1. Dissertations & Theses
1.1 |
Pantouvakis, J.P. (1990) Declarative - Configurable Estimating Systems for the Construction Industry, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Nottingham, U.K. |
1.2 |
Pantouvakis, J.P. (1987), Cost Estimating for Civil Engineering and Building Works in a Database Environment, M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Information technology, University of Nottingham, U.K. |
1.3 |
Pantouvakis, J.P. & Drettas, P. (1986) Design of Pressurized Hydarulic Networks - Application to Complex Irrigation Networks, Diploma Dissertation, Department of Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens. |
2. Papers in International Scholarly Journals (Reviewed)
2.1 |
Pantouvakis, J.P. (1992) Non-Procedural Systems : the key to the Successful Implementation of I.T. in Construction Management, Computer Integrated Construction, 1, pp. 127-136 |
2.2 |
O'Brien, M & Pantouvakis, J.P. (1993) A New Approach to the development of Computer-Aided Estimating Systems for the Construction Industry, Construction Management and Economics, 11, pp. 30-44 |
2.3 |
Lambropoulos, S., Manolopoulos, N. & Pantouvakis, J.P. (1996) SEMANTIC : Smart Earth Moving Analysis and Estimation of Cost, Construction Management and Economics, 14, pp.79-92. |
2.4 |
Pantouvakis, J.P. (1996) NetExp : A Rule-Based Computer System for Basic Education on Project Planning, Computer Methods in Civil Engineering, 2(1), pp.91-111. |
2.5 |
Manoliadis, O.G. & Pantouvakis, J.P. (2002) Sustainable Construction in Greece: Harmonization and Implementation, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 11(10a), pp. 763-768. |
2.6 |
Pantouvakis, J.P. (2004) Cluster-based construction management development in Greece, Construction Information Quarterly, 6(3), pp. 105-109. |
2.7 |
Pantouvakis, J.P. & Manoliadis, O.G. (2006) A Practical Approach to Resource - Constrained Project Scheduling, Operational Research – An International Journal, 6,6, pp. 209-309 |
2.8 |
Petroutsatou, C., Lambropoulos, S. & Pantouvakis, J.P. (2006) Road Tunnel Early Cost Estimates Using Multiple Regression Analysis, Operational Research – An International Journal, 6,6, pp. 311-322 |
2.9 |
Pantouvakis, J.P.& Manoliadis, O. (2008) A compromise programming model for site selection of borrow pits, Construction Management & Economics, 26(5), pp. 433-446 |
2.10 |
Manoliadis, O., Pantouvakis, J.P.& Tsolas, I. (2008) Compromise programming model in site selection for construction temporary facilities, Operational Research - An International Journal, 7 (3), pp. 381-400. |
2.11 |
Kalfakakou, R., Pantouvakis, J.P. & Xenidis, Y. (2008) Selecting the optimum investment alternative with the use of decision trees: An application, Studies in Regional & Urban Planning, 11(a), pp.53-62 |
2.12 |
Marinelli, M., Lambropoulos, S. & Pantouvakis, J.P. (2008) Earthmoving fleet size optimization, Studies in Regional & Urban Planning (SPUR), 11(a), pp.77-93. |
2.13 |
Panas, A., Pantouvakis, J.P. & Lambropoulos, S. (2008) Simulation based analysis of construction operations productivity, Studies in Regional & Urban Planning (SPUR), 11(a), pp.95-108 |
2.14 |
Maravas, A. & Pantouvakis, J.P. (2009) Towards the Application of Fuzzy Project Scheduling in Project Management, International Journal of Engineering and Management (IJEM), 1(1), pp. 55-62 |
2.15 |
Manoliadis, O., Pantouvakis, J.P. & Christodoulou, S. (2009) Improving Qualifications-based Selection by Use of the Fuzzy-Delphi Method, Construction Management & Economics, 27(4), pp. 373-384 |
2.16 |
Panas, Á. and Pantouvakis, J.P. (2010) Comparative analysis of operational coefficients' impact on earthmoving operations, Engineering Construction and Architectural Management, 17 (5), pp. 461-475. |
2.17 |
Panas, A. and Pantouvakis, J.P. (2010). Evaluating research methodology in construction productivity studies, The Built and Human Environment Review, 3 (1), pp. 63-85. |
2.18 |
Panas, A. & Pantouvakis, J.P. (2010) An empirical framework for the performance-based evaluation of health and safety's contribution to sustainable construction, Organization, Technology and Management in Construction: An International Journal, 2 (2), pp. 173-181. |
2.19 |
Fragkakis, N., Lambropoulos, S. & Pantouvakis, J.P. (2010) A cost estimate method for bridge superstructures using regression analysis and bootstrap, Organization, Management & Technology : An International Journal (OTMC), 2 (2), pp. 182-190 |
2.20 |
Maravas A. and Pantouvakis J.P. (2011) A Fuzzy Repetitive Scheduling Method for Projects with Repeating Activities, ASCE -Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 137 (7), pp. 561-564. |
2.21 |
Maravas A. and Pantouvakis J.P. (2011) Multi-disciplinary research groups and partnering in attaining a multi-faceted approach to construction scheduling research, International Journal of Construction Project Management, 3 (1), pp. 13-25. |
2.22 |
Maravas A., Pantouvakis J.P. and Lambropoulos S. (2011) Multiple project resource levelling in projects with uncertain activity durations, International Journal of Construction Project Management, 3 (1), pp. 41-57. |
2.23 |
Papari, E., Pantouvakis, J.P. & Panas, A. (2011) A framework for the implementation of a knowledge management platform in the Greek construction industry, Russian Journal of Project & Programme Management, 3(27), pp. 178-186. |
2.24 |
Panas, A. and Pantouvakis, J.P. (2011) Multi-attribute regression analysis for concrete pavement productivity estimation, Organization, Technology and Management in Construction: An International Journal, 3(2), pp. 347-353. |
2.25 |
Petroutsatou, K., Georgopoulos, E., Lambropoulos, S. and Pantouvakis, J.P. (2012) Early Cost Estimating of Road Tunnel Construction Using Neural Networks, ASCE: Journal of Construction Engineering & Management, 138 (6), pp. 679-687. |
2.26 |
Maravas A. and Pantouvakis J.P. (2012) Project cash flow analysis in the presence of uncertainty in activity duration and cost, International Journal of Project Management, 30(3), pp. 374-384. |
2.27 |
Marinelli M., Lambropoulos S. and Pantouvakis J.P. (2012) Investigation of earthmoving trucks deterioration using discriminant analysis”, International Journal of Project Organisation and Management, 4(4), pp 397-413. |
2.28 |
Panas A., Pantouvakis J.P. and Lambropoulos S. (2012) Non-Linear analysis of concrete pavement construction by the use of artificial neural networks, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol 48, pp 3671 -3680. |
2.29 |
Maravas A., Pantouvakis J.P. and Lambropoulos S. (2012), Modelling Uncertainty During Cost Benefit Analysis of Transportation Projects with the Aid of Fuzzy Set Theory, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol 48, pp 3661 - 3670. |
2.30 |
Panas A. and Pantouvakis J.P. (2013), Simulation-Based Concrete Truck-Mixers Fleet Size Determination for On-Site Batch Plant Operation, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 74, pp. 459-467. |
2.31 |
Maravas, A. and Pantouvakis, J.P. (2013) Guidelines for Modelling Time and Cost Uncertainty in Project and Programme Management, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 74, pp. 203-211. |
2.32 |
Anthopoulos, L.G., Kostavara, E. and Pantouvakis, J.P. (2013) An Effective Disaster Recovery Model for Construction Projects, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 74, pp. 21-30. |
2.33 |
Panas A. and Pantouvakis J.P., (2013) Computer simulation and analysis framework for floating caissons construction operations, Automation in Construction, 36, pp. 196-207 |
2.34 |
Panas A. and Pantouvakis J.P., (2014) Simulation-Based and Statistical Analysis of the Learning Effect in Floating Caisson Construction Operations, ASCE: Journal of Construction Engineering & Management, 140(1), |
2.35 |
Fragkakis, Í., Lambropoulos, S., and Pantouvakis, J.P. (2014). Á computer-aided conceptual cost estimating system for prestressed concrete road bridges, International Journal of Information Technology in Project Management, 5(1), pp. 1-13. |
2.36 |
Maravas A., Pantouvakis J.P. and Lambropoulos S. (2014) An Integrated Information System for Monitoring Construction Works, International Journal of Information Technology in Project Management, 5(1), pp. 33-44. |
2.37 |
Pantouvakis, J. P., Panas, A. and Lambropoulos, S. (2014) A simulation environment for construction project manager competence development in construction management, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 119, pp.739-747. |
2.38 |
Lambropoulos, S., Pantouvakis, J.P. and Marinelli, M. (2014) Reforming civil engineering studies in recession times, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 119, pp.776-785, |
3. Papers in Greek Scholarly Journals (Reviewed)
Pantouvakis, J.P. (2003) Theory & Practice of Project Management, Ôechnika Chronika - Electronic Bimonthly Edition, 6, Issue of November - December, pp 1-13 (Also published in the Bulletin of Chemical Engineers, Oct. 2003, pp. 23-27). | |
Pantouvakis, J.P. (2006) Issues in the Professional Certification of Project Managers, Ôechnika Chronika - Electronic Bimonthly Edition, 3, Issue May - June. | |
Pantouvakis, J.P. (2007) Innovation, review of construction equipment innovations & presentation of the Centre for Construction Innovation (CCI), Ôechnika Chronika - Electronic Bimonthly Edition, 3, Issue of May-June. | |
Pantouvakis, J.P. & Simou, Å. (2007) Evaluation of the influence of the non-critical activities to the total project duration, Ôechnika Chronika -TEE Scientific Publication, 27, 3, pp. 57-71. | |
Pantouvakis, J.P., Panas, A, & Edum-Fotwe, F.T. (2007) Investigating the changing role of PM teams in a decentralized environment, Ôechnika Chronika -TEE Scientific Publication, 27, 3, pp.81-94. |
4. Papers in International Conferences (Reviewed)
4.1 |
Pantouvakis, J.P. (1988) Software Tools for the Implementation of Relational Databases Describing the Building Product, CIB Conference Conceptual Modelling of Buildings, W74 + W78 Working Committees, Lund, Sweden. |
4.2 |
Pantouvakis, J.P. (2002) On The Design of A Data Model for the Management of Linear Projects, 2nd SENET (South Eastern NETwork - Regional Union of National Project Management Associations in Central and Southeast Europe) Conference on Project Management, International Project Management Association (IPMA), International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB), Croatian Association for Project Management (CAPM), Slovenian Project Management Association (ZPM), Dubrovnik, Croatia, 17-19 April, pp.290-298. |
Pantouvakis, J.P. (2002) Construction Management Information Systems for Linear Projects: Application in the Greek Railway Construction Management Company, 1st International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century (CITC), ASCE, AGCA & Florida International University, Miami, Florida, U.S.A., 25-26 April, pp. 625-632. |
Pantouvakis, J.P. (2002) COMEP: A Construction Management Educational Portal, 1st International Workshop on Construction IT in Education, University of Maribor & CIB, Portoroz, Slovenia,12–13 Sept, CIB Publication 273, ISBN 90-6363-029-38, pp. 93-100. |
Pantouvakis, J.P. (2002) An investigation of the construction project management practices in Greece, 3rd International Conference on Decision Making in Urban and Civil Engineering (DMinUCE), London, 6- 8 November. |
Pantouvakis, J.P. (2003) How can Central Government practicies assist professional project management?, 17th World Congress on Project Management, Project Oriented Business and Society, International Project Management Association (IPMA), Moscow, Russia, 3-6 June. |
Striagka, F. & Pantouvakis, J.P. (2003) Perspectives’ investigation of a systematic implementation of PPP/PFI model in Greece, ISEC-02, System-based vision for strategic project and design development, Rome, Italy, 23-26 September, Balkema, pp. 2215 –2220. |
Striagka, F. & Pantouvakis, J.P. (2003) Public-Private Partnerships for Infrastructure Development in Greece, ISEC-02, System-based vision for strategic project and design development, Rome, Italy, 23-26 September, Balkema, pp.2203-2208. |
Manoliadis, O.G. & Pantouvakis, J.P. (2003) Multicriteria Decision Support Systems in Engineering Planning and Management, ISEC-02, System-based vision for strategic project and design development, Rome, Italy, 23-26 Sept., Balkema, pp. 2239 – 2244. |
Pantouvakis, J.P. & Striagka, F. (2003) The Governmental Role in the Development of the PFI/PPP Scheme, 2nd International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century, Sustainability and Innovation in Management and Technology, 10-12 December 2003, Hong Kong, p.p. 257-262. |
Striagka, F., Pantouvakis, J.P. & Kalfakakou, G. (2003) Possible PFI/PPP Implementation in a Variety of Greek Industrial Sectors, 2nd International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century, Sustainability and Innovation in Management and Technology, 10-12 December 2003, Hong Kong, p.p. 263-268. |
Pantouvakis, J.P. (2003) Innovative Dwellings in Greece: Critical Review and Cost Implications, 2nd International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century, Sustainability and Innovation in Management and Technology, 10- 12 December 2003, Hong Kong, p.p. 714-719. |
Pantouvakis, J.P. (2003) Electronic Document Management Systems in Large Construction Projects in Greece, 2nd International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century, Sustainability and Innovation in Management and Technology, 10- 12 December 2003, Hong Kong, p.p. 560-565 |
Pantouvakis, J.P. |
Antoniadis, D. & Pantouvakis, J.P. (2004) Who works for whom, why and how- A review of Resource and Project Management issues in a Client organisation, 18th World Congress on Project Management, Cross Cultural Networking, International Project Management Association (IPMA), Budapest, Hungary, 18-21 June 2004. |
Pantouvakis, J.P. (2004) Applying Porter-Best’s Theory in Construction Project Management in Greece: The nCPM project, 18th World Congress on Project Management, Cross Cultural Networking, International Project Management Association (IPMA), Budapest, Hungary, 18-21 June 2004. |
Pantouvakis, J.P. (2004) The nCPM project: Background & Action Plan, 3rd Scientific Conference on Project Management (PM-03) Clustering in Construction Project Management, 24-25 September, 2004, Thessaloniki, Greece, ISBN 960-254-642-5, pp. 84-89 |
Panas, A., Pantouvakis, J.P. & Edum-Fotwe, F.T. (2005) Potential for using Process Approach to manage construction projects in Greece, A.R.CO.M. Conference 2005, 7-9 Sept., London, England, pp. 853-863. |
Pantouvakis, J.P. & Voulgari, E. (2005) Comparing PMBOK to the Greek construction process, CITC III Conf., 15-17 Sept., Athens, Greece, pp.490-497. |
Pantouvakis, J.P. & Petroulopoulou, E. (2005) Data requirements analysis of construction scheduling methods, CITC III Conference, 15-17 Sept., Athens, Greece, pp.614-621. |
Manoliadis, O. & Pantouvakis, J.P. (2005) A DSS using multiple time periods for measuring project uncertainty, CITC III Conference, 15-17 Sept., Athens, Greece, pp.177-183.. |
Manoliadis, O. & Pantouvakis, J.P. (2005) Sustainability and performance of projects, CITC III Conference, 15-17 Sept., Athens, Greece, pp.484-489. |
Manoliadis, O. & Pantouvakis, J.P. (2006) Multicriteria decision analysis in risk and value management, 1st ICEC & IPMA Global Congress on Project Management and 5th World Congress on Cost Engineering, Project Management & Quantity Surveying, Ljubljana, Slovenia, April 23 - 26, 2006. |
Pantouvakis, J.P. (2006) Education and research in Organization, Technology and Management in Construction - National Technical University of Athens, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Construction Engineering & Management, Greece, 7th International Conference Organisation, Technology & Management in Construction, Zadar, Croatia, 20-22 Sept 2006. (Invited Paper) |
Pantouvakis, J.P. & Vandoros, N. (2006) Risk allocation of PPP projects in Greece, 7th International Conference Organisation, Technology & Management in Construction, Zadar, Croatia, 20-22 Sept 2006. |
Emiris, D., Siskos, P. & Pantouvakis, J.P. (2006) Modelling Risk and Uncertainty in the Scheduling of Rapid Tunnel Excavation Projects Using the Crystal Ball Software, 20th World Congress on Project Management, International Project Management Association (IPMA), Shanghai, China, 16-17 October 2006, pp. 210-215. |
Pantouvakis, J.P., Ipsilantis, P. & Emiris, D. (2006) Establishing a Project Management Professional Certification Scheme in Greece – Issues & Practical Considerations, 20th World Congress on Project Management, International Project Management Association (IPMA), Shanghai, China, 16-17 October 2006, pp.419-422. |
Pantouvakis, J.P. & Vandoros, N. (2006) A Critical Review of Published Research on PFI/PPPs in Construction, CIB W92 Construction Symposium on Sustainability and Value through Construction Procurement, Manchester UK, 29 Nov. - 2 Dec. 2006, pp. 410-419 |
Vandoros, N. & Pantouvakis, J.P. (2006) Using real options in evaluating PPP/PFI projects, CIB W92 Construction Symposium on Sustainability and Value through Construction Procurement, Manchester UK, 29 Nov. - 2 Dec. 2006. |
Panas, A., Edum-Fotwe, F. & Pantouvakis, J.P. (2007) Investigating the changing role within PM teams in AEC projects, 2007 ASCE Construction Research Conference, 6-8 Ìáúïõ 2007, The Grand Bahamas Island. |
Varanou, E. & Pantouvakis, J.P. (2007) What really occurs at the construction site?, CITC IV Conference, 11-13 July.,Gold Coast, Australia, pp. 602-607. |
Pantouvakis, J.P. & Manoliadis, O. (2007) A fuzzy delphi method in determining the most advantageous tender in construction projects, CITC IV Conference, 11-13 July.,Gold Coast, Australia, pp. 173-180. |
Kalfakakou, R., Pantouvakis, J.P. & Xenidis, Y. (2008) A Decision-Tree Based Tool for the Selection of the Optimum Investment Alternative, in Pantouvakis, J.P. (ed). Proceedings of the PM-04 Conference, 29-31 May, Chios, Greece, ISBN 978-960-254-677-2, pp. 168-173. |
Maravas, A. & Pantouvakis, J.P. (2008) Applicability of Fuzzy Project Scheduling to Practical Applications, in Pantouvakis, J.P. (ed). Proceedings of the PM-04 Conference, 29-31 May, Chios, Greece, ISBN 978-960-254-677-2, pp. 222-227. |
Oral, E., Rogerson, P.M., Pantouvakis, J.P., Maier, M., Oral, M., Kilic, A., Mistikoglu, G., Erdis, E. & Mistikoglou, O. (2008) Enhancing Vocational Language Skills and Working Culture Awareness of European Construction Professionals, in Pantouvakis, J.P. (ed). Proceedings of the PM-04 Conference, 29-31 May, Chios, Greece, ISBN 978-960-254-677-2, pp. 239-242. (Åðáíáäçìïóéåýôçêå óôï çëåêôñïíéêü ðåñéïäéêü PM World Today, Vol.X, Issue VII, July 2008) |
Panas, A. & Pantouvakis J.P. (2008) Framework for Simulation-Based Analysis of Construction Operations Productivity, in Pantouvakis, J.P. (ed). Proceedings of the PM-04 Conference, 29-31 May, Chios, Greece, ISBN 978-960-254-677-2, pp. 517-522. |
Fitsilis,P., Kirytopoulos, K. Leopoulos, V., Pantouvakis, J.P. & Saridakis, I. (2008) Requirements for assessing the managerial capability of organizations implementing projects of public interest – the Greek Standard ELOT-1429, in Pantouvakis, J.P. (ed). Proceedings of the PM-04 Conference, 29-31 May, Chios, Greece, ISBN 978-960-254-677-2, pp.530-537. (Åðáíáäçìïóéåýôçêå óôï çëåêôñïíéêü ðåñéïäéêü PM World Today, Vol.X, Issue VII, July 2008). |
Panas, A. & Pantouvakis, J.P. (2008) A Methodology for Construction Productivity Estimation Comparison, 8th International Conference Organisation, Technology & Management in Construction, Umag, Croatia, 17-20 Sept 2008 (submitted). |
Manoliadis, O. & Pantouvakis, J.P. (2008) Introducing the Adaptive Process in Construction Management, 8th International Conference Organisation, Technology & Management in Construction, Umag, Croatia, 17-20 Sept 2008 (submitted). |
Pantouvakis, J.P., Manoliadis, O. & Panas, A (2008) Establishing IPMA Certification in Greece, 22nd IPMA World Congress, Rome, Italy, 9-11 November 2008. |
Maravas, A., Pantouvakis, J.P. and Kaltsas, D. (2009) An Artificial Neural Network for the Pre-Estimation of the Cost of Electromechanical Installations on Road Tunnels, CITC V Conference, 20-22 May, Istanbul, Turkey, pp.33-40. |
Pantouvakis, J.P. & Panas, A. (2009) The role of certain contextual and behavioural competences in managing construction projects, IPMA Expert Seminar 2009, Zurich, Switzerland, 12-13 February. |
Oral, E., Rogerson, P.M., Pantouvakis, J.P., Bechter, M., Oral, M., Kilic, A., Mistikoglu, G., Erdis, E. & Mistikoglou, O., Huskinson, S. & Panas, A. (2009) Language needs of construction professionals, CIB2009 (Joint International Symposium of CIB Working Commissions:W055: Building Economics W065: Organ. and Management of Construction), Dubrovnik, Croatia, 27 Sept - 1 Oct. |
Oral, E., Rogerson, P.M., Pantouvakis, J.P., Bechter, M., Oral, M., Kilic, A., Mistikoglu, G., Erdis, E. & Mistikoglou, O., Huskinson, S., Panas, A. (2009) Vocational language needs of European construction companies, MC4T (Managing Construction for Tomorrow), Istanbul Technical University & The University of Salford, Istanbul, Turkey 1-3 Oct. |
Panas, A. and Pantouvakis, J. P. (2009) A framework for analyzing the impact of operational coefficients on excavation productivity, in: Proceedings of the Managing Construction for Tomorrow International Conference, 1-3 October, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN 978-0-415-56744-2, pp. 729-738. |
Pantouvakis, J.P. and Panas A. (2010). The contribution of health and safety management to sustainable development: a case study from the construction industry, IPMA Expert Seminar, 18-19 February, Zurich, Switzerland, pp. 52-62. |
Maravas A. and Pantouvakis J.P. (2010). A Study of Cash Flows In Projects With Fuzzy Activity Durations in Tizani W. (editor) Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Nottingham, UK. |
Maravas A. and Pantouvakis J.P. (2010). A Multi-Faceted Approach to Construction Scheduling Research in Pantouvakis J.P. (editor), Proceedings of the Fifth Scientific Conference on Project Management – Advancing Project Management for the 21st Century, Heraklion, Crete., pp. 434-441 |
Maravas A., Pantouvakis J.P., and Lambropoulos S. (2010). Uncertainty in Scheduling Multiple Projects in Pantouvakis J.P. (editor), Proceedings of the Fifth Scientific Conference on Project Management – Advancing Project Management for the 21 st Century, Heraklion, Crete, pp. 442-450 |
Fragkakis, N., Lambropoulos, S. and Pantouvakis, J.P. (2010) A computer-aided conceptual cost estimating system for prestressed concrete road bridges in Pantouvakis J.P. (editor), Proceedings of the Fifth Scientific Conference on Project Management – Advancing Project Management for the 21st Century, Heraklion, Crete, pp. 203-210 |
Marinelli, M., Lambropoulos, S. and Pantouvakis, J.P. (2010) Prediction of earthmoving trucks deterioration using discriminant analysis, in Pantouvakis J.P. (editor), Proceedings of the Fifth Scientific Conference on Project Management – Advancing Project Management for the 21 st Century, Heraklion, Crete, pp. 464-471 |
Panas, A., Pantouvakis, J.P. & Lambropoulos, S. (2010) The role of health, safety and green principles in estimating construction productivity: an empirical framework, in Pantouvakis J.P. (editor), Proceedings of the Fifth Scientific Conference on Project Management – Advancing Project Management for the 21st Century, Heraklion, Crete, pp. 464-471 |
Pantouvakis, J.P. (2010) Building information modelling (ÂÉÌ) based Changes in the management of construction Projects, International Conference PBE 2010, 10-12 November, Krtiny, Brno, Chech Republic, pp. 19-23 |
Maravas A. and Pantouvakis J.P. (2011). A Process for the Estimation of the Duration of Activities in Fuzzy Project Scheduling in Ayyub B.M. (editor), Vulnerability, Uncertainty and Risk/Analysis, Modeling and Management - Proceedings of the first International Conference on Vulnerability and Risk Analysis and Management (ICVRAM 2011) and the fifth International Symposium on Uncertainty Modeling and Analysis (ISUMA 2011), Maryland, USA. |
Grivakis E., Pantouvakis J.P., and Maravas A. (2011). Equipment Reliability & Maintenance: A Case Study from Diesel Generators Used in the Telecom Industry in Ceric A., Nahod M.M., Radujkovic M. and Vukomanovic M. (eds), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Organization, Technology and Management in Construction, Sibenik, Croatia. |
Pantouvakis, J.P. (2011) Standardizing literature resources for project management Education & Training: An IPMA E&T primer, in Ceric A., Nahod M.M., Radujkovic M. and Vukomanovic M. (eds), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Organization, Technology and Management in Construction, Sibenik, Croatia. |
Pantouvakis, J.P. (2011) Building Information Management (BIM) - Implications in Construction Management, in Ceric A., Nahod M.M., Radujkovic M. and Vukomanovic M. (eds), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Organization, Technology and Management in Construction, Sibenik, Croatia. |
Pantouvakis, J.P., Panas, A. (2012) Simulation analysis for floating caissons construction operations, in Hadju, M; Skibniewski, M. (Eds.) Procs Creative Construction Conference 2012, 30 June - 3 July, Budapest, Hungary, ISBN. 978-963-369-396-8, pp. 507-517. |
Pantouvakis, J.P. (2012) Building Information Modelling (BIM) for Data Sharing & Collaborative Working in Construction, in Hadju, M; Skibniewski, M. (Eds.) Procs Creative Construction Conference 2012, 30 June - 3 July, Budapest, Hungary, ISBN. 978-963-369-396-8, pp. 518-528. |
Lambropoulos S., Marinelli M and Pantouvakis J.P. (2013), “Ex-post risk analysis of Greek Motorway concessions in distress”, Creative Construction Conference 2013, July 6-9,2013, Budapest, Hungary, pp 440-450. |
Pantouvakis, J. P., Panas, A. and Lambropoulos, S. (2013) A simulation environment for construction project manager competence development in construction management, in: Proceedings of the 27th IPMA World Congress, 30/9-3/10, Dubrovnik, Croatia. |
Panas, A., Pantouvakis, J. P. and Lambropoulos, S. (2014) Simulation-based productivity analysis of dynamic compaction operations, in: Proceedings of the CITC VII Conference, 19-21 December 2013, Bangkok, Thailand. |
5. Editor of Conference Proceedings
Pantouvakis, J.P. (2003) Proceedings of the 2nd Scientific Workshop on Project Management, “Education and Professional Training in Project Management – Needs & Prospects”, 13-14 January, 2003, Athens, Greece. |
Pantouvakis, J.P. (2004) Proceedings of the 3rd Scientific Conference on Project Management (PM-03) “Clustering in Construction Project Management”, 24-25 September, 2004, Thessaloniki, Greece, ISBN 960-254-642-5, p. 450. |
Ahmed, S.M., Ahmad, I, Pantouvakis, J.P., Azhar, S., Zheng, J. (2005) Proceedings of the third International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century (CITC III) “Advancing Engineering, Management and Technology”, September, 15-17, Athens, Greece, ISBN 960-254-655-7, p. 1108. |
Pantouvakis, J.P. (2005) «Education - Profession - Research in Construction Project Management», Proceedings, 19-December, National Technical University of Athens, p. 200, (in Greek). |
Pantouvakis, J.P. (2006) «Professional Qualifications in Project Management», Proceedings, 15-December, National Technical University of Athens, University of Pireaus, PM-Greece, Pireaus (in CD form, in Greek). |
Pantouvakis, J.P. (2007) «Innovative Applications in Construction Equipment, Methods, Education & Software», Proceedings, 17-March, Technoekdotiki S.A. & PM-Greece (in CD form). |
Pantouvakis, J.P. (2008) Proceedings of the Joint Fourth Scientific Conference on Project Management (PM-04) & the First IPMA /MedNet Conference - Project Management Advances, Training & Certification in the Mediterranean, May, 29-31, Chios, Greece, ISBN 978-960-254-677-2, p. 538 (in CD form) |
Pantouvakis, J.P. (2010) Proceedings of the Fifth Scientific Conference on Project Management (PM-05) - Advancing Project Management for the 21st Century, “Concepts, Tools & Techniques for Managing Successful Projects”, May, 29-31, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, ISBN 978-960-254-690-1, p. 828 (in CD form) |
Pantouvakis, J.P. (2012) Proceedings of 26th IPMA (International Project Management Association) World Congress, 29-31 October, Crete, Greece, ISBN 978-618-80311-0-4, p. 1144 (in CD form) |
6. Authoring of Books (Reviewed) (in Greek) | |
6 books on construction management and IT in construction management related subjects. The books were written for the Hellenic Ministry of Education (Technical Lyceums) and the Hellenic Open University (Undergraduate & Postgraduate Courses). |
7. Book Chapters (Reviewed) | |
7.1 |
Pantouvakis, J.P. (2005) The Management of Railway Construction & Upgrade Projects: A Study of the Experience in Greece, in "The Story of Managing Projects: An Interdisciplinary Approach", Carayannis, E.G., Kwak, Y.H. & Anbari, F. (eds), Praeger/Greenwood Group Inc., U.S.A., ISBN. 1-56720-506-2, pp. 250-270 |
7.2 |
Pantouvakis, J.P. (2005) Cluster based development of Project Management in Greece - The nCPM research programme, in Ipsilantis, P. & Sirakoulis, K. «Project Management Methodologies: Real-World Problems from the Greek experiense», Collective Volume, Propobos Publishers, Athens, Greece, ISBN 960-7860-49-7, pp. 28-42, (in Greek). |
8. Professional Publications | |
20 papers in Professional Journals and Events (mainly in Greek). |
9. Book Reviews (in Greek) | |
9.1 |
IT Systems in Construction Management, Manoliadis, O., Souflis, É., Souflis, Ê. & Tzamos, T., Hellenic Open University, Postgraduate Course in Construction Project Management, ISBN 960-538-509-0, 2003. |
9.2 |
Statics & Strength of Materials, Volume I, Hellenic Ministry of Education, Technical Lyceums, O.E.B.D., 1999. |
9.3 |
Statics & Strength of Materials, Volume II, Hellenic Ministry of Education, Technical Lyceums, O.E.B.D., 1999. |
9.4 |
Facilities Management, Hellenic Ministry of Education, Technical Lyceums, O.E.B.D., 1999. |
10. Research Reports | |
3 reports (in Greek). |
11. Teaching Notes | |
15 sets (7 in English & 8 in Greek). |