





Text Box:     Nikos GEROLYMOS
    Professor (elected)


Dr. Civil  Engineer

Professor (elected)


Soil Dynamics and Foundation Engineering

National Technical University

School of Civil Engineering

Geotechnical Department

Laboratory of Soil Mechanics

Heroon Polytechniou 9

15780 Zografou, Athens, Greece

Research field of Interest


Tel: +30-210-7724211

Fax: +30-210-7722405




National Technical University of Athens

School of Civil Engineering

Laboratory of Soil Mechanics

Geotechnical  Department



Nikos Gerolymos is a Professor (elected) in the Geotechnical Department of the School of Civil Engineering at NTUA. He has been teaching and conducting research in Soil Mechanics, Foundation Engineering, Computational Geotechnics, Soil-Structure Interaction, and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering since 2006. He is the author of over 180 scientific publications in peer-reviewed international journals and conference proceedings, and has been invited as a keynote speaker and session chair at numerous international and National conferences. He has served on the Editorial Board of scientific journals and has been invited as a reviewer for more than 60 international journals, as well as various international and national conferences and research proposals. He has participated in 25 research programs funded by Greek and European agencies, with an emphasis on developing innovative numerical simulation and analysis methodologies for geotechnical projects, and has contributed to the supervision of 13 Ph.D. dissertations and over 70 diploma and postgraduate theses.


He possesses 26 years of professional experience as a Geotechnical Engineering consultant for major public works in Greece and worldwide, with a focus on numerical analysis in Soil Dynamics and Foundations-Retaining Structures. Indicative projects include the foundations of the OAKA roof (Calatrava roof) and the 3rd LNG tank on the island of Revythousa, the retaining structures and tunnels of the 'Ag. Paraskevi' and 'Academia' stations of the Elliniko Metro, the soil dynamic studies for the hospitals in Komotini, Thessaloniki, and Sparta funded by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, and the VMUT (Vouliagmenis Multi Use Tower) & Mall complex by Lamda Development in Hellinikon–Ag. Kosmas.


His methodology for the seismic analysis of foundation caissons has been applied in the design of major bridges, such as the Qiongzhou Strait highway bridge in China and the Dhubri–Phulbari bridge over the Brahmaputra River between Assam and Meghalaya in Northeast India. The constitutive soil model Ta-Ger (Tasiopoulou & Gerolymos, 2016) has been recognized and utilized by leading Geotechnical Engineering research teams at UPC-Barcelona Tech University and Oxford University as one of the most capable models for describing the response under a very large number of loading cycles, large displacements, and loading conditions of partial saturation, partial drainage and liquefaction. It has been successfully applied in the three-dimensional numerical analysis and design of significant infrastructure projects, including bridges, LNG tanks, offshore wind farms, and port facilities.


His teaching received the highest rating in the Course and Instructor Evaluation by the Students of the School of Civil Engineering at NTUA for the academic year 2014-2015. In the same year, he was recognized as an “Outstanding Reviewer” by the prestigious international journal “Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering”. He has been included in the Stanford University list of the top 2% researchers with the greatest scientific impact in his field globally for the year 2022. He has been a member of the Hellenic Organization for Standardization (ELOT) since 2019.

Soil Mechanics, Numerical Modelling in Geotechnical Engineering, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction, Retaining and Underground Structures, Nonlinear Static and Dynamic Response of Soils, Shallow Foundations, Pile and Caisson Foundations, Constitutive Soil Modelling, Computational Intelligence Methods in Geotechnical Engineering, Deep Foundations against liquefaction Induced Soil Flow, Landslides: Triggering, Evolution, and Deposition. Observational Method in Geotechnical Engineering: Data Processing and Evaluation.