Sofia Vardaki, PhD

Senior Research Engineer, National Technical University of Athens


Short CV

Dr. Sophia Vardaki is a senior safety research engineer. She holds a PhD in Road Safety from the School of Rural and Surveying Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). Since 1992 she has been involved in several research projects in the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering at NTUA and as a private consultant in highway design and safety projects. Her academic and professional activities and interests include: highway and surveying engineering, road safety, human factors in road design and driver assessment and training. She is the author and co-author of a number of publications in journals and conference proceedings and the co-author of three books. She is also a member of several national and international scientific committees.

Involvement in older drivers’ evaluation

In May 2004 Dr. Vardaki participated in a number of on-road performance evaluation tests of older drivers (in Thessaloniki, Greece) which were carried out as part of  the  “AGILE” Project, ("AGed people Integration, mobility, safety and quality of Life Enhancement through driving”).

In March 2005 Dr. Vardaki participated in an intensive training session in BIVV/CARA (Belgisch Institut voor de Verkeersveiligheid vzw) in Brussels, which focused on practical issues related to road driving tests of older drivers.

Research Activities Material

(a) In-depth interviews of older drivers (part of Ph.D. research)

(b) Older driver's performance evaluation sheet (part of Ph.D. research)

(c) Handbook for Safe Driving at an older Age (by Vardaki, Kanellaidis and Yiannis)


Contact Information

Dr Sofia Vardaki

Research Engineer

National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)

Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering

5 Iroon Polytechniou St, 157 73 Zografou, Athens.

Tel: +30.210.7721282, Fax: +30.210.7721327

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