John Milios
Papers in Journals, Proceedings, Collective Volumes
Internationalization of Capital and Polarization of Accumulation, Proceedings of «Lesvos Conference on Spatial Structures and Social Process», pp. 26-30. 8. '85, Thessaloniki 1985
Automation of Production and Labour Force Reproduction, by I. Ioakimoglou and J. Milios, in Proceedings of Samos Seminaron Changing Labour Processesand New Forms of Urbanization, August 31 - September 4 1987, (Edited by C. Hadjimichalis and N. Komninos), Thessaloniki 1988
The Problem of Capitalist Development: Theoretical Considerations in View of the Industrial Countries and the New Industrial Countries, in: Capitalist Development and Crisis Theory. Accumulation, Regulation and Spatial Restructuring (Edited by M. Gottdiener and N. Komninos), pp. 154 - 173, MACMILLAN PRESS, London-New York, 1989
Capital Over-Accumulation and Economic Crisis: The Case of Greece (1960-1989), by E. Ioakimoglou and J. Milios, Review of Radical Political Economics, V. 25 (2), pp. 81-107, June 1993
Internationalization of Capital and Capital Imports in Greece (1960-1989), by Ioannis Milios and Ilias Ioakimoglou, paper presented at the Workshop organized on the 29th and 30th of November 1990 in Brussels by the «Friedrich Ebert Stiftung», on the subject: «Der EG-Binnenmarkt - die Handels und Direktinvestitionsbeziehungen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland mit den sϋdlichen EG-Staaten und die Position der Gewerkschaften»
Marx’s Theory and the Historic Marxist Controversy (1900-1937) on Economic Crisis, Science and Society, Vol. 58, No 2, Summer 1994, pp. 175-194
Ιnternationalisierung des Kapitals und Nationalstaat, Das Argument. Zeitschrift fur Philosophie und Sozialwissenschaften Nr. 217/1996, pp. 713-724
On the Connection between Ancient Greek Philosophy and Classical Political Economy, co-authored with Vasilis Karasmanis, Greek Economic Review Vol. 17, No 1, 1995, pp. 51-64
Marxist Theory and Marxism as a mass Ideology. The Effects of the Collapse of «Real Existing Socialism» and on West European Marxism Rethinking Marxism, Vol. 8, Number 4 (Winter 1995), pp. 61-74
Foreign Direct Investment, by John Milios and John Harvey, Encyclopedia of Political Economy, edited by Phillip Anthony O'Hara, Routledge Publishers London 1998, pp. 411-13
Colonialism and Imperialism: classic texts, Encyclopedia of Political Economy, edited by Phillip Anthony O'Hara, Routledge Publishers London 1998, pp. 128-131
Asiatic Mode of Production, Encyclopedia of Political Economy, edited by Phillip Anthony O'Hara, Routledge Publishers, London 1999, pp. 18-20
Investigating the Roots οf Russia’s Economic Decline Since 1990, East-West Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. IV – 2001, No 2, pp. 65-84
Will Failure of the 'Monetary Union' Jeopardize the Successes of the European Single Market?, Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas (ISSEI), August 19-24 1996, University for Humanist Studies, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 1998
Der Marxsche Begriff der asiatischen Produktionsweise und die theoretische Unmoglichkeit einer Geschichtsphilosophie, Beitraege zur Marx-Engels-Forschung. Neue Folge, 1997, pp. 101-113
Preindustrial Capitalist Forms: Lenin’s Contribution to a Marxist Theory of Economic Development, Rethinking Marxism, Volume 11, Number 4 (Winter 1999), pp. 38-56
Diminished Profitability and Welfare Decline (Reflections on the Irreformability of Capitalism in the 1990s), in J. Milios, L. Katseli, Th. Pelagidis (eds.), Rethinking Democracy and the Welfare State, Ellinika Grammata 1999, pp. 179-200
Who’s Afraid of Work? (Unemployment and the “end of labour”), Jannis Milios and Elias Ioakimoglou, paper presented in the TSER Program Full Employment in Europe
«Bourgeois and Proletarians»: Capitalist Power, Nation-State and the World Economy, Proceedings of the international conference Social Emancipation 150 years after the Communist Manifesto, Havana, Cuba, 17-20.02.98
Zur Darstellung von Marx’ Krisentheorie im 3. Band des Kapital, Beitraege zur Marx-Engels-Forschung. Neue Folge, 1998, pp. 47-60
Burjuvalar ve Proleterler” Kapitalist Iktidar, Ulus-Devlet Ve Dωnya Iktisadi, MarksizmVeGelecek, Yaz 1998, pp. 63-68
Social Classes in Classical and Marxist Political Economy, The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Vol. 59, No 3, April 2000, pp. 283-302Cuba: A Question of Social Solidarity, Rethinking Marxism, Vo. 11, No 2, 1999, 97-100
Diminished Capital Efficiency, Investment Decline and the Irreformability of Capitalism in the 1990s, paper presented in Congres Marx International II, Paris 30.09 - 03.10.98
Marxian Economics, John Milios & G. E. Economakis, Encyclopaedia of International Economics, Vol. 2, Routledge Publishers, 2001, pp. 995-1004
Historical School, German, G. E. Economakis & John Milios, Encyclopaedia of International Economics, Vol.1, Routledge Publishers, 2001, pp. 686-87
Rudolf Hilferding, Encyclopaedia of International Economics, Vol. 2, Routledge Publishers 2001, Vol. 2, pp. 676-79
On Marx’s Crisis Theory in the Original Manuscript of The 3rd Volume Of Capital, 1999 Value Theory Mini-Conference: Deepening the Dialogues, Boston, March 12-14 1999
Nikolai Bukharin, G. E. Economakis & John Milios, Encyclopaedia of International Economics, Vol. 1, Routledge Publishers., 2001, pp. 105-107
Discussion on Carchedi’s paper ‘Capitalist Globalization and EMU’, in Andriana Vlachou (ed.) Contemporary Economic Theory. Radical Critiques of Neoliberalism. London: Macmillan, 1999, pp. 200-4
Werttheorie, Ideologie und Fetischismus, Dimitri Dimoulis & Jannis Milios, Beitrage zur Marx-Engels-Forschung. Neue Folge, 1999, pp. 12-56
Zur Entwicklung der Krisentheorie aus dem Kontext der Reproduktionsschemata: von Tugan-Baranowskij zu Bucharin, Jannis Milios und Georg Economakis, Beitrage zur Marx-Engels-Forschung. Neue Folge, 2002, pp. 160-184
Marx’s Critique of (Ricardian) Political Economy, the Quantity Theory of Money and Credit Money, The 2001 Value Theory Mini-Conference, Feb 21-23, Manhattan
Quien le teme al trabajo? (El desempleo y el ‘fin de trabajo’, John Milios y Elias Ioakimoglou, Marx Ahora, Revista Internacional, No 6-7/1998-9, pp. 208-220
Commodity Fetishism vs. Capital Fetishism. Marxist Interpretations vis-a-vis Marx’s analyses in Capital, Historical Materialism, 12.3, 2004. pp. 3-42
“Third Persons” and Reproduction: A Note to Rosa Luxemburg’s Critique of Marx’s Reproduction Schemes, by Economakis, G. and J. Milios, Rethinking Marxism Vol. 16, No. 3 (April) 2004, pp. 215-24
Welfare Decline and the Crisis of Democracy, by Th. Pelagidis, L. T. Katseli and J. Milios, in T. Pelagidis et al Welfare State and Democracy in Crisis. Reforming the European Model, Ashgate 2001, pp. 3-14
Theory of value and money. In Defence of the Endogeneity of Money, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference in Economics, Economic Research Center, METU, Ankara, September 11-14, 2002
Il capitalismo greco, l’Unione Europea e la Sinistra, Proteo, rivista a carattere scientifico di analisi delle dinamiche economico-produttive e di politiche del lavoro (Centro Studi Trasformazioni Economico-Sociali) No 3/2002, pp. 62-66
The Determinants of Investment Activity in Greece (1960-99), Panayotis G. Michaelides, Athena Roboli, George Economakis and John Milios, Aegean Working Papers, Issue 3, 2005, pp. 23-45
Did Hilferding influence Schumpeter? Panayotis G. Michaelides and John Milios, History of Economics Review, Vol. 41, June/July 2005, pp. 98-125
On the theoretical significance of Marx’s ambivalences towards Classical Political Economy, The 2003 Value Theory Mini-Conference
The Magnitude of the ex-Soviet and Russian Tanker and Cargo Fleets (1975-2001), Panayotis G. Michaelides, Athena Roboli, Maria Markaki, George Economakis and John Milios, East-West Journal of Economics and Business, , vol. VI, No 2, 2003, pp. 89-122
Marx’s Value Theory Revisited. A ‘Value-form’ Approach, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference in Economics, Economic Research Centre, METU, Ankara, September 6-9, 2003 (Invited Speaker)
Il problema dello sviluppo capitalista: un approccio critico di classe, Proteo, rivista a carattere scientifico di analisi delle dinamiche economico-produttive e di politiche del lavoro (Centro Studi Trasformazioni Economico-Sociali) No 2-3/2003, pp. 153-58
European Integration As a Vehicle of Neoliberal Hegemony, in A. Saad-Fihlo & D. Johnston (eds.) Neoliberalism. A Critical Reader, Pluto Press, 2005, pp. 208-14
Die Marxsche Werttheorie und Geld. Zur Verteidigung der These uber den endogenen Charakter des Geldes, Kolloquium “Probleme des Geldes”, 19.-21. Marz 2004, Beitrage zur Marx-Engels-Forschung Neue Folge 2004, pp. 95-114
Michaelides, P. and Milios, J. (2004), Hilferding’s Influence on Schumpeter: A First Discussion, European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy, Sixteenth Annual International Conference, Crete, Greece, 28-31 October 2004
Capitalist Development and Globalization: A Marxist Approach, Proceedings of the VII International Conference of Economists on Globalization and Development Problems, Havana, February 7-11, 2005 (Invited Speaker)
Democritus and his Influence on Classical Political Economy, 8th Conference of Greek Historians of Economic Thought, University of Athens, 27-28 May 2005, (co-authors: P. Michaelides, O. Kardassi)
The Influence of the German Historical School on Schumpeter, Seventeenth Annual International Conference of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy, Bremen, Germany, 10-12 November 2005, (co-author: P. Michaelides)
Growth, Technological Change and Output Gap in Russia, Seventeenth Annual International Conference of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy Bremen, Germany, 10-12 November 2005, (co-authors: P. Michaelides, G. Economakis, L. Maroudas, V. Aggelis)
P. Michaelides and J. Milios (2009), Joseph Schumpeter and the German Historical School, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Vol. 33, No.3, pp. 495-516
Tugan-Baranowsky and effective demand, Science and Society, Vol. 71, No. 2, April 2007, 227-242, (co-authored with D. Sotiropoulos)
Working class and petite bourgeoisie: Class position and class stance. (A critical approach to Nicos Poulantzas’ theory of classes), co-authored with G. Economakis. Draft co-authored paper, prepared for presentation by the first author at the conference «How Class Works-2006», organized by the Center for Study of Working Class Life at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, and held 8-10 June 2006. However, on 8 June, he was denied entry into the United States by authorities at JFK International Airport. See also paper No. 300
Acerca de la teoria marxista de la crisis economica, Revista Herramienta N? 30, Octubre de 2005
Kostpreis, Historisch Kritisches Wörterbuch des Marxismus, BAND 7 / II, Argument Verlag, Berlin: 1935-1941
Gesamtkapitalreproduktion und keynesische Interpretationen von Marx, Jannis Milios und Dimitris Sotiropoulos, Beitrage zur Marx-Engels-Forschung 2007
Capital Accumulation and Profitability in Greece (1964-2004), by Elias Ioakimoglou and John Milios, Proceedings of the INEK-2005 Conference on Sustainable Development, Nicosia July 23-24, 2005
Louis Althusser and the Forms of Concealment of Capitalist Exploitation. A Rejoinder to Mike Wayne, J. Milios and D. Dimoulis, Historical Materialism 14.2, 2006: 135-148
The Grundrisse in Greek; References in Greek, in Marcello Musto (ed.), Karl Marx’s Grundrisse, London: Routledge 2008
Capital after Louis Althusser. Focusing on Value-Form Analysis, in Rileggere Il Capitale: La lezione di Louis Althusser, Altusseriana Quaderni, collana diretta da Maria Turchetto e Vittorio Morfino, Mimesis, Milano 2007, p. 111-130
Design and implementation of a database for the estimation of environmental indicators in an input-output framework with the use of NAMEA tables, A. Belegri-Roboli, M. Markaki, P. Michaelides, J. Milios, T. Papakyriakopoulos & I. Tsolas, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol. 98, 2006, pp. 329-336
Offentliche Guter, gesamtgesellschaftliche Reproduktion und die Veranderung der sozialen Krafteverhaltnisse, Jahrestagung 2005 - Annual Meeting 2005, Netzwerk Privatisierung/Offentliche Guter - Network Privatization/Public Goods, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung - Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation, 16. Dezember 2005 - 16th December 2005
“The Greek Nation”: An Inherently Totalitarian Concept. Concerns to be borne in Mind during the Reconciliation Process in Cyprus, The Cyprus Review, Vol. 19.1, Spring 2007, pp. 181-186
On the Question of Money Endogeneity: Marx vs. the Post-Keynesians, 8th Conference of Greek Historians of Economic Thought 2006, National Technical University of Athens, 26-27/5/2006
Imperialism or (and) Capitalist Expansionism. Some Thoughts on Capitalist Power, the Nation-State and the Left, Historical Materialism Annual Conference, New Directions in Marxist Theory, December 8-10 2006
An Exact Solution of a Non-linear Goodwin-type Model for Growth Cycles, Spyros Lapatsioras, John Milios, Dimitris Panagiotounakos, Georgios Panagiotou, submitted in Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2008
Michaelides, P., Milios, J. and Vouldis, A. (2007), Schumpeter, Lederer and Hilferding, on Economic Development, Credit and Business Cycles, 9th International Conference of Greek Historians of Economic Thought, University of Athens, May 11-12.
Michaelides, P., Milios, J. and Vouldis, A. (2007), Emil Lederer and the Schumpeter, Hilferding, Tugan-Baranowsky Nexus, Research Workshop in Political Economy, International Initiative for the Promotion of Political Economy, University of London and University of Crete, Rethymnon, 14-16 September
Michaelides, P., Milios, J. and Vouldis, A. (2007), Schumpeter and Lederer on Economic Growth, Technology and Credit, European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy, Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference, Porto, 2007, 1-3 November (CD-ROM)
S. Lapatsioras and Milios, J. (2007), The notion of money from the Grundrisse to Capital, Historical MaterialismAnnual Conference, London 9-11 November
Michaelides, P. and Milios. J. (2009), T.F.P. Change, Output Gap and Inflation in the Russian Federation, Journal of Economics and Business, 61, pp. 339–352
Vouldis A. and Michaelides, P. and Milios. J. (2009), Schumpeter’s and Lederer’s Visions of Growth and Business Cycles and their Marxist Roots, Review of Political Economy (accepted for publication-forthcoming)
Michaelides, P., Milios. J. and Vouldis A. and Lapatsioras, S. (2009), Emil Lederer and Joseph Schumpeter on Economic Growth, Technology and Business Cycles, Forum for Social Economics, published online February 15, 2009, DOI: 10.1007/s12143-009-9032-2 (in Press).
Michaelides, P., Milios. J. and Vouldis A. (2008), Do Technology Shocks affect Output and Profitability over the Business Cycle in Greece (1960-2008)?, Proceedings of the International Conference on Policy Modeling, German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) and the Global Economic Modeling Network (EcoMod), Berlin, Germany, July, 2-4
Michaelides, P., Milios. J. and Vouldis A. (2008), Emil Lederer’s Theory of Economic Fluctuations and the Role of Financial Institutions, European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy, 20th Annual International Conference Proceedings (CD), Rome, November, 2-6
Michaelides, P., Milios. J. and Vouldis A. and Lapatsioras, S. (2007), Business Cycles in Greece (1960-2008): An Econometric Investigation, East– West Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. X, No 1, pp. 71-106
Panayotis G. Michaelides, George E. Economakis, John G. Milios, Leonidas Maroudas and Vassilis Aggelis (2004), Growth and Technological Change in the Russian Economy: A Contribution to the Investigation of Russia's Economic Crisis, East– West Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. VII, No 2, pp. 39-62
Milios, J. (2009), Rethinking Marx’s Value-Form Analysis from an Althusserian Perspective, Rethinking Marxism, Vol. 21, No 2, April, pp. 260-274.
S. Lapatsioras, L. Maroudas, P. G. Michaelides, J. Milios and D. P. Sotiropoulos, On the Character of the Current Economic Crisis, Radical Notes, Friday, 10 April 2009
T. Papageorgiou, P. Michaelides, J. Milios (2009), Economic Fluctuations, Cyclical Regularities and Technological Change: The U.S. Food Sector (1958–2006), Department of Applied Economics V - University of the Basque Country & Cambridge Centre for Economic and Public Policy - University of Cambridge, 6th International Conference Developments in Economic Theory & Policy, Bilbao (Spain), July 2-3, 2009
Michaelides, P., Milios. J. and Vouldis A. and Lapatsioras, S. (2009), Heterodox Influences on Schumpeter, International Journal of Social Economics, Vol 36, No. 12, 2010: 197-213
Vouldis A., Michaelides, P. and Milios. (2009), «Emil Lederer’s Theory of Crises and the Role of Financial Institutions», Forum for Social Economics
Αngelos Vouldis, Panayotis G. Michaelides & John Milios (2011), «Emil Lederer and the Schumpeter–Hilferding–Tugan-Baranowsky Nexus», Review of Political Economy, 23:3, pp. 439-460
P. Michaelides, T. Papageorgiou, D. Stamos and J. Milios (2009), Technological Change and Business Cycles in Europe, European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy, 21st Annual International Conference Proceedings (CD), University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 6-8 November (accepted)
John Milios (2007), The European Integration As a Vehicle of Neoliberal Hegemony and the “End of Labour”, Argumentum, Revista de Direito Universidade de Mar ίlia, Vol. 7: 15-30
Spyros Lapatsioras & Jannis Milios (2010), “Zum Geldbegriff von den Grundrissen zum Kapital – Verschiebungen”, Beiträge zur Marx-Engels-Forschung 2010: 43-57
Spyros Lapatsioras & Jannis Milios (2010), “Die Entwicklung des Geldbegriffs von den Grundrissen zum 1. Abschnitt vom Kapital”, Internationale Konferenz “Marx mit der MEGA neu lesen”, Berlin 27-29 November 2009
Michaelides, P., Milios. J. and Vouldis A. and Lapatsioras, S. (2010), Emil Lederer and Joseph Schumpeter on Economic Growth, Technology and Business Cycles, Forum for Social Economics, 39: 171-189
John Milios & Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos (2010), “Financialization: Market Discipline or Capital Discipline?”, Appreciating PETER GOWAN (1946-2009), One-day Conference “Understanding the Economic Crisis: The Contribution of Marxisant Approaches”, 4 December 2009, organized by the Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies and the University of Piraeus, to be published in the Conference’s Proceedings (forthcoming)
John Milios and Tasos Kyprianidis (2011), «Greek and Greek-Cypriot Political Strategies up to the Declaration of Independence (1945-60)», Spectrum Journal of Global Studies, 3: 4
Jannis Milios und Dimitris Sotiropoulos, Marxsche Theorie und Imperialismus, PROKLA 159, Juni 2010
S. Lapatsioras, D.P. Sotiropoulos and J. Milios, Marxist theory, financial system and crisis of 2008, First International Conference in Political Economy, 10-12 September 2010, Rethymno, Crete, Greece
John Milios and Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos, Marxist Approaches to Economic Crises, First International Conference in Political Economy, 10-12 September 2010, Rethymno, Crete, Greece
John Milios and Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos, Crisis of Greece or crisis of the euro? A view from the European ‘periphery’, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, Volume 12, Number 3, September 2010
«The Middle Classes, Class Places, and Class Positions: A Critical Approach to Nicos Poulantzas’s Theory», John Milios and George Economakis, Rethinking Marxism Vol. 23 No. 2 (April 2011), pp. 226-245
«Technology and economic fluctuations in the US food sector (1958-2006): an empirical approach from a political economy perspective», Theofanis Papageorgiou, Panayotis G. Michaelides and John G. Milios, International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 38, No. 2, 2011, pp. 140-144
John Milios and Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos, "Financial Innovation and Conflict in heterodox thinking: The persistent survival of the labour theory of value and its critique", ESHET 2011 Conference, Bogazici University, Istanbul, 18-21 May 2011
Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos, John Milios & Spyros Lapatsioras (2011), “Demystifying Finance: How to understand financialization and think of strategies for a good society”, in Alternative Perspectives of a Good Society, Edited by John Marangos, Palgrave/Mcmillan, pp. 99-119
Athanasia Bougiouka, John Milios, Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos, "Joseph Droz and the theory of abstinence: When the first does not take the glory", 13th Annual Conference of the Greek Historians of Economic Thought, University of Athens, June 3-4, 2011
John Milios e George Economakis, “Classe operária e classes médias: situação de classe e posição de classe. (Uma abordagem crítica da teoria de classes de Nicos Poulantzas), Crítica Marxista, No 32, 2011, p. 57-84
Panayotis Michaelides, Ourania Kardasi and John Milios (2011), “Democritus's economic ideas in the context of classical political economy”, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, vol. 18(1), pp. 1-18
Christos Laskos, John Milios und Euclid Tsakalotos, "Austreten oder nicht? über kommunistische Dilemmata in der Euro-Krise", Express, Zeitung für sozialistische Betriebs und Gewerkschaftsarbeit, 4/2012 und 5/2012
John Milios and Tasos Kyprianidis, "Greek and Greek-Cypriot Political Strategies on Independence: Class, Nation, and Statehood", in Beyond a Divided Cyprus. A State and Society in Transformation, Edited by Nicos Trimikliniotis and Umut Bozkurt, Palgrave/MacMillan, New York 2012, pp. 99-117
Jannis Milios, "Die Wahlen in Griechenland und die Alternativen der Linken", Ζ, Zeitschrift Marxistische Erneuerung, Nr. 91, September 2012
Spyros Lapatsioras and John Milios, "The Notion of Money from the Grundrisse to Capital", Science & Society, Vol. 76, No. 4, October 2012, 521-545
Jannis Milios & Dimitris Sotiropoulos, "Eurozone: die Krise als Chance für die kapitalistische Offensive", PROKLA, Nr. 171, Juni 2013: 317-334
John Milios, "Neoliberal Europe in Crisis: SYRIZA’s Alternative", Studies in Political Economy, Vol 91 (2013), pp. 189-207
John Milios and Haris Triandafilidou, "Taking Power In and Beyond the State", The Bullet, Socialist Project, E-Bulletin No. 866, August 19, 2013
John Milios and Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos, “Watching the Crisis of Eurozone from the European ‘Periphery:’ Causes and Developments”, Temas de Administração Pública, v. 8, n. 1 (2013)
John Milios "Wider das Diktat der Troika. Zu Griechenlands und Europas Alternativen und perspektiven", Express, Zeitung für sozialistische Betriebs und Gewerkschaftsarbeit, 5/2014, S. 9-10
Addressing the Rationality of ‘Irrational’ European Responses to the Crisis. A Political Economy of the Euro Area and the Need for a Progressive Alternative”, in A. Bitzenis, N. Karagiannis, J. Marangos (eds.) Europe in Crisis, Palgrave/McMillan 2015: 67-76
Jannis Milos und Georg Economakis, "Mittelklassen, Klassenstellung und politische Klassenpositionen", PROKLA 176, September 2014: 403-423
Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos, John Milios and Spyros Lapatsioras, "An Outline of a Progressive Resolution to the Euro-area Sovereign Debt Overhang: How a Five-year Suspension of the Debt Burden Could Overthrow Austerity", Levy Econimics Institute of Bard College, Working Paper No 819
John Milios "Lire «Le Capital» après Louis Althusser: la centralité de la forme-valeur", Revue Periode,, 01/12/2014
Panayotis G. Michaelides, John G. Milios, Konstantinos N. Konstantakis and Panayiotis Tarnaras, "Quantity-of-money fluctuations and economic instability: empirical evidence for the USA (1958–2006)", European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies, Intervention, Vol. 12 No. 3, 2015, pp. 277–299
John Milios, "Financial Sphere, Neoliberalism, the 'European Crisis'", in S. Koskoletos and E. Papadopoulou (eds.), Crisis, Debt and the Development Perspective, transform! and Nicos Poulantzas Institute, Athens 2014
Jannis Milios, "Verhandlungen über die Schuld", SPW, Heft 206, 1/2015
Spyros Lapatsioras, John Milios and Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos, “Syriza’s only choice: A radical step forward”, red pepper, March 2015
Spyros Lapatsioras, John Milios and Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos, “Der erste Schritt auf rutschigem Boden”, Neues Deutschland, 5/3/2015
Spyros Lapatsioras, John Milios and Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos, “Grèce. Dire la vérité et prendre l’offensive!”, A l’encontre, 13/5/2015
Yanis Milios, “Et si la Grèce cessait de jouer au poker pour se mettre aux échecs? (Une stratégie pour rattraper le temps perdu)”, Ou la vie sauvage, 6/5/2015
Dimitri Dimoulis & John Milios, "Gorgopotamos in Alamana: Die ersten Monate der SYRIZA-Regierung", Express, Zeitung für sozialistische Betriebs und Gewerkschaftsarbeit, 15 Mai 2015
John Milios, "La logique de classe intrinsèque des politiques d’austérité. Syriza peut-il proposer une alternative progressiste?", A l'encontre, 30.05.2015
John Milios, "The Class Logic Behind Austerity Policies In the Euro-Area: Can SYRIZA Put Forward a Progressive Alternative?", Socialist Project • E-Bulletin No. 1124, June 1, 2015
Panayotis G. Michaelides - John G. Milios, "The Schumpeter–Hilferding Nexus", Journal of Evolutionary Economics, (2015) 25:133–145
John Milios, "The Greek Left Tradition and SYRIZA: From 'Subversion' to the new Austerity Memorandum", Defend Democracy Press, March 2016
John Milios, "Does Social Democracy Hold Up Half the Sky? The Decline of PASOK and the Rise of SYRIZA in Greece", in The Three Worlds of Social Democracy. A Global View, Edited by Ingo Schmidt, Pluto Press, 2016
"SYRIZA: From ‘Subversion’ to Centre-Left Pragmatism", Global Dialogue volume 6, issue 4, December 2016
Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos and John Milios, "The exit connection: Europe’s new Polanyian moment", in David Bailey and Leslie Budd (eds.), The Political Economy of BREXIT, Newcastle: Agenda, 2017, pp. 81-81
Srednje klase: klasna mjesta i klasne pozicije (kritički pristup teoriji Nicosa Poulantzasa), 3k:kapital, klasa, kritika, od. 3, br. 3, 2016. ISSN 1849-6210
John G. Milios, Spyros Lapatsioras, and Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos (2017), The ‘Greek Crisis’ and the Austerity Controversy in Europe, in J. Marangos (ed.), The Internal Impact and External Influence of the Greek Financial Crisis, London: Palgrave Macmillan
John Milios, “Rudolf Hilferding (1877 - 1941)”, in Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2nd Edition, New Jersey 2018
John Milios, "Transcending the nation: a communist strategy in the era of globalization. A reply to Velissariou", Global Discourse, July 2018
John Milios e Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos, 2016, “Financeirização: Disciplina do Mercado ou Disciplina do Capital?",
«George Economakis & John Milios (2019), “The Working Class and the Middle Classes in the Greek Economic Crisis: Allies in a Common Anti-Neoliberal Strategy?", International Critical Thought, 9:2, 177-193
John Milios (2019), "Value, Fictitious Capital and Finance.The Timeless of Karl Marx’s Capital", Filozofski vestnik, Volume XL, Number 3: 111–131
John Milios (2020): "Marx’s Inquiry into the Birth of Capitalism: Why Does It Matter?", International Critical Thought, April
John Milios (2020), “Value Form and Abstract Labour in Marx. A critical review of Alfred Sohn-Rethel’s notion of ‘real abstraction’”, in Angel Oliva, Antonio Oliva, Ivan Novara (eds.), In the wake of Real Abstraction in Marx, Houndmills and New York: Palgrave Macmillan
John Milios (2021), "The Revolution, the Nation, the State", in Greek National Opera, Alternative Stage, A Greek Songbook (Kornilios Selamsis, ed.), p. 43-46
John Milios (2022), “Seeking the ‘Spirit of Capitalism’: The German Historical School and the Controversies about the Origins of Capitalism”, International Critical Thought, Vol. 12, No. 1, 81-87
Jannis Milios (2024), “Ursprüngliche Akkumulation und Kapitalismus als soziales System", Beiträge zur Marx-Engels-Forschung. Neue Folge, 2022/23: 109-124