Dr. Styliani Verykokou
Dr. Styliani Verykokou is a researcher at the Lab. of Photogrammetry of the School of Rural, Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering (SRSGE) of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece. Her research interests lie in the fields of photogrammetry and computer vision. She obtained a diploma in Rural, Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering (2013) from NTUA. She has been awarded several scholarships and awards by the National Institute of Scholarships of Greece, the NTUA, the Academy of Athens, the Technical Chamber of Greece, the Thomaidion Foundation (Greece) and the Limmat Foundation (Switzerland), as a result of her performance in her studies. She obtained her doctoral degree in Photogrammetry from SRSGE, NTUA in 2020. The subject of her doctoral dissertation was "Georeferencing procedures for oblique aerial images" and it was supported by the Eugenides Foundation scholarship. In the context of her postdoctoral research, which was held in the Lab. of Photogrammetry of NTUA (2020-2022), she dealt with 3D modeling procedures for special applications. She has participated in several research projects and has authored many scientific publications. Currently, she serves as adjunct lecturer in SRSGE for the courses of "Photogrammetry II" and "Summer Course in Photogrammetry & in Remote Sensing".