Dr Memos’s research interests include conventional and probabilistic water wave mechanics, port structures behaviour under seismic action, wave interaction with submerged coastal structures. He has conducted an array of basic and applied research projects on these and related topics and led extensive physical and mathematical modelling projects in research centres such as Wallingford, UK; CEDEX, Spain; Imperial College, UK; NTUA, Greece; TUDelft, the Netherlands. He directed 25 funded fundamental or applied research projects in such topics as those mentioned below, while in 5 more he was member of the research team.
Internally funded or sponsored research areas include:
- The formation of bores
- Diffraction of water waves
- Optimization of port storage capacity
- Wind-wave interactions & wave statistics
- Wave transformations in shallow water
- Theoretical and experimental investigation of the interaction between surface and underground waters
- Stochastic representation of sea waves in shallow waters
- Environmental design of coastal works
- Stochastic beach dynamics in the lee of submerged breakwaters
- Nonlinear Boussinesq–type wave models
- Kinematics inside porous submerged breakwaters.
Externally funded research projects directed by Dr Memos include:
- Wave loading on a Ninian Field platform of Burmah Oil, Burmah Oil, 1975 (research team member).
- Surface water waves due to landslide and application to Asomata reservoir, Public Power Corporation S.A., 1991-92.
- Seismic loading on rubble-mounds on soft soils, General Secretariat for Research and Technology, 1991-92.
- Abrasion resistance of concrete port pavements, Piraeus Port Authority S.A., 1992 (research team member).
- Wave height in Greek Seas (in co-operation with Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), Ministry of Public Works, 1992-93.
- Stability of Rubble-Mound Port Works on Soft Soils in a Seismic Area - Case Study: Breakwater of Patras Port, & Patras Port Authority, 1996-99.
- Stochastic Representation of Sea Waves in Shallow Waters, European Union, 1997.
- Reforming of the NTUA Civil Engineering curriculum for the citizen of the 21st century, 1997-2000, Ministry of Education.
- Thermal diffusion in marine environment and optimisation of relevant harbour works in a thermal power plant, Crete, Greece, Public Power Corporation S.A., 1997-01.
- Propagation of extreme waves in Aliakmonas river, Public Power Corporation S.A., 2004-06.
- Ancient Hellenic Ports data bank "LIMENOSCOPE", NTUA & various sponsors, 2004-10.
- Numerical modelling of wave, hydrodynamic, and environmental conditions, including wave and thermal intrusion, in a coastal zone of Aqaba, Jordan, D. Toumazis & Co, 2006-07.
- Propagation of dam-break waves along Acheloos river, Public Power Corporation S.A., 2006-07.
- Upgrading of a dry bulk loading facility for an industrial compound in Mantoudi, Evia, 2008.
- Preliminary Investigation for the Upgrading of Tolo Harbour, Municipality of Asini, Argolida Prefecture, 2009-11.
- Integrated Sea-Land Study of the Quantity and Quality of Subsea Gushes in Stoupa, Messenia, Regional Unit of Peloponnese, 2009-11 (research team member).
- Delineation of Flood Plain of Acheloos River Downstream of Stratos Dam, Public Power Corporation S.A., 2009-11.
- Investigation of flood waves along Arachthos river, Public Power Corporation S.A., 2012-14.
- Accu-Waves: Decision Support Tool for Navigation Management in Ports, European Union & Greek Government, 2014-21.