C.J., "Design of Fixed Circular Arches with Tube Cross-Sections under Concentrated Loads According to EC3",
5th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures, Graz, Austria, Sep. 3-5, 2008.
- Lemonis, M.É. and Gantes, C.J., "Evaluation of the Complete Moment-Rotation Curve of Bolted Beam-to-Column Connections Using Mechanical Models",
5th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures, Graz, Austria, Sep. 3-5, 2008.
- Gantes, C.J., Bouckovalas, G.D., and Koumousis, V.K., "Slope Failure Verification of Buried Steel Pipelines",
10th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation, Athens, Greece, May 27- 31, 2008.
- Mageirou, G.E., and Gantes, C.J., "Evaluation of Critical Buckling Load of Semi-Rigid Steel Frames - An Alternative Approach",
ICSAS'07 (6th International Conference on Steel & Aluminium Structures), Oxford, U.K., 24-27 July 2007.
- Pnevmatikos, N.G. and Gantes, C.J., "Dynamic Control Analysis (DCA)",
8th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics, Patras, Greece, July 12-14, 2007.
- Vassilopoulou, É. and Gantes, C.J., "Modal Transition and Dynamic Nonlinear Response of Cable Nets under Fundamental Resonance",
8th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics, Patras, Greece, July 12-14, 2007.
- Lemonis, M.É. and Gantes, C.J., "Analytical Calculation of the Monotonic Behaviour of Steel T-Stub Connections",
8th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics, Patras, Greece, July 12-14, 2007.
- Vassilopoulou, É. and Gantes, C.J., "Vibration Modes and Dynamic Response of Saddle Form Cable Nets under Sinusoidal Excitation",
EUROMECH Colloquium 483: Geometrically Non-linear Vibrations of Structures, Porto, Portugal, 9-11 July 2007.
- Kouretzis, G.P., Bouckovalas, G.D. and Gantes, C.J., "Strain Analysis of Buried Pipelines due to Blast-Induced Ground Shock Waves",
4th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 25-28, 2007.
- Pnevmatikos, N.G. and Gantes, C.J., "Strategy for On-Line Control of Structures against Earthquakes",
CompDyn 2007: Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Rethymnon, Crete, Greece, June 13-15, 2007.
- Vassilopoulou, É. and Gantes, C.J., "Similarity Relations for Nonlinear Dynamic Oscillations of a Cable Net",
CompDyn 2007: Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Rethymnon, Crete, Greece, June 13-15, 2007.
- Lignos, D.G., Krawinkler, H. and Gantes, C.J., "Seismic Demands for Frames with Strength and Stiffness Irregularities, Based on Modal Pushover Analysis",
STESSA 2006, Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama, Japan, August 14-17, 2006.
- Pnevmatikos, Í.G. and Gantes, C.J., "On Line Selection of Poles of Controlled Structure Based on Frequency Content of Applied Dynamic Loading",
4th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, San Diego, California, U.S.A., 11-13 July 2006.
- Psarropoulos, P., Panagiotou, Ì., Gantes, C.J. and Gazetas, G., "Dynamic Interaction between Soil and Wind Turbines",
5th Greek National Geotechnical Engineering Conference, Xanthi, 2006 (in Greek with English summary)
- Kouretzis, G.P., Bouckovalas, G.D. and Gantes, C.J., "Seismic Analysis of Flexible Underground Structures with 3-D Shell Theory",
5th Greek National Geotechnical Engineering Conference, Xanthi, 2006 (in Greek with English summary).
- Kouretzis, G.P., Bouckovalas, G.D. and Gantes, C.J., "Analytical Simulation of Stresses in Underground Pipelines due to Surface Explosions",
5th Greek National Geotechnical Engineering Conference, Xanthi, 2006 (in Greek with English summary)
- Lignos, D.G. and Gantes, C.J., "Design Considerations for the Effects of Near Fault Ground Motions on Steel Structures",
5th Greek National Steel Structures Conference, Xanthi, 29 Sept.-2 Oct. 2005, E. Galousis, I. Ermopoulos, Ch. Calfas Eds., Vol. I, pp. 305-312 (in Greek with English summary).
- Gantes, C.J., Loukakis, Ê.Å., Villi, Ì.Ì., Psaras, É., Pnevmatikos, Í.G. and Mpachounzouzi, G., "Presentation of the Structural System of the Aristotle's Lyceum Archaeological Site Protection Hangar",
5th Greek National Steel Structures Conference, Xanthi, 29 Sept.-2 Oct. 2005, E. Galousis, I. Ermopoulos, Ch. Calfas Eds., Vol. II, pp. 7-44 (in Greek with English summary).
- Panagiotou, Ì., Psarropoulos, P., Gantes, C.J. and Gazetas, G., "The Role of Dynamic Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction in the Design of Wind Turbine Towers",
5th Greek National Steel Structures Conference, Xanthi, 29 Sept.-2 Oct. 2005, E. Galousis, I. Ermopoulos, Ch. Calfas Eds., Vol. II, pp. 289-296 (in Greek with English summary).
- Maniadis, Å.Á. and Gantes, C.J., "Special Issues of Nonlinear Analysis of Cables and Cable Structures",
5th Greek National Steel Structures Conference, Xanthi, 29 Sept.-2 Oct. 2005, E. Galousis, I. Ermopoulos, Ch. Calfas Eds., Vol. II, pp. 297-304 (in Greek with English summary).
- Mageirou, G.Å., Gantes, C.J., Markou, K.P., and, Bouras, C.G. "A Unified Criterion for the Importance of 2nd Order effects and Buckling Sway Ability in Steel Frames",
5th Greek National Steel Structures Conference, Xanthi, 29 Sept.-2 Oct. 2005, E. Galousis, I. Ermopoulos, Ch. Calfas Eds., Vol. I, pp. 441-448 (in Greek with English summary).
- Lemonis, Ì.Å. and Gantes, C.J., "A Nonlinear Analytical Model for T-Stub Connections",
5th Greek National Steel Structures Conference, Xanthi, 29 Sept.-2 Oct. 2005, E. Galousis, I. Ermopoulos, Ch. Calfas Eds., Vol. I, pp. 330-337 (in Greek with English summary)
- Gantes, C.J., Boukovalas, G.D., Kouretzis, G., Lemonis, Ì.E., and Pnevmatikos, Í., "Earthquake Study of Natural Gas Pipeline Kipi - Alexandroupoli - Komotini at Fault Crossings",
5th Greek National Steel Structures Conference, Xanthi, 29 Sept.-2 Oct. 2005, E. Galousis, I. Ermopoulos, Ch. Calfas Eds., Vol. II, pp. 85-92 (in Greek with English summary)
- Vassilopoulou, É., Chatzifoti, Á. and Gantes, C.J., "Design and Construction of the Athens Olympic Sports Complex Entrance Canopies",
5th Greek National Steel Structures Conference, Xanthi, 29 Sept.-2 Oct. 2005, E. Galousis, I. Ermopoulos, Ch. Calfas Eds., Vol. II, pp. 77-84 (in Greek with English summary).
- Gantes, C.J., Theodoridis, G. and Kalligeros, C.Ê., "Presentation of the Structural System and Calculation of Wind Pressures for the Hangar of the New AEK Stadium",
5th Greek National Steel Structures Conference, Xanthi, 29 Sept.-2 Oct. 2005, E. Galousis, I. Ermopoulos, Ch. Calfas Eds., Vol. II, pp. 93-100 (in Greek with English summary)
- Lignos, D.G. and Gantes, C.J., "Seismic Demands for Steel Braced Frames with Stiffness Irregularities Based on Modal Pushover Analysis",
4th European Workshop on the Seismic Behavior of Irregular and Complex Structures, Thessaloniki, Greece, August 26-27, 2005.
- Papageorgiou, A.V. and Gantes, C.J., "Decoupling Criteria for the Dynamic Response of Primary/Secondary Structural Systems",
4th European Workshop on the Seismic Behavior of Irregular and Complex Structures, Thessaloniki, Greece, August 26-27, 2005.
- Pnevmatikos, Í.G. and Gantes, C.J., "Design Procedure for Structures Equipped with a Control System and Subjected to Earthquake Loading",
5th Greek Association on Computational Mechanics (GRACM) Congress , Limassol, Cyprus, June 29-July 1, 2005.
- Lignos, D.G., Stergiou, E. and Gantes, C.J., "Structural Reliability of Steel Structures Based on Interstory Drift and Direct Loss Demands",
5th Greek Association on Computational Mechanics (GRACM) Congress, Limassol, Cyprus, June 29-July 1, 2005.
- Pnevmatikos, Í.G. and Gantes, C.J., "Sliding Mode Control for Civil Structures Based on Complex Fourier Coefficients of the Earthquake",
3rd MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 14-17, 2005, edited by K.J. Bathe, Elsevier, pp. 1166-1170.
- Lignos, D.G. and Gantes, C.J., "Modal Pushover Analysis as a Tool for Evaluation and Design of Irregular Frames",
3rd MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 14-17, 2005, edited by K.J. Bathe, Elsevier, pp. 336-339.
- Lemonis, M.E. and Gantes, C.J., "An Analytical Elastic-Plastic Model for T-Stub Steel Connections", EuroSteel 2005,
4th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 8-10 June, 2005, edited by B. Hoffmeister and O. Hechler, Vol. C, pp. 4.10.41- 4.10.48.
- Mageirou, G.E. and Gantes, C.J., "Alternative Criteria for the Importance of 2nd Order Effects in Steel Frames", EuroSteel 2005,
4th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 8-10 June, 2005, edited by B. Hoffmeister and O. Hechler, Vol. A, pp. 1.5.55- 1.5.62.
- Vassilopoulou, I. and Gantes, C.J., "Behavior, Analysis and Design of Cable Networks Anchored to a Flexible Edge Ring",
IASS2004: Shells and Spatial Structures from Models to Realization, Montpellier, France, Sept. 20-24, 2004, edited by R. Motro, IASS, pp. 212-213, (extended version on CD-ROM).
- Pnevmatikos, N.G. and Gantes, C.J., "Application of Pole Placement Algorithm for Structural Control against Seismic Loading",
7th Greek National Congress on Mechanics, Chania, July 24-26, 2004, edited by A. Kounadis, C. Providakis and G. Exadaktylos, Vol. II, pp. 223-229
- Pnevmatikos, N.G., Kallivokas, L.F. and Gantes, C.J., "Control Algorithms for Mitigating Seismic Hazard in Structures Accounting for the Incoming Earthquake's Frequency Content",
International Symposium on Network and Center-Based Research for Smart Structures Technologies and Earthquake Engineering (SE04),
Osaka, Japan, July 6-9, 2004, edited by E. Tachinaba, B.F. Spencer, Jr. and Y. Mukai, pp. 447-452.
- Pnevmatikos, N.G. and Gantes, C.J., "Accounting for Frequency Content of Earthquakes in the Control of Structures",
5th International Ph.D. Symposium in Civil Engineering, edited by J. Walraven, J. Blaauwendraad, T. Scarpas and B. Snijder, Taylor & Francis, pp. 1451-1460, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 16-19 June, 2004.
- Mageirou, G.E. and Gantes, C.J., "Rotational Stiffness Coefficients for Evaluation of Critical Buckling Loads in Multi-Story Sway, Non-Sway and Partially Sway Frames",
5th International Ph.D. Symposium in Civil Engineering, edited by J. Walraven, J. Blaauwendraad, T. Scarpas and B. Snijder, Taylor & Francis, pp. 1433-1440, Delft, The Netherlands, 16-19 June, 2004.
- Pnevmatikos, N.G., Gantes, C.J. and Kallivokas, L.F., "Pole Placement Algorithm Based on Frequency Content of the Incoming Earthquake Signal",
4th International Workshop on Structural Control, edited by A. Smith and R. Betti, DEStech Publ., pp. 447-452, Columbia University, New York, June 10-11, 2004.
- Gantes, C.J., Panagiotou, M. and Fragkopoulos, T., "Influence of Initial Imperfections for the Design of Buckling-Prone Structures",
ICES'03: International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Corfu, Greece, July 25-29, 2003, edited by S.N. Atluri, D.E. Beskos and D. Polyzos, on CD-ROM.
- Lemonis, M.E. and Gantes, C.J., "Numerical Analysis of Simple and Preloaded T-Stub Steel Connections",
2nd MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 17-20, 2003, edited by K.J. Bathe, Elsevier, Vol. 1, pp. 414-417.
- Gantes, C.J., and Voyagaki, E., "Effective Column Lengths of Plane Frames with Elastic Lateral Supports", EuroSteel 2002,
3rd European Conference on Steel Structures, Coimbra, Portugal, Sept. 19-20, 2002, edited by A. Lamas and L. Sim?es da Silva, Vol. 1, pp. 163-172.
- Gantes, C.J. and Konitopoulou, E., "Snap-Through Type Deployable Structures with Arbitrary Curvature",
5th International Conference on Space Structures, Surrey, U.K., Aug. 19-21, 2002, edited by G.A.R. Parke and P. Disney, Thomas Telford, Vol. 1, pp. 625-634.
- Lemonis, M.E. and Gantes, C.J., "Finite Element Modeling of T-Stub Steel Connections",
4th Greek Association on Computational Mechanics (GRACM) Congress, Patra, Greece, June 27-29, 2002.
- Pnevmatikos, N.G. and Gantes, C.J., "The Effect of Frequency Content of Earthquakes in the Control of MDOF Structural Systems",
4th Greek Association on Computational Mechanics (GRACM) Congress, Patra, Greece, June 27-29, 2002.
- Chatzifoti, A.P., Mageirou, G.E. and Gantes, C.J., "Comparison of Elastoplastic Analysis Methods for Steel Frames",
4th Greek Association on Computational Mechanics (GRACM) Congress, Patra, Greece, June 27-29, 2002.
- Mageirou, G.E., Villi-Bili, M.M., Makriyiannis, Ì.D. and Gantes, C.J., "Comparison of Linear and Nonlinear Analysis Methods for Steel Columns",
4th Greek Association on Computational Mechanics (GRACM) Congress, Patra, Greece, June 27-29, 2002.
- Lymberis, N.F. and Gantes, C.J., "Structural Behavior, Preliminary Design, and Cost Optimization for Cable-Supported and Cable-Stayed Bridges",
4th Greek National Conference on Steel Structures, Patra, May 24-25, 2002, edited by D.E. Beskos, D.L. Karabalis and A.N. Kounadis, Vol. 2, pp. 536-544.
- Tsouknaki, D., Kyritsas, S. and Gantes, C.J., "A Study on Applications of Deployable Structures with the Finite Element Method",
4th Greek National Conference on Steel Structures, Patra, May 24-25, 2002, edited by D.E. Beskos, D.L. Karabalis and A.N. Kounadis, Vol. 2, pp. 447-455.
- Gantes, C.J., Spiliopoulos, A., and Rouvalis, C., "Structural Behavior, Modeling, and Analysis of Guyed Towers",
4th Greek National Conference on Steel Structures, Patra, May 24-25, 2002, edited by D.E. Beskos, D.L. Karabalis and A.N. Kounadis, Vol. 2, pp. 554-562.
- Koumousis, V.K., Gantes, C.J., Bouckovalas, G.D., Dimou, C., and Lemonis, M. "Seismic Design of Thessaloniki-Skopia Oil Pipeline at Locations of Active Faults",
4th Greek National Conference on Steel Structures, Patra, May 24-25, 2002, edited by D.E. Beskos, D.L. Karabalis and A.N. Kounadis, Vol. 1, pp. 253-261.
- Vassilopoulou, I. and Gantes, C.J., "Âehaviour and Preliminary Analysis of Cable Net Structures with Elastic Supports",
4th Greek National Conference on Steel Structures, Patra, May 24-25, 2002, edited by D.E. Beskos, D.L. Karabalis and A.N. Kounadis, Vol. 1, pp. 517-525.
- Psaras, I. and Gantes, C.J., "Comparison of Analysis Methods for Plane Steel Frames",
4th Greek National Conference on Steel Structures, Patra, May 24-25, 2002, edited by D.E. Beskos, D.L. Karabalis and A.N. Kounadis, Vol. 1, pp. 32-40.
- Gantes, C.J. and Konitopoulou, E., "Snap-Through-Type Deployable Arches of Arbitrary Curvature",
4th German-Greek-Polish Symposium on Advances in Mechanics, Pultusk, Poland, Sept. 18-22, 2001.
- Pnevmatikos, N.G. and Gantes, C.J., "Elastoplastic Response Spectra for the Design of Structures Subjected to Exponential Blast Loading",
6th Greek National Congress on Mechanics, Thessaloniki, July 19-21, 2001, edited by E.C. Aifantis and A.N. Kounadis, Vol. 1, pp. 261-266.
- Kounadis, A.N. and Gantes, C.J., "Approximate Dynamic Buckling Loads of Nonconservative Structural Systems via Energy Considerations",
ICTAM 2000 - 20th IUTAM Congress, Chicago, USA, Aug. 27-Sept. 2, 2000.
- Gantes, C.J., Vayas, I., Spiliopoulos, A. and Pouangare, C.C., "Optimum Bending and Shear Stiffness Distribution for Performance Based Design of Rigid and Braced Multi-Story Steel Frames",
3rd International Conference STESSA 2000 - Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas, Montreal, Canada, Aug. 21-24, 2000, edited by F.M. Mazzolani and R. Tremblay, pp. 585-592.
- Gantes, C.J. and Gerogianni, D.S., "Investigation of the Brazier Effect for Buried Pipelines under Internal Pressure, Bending Moment and Axial Force",
IASS-IACM 2000 - 4th International Colloquium on Computation of Shell & Spatial Structures, Chania, Crete, Greece, June 5-7, 2000.
- Gantes, C.J., "Nonlinear Structural Behavior, Analysis and Design of Deployable Structures",
NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Computational Aspects of Nonlinear Structural Systems with Large Rigid Body Motion, Pultusk, Poland, July 2-7, 2000.
- Gantes, C.J., "Nonlinear Structural Analysis of Snap-Through Type Deployable Structures",
1st Interdisciplinary Symposium on Nonlinear Problems, Athens, Greece, Jan. 21-22, 2000.
- Gantes, C.J. and Gerogianni, D.S., "The Brazier Effect for Buried Steel Pipelines of Finite Length",
6th International Colloquium on Stability and Ductility of Steel Structures, Timisoara, Romania, Sep. 9-11, 1999, edited by D. Dubina and M. Ivanyi, Elsevier, pp. 557-564.
- Gantes, C.J., Bouckovalas, G.D., and Gerogianni, D.S., "Safety of Buried Steel Pipelines Subjected to Explosions",
EuroSteel '99, 2nd European Conference on Steel Structures, Praha, Czech Republic, May 26-29, 1999, edited by J. Studnicka, F. Wald, and J. Machacek, Vol. 1, pp. 113-116 (extended version on CD-ROM).
- Michaltsos, G.T., and Gantes, C.J., "Elastic and Inelastic Analysis of Bolted Beam-to-Column Joints",
3rd Greek National Conference on Steel Structures, Thessaloniki, Ïct. 30-31, 1998, edited by K.T. Thomopoulos, C.C. Baniotopoulos, and A.V. Avdelas, pp. 161-168.
- Gantes, C.J., Georgiou, P.G., and Koumousis, V.K., "Optimum Design of Deployable Structures Using Genetic Algorithms",
Smart Structures '98 Conference, Rome, Italy, Sept. 21-23, 1998, edited by P. Santini, M. Marchetti, and C.A. Brebbia, WIT Press, Computational Mechanics Publications, pp. 255-264.
- Gantes, C.J., Tsouknaki, D.N., and Kyritsas, S.C., "Combining Active and Passive Sub-Structures in Snap-Through Type Deployable Structures",
IUTAM-IASS Symposium on Deployable Structures: Theory and Applications, Cambridge, U.K., September 6-9, 1998, edited by S. Pellegrino and S.D. Guest, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 107-116.
- Gerogianni, D.S. and Gantes, C.J., "Implications of the Brazier Effect for Buried Pipelines",
5th Greek National Conference on Mechanics, Ioannina, Aug. 27-30, 1998, edited by P.S. Theocaris, D.I. Fotiadis, and C.V. Massalas, Vol. 2, pp. 1038-1047.
- Kounadis, A.N., Gantes, C.J., and Bolotin, V.V., "Dynamic Buckling Loads of Nonconservative Systems Based on the Geometry of an Energy Surface",
5th Greek National Conference on Mechanics, Ioannina, Aug. 27-30, 1998, edited by P.S. Theocaris, D.I. Fotiadis, and C.V. Massalas, Vol. 2, pp. 1056-1065.
- Gaudenzi, P., Fantini, E., Koumousis, V.K., and Gantes, C.J., "Optimization of Lengths and Positions of PZT Actuators for the Active Control of a Beam by Means of Genetic Algorithms",
7th International Conference on Adaptive Structures, Rome, Italy, Sept. 23-25, 1996, Technomic Publishing Co., Inc., Lancaster, Pennsylvania, pp. 400-411.
- Gantes, C., "On the Geometric Properties and the Non-linear Structural Characteristics of Deployable Space Frames",
2nd Serbian-Greek Symposium on Solid Mechanics, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, November 14-15, 1996.
- Gantes, C., "A Creative Aspect of a Destructive Phenomenon: Using Snap-Through Buckling as a Form of Prestressing",
IASS/IABSE International Symposium on Conceptual Design of Structures, Stuttgart, Germany, October 7-11, 1996, Vol. I, pp. 222-229.
- Ermopoulos, J., and Gantes, C., "Conception and Optimization of Structural Forms by Imitating Nature",
IASS/IABSE International Symposium on Conceptual Design of Structures, Stuttgart, Germany, October 7-11, 1996, Vol. I, pp. 207-214.
- Gantes, C.J. and Kounadis, A.N., "Qualitative Criteria for Establishing Dynamic Buckling Loads of Autonomous Dissipative Systems",
Qualitative Criteria for Establishing Dynamic Buckling Loads of Autonomous Dissipative Systems, Kyoto, Japan, August 25-31, 1996.
- Gantes, C., Kounadis, A.N., and Mallis, J., "Dynamic Stability of Discrete Systems via Geometric and Energy Considerations Using Mathematica",
2nd National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Chania, Crete, June 26-28, 1996, pp. 384-391.
- Gantes, C., "Analytical Predictions of the Snap-Through Characteristics of Deployable Structures", MARAS '96,
2nd International Conference on Mobile and Rapidly Assembled Structures, Seville, Spain, 17-19 June 1996, edited by F. Escrig and C.A. Brebbia, Computational Mechanics Publications, pp. 83-92.
- Gantes, C., "Axiomatic Design of Instability Sensitive Structures",
4th Greek National Conference on Mechanics, Xanthi, Greece, June 26-29, 1995, pp. 615-623.
- Gantes, C., "Preliminary Design of Guyed Towers Using Axiomatic Principles", Eurosteel '95,
Eurosteel '95, 1st European Conference on Steel Structures, Athens, Greece, May 18-20, 1995, edited by A.N. Kounadis, A.A. Balkema Publications, Rotterdam, pp. 421-428.
- Koumousis, V.K., Gantes, C., Georgiou, P.G., and Dimou, C.K., "Using Structural Design Codes in the Form of Hypertext and Expert Systems",
Eurosteel '95, 1st European Conference on Steel Structures, Athens, Greece, May 18-20, 1995, edited by A.N. Kounadis, A.A. Balkema Publications, Rotterdam, pp. 295-302.
- Koumousis, V.K., Georgiou, P.G., and Gantes, C., "Representation and Processing of Structural Design Codes",
IABSE Colloquium '95, Bergamo, Italy, March 1995, pp. 241-249.
- Gantes, C., Giakoumakis, A., and Vousvounis, P., "Using Symbolic Manipulation for the Geometric Design of Deployable Domes Shaped as Platonic or Archimedean Polyhedra",
Computational Structures Technology Conference, Athens, Greece, Aug. 30-Sep. 1, 1994, Volume on Advances in Structural Engineering Computing, edited by B.H.V. Topping and M. Papadrakakis, pp. 171-185.
- Kounadis, A.N., Gantes, C., and Simitses, G.J., "Nonlinear Instability of Structures Subjected to Impact Loading",
2nd European Conference on Structural Dynamics: Eurodyn '93, Trondheim, Norway, June 21-23, 1993, edited by T. Moan et al., A.A. Balkema Publications, Rotterdam, Vol. 2, pp. 641-649.
- Gantes, C., "Geometric Constraints in Assembling Polygonal Deployable Units to Form Multi-Unit Structural Systems",
4th International Conference on Space Structures, Surrey, United Kingdom, Sep. 6-10, 1993, edited by G.A.R. Parke and C.M. Howard, Thomas Telford, London, pp. 793-803.
- Kounadis, A.N., Gantes, C., and Kandakis, G., "Numerical Solutions and Theoretical Predictions Based on Energy Criteria for Establishing the Dynamic Response of Autonomous Dissipative & Non-Dissipative Systems",
1st Greek National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Athens, Greece, September 3-4, 1992, pp. 601-609.
- Connor, J.J., and Gantes, C., "Using Modern Computer Environments as Tools for Structural Design",
Focus Symposium on Computer-User Partnerships in Design, under the auspices of the 3rd International Symposium on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics, Baden-Baden, Germany, August 12-18, 1991.
- Gantes, C., Connor, J.J., and Logcher, R.D., "Geometric and Structural Design Considerations for Deployable Space Frames",
MARAS '91, International Conference on Mobile and Rapidly Assembled Structures, Southampton, U.K., April 9-11, 1991, edited by P.S. Bulson, Computational Mechanics Publications, pp. 249-260.
- Gantes, C., Connor, J.J., and Logcher, R.D., "Combining Numerical Analysis and Engineering Judgment to Design Deployable Structures",
8th Conference on Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis and ADINA, M.I.T., Cambridge, Massachusetts, July 17-19, 1991.
- Gantes, C., Connor, J.J., and Logcher, R.D., "Finite Element Analysis of Movable, Deployable Roofs and Bridges",
3rd Biennial Symposium on Heavy Movable Structures and Movable Bridges, St. Petersburg, Florida, November 12-15, 1990.
- Logcher, R.D., Connor, J.J., Rosenfeld, Y., and Gantes, C., "Preliminary Design Considerations for Flat Deployable Structures",
Structures Congress 1989, A.S.C.E., San Francisco, May 2-5, 1989.
- Gantes, C., Connor, J.J., Logcher, R.D., and Rosenfeld, Y., "Structural Analysis and Design of Deployable Structures",
7th Conference on Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis and ADINA, M.I.T., Cambridge, Massachusetts, August 2-4, 1989.
- Papadrakakis, M., and Gantes, C., "Truncated Newton Methods for Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis",
3rd International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing (CivilComp '87), London, England, September 22-24, 1987.
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