Technical Consultant


2008 -2009

Technical Consultant at Ionia Odos Motorway, Central Greece Motorway and PATHE Motorway Concessionaire Companies. Total Length of construction works approx. 650 Km, with a budget of about 3 billion Euros.






1993 -1996

Intra-muros Consultant to the Infrastructure and Networks Unit, Directorate General for Transport, European Comission.

Main tasks: Scientific support, negotiation with Member States representatives and report preparation for the Motorway Working Group and its sub-Groups (network, mobility, traffic management, accessibility, environment and financing). Evaluation of projects, assessment of infrastructure programmes, follow up of studies for the Community Support Framework.

Main Reports prepared:









·         “Investment on the Trans-European Road Network”, p. 120, Motorway Working Group, EC / DG VII, 1995.


·         Mobility on the Trans-European Road Network, p. 64, Motorway Working Group, EC / DG VII, 1994.


·         "Trans-European Road Network Outline Plan", p. 108, Motorway Working Group, EC / DG VII, 1994.


·         “Trans-European Road Network - Background Document”, p. 68, Motorway Working Group, EC / DG VII, 1993.