Dr.-Ing.Angelos Markopoulos
Associate Professor
Manufacturing Technology Division
School of Mechanical Engineering
National Technical University of Athens
Date of Birth: 10.7.1976
Place of birth: Athens
Nationality: Greek
1995-1996: University of Patras, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
National Technical University of Athens, School of Mechanical Engineering.Graduation thesis title: "Numerical simulation of the temperature fields developed during grinding" (In Greek).
2001-2006: Ph.D. Student, NTUA, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing Technology Division.
Ph.D. subject: "Ultraprecision cutting processes" (In Greek)
(Press the following link to see a summary of the dissertation in English).
University Teaching Experience
School of Mechanical
Engineering, National
Technical University of
Athens (Associate
Professor in
Manufacturing Technology
Division, 2021-today)
2) School of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens (Assistant Professor in Manufacturing Technology Division, 2016-2021)
3) School of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens (Lecturer in Manufacturing Technology Division, 2014-2016)
4) School of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens (Micro and Nanoprocesses, 2005-2014, Researcher)
5) School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Thessaly (Introduction to Workshop Technology, CNC Machine-Tools, 2007-2008)
6) Hellenic Air Force Academy (Introduction to Workshop Technology, Mechanical Drawing, 2007-2008)
Teaching Experience in other Technological Institutes
1) Department of Mechanical Engineering Educators, School of Pedagogical & Technological Education (2008-2011)
2) Navy Petty Officers Academy (2007- 2014)
3) Air Force Petty Officers Academy (2007-2008)
As PhD Candidate 2001-2006
Mechanical Engineering Drawing I and Workshop Practice (Workshop instruments description and exhibition).
Mechanical Engineering Drawing II and Workshop Practice (Milling machine practise).
Introduction to Workshop Technology (Welding of metals).
Manufacturing Processes II (Metal cutting with milling machine, Grinding)
Manufacturing Processes IIΙ (Electrodischarge machining)
1) Member of the Editorial Board of:
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory
Modelling and Simulation in Engineering
The Journal of Engineering, IET Open Access Research - Deputy Section Editor (Mechanical Engineering)
International Journal of Manufacturing, Materials and Mechanical Engineering
International Journal of Materials Forming and Machining Processes
International Journal of Surface Engineering and Interdisciplinary Materials Science
European Journal of Materials Science and Engineering
2) International Journals Reviewer:
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Journal of Machining and Forming Technologies
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Research
Journal of Modern Manufacturing Technology
International Journal of Manufacturing, Materials and Mechanical Engineering
International Journal of Materials Forming and Machining Processes
International Journal of Materials Forming
Computational Materials Science
Modelling and Simulation in Engineering
American Journal of Nanotechnology
Reviewer for Elsevier Journals 2014 2015 2016 2017
1. Technical Chamber of Greece since 2001
2. Hellenic Association of Mechanical & Electrical Engineers since 2001
3. International Member ASTM
1. NTUA scholarship for PhD students (2001-2004)
2. Scholarship for participating in the ERASMUS Project (October-December 2001, Miskolc and Budapest, Hungary)
Award from the Technical Chamber of Greece for the Graduation thesis
Award from NTUA for the best publication in International Journal for years 2004, 2005 and 2006
Award from NTUA for the best dissertation on multidisciplinary subject
English: Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English
German: Mittelstufe, Goethe Institut Athen
French: -
Experienced user of Windows, user of Linux.
Experienced user of various programs as MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, FrontPage), Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Microcal Origin.
Experienced user of engineering software as FEM commercial software (MSC.Marc Mentat, Third Wave AdvantEdge), user of programming software (Matlab, Fortran), user of AutoCAD.
Interested in various topics including Precision and Ultraprecison machining, Micromachining, Nanotechnology, Nanomaterials, Non-Conventional Machining, Finite Elements Analysis, Molecular Dynamics, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks. Since 2002 there have been more than 100 publications that I have participated as author or co-author (Scopus: more than 900 citations and h-index=12, Google Scholar: more than 1000 citations and h-index=13).