Dr John Golias Civil Engineer - Transportation and Traffic Engineer Professor in National Technical University of Athens |
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In Scientific Journals | |
1.1 | J. Golias and Ap. Yotis, "Delays at Uncontrolled Road Junctions", Scientific Papers, Civil Engineering Dept, National Technical University of Athens, Vol. IV, 4, 1980. |
1.2 | J. Golias, "Towards a Realistic Analytical Evaluation of Minor Stream Capacity at Priority Road Junctions", Traffic Engineering and Control, Vol. 27, 1, 1986. |
1.3 | J. Golias, "The Potential for the Development of an International Transhipment Terminal for Containers in Greece", Technica Chronica, Section A, Vol. 6, 2, 1986. |
1.4 | J. Golias, "Techniques for the Control of the regression to the Mean Effect in Before-and-After Accident Studies", Technica Chronica, Section A, Vol. 8, 2, 1988. |
1.5 | J. Golias and G. Kanellaidis, "Estimation of Driver Behaviour Model Parameters", Journal of Transportation Engineering of A.S.C.E., Vol. 116, No 2, 1990. |
1.6 | G. Kanellaidis, J. Golias and S. Efstathiadis, "Drivers' Speed Behaviour on Rural Road Curves", Traffic Engineering and Control, Vol. 31, No 7, 1990. |
1.7 | J. Golias, "Parking System in central Athens: Establising and Implementing a Policy". In Proceedings of the Conference "Traffic Problems in Central Athens", Technica Chronica Section A, Vol. 10, 3, 1990. |
1.8 | J. Golias and H. Tzivelou, "Aspects on Road Accident Death Analyses", Journal of Transportation Engineering of A.S.C.E., Vol. 118, 2 1992. |
1.9 | J. Golias, "Establishing Relationships Between Accidents and Flows at Urban Priority Road Junctions", Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 24, 6, 1992. |
1.10 | D. Tsamboulas, J. Golias and M. Vlahoyannis, "Model development for Metro Station Access Mode Choice", Transportation, Vol. 19, 3, 1992. |
1.11 | J. Golias and V. Kapotis, "Towards a New Approach in the Estimation of PCUs at Signalised Junctions", Technica Chronica, Section A, Vol. 14, 1994. |
1.12 |
G. Kanellaidis and J. Golias, "Improvements in Road Safety in Greece", Technica Chronica, Section A, Vol. 14, 1, 1994. |
1.13 | J. Golias and E. Blana, "The Effects of Blackspot Improvements on the Neighbouring Sites Safety", Technica Chronica, Section A, Vol 14, 1994. |
1.14 | A. Loizos, J. Golias, G. Kanellaidis and M. Kontou, "Effects of Road User Characteristics and Vehicle Type on Road Roughness Perception", Australian Road Research Board, Journal of Road and Transport Research, Vol. 3, 1994. |
1.15 | J. Golias and D. Tsamboulas, "Macro-level estimation of highway lane usage", Journal of Transportation Engineering of ASCE, Vol. 121, 1, 1995. |
1.16 | G. Kanellaidis, J. Golias and K. Zarifopoulos, "A Survey of Drivers' Attitudes Towards Speed Limit Violation", Journal of Safety Research, Vol. 26, 1, 1995. |
1.17 | J. Golias, K. Euthimiou and M. Kopsidaki, "Speed Analysis and Driver Behaviour Investigation on Road Curves", Technica Chronica, Section A, Vol. 16, 1-2, 1996. |
1.18 | Å. Matsoukis, J. Golias and G. Yannis, "An Overview of Road Safety in Greece", Transport Reviews, Vol. 16, 4, 1996. |
1.19 | G. Yannis, J. Golias and J. Frantzeskakis, "Report on National Road Accident Analyses in the EU Countries", Journal of International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences, Vol. 20, No 2, 1996. |
1.20 | A. Ballis, J. Golias and C. Abacoumkin, "A Comparison Between Conventional and Advanced Handling Systems for Low Volume Container Maritime Terminals", Maritime Policy and Management, Vol. 24, 1, 1997. |
1.21 | J. Golias, "Effects of signalisation on four-arm urban junction safety", Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 29, 2, 1997. |
1.22 | J. Golias, E. Matsoukis and G. Yannis, "An Analysis of Factors Affecting Road Safety: The Greek Experience", Journal of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, Nov. 1997. |
1.23 | G. Yannis, E. Matsoukis and J. Golias, "Road accidents in Greece", Journal of IAATS, Vol. 21, 1, 1997. |
1.24 | Å. Matsoukis and J. Golias, "Bus Privatisation in Athens, Greece: Requiem or Praise", Journal of IAATS, Vol. 21, 1, 1997. |
1.25 | J. Golias and G. Yannis, "Determinants of combined tranport market share", Transport Logistics, Vol. 1, 4, 1997. |
1.26 | G. Yannis, J. Golias and G. Kanellaidis, "A comparative analysis of the potential of international road accident data files", Journal of IAATS, Vol. 22, 2, 1998. |
1.27 | J. Golias, D. Serbis and I. Spiropoulou, "Investigation of the two-wheel, vehicle movement at urban signal-controlled junctions", Technika Chronika, A, Vol. 19, 1-2, 1999. |
1.28 | J. Golias and A. Anastasopoulos, "Investigation of the relationship between average travel speed and traffic parameters on two-way, two-lane rural highways", Technica Chronica, Section A, Vol.19, 3, 1999. |
1.29 | J. Golias and M. Karlaftis, "The taxi market in Athens Greece and its impacts on urban traffic", Transportation Quarterly, Vol. 55, No 1, 2001. |
1.30 | J. Golias and G. Yannis, "Algorithm for the calculation of the impact of delivery vehicle stopping on traffic capacity of an urban road link", Technika Chronica I, Vol. 21, 3, 2001. |
1.31 | M. Karlaftis, J. Golias and E. Papadimitriou, "Transit Quality as an integrated traffic management strategy: measuring perceived service", Public Transportation Vol. 4, 1, 2001. |
1.32 | J. Golias, G.Yannis and C.Antoniou, "Impact of advanced driver assistance systems on urban traffic network conditions", European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research Vol. 1, 3, 2001. |
1.33 | J. Golias and M. Karlaftis, "An international comparative study of self - reported driver behaviour", Transportation Research F, Vol. 4, 4, 2001. |
1.34 | M. Karlaftis, and J. Golias, "Effects of road geometry characteristics and traffic volumes on rural roadway accident rates", Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 34, 3, 2002. |
1.35 | A. Ballis and J. Golias, "Comparative evaluation of existing and innovative rail-road freight transport terminals", Transportation Research A, Vol. 36, 7, 2002. |
1.36 | J. Golias, "Analysis of traffic corridor impacts from the introduction of a new metro system", Journal of Transport Geography, Vol. 10, 2, 2002. |
1.37 | J. Golias, G. Yannis and C. Antoniïu, "Classification of driver assistance systems according to their impact on road safety and traffic efficiency", Transport Reviews, Vol. 22, 2, 2002. |
1.38 | J. Golias, G. Yannis and M. Harvatis,"Off-street parking choice sensitivity", Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol. 25, A, 2002. |
1.39 | E. Blana and J. Golias, "Differences between vehicle lateral displacement on the road and in a fixed-base simulator", Human Factors, Vol. 44, 2, 2002. |
1.40 | M. Karlaftis and J. Golias, "Automobile Ownership, Autoless Households and Urban Traffic Parameters: Are they Related?", Transportation Research Record 1792, TRB, 2002. |
1.41 | J. Golias, C. Antoniïu and G. Yannis, "A methodology for the estimation of traffic and related impacts of advanced driver assistance systems", Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 7, 3-4, 2002. |
1.42 | J. Golias, "Examining the sensitivity of impact of taxi traffic on the capacity and delay at urban road sections", Journal of Transportation Engineering of ASCE, Vol. 129, 3, 2003. |
1.43 | S. Georgiopoulos, J. Golias and M. Karlaftis, "Investigation of the effects to traffic due to stores delivery restrictions", Technika Chronica, Vol. 2, 2003. |
1.44 | Á. Âallis and J. Golias, "Towards the improvement of a combined transport chain operation". European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 152, 2, 2003. |
1.45 |
J. Golias and V. Porikou, "Investigating the adjustment factor for protected left turns from a shared lane", IATSS Research, Vol. 28, 1, 2004. |
1.46 | E. Vlahogianni, J. Golias and M. Karlaftis, "Short-term traffic forecasting: Overview of objectives and methods", Transport Reviews, Vol. 24, 5, 2004. |
1.47 | K. Gkritza, I. Golias and M. Karlaftis, "Estimating elasticities for Multi - Modal Public Transport Demand: a time - series approach", Journal of the Transportation Research Forum, Vol. 43, 2, 2004. |
1.48 | E. Vlahogianni, M. Karlaftis and J. Golias, "Optimized and meta-optimized neural networks for short-term traffic flow prediction: A genetic approach". Transportation Research part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol. 13, 3, 2005. |
1.49 | G. Yannis, J. Golias and E. Papadimitriou, "Driver age and vehicle engine size effects on fault and severity in young motorcyclists accidents", Accident Analysis and Prevention, No 37, 2, 2005. |
1.50 | E. Vlahogianni, M. Karlaftis and J. Golias, "Statistical methods for detecting nonlinearity and non-stationarity in univariate short-term time-series of traffic volume", Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 14, 5, 2006. |
1.51 | G. Yannis, J. Golias and C. Antoniou, "Effects of urban delivery restrictions on traffic movements", Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol. 29, No 4, August 2006. |
1.52 | E. Vlahogianni, M. Karlaftis and J. Golias, "Spatio-temporal short-term urban traffic volume forecasting using genetically-optimized modular networks", Computer-aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol. 22, 5, 2007. |
1.53 | G. Yannis, J. Golias and Å. Papadimitriou, "Accident risk of foreign drivers in various road environments", Journal of Safety Research, 38(4), 2007. |
1.54 | I. Spyropoulou, Å. Papadimitriou, G. Yannis and J. Golias, "Travel patterns of three distinct driver age groups", Proceedings of ICE-Transport, Vol. 160, TR3, 2007. |
1.55 | G. Yannis, J. Golias, I. Spyropoulou and E. Papadimitriou, "Mobility patterns of moped and motorcycle riders in Greece", Transportation Research record 2031, TRB, 2007. |
1.56 | G. Yannis, J. Golias and E. Papadimitriou, "Modeling crossing behaviour and accident risk of pedestrians", ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 133, No 11, 2007. |
1.57 | S. Lassarre, E. Papadimitriou, J. Golias and G. Yannis, "Measuring accident risk exposure for pedestrians in different micro - environments", Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 39(6), 2007. |
1.58 | G. Yannis, J. Golias and E. Papadimitriou, "Effects of driver nationality and road characteristics on accident fault risk" , International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, Vol.14, No 3 , 2007. |
1.59 | E.I. Vlahogianni, M.G. Karlaftis and J.C. Golias, "Temporal Evolution of Short-Term Urban Traffic Flow: A Non-Linear Dynamics Approach", Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol. 23, 7, 2008. |
1.60 | I. Spyropoulou, N. Penttinen, M. Karlaftis, T. Vaa and J. Golias, "ITS Solutions and accident risks: prospective and limitations", Transport Reviews, 28(5), 2008. |
1.61 | G. Yannis, J. Golias, I. Spyropoulou and A. Rogan, "An integrated scheme for Olympic Village traffic and parking arrangements", ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems, Vol. 15, No 1 , 2009. |
1.62 | E. Papadimitriou, G. Yannis and J. Golias, "A critical assessment of pedestrian behaviour models", Transportation Research F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour , Vol. 12, 3, 2009. |
1.63 | E. Papadimitriou, G. Yannis and J. Golias "A theoretical framework for modeling pedestrians crossing behavior along a trip", ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering , Vol. 136, 10, 2010. |
1.64 | E.I. Vlahogianni, M.G. Karlaftis, J.C. Golias and B. Halkias, "Freeway Operations, Spatio-temporal Incident Characteristics, and Secondary-Crash Occurrence",TRR 2178, 2010. |
1.65 | E. Papadimitriou, V. Mylona and J.C. Golias, "Perceived Level of Service, Driver, and Traffic Characteristics: Piecewise Linear Model", ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, October 2010. |
1.66 | E.I. Vlahogianni, J.C. Golias and J. Ziomas, "Traffic Flow Evolution Effects to Nitrogen Dioxides Predictability in Large Metropolitan Areas", Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 16(4), 2011. |
1.67 | S. Lassare, E. Bonnet, F. Bodin, E. Papadimitriou, G. Yannis and J. Golias, "AGIS based methodology for identifying pedestrians' crossing behaviour", computers, environment and urban systems, 36(4), 2012.. |
1.68 | E.I. Vlahogianni and J.C. Golias, "Bayesian Modelling of the microscopic traffic characteristics of overtaking in two-lane highways", Transportation Research, Part F, 15(3), 2012. |
1.69 | E. Papadimitriou, G. Yannis, J. Golias, "Analysis of pedestrian road crossing behaviour in urban areas", International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems, in press. |
1.70 | E. Papadimitriou, G. Yannis and J. Golias, "Analysis of pedestrian exposure to risk in relation to crossing behaviour", Transportation Research Record, TR2299, Jan 2012. |
1.71 | E.I. Vlahogianni, G. Yannis and J. Golias, "Overview of critical risk factors in Power-Two-Wheeler Safety", Accident Analysis and Prevention, 49(1), 2012. |
1.72 | E.I. Vlahogianni, G. Yannis and J. Golias, "Critical power-two-wheeler riding patterns at the emergence of an incident", Accident Analysis and Prevention, 58, 2013. |
1.73 | E.I. Vlahogianni, G. Yannis and J. Golias, "Detecting powered-two-wheeler incidents from high resolution naturalistic data", Transportation Research, Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 22, 86-95, (2014). |
1.74 | E.I. Vlahogianni, M.G. Karlaftis and J.C. Golias, "Short-term traffic forecasting: Where we are and where we're going", Transportation Research, Part C, Emerging Technologies, 01/2014. |
1.75 | E. Papadimitriou, G. Yannis, J. Golias, "Analysis of pedestrian road crossing behaviour in urban Athens", International Journal at Operations Research and Information Systems, 01/2015, 5(2). |
1.76 | P. Papantoniou, C. Antoniou, G. Yannis, E. Papadimitriou, D. Pavlou, J. Golias, "P10 How cell phone use affects reaction time of older drivers", Journal of Transport & Health, Volume 2, 2, 2015. |
1.77 | E. Barmpounakis, E. Vlahogianni, J. Golias, "Intelligent Transportation Systems and Powered Two Wheelers Traffic", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume 17, 4, 2016. |
1.78 | E. I. Vlahogianni, G. Yannis, J. C. Golias, "Sensor-based Powered Two Wheelers driving profile detection in various road environments and lighting conditions", Advances in Transportation Studies, Volume 38, 2016. |
1.79 | D. Pavlou, P. Papantoniou, E. Papadimitriou, S. Vardaki, G. Yannis, C. Antoniou, J. Golias, S. G. Papageorgiou, "Which are the effects of driver distraction and brain pathologies on reaction time and accident risk?", Advances in Transportation Studies, Volume 1, 2016. |
1.80 | E. N. Barmpounakis, E. I. Vlahogianni, J. C. Golias, "Vision-based multivariate statistical modeling for powered two-wheelers maneuverability during overtaking in urban arterials", Transportation Letters, Volume 8, 167-176, 2016. |
1.81 | P. Papantoniou, G. Yannis, C. Antoniou, E. Papadimitriou, D. Pavlou, J. Golias, "Investigating the Effect of Area Type and Traffic Conditions on Distracted Driving Performance", Transportation Research Procedia, Volume 14, 2016. |
1.82 | E. N. Barmpounakis, E. I. Vlahogianni, J. C. Golias, "Modeling Cooperation and Powered-Two Wheelers Short-term Strategic Decisions during Overtaking in Urban Arterials", International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, Dec. 2016. |
In Conference Proceedings | |
2.1 | J. Golias, "The Delay Problem for a Single Driver Crossing a Two-lane Stream", Proceedings of the 12th Annual U.T.S.G. Conference, Newcastle Upon Tyne, 1980. |
2.2 | J. Golias, "Waiting to Cross a Major Stream at an Uncontrolled Road Junction", Proceedings of the 8th Int ernational Symposium in Transportation and Traffic Theory, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Canada, 1983. |
2.3 | J. Golias, "International Transhipment Terminal in Southern Greece: Realism and outopia", Proceedings of the Conference "Sea transport", Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Athens, 1987. |
2.4 | J. Golias and M. Vlahogiannis, "Characteristics of the Athens Metro Passenger Trips", Proceedings of the conference "Research in Transport in Greece", Institute of Transportation Engineers, Athens, November 1988. |
2.5 | J. Golias, "The Road Transportation of Goods Between Greece and the EEC", Raccolta delle Lezio ni per "Giornate di Studi Superiori Riguardanti l'Organizzazione dei Transporti nell'Integrazione Economica Europea", XXX Corso Internationale, Universita degli Studi di Trieste, Trieste, Italy, 1990. |
2.6 | J. Golias , and E. Yotis, "Traffic Flow Parameters in the Greek Environment: Saturation Flow and Platoon Dispersion", Proceedings of the EC Workshop on Traffic Engineering Technology, University College London, London, 1991. |
2.7 | E. Yotis and J. Golias, "Investigating the saturation flow as a traffic flow parameter at signalised junctions in Athens", Proceedings of the Conference " The use of advanced mathematical models in Traffic engineering Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, 1991. |
2.8 | J. Golias and A. Bougoulias, "Traffic Problems in Cities: Establishment and Materialisation of a Proposal for the City of Karditsa", Proceedings of the Conference "Transport and Municipality Authorities", Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, February 1992. |
2.9 | J. Golias and Á. Âallis, "New Methods for the Transhipment of Containers", Proceedings of the Transinter Conference. "Transport, Infrastructure Development and Technologies", January 1994. |
2.10 | J. Golias and J. Chandanos, "Review of Road Safety Information Systems", Proceedings of the 1st International Conference in Road Safety, Thessaloniki, March 1994. |
2.11 | V. Psarianos, J. Golias, M. Kodaratos and A. Yotis, "Investigation of Safety Parameters in Rural Highways", Proceedings of the 1st International Conference in Road Safety, Thessaloniki, March 1994. |
2.12 | J. Golias and G. Yannis, "Safety Parameters in Greek Roads", Proceedings of the 1st Panhellenic Conference in Highway Engineering, Larissa, October 1995. |
2.13 | J. Frantzeskakis, J. Golias and G. Yannis, "National and International Official Publications for Road Accident Statistics", Proceedings of the International Congress for the international data bases, OECD, Helsinki, 1995. |
2.14 | G. Yannis and J. Golias, "The need of interface of important civil engineer works with the existent transport system", Proceedings of the conference "A vision for Athens, the constitutional agreement", Technical Chamber of Greece - Municipality of Athens, Athens, 1996. |
2.15 | J. Golias and G. Yannis, "Sustainable Development of the Transport Systems: its Role in the Service of Citizens", Proceedings of the International conference " Athens - Attiki, strategic planning for sustainable development". Organisation for the Development of Athens, 1996. |
2.16 | J. Golias and G. Yannis, "Safety Parameters for Two-wheel Vehicles". Proceedings of the seminar" Two-wheel traffic in urban areas, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Athens, 1996. |
2.17 | J. Golias, E. Sabrakos and G. Yannis, "The Potential of a Unified Booking System in Air and Short-sea Lines", Proceedings of the 2nd conference on transport economics, Department of Shipping, University of Piraeus, 1996. |
2.18 | G. Yannis, J. Chandanos and J. Golias, "The Need of Traffic Information System Integration in the Urban Planning Process", Proceedings of the Congress for Urban Land and Environmental Planning and Informatics in Planning in the Transition Era, NTUA, Faculty of Architecture, Athens 1997. |
2.19 | G. Yannis, J. Golias and G. Kanellaidis, "Road Accident Databases with Disaggregate Data in the Two Continents", Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Traffic Safety on Two Continents, Lisbon, 1997. |
2.20 | J. Golias, "The Challenge of the 2004 Olympic Games", Proceedings of the Conference of the Chamber of Economics of Greece "Olympic Airways - Athens 2004", Athens, 1997. |
2.21 | C. Abacoumkin, A. Ballis and J. Golias, " The European Research Programme Impulse for the New Technologies in Combined Transport", Proceedings of the 2nd conference in Combined Transport in South Eastern Europe, Thessaloniki, 1998. |
2.22 | E. Blana and J. Golias, "The contribution of driving simulators in road safety", Proceedings of the 2nd Panhellenic Conference in Road Safety, University of Thessalia, Volos, 1998. |
2.23 | G. Yannis and J. Golias, "Parameters of Road Safety Policy in Greece and Europe", Proceedings of the 2nd Panhellenic Conference in Road safety, University of Thessalia, Volos, 1998. |
2.24 | E. Blana and J. Golias, "Behavioural Validation of a Fixed-base Driving Simulator", Proceedings of the Driving Simulator Conference 1999, Paris, 1999. |
2.25 | J. Golias, "Traffic and Transport management in urban areas", Proceedings of the Conference "Environment: The challenge of the 21st century", center of Political Research and Communication, Athens, 2000. |
2.26 | S.G. Rogan, J. Golias, G. Papageorgiou, A.J. Rogan, C. Solomonidis and G. Yannis, "Central Port of Piraeus: a Purely Passenger Port Offering Water front Activities to the Town", Proceedings of the "Conference de l' Association Internationale Villes et Ports", Marseille, 2000. |
2.27 | J. Golias and G. Yannis, "Investigation of the delivery characteristics required in the central Athens area by heavy vehicles", Proceedings of the Conference of Car Manufacturers Representatives Society "Professional Car, Traffic and Environment", Athens, 2000. |
2.28 | Á . Ballis and J. Golias, "Investigation of Innovative Intermodal Pilot Plants Using Macro and Micro Modelling Tools", Proceedings of the 13th National Operational research Conference "Transport and New Technologies", Athens, 2000. |
2.29 | G. Yannis and J. Golias, "Crucial parameters in the interface of computer systems", Proceedings of the 13th National Conference in Operational Research" Transport and New Technologies", Athens, 2000. |
2.30 | É. Golias and M. Karlaftis, "Driver attitude forward safety: an European study of driver behaviour", Proceedings of the European Transport Conference, Cambridge, UK, September 2000. |
2.31 | J . Golias and M. Karlaftis, "A methodology for Assessing the Impacts of Specialised Vehicles on a Traffic Stream", Proceedings of the 80th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., 2001. |
2.32 | M. Karlaftis and J. Golias, "Effects of Network Efficiency Parameters on Automobile Ownership", Proceedings of the 5th World Multiconference on systemics, cybernetics and informatics, Orlando, USA, 2001. |
2.33 | J. Golias and G. Yannis, "Dealing with Lack of Exposure Data in Road Accident Analysis", Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Traffic Safety on Three Continents, Moscow, 2001. |
2.34 | G. Yannis, M. Karlaftis and J. Golias, "Urban road network categirisation and road safety", Proceedings of the Conference of the Greek Society of Surveyor Engineers "Side land use and access management", Athens 2001. |
2.35 | M. Karlaftis, J. Golias and A. Matzoros,"Impacts on Travel Behavior from the Introduction of a New Metro System: A Case Study from Athens, Greece", Proceedings of the European Transport Conference, Cambridge, UK, September 2001. |
2.36 | J. Frantzeskakis, J. Golias, G. Yannis, and K. Papahatzakis, "Assessment of the fire protection systems and emergency services in Greek airports", Proceedings of the International Conference "Transport and Airports", University of Patras, Patras, 2001. |
2.37 | A. Balis and J. Golias, "Innovative transshipment in the combined transport sector in Europe: Inventory and expert system approach", Proceedings of the 81st Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., 2002. |
2.38 | M. Karlaftis and J. Golias, "An Investigation of the Speed-flow Relationship in Two Lane Rural Roads", Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, CAST - ASCE Guilin, China, 2002. |
2.39 | G.Yannis and J.Golias, "Elaboration of rules transforming national road accident values into European", Proceedings of the International Conference on Transport Research, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Hellenic Institute of Transport, Athens, February 2002. |
2.40 | J. Golias, J. Frantzeskakis, G. Yannis and K. Papahatzakis, "Development of a methodology for the optimization of locating emergency services along the road axes", Proceedings of the International Conference on Transport Research, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Hellenic Institute of Transport, Athens, February 2002. |
2.41 | G. Yannis, A. Stevens and J. Golias, "Investigation of safety impact of driver assistance systems through traffic simulation modelling", Proceedings of the International Congress on IT Solutions for Safety and Security in Intelligent Transport, ERTICO, European Commission, ITS France, Lyon, September 2002. |
2.42 | C. Antoniïu, G. Yannis and J. Golias, "Road network efficiency and environmental impact assessment of Driver Assistance Systems", Proceedings of the 9th World Congress on intelligent transport systems, ITS America, ERTICO, Chicago, October 2002. |
2.43 | M. Karlaftis, J. Golias and G. Yannis, "The use of simulation for the investigation of impact from delivery vehicle traffic in central Athens area", Proceedings of the 6th Panehellenic Logistics Conference, Hellenic Logistics Society, Glyfada, November 2002. |
2.44 | J. Golias, M. Karlaftis and K. Gkritza, "Estimating Elasticities for Public Transport Demand in Athens, Greece: A Time Series Analysis", Proceedings of the Transportation Research Forum Annual Meeting, Virginia, U.S.A., March 2003. |
2.45 | E. Vlahogianni, M. Karlaftis and J. Golias, "A Multivariate Neural Network Predictor for Traffic Forecasting in Urban Signalized Arterials", Proceedings of the 10th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems, Tokyo, Japan, Aug. 2003. |
2.46 | G. Yannis, J. Golias and C. Antoniou, "Combining traffic simulation and driving simulator analyses for advanced cruise control system impact identification", Proceedings of the 83rd TRB Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., 2004. |
2.47 | E. Vlahogianni, M. Karlaftis and J. Golias, "Genetically-optimized system for short-term traffic volume prediction", Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Transportation Research in Greece, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Athens, 2004. |
2.48 | M. Karlaftis, J. Golias and E. Sambrakos, "Proposals for a comprehensive structure on pricing for an urban transportation system", Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Transportation Research in Greece, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Athens, 2004. |
2.49 | E. Bekiaris, J. Golias, G. Yannis and C. Antoniou, "Standardisation, implementation and optimum use of advanced driver assistance and vehicle control systems", Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Transport Research in Greece, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Athens, 2004. |
2.50 | M. Karlaftis, J. Golias and G. Yannis, "A Simulation Model for Analyzing Traffic and Environmental Impacts from Heavy Vehicle Movement in Urban Areas", Proceedings of the 10th World Conference on Transportation Research, Istanbul, July 2004. |
2.51 | E.I. Vlahogianni, M.G. Karlaftis and J.C. Golias, "Assessing on the Statistical Properties of Short-Term Traffic Flow", Proceedings of the 84th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 2005. |
2.52 | E . Vlahogianni , J . Golias and M . Karlaftis , "Incorporating spatial data in short - term urban traffic flow forecasting using genetically - optimized temporal neural networks", Proceedings of the 84th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., January 2005 . |
2.53 | E. Vlahogianni, M. Karlaftis and J. Golias, "Short-term traffic flow analysis: Detecting and identifying non-stationarity and nonlinearity", Proceedings of the 84th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., January 2005. |
2.54 | G. Yannis, J. Golias and E. Papadimitriou, "Potential and limitation of road accident data analysis in Greece", Proceedings of the 2nd panhellenic road construction conference, Technical Chamber of Greece, Volos, May 2005. |
2.55 | I. Spyropoulou, M. Karlaftis, G. Yannis and J. Golias, "Impact of use of advanced traveller information systems on the road transportation system", Proceedings of the 2nd panhellenic road construction conference, Technical Chamber of Greece, Volos, May 2005. |
2.56 | G. Yannis, J. Golias, E. Papadimitriou and I. Spyropoulou, "Passenger car and two-wheel drivers risk analysis in Greece", Proceedings of the 3rd panhellenic road safety conference, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Patra, October 2005. |
2.57 | I. Spyropoulou, E. Papadimitriou, G. Yannis and J. Golias, "Causes and countermeasures of two-wheel accidents", Proceedings of the 3rd panhellenic road safety conference, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Patra, October 2005. |
2.58 | I. Spyropoulou, M. Karlaftis, M. Penttinen, G. Yannis and J. Golias, "Intelligent Transport Systems Today: A European perspective", Proceedings of the European Transport Conference, Association for European Transport, Strasbourg, October 2005. |
2.59 | M. Karlaftis, E. Vlahogianni and J. Golias , "Patterns in short - term urban traffic flow : A framework for statistical detection and identification", Proceedings of the 85th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., January 2006. |
2.60 | G. Yannis, I. Golias and E. Papadimitriou, "An integrated risk analysis and the effect of transportation systems on public health", Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Transport Research, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Thessaloniki, May 2006. |
2.61 | E I. Vlahogianni, M.G. Karlaftis, J.C. Golias and A. Stathopoulos "Development of a wavelet-based system for the identification of the transitions to congested conditions in urban signalized arterials", Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Transportation Research, Thessaloniki, Greece, May 2006. |
2.62 | E.I. Vlahogianni, M.G. Karlaftis, J.C. Golias and N.D. Kourbelis, "Pattern - based Short - term Urban Traffic Predictor", Proceedings of the 9th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Torondo, Canada, September 2006. |
2.63 | I. Spyropoulou, J. Golias, G. Yannis and E. Sigalas, "Greek driver needs on ITS in relation to driver accident history", Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Driver Needs in relation to ITS, Technical Institute of Finland, Turku, September 2006. |
2.64 | E.I. Vlahogianni, M.G. Karlaftis, J.C. Golias and A. Stathopoulos, "An application of Wavelets and Self - organizing Kohonen Maps to Identify Transitions in Short - Term Traffic Flow in Urban Arterials", Proceedings of the 86th Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington D. C, January 2007. |
2.65 | G. Yannis, J. Golias, I. Spyropoulou and Å . Papadimitriou, "Mobility patterns of motorcycle and moped riders in Greece", Proceedings of the 86th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, January 2007. |
2.66 | E.I. Vlahogianni, M.G. Karlaftis, J.C. Golias and A. Stathopoulos, "Analysis of the Short - Term Transitional Behavior of Coupled Information of Volume and Occupancy: A Wavelet Approach", Proceedings of the 11th World Conference of Transportation Research, Berkeley, USA, June 2007. |
2.67 | G. Yannis, J. Golias, I. Spyropoulou and E. Papadimitriou, "Accident risk factors of young drivers and targeted countermeasures", Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Transportation Research, Berkeley, USA, June 2007. |
2.68 | I. Spyropoulou, J. Golias, M. Karlaftis, M. Penttinen and T. Vaa, "Risk factors and intelligent transport system answers - possible opportunities and shortcomings", Proceedings of the 11th World Conference of Transportation Research, Berkeley, June 2007. |
2.69 | G. Yannis, J. Golias and I. Spyropoulou, "Effects of driver accident history on ITS acceptance", Proceedings of the 14th ITS World Conference, Beijing, 2007. |
2.70 | G. Kanellaidis, I. Golias, G. Yannis, S. Vardaki, A. Dragomanovits and A. Laiou, "Strategic Planning for the improvement of road s afety in Greece", Proceedings of the Conference for the celebration of the 170 years of NTUA, Athens, 2007. |
2.71 | G. Yannis, I. Spyropoulou, J. Golias, E. Ersenio and C. Azevedo, "Introducing safety on advanced traveler information systems and consequent impact on drivers' route choices", Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation, , ASCE, Athens, May 2008. |
2.72 | E.I. Vlahogianni, M.G. Karlaftis, and J.C. Golias, "Recurrence Quantification Analysis of Short-Term Traffic Flow Dynamics", Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference, Chania, Greece, June 2008. |
2.73 | M.G. Karlaftis, E.I. Vlahogianni and J.C. Golias, " Impacts of Traffic and Service Parameters on Perceived Transit Quality", 4th International Conference on Traffic & Transport Psychology, Washington DC, USA, September 2008. |
2.74 | .J. Golias, G. Yannis and E. Papadimitriou, "Characteristics of lorry and bus accidents in Greece", Proceedings of the 4th Pan-Hellenic Road Safety Conference, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, November 2009. |
2.75 | M.G. Karlaftis, E.I. Vlahogianni, J.C. Golias, and B.M. Halkias, "Incidents, Secondary Incidents and Causal Factors: A Quantitative Investigation", 2nd International Symposium on Freeway and Tollway Operations, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, June 2009. |
2.76 | E.I. Vlahogianni, M.G. Karlaftis, J.C. Golias and B. Halkias "Freeway Operations, Spatiotemporal Incident Characteristics, and Secondary Crash Occurrence", Proceedings of the 89th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, January 2010. |
2.77 | G. Yannis, E. Vlahogianni, J. Golias and P. Saleh , "Road infrastructure and Safety of Power Two Wheelers", Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Transport Research , Lisbon, July 2010. |
2.78 | E. Papadimitriou, G. Yannis and J. Golias, "Analysis of pedestrian crossing behaviour in urban areas", Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Transport Research in Greece, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Volos, September 2010. |
2.79 | E. Vlahogianni, G. Yannis, J. Golias, N. Eliou and P. Lemonakis, "Identifying riding profiles parameters from high resolution naturalistic riding data", Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Indianapolis, September 2011. |
2.80 | E.I. Vlahogianni, G. Yannis, J.C. Golias and N. Eliou, "Identifying Critical Power-Two-Wheeler Riding Behaviors at the Emergence of an Incident", Procceedings of the 91st TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, January 2012. |
2.81 | E. Papadimitriou, G. Yannis and J. Golias, "Analysis of pedestrian risk exposure in relation to crossing behaviour", Proceedings of the 91st TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, January 2012. |
2.82 | V.A. Nikias, E.I. Vlahogianni, T. Lee and J. Golias, "Determinants of powered-two-wheelers virtual lane width in urban arterials", 15th International IEEE Conference, Anchorage, September 2012. |
2.83 | J. Golias , G. Yannis , E.I. Vlahogianni, P. Vuthy, P. Saleh and P. Winkelbauer, "Power-two-wheelers critical risk factors: a European Study", 5th Conference in Road Safety Research in Greece, Volos, October 2012. |
2.84 | I. Spyropoulou, G. Yannis and J. Golias, "Attitudes and behaviour of Greek power-two-wheelers", 5th Conference in Road Safety Research in Greece, Volos, October 2012. |
2.85 | I. Spyropoulou, G. Yannis, J. Golias, M. Winkelbauer, "Powered two-wheelers safety measures: Recommendations and priorities ", Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Transportation Research, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, July 2013. |
2.86 | G. Yannis, J. Golias, E. Papadimitriou, S. Vardaki, P. Papantoniou, D. Pavlou, S. Papageorgiou, N. Andronas, A. Liozidou, I. Bertis, D. Kontaxopoulou, S. Fragiadaki, A. Economou, "Design of a large driving simulator experiment on performance of drivers with cerebral diseases ", Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Rome, October 2013. |
2.87 | E.N. Barbounakis, E.I. Vlahogianni, J.C. Golias, "Investigating powered two-wheelers overtaking behaviour in urban arterials", 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, Jan 2014. |
2.88 | E. Papadimitriou, D. Pavlou, P. Papantoniou, G. Yannis, J. Golias, S.G. Papageorgiou, "Results from a driving simulator study on performance of drivers with cerebral diseases", 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, Jan 2014. |
2.89 | G. Yannis, E. Papadimitriou, D. Pavlou, J. Golias, "First exploration of the effect of road and traffic environment on distracted driving througha driving simulator study", Transport Research Arena, Paris, 2014. |
2.90 | D. Pavlou, E. Papadimitriou, G. Yannis, P. Papantoniou, J. Golias, S.G. Papageorgiou, "First findings from a simulator study on driving behaviour of drivers with cerebral diseases", Transport Research Arena 2014, Paris, April 2014. |
2.91 | P. Papantoniou, C. Antoniou, E. Papadimitriou, D. Pavlou, G. Yannis, J. Golias, "Is distracted driving performance affected by age? First findings from a driving simulator study", Proceedings of the International Interdisciplinary conference "Ageing and Safe Mobility", Bergisch-Gladbach, Nov. 2014. |
2.92 | G. Yannis, C. Antoniou, J. Golias, S. Mavromatis, "A Classification of Driver Assistance Systems", Transport Safety: Societal Challenges and Research Solutions, Genoa, Dec. 2014. |
2.93 | E. Barbounakis, E. Vlahogianni, J. Golias, "A game theoretic approach to powered two wheelers overtaking phenomena", 94th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., Jan.2015. |
2.94 | D. Pavlou, E. Papadimitriou, C. Antoniou, P. Papantoniou, G. Yannis, J. Golias, S Papageorgiou, "Driving behaviour of drivers with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease: a driving simulator study", 94th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, Jan. 2015. |
2.95 | P. Papantoniou, C. Antoniou, E. Papadimitriou, G. Yannis, J. Golias, "Exploratory analysis of the effect of distraction on driving behaviour through a driving simulator experiment", 6th Panhellenic Conference in Road Safety, Athens, Mar. 2015. |
2.96 | D. Pavlou, I. Beratis, E. Papadimitriou, G. Yannis, J. Golias, S. G. Papageorgiou, "Driving performance profiles of drivers with brain pathologies in rural roads", 6th Panhellenic Conference in Road Safety, Athens, Mar. 2015. |
2.97 | D. Pavlou, E. Papadimitriou, S. Vardaki, P. Papantoniou, N. Andronas, G. Yannis, J. Golias, S. G. Papageorgiou, "Driving performance profiles of drivers with parkinson's desease", 14th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons, Lisbon, July 2015. |
2.98 | P. Papantoniou, C. Antoniou, G. Yannis, E. Papadimitriou, D. Pavlou, J. Golias, "How does distracted driving affect reaction time of older drivers?", 14th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons, Lisbon, July 2015. |
2.99 | G. Yannis, P. Papantoniou, E. Papadimitriou, D. Pavlou, C. Antoniou, J. Golias, "Assessing driving behaviour in the elderly: methodological issues", 14th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons, Lisbon, July 2015. |
3.00 | C. Antoniou, E. Papadimitirou, D. Pavlou, G. Yannis, J. Golias, "Cell phone use and driving performance of different age groups", Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Orlando, USA, Oct. 2015. |
3.01 | D. Pavlou, P. Papantoniou, E. Papadimitriou, S. Vardaki, G. Yannis, C. Antoniou, J. Golias, S. G. Papageorgiou, "In-vehicle distraction and brain pathologies: Effects on reaction time and accident probability", Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Orlando, USA, Oct. 2015. |
3.02 | P. Katachanaki, E. N. Barmpounakis, E. Vlahogianni, J. Golias, "Multivariate Statistical Methods for explaining Powered Two Wheelers' Traffic in Urban Arterials (in Greek)", 7th International Congress on Transportation Research, Athens, Nov. 2015. |
3.03 | E. N. Barmpounakis, E. I. Vlahogianni, J. C. Golias, "Extracting Kinematic Characteristics from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles", 95th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington D. C., Jan. 2016. |
3.04 | P. Papantoniou, G. Yannis, C. Antoniou, E. Papadimitriou, D. Pavlou, J. Golias, "Investigating the effect of area type and traffic conditions on distracted driving performance", 6th Transport Research Arena, Poland, Apr. 2016. |
3.05 | E. N. Barmpounakis, E. I. Vlahogianni, J. C. Golias, "Decision Trees and Meta-algorithms for Revealing Powered Two Wheelers' Overtaking Patterns", 96th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington D. C., Jan. 2017. |
Books | |
3.1 | "Road Safety", I. Frantzeskakis and J. Golias, Papasotiriou Eds, Athens 1994. |
3.2 | "Traffic parameters for the re-organisation of Port operations in Attiki for the Athens 2004 Olympic Games", A.Rogan, A.Boutatis, G.Yannis and J.Golias, A Compendium of Best Transportation Practices in the Athens 2004 Summer Olympics , Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, January 2007. |
3.3 | "Traffic Engineering", I. Frantzeskakis, J. Golias and M Pitsiava, Papasotiriou Eds, Athens, 2008. |
3.4 | "Traffic Flow Applications", J. Golias, G. Yannis and E. Vlahogianni, NTUA, Athens, December 2008. |
Book Chapters | |
4.1 | "Recurrence Quantification Analysis as a Tool for Investigation of Short-Term Traffic Flow: Application to Urban Freeways", E.I. Vlahogianni, M.G. Karlaftis and J.C. Golias, Topics on Chaotic Systems, Selected Papers from CHAOS 2008 International Conference, Chania, Crete, Greece, World Scientific Publishing, UK, 2008. |
4.2 | " Recurrence Analysis Applications to Short-Term Macroscopic and Microscopic Road Traffic", E. I. Vlahogianni, M. G. Karlaftis, J. C. Golias, Recurrence Quantification Analysis, 375-397, Springer International Publishing, 2015. |