Technical University of Athens School of Civil Engineering Department of Construction
Engineering and Management |
Lambropoulos, Professor Emeritus
He graduated
from the School of Civil Engineering of the National Technical University
of Athens / NTUA and the Department of Economics of the University of
Athens. He holds an MSc in Management Science
from the Imperial College and a doctorate from the NTUA. He
has been Public Works Contractor, Vice President of the Greek Highway Fund, Intra-muros Consultant for Infrastructure
and Networks in the European Commission, Technical Advisor of Motorway
Concessionaires, General Manager of the
Egnatia Odos S.A. for
ten years after its establishment, and Secretary
General for Concessions at the Greek Ministry for Infrastructure,
Transport and Networks. He has contributed in various professional and
scientific activities. He
was Professor in the Construction
Engineering and Management Department of the School of Civil Engineering
NTUA. He is currently Professor Emeritus. Address: National
Technical University of Athens, School of Civil Engineering, Department
of Construction Engineering and Management, Building of Strength of
Materials – Annex A, Zografou Campus, 9 Iroon Polytecniou Str., 157
70 Athens Telephone: (+30) 210 7723720 Fax: (+30)
210 7723781 e-mail: |