Αtom and Molecular Physics Lectures  2007  :    


Student Projects


Lecture 1:


                             Atomic and Molecular Physics Laboratory (Exercises 2004)

Responsible for the Atomic and Molecular Physics Laboratory  at  NTUA , associated with the course :
Atomic and Molecular Physics is Manolis Fokitis (
fokitis@central.ntua.gr, Room 212 Physics Building)

Spectroscopy Notes:   (edited 4 August 2006)
 Greek Translation of above notes

Solutions Exam 2005 July (in Greek):


 -Description of the laboratory:    A set of classical experiments in atomic and molecular physics are conducted by the 6th semester studets. Typical titles include:
1) Sodium fine structure , conducted with a 2400 groves/mm grating spectrometer
( practical considerations of Sodium and other electrical discharges)
2) Spectrum of Planck distribution in the visible and near IR range , recorded with a thermopile
3) X-rays:
   lab 3.1 Study  Moseley's law using radioactive sources
   lab 3.2  Study  Moseley's law  using X-ray tube and appropriate absorbers
4) Physics of Ar ion lasers  using a 1200 groves/mm grating f=25cm spectrometer
5) Electron spin resonance
6)  Spectra of atoms with  two electrons in the outer shells ( examples of Mercury and Helium spectra are treated experimentally).
7) Molecular spectra (
For bibliography see):
 7.1 Spectra of air at low pressure   : The ionized nitrogen first positive and second negative bands are measured at around 1 nm resolution in UV range using a photomultiplier tube.
 7.2 Spectra of diatomic  Oxygen: The spectra from an oxygen discharge tube are seen with a low resolution spectroscope.
8) Computational Physics: Emphasis is given in the Rutherford scattering.

9) A more complicated lab experiment is planned : Zeeman's effect using a  Fabry-Perot spectrometer. By next Febrary it will be decided if this labe will be included in the Spring semester labs.