Prof. Stavros A. Papathanassiou

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PhD Thesis

«Contribution to the analysis of variable speed wind turbines with induction generator». NTUA, February 1997. (Summary of models developed in PhD Thesis)

Journal papers

1.1           N.D. Hatziargyriou, S.A. Papathanassiou, M.P. Papadopoulos, "Decision Trees for Fast Security Assessment of Autonomous Power Systems with a Large Penetration from Renewables". IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 10, No. 2, June 1995.

1.2           S.A. Papathanassiou, M.P. Papadopoulos, “State Space Modelling and Eigenvalue Analysis of the Slip Energy Recovery Drive”. IEE Proceedings - Electric Power Applications, Vol. 144, No. 1, Jan. 1997.

1.3           E. Nogaret, G. Stavrakakis, G. Kariniotakis, M. Papadopoulos, N. Hatziargyriou, A. Androutsos, S. Papathanassiou, J. A. Peças Lopes, J. Halliday, G. Dutton, J. Gatopoulos, V. Karagounis, “An Advanced Control System for the Optimal Operation and Management of Medium Size Power Systems with a Large Penetration from Renewable Power Sources”. Renewable Energy, Vol.12, No.2, 1997, pp. 137-149.

1.4           S.A. Papathanassiou, M.P. Papadopoulos, “Commutation Angle Analysis of the Slip Energy Recovery Drive”. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 13, No. 1, March 1998.

1.5           S.A. Papathanassiou, M.P. Papadopoulos, “Dynamic Behavior of Variable Speed Wind Turbines under Stochastic Wind”. IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, Vol. 14, No. 4, Dec. 1999, pp. 1617-1623.

1.6           S.A. Papathanassiou, S.J. Kiartzis, M.P. Papadopoulos, A.G. Kladas, “Wind turbine flicker calculation using neural networks”. Wind Engineering, Vol. 24, No. 5. Sept. 2000, pp. 317-335.

1.7           S.A. Papathanassiou, M.P. Papadopoulos, “Simplified d-q dynamic models of the slip energy recovery drive”. European Transactions on Electrical Power (ETEP), Vol. 10, No. 6, Nov./Dec. 2000, pp. 361-367.

1.8           S.A. Papathanassiou, M.P. Papadopoulos, “On the harmonics of the slip energy recovery drive”. IEEE Power Engineering Review, April 2001, pp. 55-57.

1.9           N. Hatziargyriou, M. Donnelly, S. Papathanassiou, J.A. Pecas-Lopes, J. Usaola, R. Lasseter, A. Efthymiadis, K. Karoui, S. Arabi, M. Takasaki, H. Chao, “Modeling new forms of generation and storage”. Electra, No. 195, April 2001, pp. 54-63.

1.10        S.A. Papathanassiou, M.P. Papadopoulos, “Dynamic characteristics of autonomous wind-diesel systems”. Renewable Energy, Vol. 23, No. 2, June 2001, Pages 293-311.

1.11        S.A. Papathanassiou, M.P. Papadopoulos, “Mechanical Stresses in Fixed Speed Wind Turbines due to Network Disturbances”. IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, Vol. 16, No. 4, Dec. 2001, pp. 361 -367.

1.12        S.A. Papathanassiou, A.G. Kladas, J.A. Tegopoulos, “Applications of Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Wind Power Generation”. Journal of Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, Vol. 8, No 3, 2001, pp. 231 - 242.

1.13        N.G. Boulaxis, S.A. Papathanassiou, M.P. Papadopoulos, «Wind turbine effect on the voltage profile of distribution networks». Renewable Energy, Vol. 25, No. 3, March 2002, Pages 401-415.

1.14        S.A. Papathanassiou, “Modelling transformers with off-nominal ratios for unbalanced conditions”. IEEE Power Engineering Review, Feb. 2002, pp. 50-52.

1.15        Haniotis, S. Papathanassiou, A. Kladas, M. Papadopoulos, “Control Issues of a Permanent Magnet Generator Variable-Speed Wind Turbine”. Wind Engineering, Vol. 26, no. 6, Nov. 2002, pp. 371-381.

1.16        M. Papadopoulos, N. Boulaxis, M. Tsili, S. Papathanasiou, “Interconnection of the Cycladic Islands to the Mainland Grid”. WSEAS Transactions on Systems, Vol. 4, no. 10, pp. 1791-1797. Oct. 2005.

1.17        S.A. Papathanassiou, F. Santjer, “Power Quality Measurements in an Autonomous Island Grid with High Wind Penetration”. IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 21, Íï. 1, Jan. 2006, pp. 218-224.

1.18        S.A. Papathanassiou, N.G. Boulaxis, “Power limitations and energy yield evaluation for wind farms operating in island systems”. Renewable Energy, Vol. 31, No.4, Apr. 2006, pp. 457-479.

1.19        P. N. Koklas, S. A. Papathanassiou, “Component sizing for an autonomous wind-driven desalination plant”. Renewable Energy, Vol. 31, No.13, Oct. 2006, pp. 2122-2139.

1.20        N. Jayawarna, N. Jenkins, M. Barnes, M. Lorentzou, S. Papathanassiou, N. Hatziargyriou, “Safety Analysis of a MicroGrid”. International Journal of Distributed Energy Resources, Vol.2, No.4, Dec. 2006, pp. 261-278.

1.21        S.A. Papathanassiou, “A Technical Evaluation Framework for the Connection of DG to the Distribution Network”. Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 77, Íï.1, Jan. 2007, pp. 24-34.

1.22        S.A. Papathanassiou, M.P. Papadopoulos, “Harmonic Analysis in a Power System with Wind Generation”. IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 21, Íï.4, Oct. 2006, pp 2006 - 2016.

1.23        N.L. Soultanis, S.A. Papathanasiou, N.D. Hatziargyriou, “A stability algorithm for the dynamic analysis of inverter dominated unbalanced LV Microgrids”. IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol. 22, No. 1, Feb. 2007, pp.: 294 - 304.

1.24        S.T. Tentzerakis, S.A. Papathanassiou, “An Investigation on the Harmonic Emissions of Wind Turbines”. IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion Vol. 22, No.1, March 2007, pp. 150-158.

1.25        P.G.  Marambeas, P.   Stergiopoulos, S.A.   Papathanassiou, P. Bauer, S.N. Manias, “Interactive multimedia material for an electrical power quality course”. WSEAS Trans. On Advances in Engineering Education, Vol. 4, No. 7, July 2007, pp. 141-146.

1.26        N.A. Kasmas, S.A. Papathanassiou, “Evaluation of the voltage change factor kU for DG equipped with synchronous generators”. IET Renewable Power Generation, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2008, pp. 102-112.

1.27        B. Kroposki, R. Lasseter, T. Ise, S. Morozumi, S. Papathanassiou, N. Hatziargyriou, “Making microgrids work”. IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, Vol. 6, No. 3, May-June 2008, pp. 40-53.

1.28        C. Marnay, H. Asano, S. Papathanassiou, G. Strbac, “Policymaking for microgrids”. IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, Vol. 6, No. 3, May-June 2008, pp. 66-77.

1.29        Th. Boutsika, S.A. Papathanassiou, “Short Circuit Calculations in Networks with Distributed Generation”. Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 78, No. 7, July 2008, pp. 1181-1191.

1.30        S. Papaefthimiou, E. Karamanou, S. Papathanassiou, M. Papadopoulos, “Operating Policies for Wind-Pumped Storage Hybrid Power Stations in Island Grids”. IET Renewable Power Generation, Vol. 3, Íï. 3, Sept. 2009, pp. 293-307.

1.31        M. Tsili, S. Papathanassiou, “A review of grid code technical requirements for wind farms”. IET Renewable Power Generation, Vol. 3, Íï. 3, Sept. 2009, pp. 308-332.

1.32        S. Papaefthymiou, E. Karamanou, S. Papathanassiou, M. Papadopoulos, “A Wind-Hydro-Pumped Storage Station Leading to High RES Penetration in the Autonomous Island System of Ikaria”. IEEE Trans. on Sustainable Energy, Vol.1, No.3, Oct. 2010, pp.163-172.

1.33        E. Vrettos, S. Papathanassiou, “Operating Policy and Optimal Sizing of a High Penetration RES-BESS System for Small Isolated Grids”. IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, Vol. 26, No. 3, Sept. 2011, pp. 744-756.

1.34        E. Paraskevadaki, S. Papathanassiou and G. Vokas, “Effects of partial shading on the PV module characteristic curves”. Materials Science Forum, Vol. 670 (2011) pp. 391-398.

1.35        E. Paraskevadaki, S.A. Papathanassiou, “Evaluation of MPP Voltage and Power of mc-Si PV Modules in Partial Shading Conditions”. IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion Vol. 26, No. 3, Sept. 2011, pp. 923-932.

1.36        I.D. Margaris, S.A. Papathanassiou, N.D. Hatziargyriou, A.D. Hansen, P. Sørensen, “Frequency control in autonomous power systems with high wind power penetration”. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol.3, no.2, Apr. 2012, pp.189-199.

1.37        M. N. Moschakis, E. L. Karfopoulos, E. I. Zountouridou, S. A. Papathanassiou, “On Adaptation of Electric Vehicle and Microgrid Issues to EMC-Power Quality Standards”, Electrical and Electronic Engineering 2012, 2(5): 249-257.

1.38        P. Moutis, S. A. Papathanassiou, N. D. Hatziargyriou, “Improved load-frequency control contribution of variable speed variable pitch wind generators”, Renewable Energy, Vol. 48, Dec. 2012, Pages 514-523.

1.39        K. Kontogiannis, G. Vokas, S. Nanou, S. Papathanassiou, “Power Quality Field Measurements on PV Inverters”. International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical,Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Vol. 2, Issue 11, Nov. 2013.

1.40        E. Batzelis, I. Routsolias, and S. Papathanassiou, “An Explicit PV String Model Based on the Lambert W Function and Simplified MPP Expressions for Operation Under Partial Shading”, IEEE Trans. Sustain. Energy, vol. 5, pp. 301-312, Jan. 2014.

1.41        S. V. Papaefthymiou, S. A. Papathanassiou, “Optimum sizing of wind-pumped-storage hybrid power stations in island systems”. Renewable Energy, 64, April 2014, pp. 187-196.

1.42        S. Nanou, S. Papathanassiou, “Modeling of a PV System with Grid Code Compatibility”. Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 116, Nov. 2014, pp. 301-310.

1.43        S. V. Papaefthymiou, V. G. Lakiotis, I. D. Margaris, S. A. Papathanassiou, “Dynamic analysis of island systems with wind-pumped-storage hybrid power stations”. Renewable Energy, vol. 74, February 2015, pp. 544-554.

1.44        E.I. Batzelis, G.E. Kampitsis, S.A. Papathanassiou, and S.N. Manias, “Direct MPP calculation in terms of the single-diode PV model parameters,” IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 226-236, Mar. 2015.

1.45        G.N. Psarros, E.I. Batzelis, and S. Papathanassiou, “Partial shading analysis of multistring PV arrays and derivation of simplified MPP expressions,” IEEE Trans. Sustain. Energy, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 499-508, Apr. 2015.

1.46        S. Nanou, G. Patsakis, S. Papathanassiou, “Assessment of Communication Independent Grid Code Compatibility Solutions for VSC-HVDC Connected Offshore Wind Farms”. Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 121, Apr. 2015, pp. 38-51.

1.47        E. Batzelis, P. Georgilakis, and S. Papathanassiou, “Energy models for photovoltaic systems under partial shading conditions: a comprehensive review,” IET Renew. Pow. Gen., vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 340-349, May 2015.

1.48        G. Kampitsis, S. Papathanassiou and S. Manias, “Comparative evaluation of the short-circuit withstand capability of 1.2 kV silicon carbide (SiC) power transistors in real life applications”, Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 55, no. 12, pp. 2640–2646, 2015.

1.49        S. I. Nanou, A. G. Papakonstantinou, S. A. Papathanassiou, “A generic model of two-stage grid-connected PV systems with primary frequency response and inertia emulation,” Electr. Power Syst. Res., vol. 127, pp. 186-196, Oct. 2015.

1.50        S. Nanou, S. Papathanassiou, “Evaluation of a communication-based fault ride-through scheme for offshore wind farms connected through high-voltage DC links based on voltage source converter,” IET Renew. Power Gener., vol. 9, pp. 882-891, Nov. 2015.

1.51        E.I. Batzelis, K. Samaras, G. Vokas and S. Papathanassiou, “Off-grid inverter faults: diagnosis, symptoms and cause of failure,” Mater. Sci. Forum, vol. 856, pp. 315-321, Feb. 2016.

1.52        E.I. Batzelis, and S. Papathanassiou, “An algorithm to detect partial shading conditions in a PV system,” Mater. Sci. Forum, vol. 856, pp. 303-308, Feb. 2016.

1.53        G. Kampitsis, E. Gati, S. Manias and S. Papathanassiou, “Utilization of SiC MOSFETs in Voltage Source Inverter of Inductive Power Transfer Systems for Enduring Capacitive Loads”, in Silicon Carbide and Related Materials, Materials Science Forum, vol. 858, pp. 1082–1086, 2016.

1.54        G. Kampitsis, A. Tsoumanis, K. Gallos, S. Papathanassiou and S. Manias, “Experimental Investigation of the Response of Different PLL Algorithms”, in Materials Science Forum, vol. 856, pp. 291–296, 2016.

1.55        G. Kampitsis, S. Papathanassiou and S. Manias, “Comparative Analysis of the Thermal Stress of Si and SiC MOSFETs during Short Circuits”, in Materials Science Forum, vol. 856, pp. 362–367, 2016.

1.56        E.I. Batzelis, and S. Papathanassiou, “A method for the analytical extraction of the single-diode PV model parameters,” IEEE Trans. Sustain. Energy, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 504-512, Apr. 2016.

1.57        S. I. Nanou, O. D. Tzortzopoulos, S. A. Papathanassiou, “Evaluation of an enhanced power dispatch control for multi-terminal HVDC grids using Monte-Carlo simulation,” Electr. Power Syst. Res., vol. 140, pp. 925-932, Nov. 2016.

1.58        S. I. Nanou, S. A. Papathanassiou, “Grid Code Compatibility of VSC-HVDC Connected Offshore Wind Turbines Employing Power Synchronization Control,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., Vol. 31, No. 6, pp. 5042-5050, Nov 2016.

1.59        N. Hatziargyriou, I. Margaris, I. Stavropoulou, S. Papathanassiou, A. Dimeas, “Non-interconnected Island Systems: The Greek Case”. IEEE Electrification Magazine, June 2017, p.17-27.

1.60        E.I. Batzelis, G. Kampitsis and S. Papathanassiou, “Power Reserves Control for PV Systems with Real-Time MPP Estimation via Curve Fitting,” IEEE Trans. Sustain. Energy, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 1269-1280, July 2017.

1.61        S. Kolesnik, M. Sitbon, E. Batzelis, S. Papathanassiou, T. Suntio and A. Kuperman, "Solar Irradiation Independent Expression for Photovoltaic Generator Maximum Power Line," IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 1416-1420, Sept. 2017.

1.62        G. N. Psarros, S. I. Nanou, S. V Papaefthymiou, and S. A. Papathanassiou, “Generation Scheduling in Non-Interconnected Islands with High RES Penetration,” Renew. Energy 115 (2018), pp. 338-352.

1.63        S. I. Nanou, S. A. Papathanassiou, “Frequency Control of Island VSC-HVDC Links Operating in Parallel with AC Interconnectors and Onsite Generation”. IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 447-454, Febr. 2018.

1.64        G. N. Psarros, E. G. Karamanou and S. A. Papathanassiou, “Feasibility Analysis of Centralized Storage Facilities in Isolated Grids”.  IEEE Trans. Sustain. Energy, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 1822-1832, Oct. 2018.

1.65        E.I. Batzelis, S. Papathanassiou and B. K. Pal, "PV System Control to Provide Active Power Reserves under Partial Shading Conditions". IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 33, no. 11, pp. 9163-9175, Nov. 2018.

1.66        P. M. Anagnostopoulos and S. A. Papathanassiou, “A power flow method for radial distribution feeders with DER penetration,” Journal of Technology Innovations in Renewable Energy, 2019, 8, 1-12.

1.67        G. N. Psarros and S. A. Papathanassiou, “Comparative assessment of priority listing and mixed integer linear programming unit commitment methods for non-interconnected island systems,” (2019) Energies, 12 (4), art. no. 657.

1.68        G. N. Psarros and S. A. Papathanassiou, “A unit commitment method for isolated power systems employing dual minimum loading levels to enhance flexibility,” Electr. Power Syst. Res., 177 (2019).

1.69        G. N. Psarros and S. A. Papathanassiou, “Evaluation of battery-renewable hybrid stations in small-isolated systems,” IET Renew. Power Gener., 2020, Vol. 14(1), 39-51.

1.70        G. N. Psarros and S. A. Papathanassiou, “Internal Dispatch for RES-Storage Hybrid Power Stations in Isolated Grids,” Renew. Energy 147 (2020), pp. 2141-2150.

1.71        S.I. Nanou, G.N. Psarros, S.A. Papathanassiou, “Network-constrained unit commitment with piecewise linear AC power flow constraints”. Electric Power Systems Research, 2021, 195, 107125.

1.72        G. N. Psarros, P. A. Dratsas and S. A. Papathanassiou, “A comparison between central-and self-dispatch storage management principles in island systems”. Applied Energy, 2021, Vol. 298, 2827.

1.73        P. A. Dratsas, G. N. Psarros and S. A. Papathanassiou, “Battery Energy Storage Contribution to System Adequacy”. Energies, 2021, Vol. 14(6), 5146.

1.74        A. G. Papakonstantinou and S. A. Papathanassiou, “Battery Energy Storage Participation in Automatic Generation Control of Island Systems, Coordinated with State of Charge Regulation”. Applied Sciences, 2022, Vol. 12(2), 596.

1.75        G. N. Psarros, G. I. Tsourakis and S. A. Papathanassiou, “Dimensioning of Reactive Power Compensation in an Autonomous Island System”. Applied Sciences, 2022, Vol. 12(6), 2827.

1.76        G. N. Psarros, and S. A. Papathanassiou, “Electricity storage requirements to support high renewable penetration levels – Application to the Greek power system” Journal of Energy Storage, Nov. 2022.

1.77        P. A. Dratsas, G. N. Psarros, and S. A. Papathanassiou, “Feasibility of Behind-the-Meter Battery Storage in Wind Farms Operating on Small Islands,” Batteries, vol. 8, no. 12, p. 275, Dec. 2022.

1.78        G. N. Psarros, and S. A. Papathanassiou, “Generation scheduling in island systems with variable renewable energy sources: A literature review” Renewable Energy, Jan. 2023.

1.79        P. A. Dratsas, G. N. Psarros, and S. A. Papathanassiou, “A Real-Time Redispatch Method to Evaluate the Contribution of Storage to Capacity Adequacy,” IEEE Trans. Power Systems, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 1274–1286, Jan. 2023.

1.80        A. G. Papakonstantinou, A. I. Konstanteas, and S. A. Papathanassiou, “Solutions to enhance frequency regulation in an island system with pumped-hydro storage under 100% renewable energy penetration,” IEEE Access, 2023, Vol. 11, pp. 76675-76690.

1.81        P. P. Chinaris, G. N. Psarros, E. S. Chatzistylianos and S. A. Papathanassiou, “Impact of Natural Gas Price Variations and Consumption Limitation on the Decarbonization of Sector-Coupled Energy Systems”. IEEE Access, 2023, Vol. 11, pp. 131573-131596.

1.82        G. N. Psarros, P. A. Dratsas, and S. A. Papathanassiou, “A comprehensive review of electricity storage applications in island systems,” Journal of Energy Storage, vol. 83, no. August 2023, p. 110658, Apr. 2024.

1.83        E. S. Chatzistylianos, G. N. Psarros and S. A. Papathanassiou, “Insights from a Comprehensive Capacity Expansion Planning Modeling on the Operation and Value of Hydropower Plants under High Renewable Penetrations”. Energies, 2024, Vol. 17(7), 1723.

1.84        E. S. Chatzistylianos, G. N. Psarros and S. A. Papathanassiou, “Export Constraints Applicable to Renewable Generation to Enhance Grid Hosting Capacity”. Energies, 2024, Vol. 17(11), 2588.

1.85        C. I. Kostaki, P. A. Dratsas, G. N. Psarros, E. S. Chatzistylianos and S. A. Papathanassiou, “A Novel Method to Integrate Hydropower Plants into Resource Adequacy Assessment Studies”. Energies, 2024, Vol. 17 (17), 4237.

1.86        P. A. Dratsas, G. N. Psarros, and S. A. Papathanassiou, “Contribution of PV generation with embedded battery storage to capacity adequacy,” IEEE Trans. Sustain. Energy, pp. 1–13, Nov. 2024.

1.87        P. P. Chinaris, G. N. Psarros, and S. A. Papathanassiou, “Hybridization of wind farms with co-located PV and storage installations”, Renewable Energy, Feb. 2025.

1.88        G. N. Psarros, P. A. Dratsas, P. P. Chinaris, and S. A. Papathanassiou, “Assessing the implications of RES technology mix on curtailments, storage requirements and system economics,” Applied Energy, vol. 381, p. 125159, Mar. 2025.

Conference papers

2.1           M. Papadopoulos, S. Papathanassiou, P. Malatestas, "Simulation of the Parallel Operation of Diesel, Wind Turbines and Photovoltaic Systems". Proceedings of EWEC'91, Amsterdam, Holland.

2.2           M. Papadopoulos, P. Malatestas, S. Papathanassiou, N. Bilios, "Impact of High Wind Penetration on the Power System of Large Islands". Proceedings of EWEC'93, Lubeck-Travemunde, Germany.

2.3           S.A. Papathanassiou, N.D. Hatziargyriou, "Effect of Statistical Hypothesis Testing on the Reliability of Decision Trees for Security Assessment". 4th International PMAPS Conf., Sept. 1994, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

2.4           S.A. Papathanassiou, M.P. Papadopoulos, J.A. Tegopoulos, "Comparison of Variable Speed Wind Turbine Generator Schemes". Proceedings of ICEM'94, September 1994, Paris, France.

2.5           S.A. Papathanassiou, M.P. Papadopoulos, "Simulation and Control of a Variable Speed Wind Turbine Equipped with Double Output Induction Generator". Proceedings of PEMC'94, September 1994, Warsaw, Poland.

2.6           N.D. Hatziargyriou, S.A. Papathanassiou, J.A. Pecas-Lopes, V. Van Acker, "Pattern Recognition versus Decision Trees Methods - A Case Study in Fast Dynamic Security Assessment of Autonomous Power Systems with a Large Penetration from Renewables". Proceedings of ISAP'94, September 1994, Montpellier, France.

2.7           N.D. Hatziargyriou, S.A. Papathanassiou, J.A. Pecas-Lopes, J.N. Fidalgo, V. Van Acker, "Fast Dynamic Security Assessment of Autonomous Power Systems with a Large Penetration from Wind - The Lemnos Study Case". Proceedings of EWEC'94, October 1994, Èåóóáëïíßêç.

2.8           "Development and Implementation of an Advanced Control System for Medium Size Wind-Diesel Power Systems". Common paper of JOULE-II Project JOU2-CT92-0053 Research Team. Proceedings of EWEC'94, October 1994, Èåóóáëïíßêç.

2.9           M.P. Papadopoulos, S.A. Papathanassiou, "Investigation of the Optimal Dynamic Operation of Small Autonomous Wind-Diesel Systems". Proceedings of EWEC'94, October 1994, Èåóóáëïíßêç.

2.10        S.A. Papathanassiou, M.P. Papadopoulos, “DQ Dynamic Modelling of a Variable Speed Wind Turbine Equipped with a Double Output Induction Generator”. Proceedings of SPT’95 (IEEE Conference), June 1995, Stockholm, Sweden.

2.11        S.A. Papathanassiou, G.A. Vokas, M.P. Papadopoulos, "Use of Power Electronic Converters in Wind Turbines and Photovoltaic Generators". Proceedings of ISIE'95 (IEEE Conference), July 1995, ÁèÞíá.

2.12        Ì.Ð. Ðáðáäüðïõëïò, Ó.Á. Ðáðáèáíáóßïõ, "Åðéðôþóåéò áðü ôç Óýíäåóç ÌåãÜëùí Áéïëéêþí ÐÜñêùí óôï Óýóôçìá ôçò ÊñÞôçò". ÐñáêôéêÜ Óõíüäïõ ÁèÞíáò 1995 ôçò ÅëëçíéêÞò ÅðéôñïðÞò CIGRE, ÍïÝìâñéïò 1995, ÁèÞíá.

2.13        M.P. Papadopoulos, S.A. Papathanassiou, S.T. Tentzerakis, "Operating Problems in Wind-Diesel Power Systems with Extended MV Networks". Proceedings of EUWEC'96, May 1996, Goteborg, Sweden.

2.14        W. Jarzyna, M. Rozycki, M. Papadopoulos, S. Papathanassiou, "Dynamic Performance of a Wind Driven Induction Generator Operating with Adjustable Electromagnetic Torque". Proceedings of EUWEC'96, May 1996, Goteborg, Sweden.

2.15        M.P. Papadopoulos, S.A. Papathanassiou, S.T. Tentzerakis, "Modelling of induction machine main flux saturation in the arbitrary reference frame - A case study on wind turbine self-excitation". Proceedings of ICEM'96, September 1996, Vigo, Spain.

2.16        M. Papadopoulos, A. Androutsos, S. Papathanassiou, "Analysis of Wind Diesel Power Systems of Greek Islands: Methods and Applications". Proc. of EWEA Special Topic Conference on Integration of Wind Power Plants in the Environment and Electric Systems, Rome, Oct. 1996.

2.17        Ì. Ðáðáäüðïõëïò, Ó. Ðáðáèáíáóßïõ, "Åðéðôþóåéò êáé ÐñïâëÞìáôá áðü ôçí ¸íôáîç Áíåìïãåííçôñéþí óôá ÓõóôÞìáôá ÇëåêôñéêÞò ÅíÝñãåéáò". ÐñáêôéêÜ 5ïõ Åèíéêïý Óõíåäñßïõ ôïõ Éíóôéôïýôïõ ÇëéáêÞò Ôå÷íéêÞò (ÉÇÔ), ÍïÝìâñéïò 1996, ÁèÞíá.

2.18        S.A. Papathanassiou, M.P. Papadopoulos, "Dynamic Characteristics of Variable Speed Wind Turbine Configurations". Proceedings of ICEM'98, September 1998, Êùíóôáíôéíïýðïëç.

2.19        M.P. Papadopoulos, S.A. Papathanassiou, S.T. Tentzerakis, “Dynamic Behaviour of WTs during Unsymmetrical Faults on the Grid”. Proceedings of ICEM'98, September 1998, Êùíóôáíôéíïýðïëç.

2.20        M.P. Papadopoulos, S.A. Papathanassiou, S.T. Tentzerakis, N.G. Boulaxis, "Investigation of the Flicker Emission by Grid Connected Wind Turbines". Proceedings of ICHQP’98 (IEEE Conference), October 1998, ÁèÞíá.

2.21        Ì.Ð. Ðáðáäüðïõëïò, Ó.Á. Ðáðáèáíáóßïõ, «Äõíáôüôçôåò êáé ÐñïïðôéêÝò ãéá ôçí ÁíÜðôõîç ôïõ Áéïëéêïý Äõíáìéêïý ôïõ Áéãáßïõ». ÐñáêôéêÜ Óõíåäñßïõ RENES’98, ÍïÝìâñéïò 1998, ÁèÞíá.

2.22        S.A. Papathanassiou, M.P. Papadopoulos, «A Comparison of Variable Speed Wind Turbine Configurations». Proceedings of EWEC’99, March 1999, Nice, France.

2.23        M.P. Papadopoulos, S.A. Papathanassiou, N.G. Boulaxis, S.T. Tentzerakis, “Voltage Quality Change by Grid-Connected Wind Turbines”. Proceedings of EWEC’99, March 1999, Nice, France.

2.24        S.A. Papathanassiou, M.P. Papadopoulos, «Stresses Developed én Wind Turbines during Unbalanced Conditions». Proceedings of EWEC’99, March 1999, Nice, France.

2.25        S.A. Papathanassiou, A.G. Kladas, M.P. Papadopoulos, “Direct-Coupled Permanent Magnet Wind Turbine Design Considerations”. Proceedings of EWEC’99, March 1999, Nice, France.

2.26        S.T. Tentzerakis, V.A. Riziotis, S.A. Papathanassiou, S.G. Voutsinas, “Evaluation of a Variable Speed Strategy for Class I Stall Regulated Wind Turbines”. Proceedings of EWEC’99, March 1999, Nice, France.

2.27        M.P. Papadopoulos, S.A. Papathanassiou, N.G. Boulaxis, S.T. Tentzerakis, “Evaluation of the Voltage Disturbances Induced by the Operation of Wind Turbines in Distribution Networks”. Written Contribution to CIRED’99 Conference, June 1999, Nice, France.

2.28        F.D. Kanellos, S.A. Papathanassiou, N.D. Hatziargyriou, M.P. Papadopoulos, “Dynamic Analysis of a Variable Speed Wind Turbine equipped with a Voltage Source AC/DC/AC Converter Interface”. Proceedings of Electromotion'99 Conference, Éïýëéïò 1999, ÐÜôñá.

2.29        Í.Ã. ÌðïõëáîÞò, Ó.Á. Ðáðáèáíáóßïõ, Ì.Ð. Ðáðáäüðïõëïò, «Äéáìüñöùóç Õðïóôáèìþí ÕÔ/ÌÔ óôïõò ïðïßïõò óõíäÝïíôáé ÌåãÜëá ÁéïëéêÜ ÐÜñêá». ÐñáêôéêÜ Óõíüäïõ «ÁèÞíá 1999» ôçò Å.Å. CIGRE. ÁèÞíá, ÄåêÝìâñéïò 1999.

2.30        D.C. Aliprantis, S.A. Papathanassiou, M.P. Papadopoulos, A.G. Kladas, «Modeling and control of a variable-speed wind turbine equipped with permanent magnet synchronous generator». Proceedings of ICEM 2000, Helsinki, August 2000.

2.31        M.P. Papadopoulos, N.G. Boulaxis, S.A. Papathanassiou, “Evaluation of the Slow Voltage Variations Induced by the Operation of Wind Turbines”. Proceedings of EWEA Special Topic Conference: Wind Power for the 21st Century - The Challenge of High Wind Power Penetration for the New Energy Markets. Kassel, Germany, 25 - 27 September 2000.

2.32        F. Santjer, S. Papathanassiou, “Integration of WTs into electricity supply networks with limited power transportation capacity”. Proc. EWEA Special Topic Conference: Wind Power for the 21st Century. Kassel, Germany, September 2000.

2.33        F.D. Kanellos, S.A. Papathanassiou, N.D. Hatziargyriou, “Dynamic analysis of a variable speed wind turbine equipped with a voltage source AC/DC/AC converter interface and a reactive current control loop”. Proc. MELECON 2000, May 2000, Ëåìåóüò, Êýðñïò, Vol. 3, pp. 986-989.

2.34        N. G. Boulaxis, S. A. Papathanassiou, M. P. Papadopoulos, “Optimal MV Feeder Development in Rural Areas”. Proc. CIRED’01, June 2001, Amsterdam.

2.35        S. A. Papathanassiou, N. G. Boulaxis, M. P. Papadopoulos, “A Simulation Code for Power Systems with High Wind Penetration”. Proc. EWEC’01, July 2001, Copenhagen.

2.36        N.G. Boulaxis, S.A. Papathanassiou, M.P. Papadopoulos, “Slow voltage variation assessment in distribution networks with wind penetration”. Proc. EWEC’01, July 2001, Copenhagen.

2.37        S.A. Papathanassiou, N.D. Hatziargyriou, “Technical Requirements for the Connection of Dispersed Generation to the Grid”. Proc. of IEEE-PES Summer Meeting 2001, June 2001, Vancouver, Canada.

2.38        Ó. Ðáðáèáíáóßïõ, Ã. Ôóéôßëïò, Ã. Áíôùíüðïõëïò, Ä. Óôáõñüðïõëïò, «Ôå÷íéêÝò ÐñïûðïèÝóåéò ãéá ôç Óýíäåóç Ðáñáãùãþí óôá Äßêôõá ÄéáíïìÞò». ÐñáêôéêÜ Óõíüäïõ «ÁèÞíá 2002» ôçò Å.Å. CIGRE. ÁèÞíá, Áðñßëéïò 2002.

2.39        A. Haniotis, S. Papathanassiou, A. Kladas, M. Papadopoulos, “Control Issues of a Permanent Magnet Generator Variable-Speed Wind Turbine”. Proc. of IEEE Conf. MedPower-02, ÁèÞíá, ÍïÝìâñéïò 2002.

2.40        S.A. Papathanassiou, M. Tziantzi, M.P. Papadopoulos, S.T. Tentzerakis, P.S. Vionis, “Possible benefits from the combined operation of wind parks and pumped storage stations”. Proc. EWEC’03, May 2003, Madrid.

2.41        Í. Äñüóïò, Ã. Êõñßôóçò, Ä. ÔóáíÜêáò, Ó. Ðáðáèáíáóßïõ, «ÅîÝôáóç Åíáëëáêôéêþí ÄéáôÜîåùí Êáëùäßùí 150 kV: Äõíáôüôçôåò êáé ÐëåïíåêôÞìáôá áðü ôçí ÅöáñìïãÞ ÔñéãùíéêÞò ÄéÜôáîçò ôùí Êáëùäßùí óå ÅðáöÞ óå ÍÝåò ÊáëùäéáêÝò ÃñáììÝò ÕøçëÝò ÔÜóçò ôçò ÄÅÇ». ÐñáêôéêÜ Óõíüäïõ «ÁèÞíá 2003» ôçò Å.Å. CIGRE. ÁèÞíá, ÍïÝìâñéïò 2003.

2.42        D. Georgakis, S. Papathanassiou, N. Hatziargyriou, A.Engler, Ch. Hardt, “Operation of a prototype Microgrid system based on micro-sources equipped with fast-acting power electronics interfaces”. Proc. PESC’04, June 2004, Aachen.

2.43        M. Tsili, S. Papathanassiou, “Analysis of a three-limb core power transformer under earth fault”. Proc. ICEM’04, Sept. 2004, Krakow.

2.44        C. Pournaras, A. Soldatos S. Papathanassiou, A. Kladas, “Robust controller for Variable Speed Stall Regulated Wind Turbines”. Proc. ICEM’04, Sept. 2004, Krakow.

2.45        P. Koklas, S. Papathanassiou, “Logistic modelling of an autonomous wind-driven desalination plant”. Proc. EWEC’04, Nov. 2004, London.

2.46        N.A. Kasmas, S.A. Papathanassiou, “Voltage Disturbances created by the Connection of Synchronous Generators to the Grid”. Proc. MedPower 2004, Nov. 2004, Lemessos.

2.47        N. Drossos, G. Kyritsis, D. Tsanakas, S. Papathanassiou, “Examination of Alternative Formations for 150 kV Cables - Possibilities and Advantages from the use of Trefoil Formation”. Proc. MedPower 2004, Nov. 2004, Lemessos.

2.48        K. Protopapas, S. Papathanassiou, “Operation of Hybrid Wind – Pumped Storage Systems in Isolated Island Grids”. Proc. MedPower 2004, Nov. 2004, Lemessos.

2.49        D. Georgakis, S. Papathanassiou, «Modeling of grid-connected fuel cell plants». Proc. CIGRE Symposium “Power Systems with Dispersed Generation”, ÁèÞíá, Áðñßëéïò 2005.

2.50        S. Papathanassiou, N. Hatziargyriou, K. Strunz, «A Benchmark Low Voltage Microgrid Network». Proc. CIGRE Symposium “Power Systems with Dispersed Generation”, ÁèÞíá, Áðñßëéïò 2005.

2.51        Th. Boutsika, S. Papathanassiou, N. Drossos, “Calculation of the Fault Level Contribution of Distributed Generation according to IEC Standard 60909”. Proc. CIGRE Symposium “Power Systems with Dispersed Generation”, ÁèÞíá, Áðñßëéïò 2005.

2.52        M. Tsili, A. Soldatos, S. Papathanassiou, A. Kladas, C. Pournaras, “Control Optimization for a Variable Speed Wind Turbine”. Proc. CIGRE Symposium “Power Systems with Dispersed Generation”, ÁèÞíá, Áðñßëéïò 2005.

2.53        S. Papathanassiou, M. Papadopoulos, “A Study Case on Harmonic Distortion created by Wind Turbines”. Proc. CIRED’05, June 2005, Turin.

2.54        D. Georgakis, S. Papathanassiou, S. Manias, “Modeling and control of a small scale grid-connected PEM fuel cell system”. Proc. PESC’05, June 2004, Recife, Brazil.

2.55        G. Perantzakis, F. Xepapas, S. Papathanassiou, S. Manias, “A Predictive Current Control Technique for Three-Level NPC Voltage Source Inverters”. Proc. PESC’05, June 2004, Recife, Brazil.

2.56        M. Barnes, A. Dimeas, A. Engler, C. Fitzer, N. Hatziargyriou, C. Jones, S. Papathanassiou, M. Vandenbergh, «MicroGrid Laboratory Facilities». Proc. Future Power Systems Conference 2005 (FPS 2005), Nov. 2005, Amsterdam.

2.57        N. Jayawarna, N. Jenkins, M. Barnes, M. Lorentzou, S. Papathanassiou, N. Hatziagyriou, «Safety Analysis of a MicroGrid». Proc. Future Power Systems Conference 2005 (FPS 2005), Amsterdam, Nov. 2005, Amsterdam.

2.58        G.N. Kariniotakis, N.L. Soultanis, A.I. Tsouchnikas, S.A. Papathanassiou, N.D. Hatziargyriou, «Dynamic Modeling of MicroGrids». Proc. Future Power Systems Conference 2005 (FPS 2005), Nov. 2005, Amsterdam.

2.59        È. Ìðïýôóéêá, Í. Äñüóïò, Ó. Ðáðáèáíáóßïõ, «Äéåñåýíçóç ôçò ÓôÜèìçò Âñá÷õêýêëùóçò óôïõò Æõãïýò ÌÔ ôùí Õðïóôáèìþí ÕÔ/ÌÔ ìå Ìåôáó÷çìáôéóôÝò 40/50 MVA». ÐñáêôéêÜ Óõíüäïõ «ÁèÞíá 2005» ôçò Å.Å. CIGRE. ÁèÞíá, ÄåêÝìâñéïò 2005.

2.60        K. Protopapas, S. Papathanassiou, “Application of Pumped Storage to Increase Wind Penetration in Isolated Island Grids”. Proc. EWEC 2006, Athens, Febr. 2006.

2.61        K. Rudion, Z. A. Styczynski, N. Hatziargyriou, S. Papathanassiou et. al. “Development of Benchmarks for Low and Medium Voltage Distribution Networks with High Penetration of Dispersed Generation”. Proc. MEPS Conference 2006, Wroclaw, Poland.

2.62        P.G.   Marambeas, P.   Stergiopoulos, S.A.   Papathanassiou, P. Bauer, S.N.Manias, “Interactive multimedia material for an electrical power quality course”. Proc. PESC’06, June 2006, Jeju, Korea.

2.63        D. Stavropoulos, G. Antonopoulos, A. Dratsas, G. Kyritsis, N. Drossos, G. Georgantzis, S. Papathanassiou, “Electrification of Olympic Installations in the Athens 2004 Olympic Games”. Proc. CIGRE Session 2006, Paris, Aug. 2006.

2.64        S.B. Papaefthimiou, S.A. Papathanassiou, “Simulation and Control of a Variable Speed Wind Turbine with Synchronous Generator”. Proc. ICEM’2006, Hania, Crete, Sept. 2006.

2.65        M.A. Tsili, S.A. Papathanassiou, “Zero-sequence flux protection of a three-limb core power transformer”. Proc. ICEM’2006, Hania, Crete, Sept. 2006.

2.66        F.N. Gakis, S.A. Papathanassiou, “Simple control schemes for grid-connected three-phase voltage-source inverters of DG units”. Proc. ICEM’2006, Hania, Crete, Sept. 2006.

2.67        S. Tentzerakis, S. Papathanassiou, P. Papadopoulos, D. Foussekis, P. Vionis, “Evaluation of wind farm harmonic current emissions”. Proc. EWEC’07, Milan, May 2007.

2.68        M. Papadopoulos, N. Boulaxis, M. Tsili, S. Papathanassiou, “Increased wind energy exploitation via interconnection of Aegean islands to the mainland grid”. Proc. CIRED’07, Vienna, May 2007.

2.69        S. Papathanassiou, N. Kasmas, N. Drossos, D. Stavropoulos, “A practical evaluation of distribution network losses due to harmonics”. Proc. CIRED’07, Vienna, May 2007.

2.70        M. Tsili, S. Papathanassiou, G. Georgantzis, G. Antonopoulos, “Enhanced earth fault detection on MV feeders using current unbalance protection”. Proc. CIRED’07, Vienna, May 2007.

2.71  A. Papavasiliou, S.A. Papathanassiou, S.N. Manias, G. Demetriadis, “Current Control of a Voltage Source Inverter connected to the Grid via LCL Filter”. Proc.PESC’07, Orlando, June 2007.

2.72  M. Tsili, Ch. Patsiouras, S. Papathanassiou, “Grid Code Requirements for Large Wind Farms: A Review of Technical Regulations and Available Wind Turbine Technologies”. Proc. EWEC’08, Brussels, April 2008.

2.73  E. Panteri, S. Papathanassiou, “Evaluation of two simple wind power forecasting models”. Proc. EWEC’08, Brussels, April 2008.

2.74  S. Papaefthymiou, E. Karamanou, S. Papathanassiou, M. Papadopoulos, N. Boulaxis, “Operating Policies for Hybrid Wind-Hydro Power Stations in Island Grids”. Proc. EWEC’08, Brussels, April 2008.

2.75  E. Karamanou, S. Papathanassiou, N. Boulaxis, "Operating Policies for Autonomous Island Grids with PV Penetration”. Proc. 4th European PV-Hybrid and Mini-Grid Conference. Athens, May 2008.

2.76  M. Lorentzou, N.D. Hatziargyriou, S.A. Papathanassiou, “Investigation of the effect of grounding practices in a Microgrid installation”. Proc. 4th European PV-Hybrid and Mini-Grid Conference. Athens, May 2008.

2.77  S. Tentzerakis, N. Paraskevopoulou, S. Papathanassiou, P. Papadopoulos, “Measurement of Wind Farm Harmonic Emissions”. Proc.PESC’08, Rhodes, June 2008.

2.78  P.G. Marambeas, S. Papathanassiou, S.N. Manias, S. Mouroutsos, G. Ioannidis, "A power electronics conversion topology for regenerative fuel cell systems". Proc. IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC) 2008, June 2008, Rhodes, Greece.

2.79  E. Êaramanou, S. Papathanassiou, M. Papadopoulos, “Planning the Interconnection of Islands to the Mainland Grid via Submarine Cables”. Proc. MedPower 2008, Thessaloniki, Greece, Nov. 2008.

2.80  P. Moutis, S. Papathanassiou, N.D. Hatziargyriou, “The Contribution of Variable Speed Variable Pitch Wind Generators in Primary Load Frequency Control”. Proc. MedPower 2008, Thessaloniki, Greece, Nov. 2008.

2.81  S. Papaefthymiou, S. Papathanassiou, “Modeling of a Variable Speed Wind Turbine with Synchronous Generator”. Proc. EWEC’09, Marseille, March 2009.

2.82  S. Papaefthimiou, S. Papathanassiou, M. Papadopoulos, “Evaluation of voltage dips in autonomous island networks and correlation with wind turbine FRT curves”. Proc. CIRED’09, Prague, June 2009.

2.83  E. Paraskevadaki, S. Papathanassiou, M. Papadopoulos, “Benefits from DG Power Factor Regulation in LV Networks”. Proc. CIRED’09, Prague, June 2009.

2.84  P. Moutis, E. Loukarakis, S. Papathanassiou, N. Hatziargyriou, “Primary Load-Frequency Control from Pitch-Controlled Wind Turbines”. Proc. IEEE Bucharest Power Tech Conference, Bucharest, June 2009.

2.85  Ó. Ðáðáåõèõìßïõ, Å. ÊáñáìÜíïõ, Ó. Ðáðáèáíáóßïõ, Ì. Ðáðáäüðïõëïò, Ó. ÑïíôÞñçò, É. Äñõìùíßôçò, “Áñ÷Ýò Äéá÷åßñéóçò Õâñéäéêþí Óôáèìþí: ÅöáñìïãÞ óôï Óýóôçìá ôçò Éêáñßáò”. ÐñáêôéêÜ Óõíüäïõ «ÁèÞíá 2009» ôçò Å.Å. CIGRE. ÁèÞíá, ÄåêÝìâñéïò 2009.

2.86        K.Papastamoulos, E. Vrettos, S. Papathanassiou, N. Boulaxis, “Introduction of Battery Energy Storage in a Small Island Grid to Increase Wind Energy Penetration Levels”. Proc. EWEC 2010, April 2010, Warsaw.

2.87        E. Paraskevadaki, S. Papathanassiou, Performance of Conventional MPPT Techniques in the Presence of Partial Shading”. Proc. 5th European PV-Hybrid and Mini-Grid Conference, April 2010, Tarragona, Spain.

2.88        Å. Âñåôôüò, Á. ÔóéêáëÜêçò, Ó. Ðáðáèáíáóßïõ, Í. ×áôæçáñãõñßïõ, Ì. ÊÜëëéïò, «ÕâñéäéêÜ ÓõóôÞìáôá Ðïëý ÕøçëÞò Äéåßóäõóçò ÁÐÅ óå ÌéêñÜ ÍçóéùôéêÜ Äßêôõá». RENES 2010, ÌÜéïò 2010, ÁèÞíá.

2.89        P. Gazis, G. Á. Vokas, S. Papathanasiou, “Trends of power electronics on renewable energy systems”. The SynErgy Forum, e-RA 5, Sept. 2010, Athens.

2.90        E. Paraskevadaki, S. Papathanassiou, “Estimation of PV Array Power Losses due to Partial Shading”. Proc. 25th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Sept. 2010, Valencia, Spain.

2.91        E. Karfopoulos, E. Zountouridou, S. Papathanassiou, N. Hatziargyriou, “High level requirements for smart meters that will enable the efficient deployment of electric vehicles”. Proc. 1st International ICST Conference on e-Energy, October 2010, Athens, Greece.

2.92        E. Zountouridou, E. Karfopoulos, S. Papathanassiou, N. Hatziargyriou, “Review of IEC/EN Standards for data exchange between Smart Meters and devices”. Proc. 1st International ICST Conference on e-Energy, October 2010, Athens, Greece.

2.93        A. Vatikalos, G. Vogiatzakis, A. Anastasiadis, S. Papathanasiou, N. Hatziargyriou, “Benefits of Hybrid Wind - Pumped Storage Unit in a Non-Interconnected Power System Using Optimal Power Flow”. Proc. MedPower 2010, November 2010, Agia Napa, Cyprus.

2.94        Ê. Ðáðáóôáìïýëïò, Á. ÌáíôÞêïò, Óô. Ðáðáèáíáóßïõ, “Ôå÷íïëïãßåò Çëéïèåñìéêþí Óôáèìþí ÇëåêôñïðáñáãùãÞò”. 4ï ÐáíåëëÞíéï ÓõíÝäñéï Öïéôçôþí Çëåêôñïëüãùí Ìç÷áíéêþí êáé Ìç÷áíéêþí Õðïëïãéóôþí - ÓÖÇÌÌÕ 4, ÍïÝìâñéïò 2010, ÐÜôñá.

2.95        M. N. Moschakis, E. L. Karfopoulos, E. I. Zountouridou, S. A. Papathanassiou, “Adapting EV-Microgrid Concepts to European Grid Standards Related to Power Quality”, Proc. IEEE ISAP 2011 Conference, Hania, Sept. 2011.

2.96        Ð. Áíáãíùóôüðïõëïò, Ó. Ðáðáèáíáóßïõ, Í. Äñüóïò, É. ÁóëÜíïãëïõ, «Äõíáôüôçôåò äéåßóäõóçò ôçò Ö/ ðáñáãùãÞò óå äßêôõá äéáíïìÞò ÌÔ». ÐñáêôéêÜ Óõíüäïõ «ÁèÞíá 2011» ôçò Å.Å. CIGRE. ÁèÞíá, ÄåêÝìâñéïò 2011.

2.97        Å. Êáðüëïõ, Ó. Êïñêßæïãëïõ, Å. ÊáñáìÜíïõ, Ó. Ðáðáèáíáóßïõ, É. ÂéôÝëëáò, È. ÐáôóÜêá, «Åðéðôþóåéò áðü ôçí åíóùìÜôùóç Ö/ ðáñáãùãÞò óôá ìç äéáóõíäåäåìÝíá íçóéùôéêÜ óõóôÞìáôá». ÐñáêôéêÜ Óõíüäïõ «ÁèÞíá 2011» ôçò Å.Å. CIGRE. ÁèÞíá, ÄåêÝìâñéïò 2011.

2.98        Óô. Êáëëßíùóçò, Ê. Ðáðáóôáìïýëïò, Óô. Ðáðáèáíáóßïõ, “ÐïëéôéêÝò Ëåéôïõñãßáò Çëéïèåñìéêþí Óôáèìþí Ôå÷íïëïãßáò Ðáñáâïëéêþí Êáôüðôñùí êáé ÄéáóôáóéïëüãçóÞ ôïõò ìå ÷ñÞóç Ãåíåôéêþí Áëãïñßèìùí”. 5ï ÐáíåëëÞíéï ÓõíÝäñéï Öïéôçôþí Çëåêôñïëüãùí Ìç÷áíéêþí êáé Ìç÷áíéêþí Õðïëïãéóôþí - ÓÖÇÌÌÕ 5, Áðñßëéïò 2012, ÎÜíèç.

2.99        N. Sakellaridis, J. Mantzaris, S. Papathanassiou, I. Vitellas, C. Vournas, “Security Assessment of an Autonomous System with Increased Wind Penetration and Pumped Storage Hybrid Plants”. IEEE PES 2012 General Meeting, San Diego, July 2012.

2.100     N. Hatziargyriou, S. Papathanasiou, I. Vitellas, S. Makrinikas, A. Dimeas, T. Patsaka, K. Kaousias, A. Gigantidou, N. Korres, E. Hatzoplaki, “Energy Management in the Greek Islands”. CIGRE Session 2012, Paris, Aug. 2012.

2.101     N. Hatziargyriou, J. A. Peças Lopes, E. T. Bower, K. Strunz, M. Rivier, V.Lioliou, Jianzhong Wu, S. Papathanassiou, E. Karfopoulos, A. Gonzalez Bordagaray, P. Cabral, C. Llanos Lecum, A. Walsh, K. Kanellopoulos, Colum Joyce, Nora Hartmann, Jan-Olaf Willums, “Impact of Electric and Plug-In Hybrid Vehicles on Grid Infrastructure - Results from the MERGE Project”. CIGRE Session 2012, Paris, Aug. 2012.

2.102     S. Nanou, A. Papakonstantinou, S. Papathanassiou, “Control of a PV generator to maintain active power reserves during operation”. 27th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Sept. 2012, Frankfurt.

2.103     S. Nanou, S. Papathanassiou, G. Vokas, “Small signal analysis and gain scheduling control of a photovoltaic DC/DC converter”. 27th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Sept. 2012, Frankfurt.

2.104     G.A. Vokas, S.D. Kaminaris, P.A. Kontaxis, M. Rangoussi, G.Ch. Ioannidis, S.A. Papathanassiou, P.V. Malatestas and F.V. Topalis, “Electric Network Power Quality Assessment using Fuzzy Expert System Methodology”. Proc. Medpower 2012, October 2012, Cagliari, Italy.

2.105     S. Korkizoglou, E. Kapolou, E. Karamanou, S. Papathanassiou, “PV penetration in non-interconnected island grids”. Proc. CIGRE Symposium “Smarts Grids: Next Generation Grids for New Energy Trends”, Lisbon, April 2013.

2.106     E. Kapolou, K. Papastamoulos, E. Karamanou, S. Papathanassiou, “Operation and sizing of a hybrid power station consisting of PVs and battery energy storage”. Proc. CIGRE Symposium “Smarts Grids: Next Generation Grids for New Energy Trends”, Lisbon, April 2013.

2.107     G. Kampitsis, S. Papathanassiou, S. Manias, “Performance consideration of an AC coupled gate drive circuit with forward bias for normally-on SiC JFETs”, Proc. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Denver, CO, pp. 3224 - 3229, Sept. 2013.

2.108     S. Nanou, S. Batzelis, S. Papathanassiou, “Enhanced MPPT Control of a Two-Stage Grid Connected PV System Under Fast-Changing Environmental Conditions”, Proc. 28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference (EU PVSEC) and Exhibition, Paris, France, Sept. 2013, pp. 3399-3403.

2.109     S. Nanou, S. Batzelis, S. Papathanassiou, “Evaluation of PV Inverter Control Schemes Under Distorted and Variable Frequency Utility Conditions”, Proc. 28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference (EU PVSEC) and Exhibition, Paris, France, Sept. 2013, pp. 3404-3408.

2.110     E. Georgoulas, E. Batzelis, S. Nanou, and S. Papathanassiou, “Study of single-string and multi-string a-Si:H single junction modules in partial shading conditions”, in Proc. 28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference (EU PVSEC) and Exhibition, Paris, France, Sept. 2013, pp. 2524-2529.

2.111     G. Kampitsis, P. Stefas, N. Chrysogelos, S. Papathanassiou, S. Manias, “Assessment of the reverse operational characteristics of SiC JFETs in a diode-less inverter       “. Proc. IEEE Ind. Electr. Society Conf., IECON 2013 - 39th Annu. Conf., Vienna, pp. 477 - 482, Nov. 2013.

2.112     Ó. ÍÜíïõ, Ð. Áíáãíùóôüðïõëïò, Ó. Ðáðáèáíáóßïõ, Å. Êáðüëïõ, Ó. Óôñïõìðïýëçò, Ä. ÔåëÜêç, Í. Äñüóïò, “Óýíäåóç áíåìïãåííçôñéþí óôï äßêôõï ×Ô”, ÐñáêôéêÜ Óõíüäïõ «ÁèÞíá 2013» ôçò Å.Å. CIGRE, ÁèÞíá, Äåê. 2013.

2.113     Ð. Áíáãíùóôüðïõëïò, Ó. Ðáðáèáíáóßïõ, Í. Äñüóïò, Í. ×áôæçáñãõñßïõ, “ Äéåèíåßò ðñáêôéêÝò ãéá ôçí áîéïëüãçóç ôçò äõíáôüôçôáò õðïäï÷Þò äéåóðáñìÝíçò ðáñáãùãÞò áðü ôá äßêôõá äéáíïìÞò”. ÐñáêôéêÜ Óõíüäïõ «ÁèÞíá 2013» ôçò Å.Å. CIGRE, ÁèÞíá, Äåê. 2013.

2.114     S. Nanou, S. Papathanassiou, “Evaluation of a Communication-based Fault Ride-Through Scheme for Offshore Wind Farms Connected through VSC-HVDC Links”, Proc. EWEA 2014 Annual Event, Barcelona, Spain, Mar. 2014.

2.115     S. Nanou, P. Anagnostopoulos, E. Kapolou, S. Papathanassiou, “Interconnection of Small Wind Turbines to the LV Network: Technical Issues and Evaluation Methodology”, Proc. EWEA 2014 Annual Event, Barcelona, Spain, Mar. 2014.

2.116     E. Batzelis, S. Nanou, and S. Papathanassiou, “Active Power Control in PV Systems Based on a Quadratic Curve Fitting Algorithm for the MPP Estimation”, in Proc. 29th EU PVSEC, Amsterdam, Sep. 2014, pp. 3036-3040.

2.117     G. Psarros, E. Batzelis, and S, Papathanassiou, “Analysis of local MPPs on the P-V curve of a partially shaded PV string”, in Proc. 29th EU PVSEC, Amsterdam, Sep. 2014, pp. 3383-3389.

2.118     S. Nanou, S. Papathanassiou, M. Papadopoulos, “HV Transmission Technologies for the Interconnection of the Aegean Sea Islands and Offshore Wind Farms”, Proc. MedPower 2014, Athens, Greece, Nov. 2014.

2.119     P. Andrianesis, A. Papalexopoulos, S. Papathanassiou, “Energy Control Centers and Electricity Markets in the Greek Non-Interconnected Islands”. Proc. MedPower 2014, Athens, Greece, Nov. 2014.

2.120     S. Nanou, O. Tzortzopoulos, S. Papathanassiou, “Evaluation of DC Voltage Control Strategies for Multi-Terminal HVDC Grids Comprising Island Systems with High RES Penetration”, Proc. IET ACDC 2015, Birmingham, UK, Feb. 2015.

2.121     G. Kampitsis, M. Antivachis, S. Kokosis, S. Papathanassiou, S. Manias, “An accurate Matlab/Simulink based SiC MOSFET model for power converter applications”. Proc. IEEE Appl. Power Electr. Conf. and Expo. (APEC), Charlotte, NC, Mar. 2015.

2.122     E. Gati, G. Kampitsis, I. Stavropoulos, S. Papathanassiou, S. Manias, “Wireless Phase – Locked Loop Control for Inductive Power Transfer Systems”. Proc. IEEE Appl. Power Electr. Conf. and Expo. (APEC), Charlotte, NC, Mar. 2015.

2.123     P. Anagnostopoulos, S. Papathanassiou, N. Hatziargyriou, "Optimal Coordinated Control for Enhancing DER Integration in MV Distribution Networks”. Proc. CIRED 2015, Lyon, June 2015.

2.124     G. Patsakis, S. Nanou, S. Papathanassiou, “Fault ride-through of VSC-HVDC connected offshore wind farms: A simplified model,” in Proc. EWEA 2015 Annu. Event, Paris, France, 2015.

2.125     S. Nanou, A. Spetsiotis, S. Papathanassiou, “Provision of primary frequency support and inertia emulation by offshore wind farms connected through multi-terminal VSC-HVDC links,” in Proc. EWEA 2015 Annu. Event, pp. 170-173, Paris, France, 2015.

2.126     E. Batzelis, K. Samaras, G. Vokas, and S. Papathanassiou, “Statistical analysis of faults at off-grid inverters for autonomous PV systems,” in Proc. JAPMED’9, Sofia, Bulgaria, July 2015.

2.127     E. Batzelis, S. Papathanassiou, and A. Kladas, “A partial shading detection technique for MPPT algorithms in PV systems,” in Proc. JAPMED’9, Sofia, Bulgaria, July 2015.

2.128     G. Kampitsis, A. Tsoumanis, S. Papathanassiou and S. Manias, “Experimental Investigation of the DSOGI PLL Response to Grid Disturbances for PV System Applications”, in Proc. JAPMED’9, Sofia, Bulgaria, July 2015.

2.129     G. Kampitsis, S. Papathanassiou and S. Manias, “Comparative Analysis of the Thermal Stress of Si and SiC MOSFETs during Short Circuits”, in Proc. JAPMED’9, Sofia, Bulgaria, July 2015.

2.130     G. Kampitsis, E. Batzelis, E. Gati, S. Papathanassiou and S. Manias, “Electro-thermal characterization of 1.2 kV normally-on SiC JFETs under hard switch fault through large stray inductance”, in Proc. IEEE EPE, Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 1–9, Sept. 2015.

2.131     Efstratios Batzelis, and Stavros Papathanassiou, “An efficient MPPT algorithm for partially shaded PV strings,” in Proc. 31th EU PVSEC, Hamburg, Germany, Sep. 2015, pp. 1615-1619.

2.132     Efstratios Batzelis, Theofanis Sofianopoulos, and Stavros Papathanassiou, “Active power control in PV systems using a curve fitting algorithm based on the single-diode model,” in Proc. 31th EU PVSEC, Hamburg, Germany, Sep. 2015, pp. 2402-2407.

2.133     G. Kampitsis, E. Gati, S. Manias and S. Papathanassiou, “Utilization of SiC MOSFETs in Voltage Source Inverter of Inductive Power Transfer System for Enduring Capacitive Loads”, in Proc. ICSCRM, Giardini, Italy, October 2015.

2.134     G. Kampitsis, E. Batzelis, and S. Papathanassiou “Power Balance Control for a Two-Stage Solar Inverter with Low Voltage Ride through Capability”, in Proc. 32th EU PVSEC, Munich, Germany, July 2016.

2.135     E. Batzelis, G. Kampitsis, and S. Papathanassiou, “A MPPT algorithm for partial shading conditions employing curve fitting,” in Proc. 32th EU PVSEC, Munich, Germany, July 2016.

2.136     S. Nanou, M. Papadopoulos, S. Papathanassiou, “Assessment of island interconnection projects via HVDC links of partial capacity: The case of Crete,” Cigre Paris Session, Aug. 2016.

2.137     S. I. Nanou, G. N. Psarros, S. A. Papathanassiou, M. P. Papadopoulos, “Operating reserve scheduling for island systems with parallel AC-DC interconnectors: The case of Crete,” Proc. 2017 IEEE Manchester PowerTech, Manchester, UK, Jun. 2017.

2.138     S. I. Nanou, S. A. Papathanassiou, “Evaluation of control schemes for island VSC-HVDC links operating in parallel with AC interconnectors,” Proc. 2017 IEEE Manchester PowerTech, Manchester, UK, Jun. 2017.

2.139     S. Nanou, S. Papathanassiou, “Generic Average-Value Modeling of MMC-HVDC Links Considering Submodule Capacitor Dynamics,” Proc. UPEC 2017, Heraklion, Crete, Aug. 2017.

2.140     S. Nanou, S. Papathanassiou, “Fault Ride-Through Response of VSC-HVDC Links Operating in Island Systems with Parallel AC Interconnectors,” Proc. UPEC 2017, Heraklion, Crete, Aug. 2017.

2.141     Ð. Áíáãíùóôüðïõëïò, Ì. ËõìðÝñç, Ó. Ðáðáèáíáóßïõ, “ÁðïèÞêåõóç çëåêôñéêÞò åíÝñãåéáò óå ïéêéáêÜ Ö óõóôÞìáôá”. ÐñáêôéêÜ Óõíüäïõ «ÁèÞíá 2017» ôçò Å.Å. CIGRE, ÁèÞíá, Äåê. 2017.

2.142     P. Anagnostopoulos, M. Lymperi, E. Sapountzopoulos, S. Papathanassiou, “Residential PV systems with battery energy storage”. Proc. 2nd South East European Regional CIGRE Conf., Kiev, June 2018.

2.143     G. Psarros and S. Papathanassiou, “Comparative Assessment of Unit Commitment Methods for Isolated Island Grids”. Proc. UPEC 2018, Glasgow, Sept. 2018.

2.144     G. Psarros, S. Kokkolios and S. Papathanassiou, “Centrally Managed Storage Facilities in Small Non-Interconnected Island Systems”. Proc. UPEC 2018, Glasgow, Sept. 2018.

2.145     G. Psarros and S. Papathanassiou, “Operation of a Wind-PV-Battery Hybrid Power Station in an Isolated Island Grid”. Proc. Medpower 2018, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Nov. 2018.

2.146     G. Psarros and S. Papathanassiou, “Bi-level Minimum Loading Unit Commitment for Small Isolated Power Systems”. Proc. Medpower 2018, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Nov. 2018.

2.147     G. Psarros, A. Papakonstantinou, S. Papathanassiou, J. Anagnostopoulos, N. Boulaxis, “Contribution of energy storage to capacity adequacy – Application to island power systems”. Proc. Cigre Session Paris 2020, Aug. 2020.

2.148     J. Kabouris, S. Íanou, M. Papadopoulos, S. Papathanasiou, C. Pitas, “Technical and Economic Feasibility Analysis of Aegean Island Interconnections to the Mainland Grid”. Proc. Cigre Session Paris 2020, Aug. 2020.

2.149     G. Psarros, A. Papakonstantinou, S. Papathanassiou, “Frequency Regulation In Island Grids With Battery Storage Participating InAutomatic Generation Control”. Proc. MedPower 2020, Cyprus.

2.150     G. Psarros, A. Papakonstantinou, S. Papathanassiou, “Integration Of Storage Into Large Island Power Systems: The Case Of Cyprus”. Proc. MedPower 2020, Cyprus.

2.151     G. Kampitsis, M. Chevron, R.V. Erp, S. Papathanassiou, E. Matioli, “Mixed Simulation-Experimental Optimization of a Modular Multilevel Switched Capacitors Converter Cell”. Proc. IEEE 21st Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics, COMPEL 2020.

2.152     E. Tasioulis, S. Papathanassiou, “Technical Requirements for the Connection of EV Chargers to Electrical Installations”. Proc. 30th CIGRE Greece National Conferencee-Session 2020”, Nov. 2020.

2.153     A. Papakonstantinou, G. Psarros, S. Papathanassiou, N. Boulaxis, J. Anagnostopoulos, “Power Adequacy Solutions for Crete Following Its Interconnection with the Continental Grid”. Proc. 30th CIGRE Greece National Conferencee-Session 2020”, Nov. 2020.

2.154     A. Papakonstantinou, S. Bosmis, S. Papathanassiou, “Active and reactive power control in an island system operated on inverter-based resources”. Proc. Cigre Session Paris 2022, Aug. 2022.

2.155     G. Psarros, P. Dratsas, S. Papathanassiou, D. Evagorou, A. Frixou, A. Poullikkas, “Mid-term electricity storage needs of the power system of Cyprus”. Proc. Cigre Session Paris 2022, Aug. 2022.

2.156     P. A. Dratsas, G. N. Psarros, and S. A. Papathanassiou, “Capacity Value of Pumped-Hydro Energy Storage”. Proc. 2022 IEEE SyNERGY MED, Thessaloniki, Oct. 2022.

2.157     A. Papakonstantinou, and S. Papathanassiou, “A centralized automatic generation control for systems dominated by inverter-based resources,” Proc. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC), 2023, pp.67–73.

2.158     D. Zarras, A. Papakonstantinou, and S. A. Papathanassiou, “Control of Hydrogen Storage Systems for Primary Frequency Response and Inertia Emulation,” Proc. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC), 2023, pp.496–501.

2.159     P. A. Dratsas, G. N. Psarros, and S. A. Papathanassiou, “Capacity Value of Wind Powered Pumped Hydro Storage Virtual Power Plants”. Proc. 2023 IEEE ONCON, SC, USA, Dec. 2023.

2.160     P. A. Dratsas, G. N. Psarros, and S. A. Papathanassiou, “The Economic Aspect of Missing Capacity in Resource Adequacy Assessment Studies”. Proc. 2023 IEEE ONCON, SC, USA, Dec. 2023.

2.161     A. Papakonstantinou, E. Chatzistylianos, G. N. Psarros, and S. A. Papathanassiou, “Connection agreements subject to limitations for renewable generation and storage facilities in Greece” Proc. Cigre Session Paris, Aug. 2024.

2.162     4A. Papakonstantinou, G. N. Psarros, and S. A. Papathanassiou, “Power sharing and secondary frequency control for Greek island systems supplied by RES+storage hybrid stations and thermal generating plants” Proc. Cigre Session Paris, Aug. 2024.

2.163     E. S. Chatzistylianos, G. N. Psarros and S. A. Papathanassiou, “A Capacity Expansion Planning Model Integrating Hybrid PV-Storage Stations with Grid Export Constraitns”. Proc. 14th Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion (MEDpower 2024), Athens, Greece, Nov. 2024.

2.164     P. P. Chinaris, G. N. Psarros, P. A. Dratsas, and S. A. Papathanassiou, “Front- and behind-the-meter storage needs of the Greek power system under high RES penetration levels”. Proc. MedPower 2024, Athens, Greece, Nov. 2024.

2.165     P. Nastoulis, O. Schina, G. N. Psarros, and S. A. Papathanassiou, “Sizing of PV-BESS systems for industrial consumers” Proc. MedPower 2024, Athens, Greece, Nov. 2024.

2.166     A. D. Founta, G. N. Psarros, and S. A. Papathanassiou, “Evaluation of the Regional Impact of High PV Penetration in Greece via modeling the Pan-European Power System” Proc. MedPower 2024, Athens, Greece, Nov. 2024.

2.167     P. A. Dratsas, G. N. Psarros, and S. A. Papathanassiou, “Energy Storage Capacity Credit Variation with System Adequacy” Proc. MedPower 2024, Athens, Greece, Nov. 2024.

2.168     E. S. Chatzistylianos, G. N. Psarros and S. A. Papathanassiou, “Considering the Implications of Battery Aging in Multi-Year Capacity Expansion Planning Models”. Proc. 3rd IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Annual Online Conference (IES ONCON), Dec. 2024.

2.169     P. A. Dratsas, G. N. Psarros, and S. A. Papathanassiou, “Capacity Value of Wind Powered Pumped Hydro Storage Virtual Power Plants”. Proc. 2023 IEEE ONCON, SC, USA, (on-line), Dec. 2023.

2.170     P. A. Dratsas, G. N. Psarros, and S. A. Papathanassiou, “The Economic Aspect of Missing Capacity in Resource Adequacy Assessment Studies”. Proc. 2023 IEEE ONCON, SC, USA, (on-line), Dec. 2023.

2.171     E. S. Chatzistylianos, P. A. Dratsas, G. N. Psarros and S. A. Papathanassiou, “The Impact of Capacity Adequacy Constraints in Planning Models for Different RES Penetration Levels”. Proc. 3rd IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Annual Online Conference (IES ONCON), Dec. 2024.