Εἰσάγετε τὴν ἄγνωστη λέξη στὸ πεδίο «Get Info for ...»
- A agent-like argument of canonical transitive verb
- AB abstract
- ABE abessive case (AKA caritive case or privative case: 'without')
- ABL ablative case ('from')
- ABS absolutive case
- ACC accusative case
- ACCOM accompanier
- ACT active voice, actor role (in role and reference grammar)
- ADJ adjective
- ADE adessive case ('at'; more specific than LOC)
- ADM admonitive mood (warning)
- ADV adverb(ial), adverbial case
- AFF affirmative
- AG, AGT agentive case (cf ACT)
- AGR agreement
- ALL allative case ('to')
- AL, ALLOC allocutive agreement
- ALIEN alienable possession
- AN animate gender (cf R)
- AND andative ('going towards', cf venitive)
- ANT anterior tense (used for PRF in some traditions)
- ANTE antessive case ('before')
- ANTIC anticausative
- ANTIP, AP antipassive voice
- AOR aorist (= PFV or PST.PFV)
- APP apposition
- APL, APPL applicative voice
- APPR apprehensive mood
- APRX approximative
- ART article
- ASP aspect
- ASS associative case (= COM), assumptive mood, assertive mood
- AT agent trigger (= AV agent voice)
- ATT attenuative
- ATTR attributive
- AUD auditory evidential
- AUG augmentative
- AUX auxiliary verb
- B benefactive (when it is a core argument)
- BE 'be' verb (a conflation of EXIST and COP)
- BEN benefactive case ('for')
- C common gender; complementizer
- CAP (cap)ability, modal case
- CAU, CAUS causative
- CENT centric case
- CF counterfactual conditional
- CIRC circumfix
- CIT citation form
- CL, CLF classifier
- CMPD compound
- CNJ conjunction (= CONJ)
- CNSQ consequential mood
- CNTR contrastive
- COL collective number
- COM comitative case ('together with')
- COMP comparative; complementizer
- COMPL, CPL completive aspect
- CON concrete
- CONC concessive
- COND conditional mood
- CONJ conjunction (= CNJ)
- CONN connective particle
- CONT, CTN continuous aspect; continuative aspect
- COP copula
- COR coreference
- CRAS crastinal tense ('tomorrow')
- CRS current relevance marker (as in the perfect)
- CVB converb
- D core dative case
- DAT dative case
- DE different event, change of event (cf DS)
- DEC, DECL declarative mood
- DEF definite
- DEI, DEIX deixis, deictic
- DEL delayed imperative (a command to do s.t. later)
- DEL delative case ('off of'), deliberative mood
- DEM demonstrative
- DEO deontic mood
- DEP dependent (as in DEP.FUT)
- DER derivation, derivational
- DES, DESI desiderative mood
- DEST destinative aspect
- DET determiner
- DETR detransitive
- DH motion downhill, seaward (cf DR)
- DIM diminutive
- DIR direct evidential (= EXP); directional (= LAT); direct case
- DISJ disjunction
- DIST distal demonstrative
- DISTR distributive case
- DITR ditransitive
- DLM delimited
- DM discourse marker
- DO direct object
- DR motion downriver (cf DH)
- DS different-subject (change of subject) marker (cf DE)
- DU dual number
- DUB dubitative mood
- DUR durative aspect, continuous aspect
- DY, DYAD dyadic
- DYN dynamic aspect
- E epenthetic morpheme
- -E (used to form various -essive cases)
- ELA elative case ('out of')
- EMP emphatic
- EPIS epistemic mood or modality
- ERG ergative case
- ESS essive case
- EV, EVID evidential
- EVIT evitative case (= aversive case)
- EX, EXCL exclusive person
- EXCLAM exclamative
- EX.DUR excessive duration
- EXESS exessive case
- EXH exhortative
- EXIST existential ('there is')
- EXO exocentric case
- EXP, EXPER experiential, eyewitness, = direct evidential
- EXPL expletive (dummy / meaningless form)
- F, FEM feminine gender
- FACT factive evidential
- FAM familiar register (as the T–V distinction)
- FIN finite verb
- FOC focus
- FORM formal register (as the T–V distinction)
- FP final particle (joshi)
- FR, FREQ frequentative aspect
- FMR former, deceased
- FUT future tense
- G gender (G4 = the 4th gender)
- GEN genitive case
- GER gerund
- GNO gnomic (generic) aspect
- GT goal trigger (Austronesian; = GV goal voice)
- HAB habitual aspect
- HBL humble register
- HEST hesternal tense ('yesterday')
- HIST historic(al), as in historical present or past historic tense
- HOD hodiernal tense ('today')
- HON honorific
- HORT hortative
- HSY hearsay, reported evidential
- HUM human, anthropic gender (cf. HBL; R)
- HYP hypothetical mood
- I inflected
- ID identical (~ NID)
- IDENTIF identifiable
- IDEO ideophone (≈ MIM)
- IGNOR ignorative
- ILL illative case ('into')
- IMM immediate, as in immediate imperative mood, near future tense
- IMP imperative mood
- IMPERF imperfect (= PST.IPFV)
- IMPR, IMPREC imprecative mood
- IMPRS impersonal verb
- IN, INCL inclusive person
- INAL inalienable possession
- INAN inanimate gender
- INCH, INCHO, INCEP inchoative aspect, inceptive aspect
- IND indicative mood
- INDF, NDEF indefinite
- INE inessive case ('in')
- INF infinitive
- INFER, INFR inferential mood
- INEL inelative case ('from within')
- INS, INSTR instrumental case
- INT intensifier; interrogative (= Q)
- INTEN intentional
- INTR, NTR intransitive (covers an intransitive case for the S argument)
- INV inverse
- IO indirect object
- IPFV imperfective aspect (= NPFV)
- IRR irrealis mood
- IS indirect speech
- ITER iterative aspect
- JUS jussive mood
- -L (used to form various -lative cases)
- L2 second language (code-switching)
- LAT lative case (= MVMT, direction)
- LD locative case + directional
- LK linking element, interfix
- LOC locative case (includes essive case)
- LOG logophoric
- M, MASC masculine gender
- MAN manner
- MID middle voice
- MIM mimetic (≈ IDEO)
- MIR (ad)mirative
- MLT, MLTP multiplicative case
- MOD mood, modal, modal case
- MOM single action verb (not iterative)
- MVT movement
- N, NEUT neuter gender
- N- non- (e.g. NSG non-singular, NPST non-past, NF non-feminine)
- NEG negation, negative
- NF non-finite (nonfinite verb, non-finite clause) or non-feminine
- NH non-human
- NMZ, NZ, NOMI nominalizer/nominalization
- NOM nominative case
- NS non-subject (see oblique case)
- NTR, INTR intransitive (covers an intransitive case for the S argument)
- NUM numeral
- O patient-like argument (object) of canonical transitive verb (= P)
- OBJ, OB object; objective case
- OBL oblique case
- OBV obviative
- OPT optative mood
- P patient-like argument of canonical transitive verb (= O)
- P pre-, post- (P.HOD prehodiernal)
- PART participle (= PTCP,PCP); particle (= PTCL); partitive case (= PTV)
- PAS, PASS passive voice
- PAT patientive (= UND)
- PA, PAU paucal number
- PEG pegative case (a special case for the giver)
- PER perlative case ('per', using)
- PERF, PRF perfect (= RET)
- PERS personal
- PFV perfective aspect
- PL plural
- PLU, PLUR pluractional
- PM phrase marker, predicate marker
- PN, PRO pronoun
- PO primary object
- POL polite register
- POS, POSS possessive marker
- POST postposition, postpositional case
- POSTE postessive case ('after')
- POSTEL postelative case
- POT potential mood
- PP past / passive participle
- PPFV past perfective
- PPP past passive participle
- PR proper noun
- PREC precative mood (requests)
- PRED predicate, predicative
- PREP preposition, prepositional case
- PRESP present participle
- PRET, PRT preterite (= PFV.PST)
- PRF, PERF perfect (= RET)
- PRIV privative case
- PRS, PRES present tense
- PROB probability
- PROG progressive aspect
- PROH prohibitive mood ('don't!')
- PROL prolative case (= VIA)
- PROP propositive mood
- PROS prosecutive case ('across', 'along')
- PROSP, PRSP prospective aspect
- PROT protasis
- PROX proximal demonstrative; proximate
- PST past tense
- PT patient trigger
- PTCL, PTC particle
- PTCP, PCP participle
- PTV partitive case ('some of')
- PURP purposive case
- Q question word or particle (= INT)
- QUOT quotative (quotative case or quotative mood)
- R rational gender (thinking beings)
- REAL realis mood
- REC recent past tense
- RECP reciprocal voice
- REF, RFR referential
- REFL reflexive (reflexive pronoun, reflexive voice)
- REL relative(izer)
- REM remote past tense
- REP reported evidential (= HSY); repetitive (cf ITER)
- RES resultative; resumptive
- RET Retrospective (synonym for 'perfect' in some traditions)
- ROOT root
- S single argument of canonical intransitive verb (cf CIT)
- SBJ, SUB subject
- SBJV, SJV subjunctive mood
- SE same event (cf SS)
- SEM semelfactive aspect ('once')
- SENS sensory evidential mood (= VIS+AUD)
- SEQ sequential
- SG singular (but 1.SG = 1s, 3MASC.SG = 3ms)
- SGV singulative number
- SIM simultaneous aspect; similative
- SPEC specifier; speculative mood
- SS same-subject marker (cf SE)
- STAT, STV stative aspect, stative verb
- STEM stem
- SUB, SU subject
- SUBR, SUBORD, SBRD, SR subordinator
- SUBE subessive case ('under')
- SUBL sublative case ('onto', 'down onto')
- SUC successive ('then')
- SUP(L) superlative (SUPL); supine; supplicative
- SUPE superessive case ('on')
- -T trigger (used for AT, PT)
- TAM tense, aspect, or mood
- TEL telic aspect (cf PFV)
- TEMP temporal case
- TERM terminative case
- TNS tense
- TOP topic
- TR, TRANS transitive verb, transitive case (rare)
- TRANSL translative case (becoming)
- TRI trial number
- TRN trans-numeral (neither SG nor PL)
- TVF truth-value focus
- U uninflected
- UH motion uphill, inland (cf UR)
- UND undergoer role (cf PAT)
- UR motion upriver (cf UH)
- USIT usitative, for usual, customary or typical events
- V, VB verb or verbal
- VBZ verbalizer
- VD verb, ditransitive
- VEN venitive (coming towards; cf andative)
- VER veridical, veridical mood (a certain conditional)
- VIA vialis case
- VIS visible, visual
- VI verb, intransitive
- VN verbal noun
- VOC vocative case
- VOL volitive mood
- VT verb, transitive
- WH.Q wh- question
- -Z -(al)izer (e.g. TRZ transitivizer)
- ZO zoic gender (animals)