TERZOGLOU Tenured Assistant Professor
School of Architecture, National Technical University
of Athens (N.T.U.A.) – Department III- Architectural Language, Communication
and Design / Laboratory: Architectural Space and Communication
Dipl. Architect-Eng., M.Sc., Ph.D., N.T.U.A., Dipl.
Fine Arts, A.S.F.A.
Born: 1976, Athens, Greece.
Research Field: Concepts and Theories for the
Organization and Design of Architectural Space
Research Interests: Conceptual History of
Architectural Ideas, Philosophy of Architecture, Concepts and Theories of
Space, Relations Between Architecture and Art, Architecture as Art
Reviewer in International Scientific Journals: South
African Journal of Art History (2013+), Jahr – European Journal of
Bioethics (2020+)
i. Undergraduate Courses
ii. Post-graduate Courses
iii. Public
i. Design Research Programs / Participation in
ii. Architectural and Artistic Work / Research
iii. Doctoral
iv. Post-Doctoral
v. Sabbatical
i. Books / Edited Books
ii. Chapters in Collective Volumes / Articles in Scientific Journals
i. Member of Scientific Organizations + Committees
ii. Exhibitions
iii. Presidencies
iv. Travels,
Seminars, Conferences
v. Participation in Design + Theoretical
Workshops and Studio Criticisms
vi. Organization and Co-ordination of Conferences
+ Seminars
· Many Awards and Prizes during
Undergraduate Studies. See the next section.
· Lecture Topic (9th Semester): The
City as a Laboratory of Thinking. [Supervisor: Prof. Solon Xenopoulos]
· Diploma Thesis-Design Project: The Public Space
in the Athens Centre as a Place of Life and Culture. [Supervisor: Prof. Solon Xenopoulos] – Published in the
Greek Annual Architectural Review: Architecture in Greece, 36 /
2002, p. 54.
· Diploma Thesis-Project: The City as Archive: Voids – Ruins – Traces. [Supervisor: Prof. Marios Spiliopoulos]
[Scholarship of Evgenidou Foundation] / [Two (2)
Special Postgraduate Scholarships]
· Areas of Specialization: History and Theory of
Architecture (5 Courses-Essays), Philosophy of Sciences (2 Courses-Essays),
Philosophy of Art (1 Course-Essay).
· Diploma Thesis: Martin Heidegger’s Thinking and its Importance for Architecture. Hermeneutical Approaches. [Supervisor: Prof. Aristides Baltas].
Scholarships of N.T.U.A.]
· Title of Ph.D. Thesis: Conceptual Structures of
Architectural Thinking: Leon Battista Alberti – Etienne-Louis Boullée –
Le Corbusier.
· 2nd ICAR-CORA Prize 2007 for the Best
Doctoral Thesis in Architectural Theory.
· Eighteen (18) Awards, Scholarships and Prizes (1997-2014).
· One Hundred and Forty Two (142) References in Greek, Fifty
Nine (59) References in English, Three (3) References in Spanish, One (1)
Reference in Italian, Three (3) References in French, One (1) Reference in
Finnish, Five (5) References in Persian, Three (3) References in Turkish (selected
English + Spanish + Italian + French + Finnish + Persian + Turkish References):
Pierre Pellegrino, Kyriaki Tsoukala, International
Council for Architectural Research, Conseil International de la Recherche en
Architecture: Prix ICAR-CORA 2007, in ELSA, Environment, Land, Society:
Architectonics, Vol. I: Land Architecture, ICAR, Switzerland, 2008, pp.
Soumyen Bandyopadhyay, Jane Lomholt, Nicholas
Temple and Renée Tobe, «Measures of Awareness» in the collective
volume: Soumyen Bandyopadhyay, Jane Lomholt, Nicholas Temple and
Renée Tobe (eds.), The Humanities in Architectural Design: A
Contemporary and Historical Perspective, Routledge, London and New
York, 2010, p. 120
Kyriaki Tsoukala, «Ethics and Public Space in
Contemporary Western Societies», in International Critical Thought,
Vol. 1, No. 2, June 2011, p. 226
John Hendrix, «A Time of Aspirations. Cultural
Understanding of the Roles of Architecture», in the collective volume: Paul
Emmons, John Hendrix and Jane Lomholt (eds.), The Cultural Role of
Architecture: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives, Routledge,
London and New York, 2012, pp. 152-154
Raymond Quek, «The Expertise of Architecture and
its History», in South African Journal of Art History,
(Editor: Estelle Alma Maré), Volume 27, number 1, 2012, p. X
John Hendrix, «Theorizing a Contradiction between
Form and Function in Architecture», in South African Journal of Art
History, Volume 27, number 1, 2012, pp. 10, 27-28
Daniel Kopec, «The Humanities in Architectural
Design: A Contemporary and Historical Perspective», in Journal of
Architectural Education, Volume 65, Issue 2, 2012, p. 146
John Shannon Hendrix, The Contradiction Between
Form and Function in Architecture, Routledge, London and New York,
2013, pp. vii, 3, 16, 195, 209
9. Aimilia
Karapostoli, Nikolaos P. Tsinikas, «Relations
between Sonic Environment and Architectural Space regarding Architectural and
Musical Composition», Paper presented in the Symposium Music and Ecologies of Sound. Theoretical and Practical Projects for a
Listening of the World, University Paris 8, May 2013, p. 10
10. Michail Nafsika, More Veatriki, Drifting
as a Means of Reading the City, From the Situationists’ Derive to the Case of
Wrights & Sites, Politecnico di Torino, Prof. R. Novascone, Ac.
Year 2012-2013, p. 11
11. Pavlina
Vardoulaki, The Cyborg Architect, Tutors: Mollie Claypool, Doreen Bernath,
Architectural Association School of Architecture, Design Research Laboratory,
2013, pp. 6-7, 12
12. Paul Edward
Jester, Shifting Gears: Exploring Parametric Design to Renovate an Urban
Waterfront, MA Thesis, University of Maryland, College Park, 2014, pp.
9-10, available at:
13. Mariana
Sverlij, “La Ruina, el Diseńo y los
Materiales en De Re Aedificatoria de
Leon Battista Alberti”, in Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones
Estéticas, Vol. XXXVI, 105, 2014, p. 48, n. 19
14. Stylianos Giamarelos, “The Art of Building Reception: Aris Konstantinidis behind the Global
Published Life of his Weekend House in Anavyssos (1962-2014)”, in Architectural
Histories, 2(1): 22, 2014, pp. 14, 19
15. John S. Hendrix, “Leon Battista Alberti and the Concept of Lineament”, Roger Williams
University, School of Architecture, Art, and Historic Preservation Faculty
Publications, Paper 30, 2011, p. 8, available at:
16. Carroll William Westfall, Architecture,
Liberty and Civic Order, Architectural Theories from Vitruvius to Jefferson and
Beyond, Ashgate, England, 2015, p. 35, n. 8
17. Alberto Pérez-Gómez, Stephen
Parcell and Ron Jelaco, “Preface”, in Alberto Pérez-Gómez
and Stephen Parcell (eds.), Chora:
Volume Seven, Intervals in the Philosophy of Architecture, McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal
& Kingston, London, Chicago, 2016, p. x
Garba Bashar
Ibrahim, “Sustainable Development Goals,
Architecture and the Global Humanist Revolution”, available at:
Anna Chorzepa, “Oecumene and the Global Condition of Architecture”,
in: The LSA Review, Leicester School of Architecture
Journal 2015: Oecumene and the Global Condition of Architecture, p. 10, available at:
Manolis G. Sergis, “The Shifts in the Significance of Symbolic Monuments: The Case of the Lion of Samos”, in Âalkan Studies 50 (2015): 211-213, 217
Mirsini, Takopoulos Michalis, Discovering the Spirit of China. Travelling
from West to East through the Work of Wang Shu, Research Thesis,
Supervisor: T. Papaioannou, National Technical University of Athens, 2016, pp.
8, 32, 38
Eduard Fuhr, “Editorial”, in Cloud-Cuckoo-Land: International Journal of Architectural Theory: Eduard Fuhr (ed)., Ethics in Architecture. Festschrift for Karsten Harries, Vol. 22,
Issue 36, 2017: 6. Available at:
23. Georgia Apostolopoulou, “Hellenic Society for Aesthetics”, in International Association for
Aesthetics, Volume 47, June 2016, p. 11
Nika Zufic
Gradisek, “Le Idee di Boullée
sulla Creazione Architettonica”, available at:
James Housefield, Playing
with Earth and Sky, Astronomy, Geography, and the Art of Marcel Duchamp,
Dartmouth College Press, Hanover, New Hampshire, 2016, p. xix
Srinivas Daketi, “Cultural Approach to Architecture”, in Engineering
Sciences International Research Journal, Volume 3, Issue 2, 2015, pp.
Jeffrey K. H.
Chan, “The Urban Ethics of an AI-powered Planetary Urbanisation”, in JAHR-European
Journal of Bioethics, Vol. 11/1, No. 21, 2020, pp. 212, 230, available
at: [22.6.2020]
Ashley Chen, “Atlas”,
pp. 34-36, available at: [14.7.2020]
Karina Contreras
Castellanos, La Significación Arquitectónica y Urbana en el
Diseño Para Propiciar la Vinculación Espacio-Habitante,
Ph.D. Thesis, UNAM, Supervisor: Dra. Dulce María Barrios y Ramos
García, Mexico, October 2020, pp. 34-36, 289
“Monumentalism in Architecture”, IvyPanda,
3 Nov. 2020, available at: (Accessed 12 December 2020)
Michalis Lykouris,
Parallel Lives. Convergences and Divergences of Martin Heidegger and Aris
Konstantinidis, History of Art MA Dissertation, Supervisor: F. J.
Schwartz, University College London, 2019, pp. 10, 84
Efe Duyan, “The
Architectural Experience and Configuring the Narrative Spaces in Hikmet’s
Poetry”, in Linguistics and Literature Studies 9(1), 2021, pp. 3, 11
Zoe Georgiadou, Vaso
Florou, Ifigeneia Ilia-Georgiadou, “Damnatio Memoriae: Contemporary
Condemnation of Memory”, in Design/Arts/Culture, 1, 2021, pp. 94,
101, doi:
Pierre Pellegrino, “Introduction: Synthèse Generale”, in Pierre Pellegrino
(ed.), L’Architecture du Sens. Sémiotique de l’Espace.
Encyclopédie, Volume I, Structure, Fonction, Fiction, ELS A&S,
2020, p. 17
Krstikj, “Social Innovation in the Undergraduate Architecture Studio”,
in Societies 11, 26, 2021, pp. 3, 20
Ren-Zhi Goh, “Architecture,
Memory, and Fire”, ENVS 3021, 2015, pp. 3, 33
Efe Duyan, “Architecture
as Metaphor and Experience in Nâzim Hikmet’s Last Poems”, in Tasarım
Kuram 2021;17(32):109-119, esp. pp. 110, 118, doi:
Oskari Lumikari, “Arkkitehtuuri
tarinankerronnan mediana - narratiivinen arkkitehtuurikokemus”, in
AALTO-YLIOPISTO, Taiteiden ja suunnittelun korkeakoulu Arkkitehtuurin
koulutusohjelma, 2019, pp. 4, 20, 24, 26, 39, available at:
[Accessed 7 April 2021]
Zoe Georgiadou, “Recontextualizing
Design: Remains of a New Era–The Case of Greece”, in The International
Journal of Design Education, Volume 15, Issue 1, 2021, pp. 259-260, 277,
Motamedmanesh, M., Rückert, K.,
“Ideology, Technology and Architecture: Transitions from Ancient Rome to
Renaissance and Baroque in Italy” (In Persian), Soffeh,
26(2), 2016, pp. 61-84.
Çalişkan, “Fransız İhtilâli Bağlamında
Yeni Rasyonalist Mimarlık: Ledoux, Boullée, Lequeu”, (In
Turkish), Yüksek Li̇sans Tezi̇, Mi̇mar Si̇nan
Güzel Sanatlar Üni̇versi̇tesi̇, 2020, p. vii
Sophia Throuvala,
“Personal and Collective Loss: The Case of Rachel Whiteread's House (London,
1993)”, in the on-line Greek architectural Journal Archetype,
available at:
Stephanie I. Ete,
“Ningo Prampram: A Legible Urban Space Reflective of a Distinct Identity and
Cultural Narratives”, Academy of Architecture, December 2019, pp. 6-7, 10,
18, available at:
Christian Maurice
Dan-Cuthbert, “Identity in Architecture”, Dissertation, The University
of New South Wales, 10.5.2019, pp. 12, 39, available at:
Anna Syrianou, “Washing
Line Situations”, Master, T.U. Berlin, 2020, p. 14, available at:
Kontozoglou, Nigel Westbrook, (eds.), “Urbanism of Negotiation, II: Future
Athens”, Architectural Studies, School of Design, The University of Western
Australia, Athens, Perth, 2018, p. 46, available at:
Maria Cristina
Vendra, Paolo Furia, “Introduction_Ricoeur and the Problem of Space.
Perspectives on a Ricoeurian ‘Spatial Turn’”, in Études
Ricœuriennes / Ricœur Studies, Vol 12, No 2 (2021), pp. 3, 7, DOI
10.5195/errs.2021.576. Available at:
Maria Cristina
Vendra, Paolo Furia, “Introduction_Ricœur et la Question de l’Espace.
Les Perspectives d’un «Tournant Spatial» à Partir de Ricœur”,
in Études Ricœuriennes / Ricœur Studies, Vol 12, No 2
(2021), pp. 9-10, 14 , DOI 10.5195/errs.2021.577. Available at:
Ali Akbari, A
History of Thoughts and Theories of Space. Analytical Ontology of the Concept
of Space from an Architectural Perspective. Volume One: From Descartes to
Ruskin, Pars University Press, Tehran, Iran, 2021 (In Persian)
Kubra Saglam,
Serap Durmus Ozturk, “Redefining the Concept of Timeless in Architecture:
Cenotaph for Newton”, in VII. International Virtual Architectural Design
Conference Archdesign ’20 Conference Proceedings, Ozgur Ozturk, DAKAM,
Istanbul, 2020, pp. 139, 145
Riandy Tarigan, Antariksa, Purnama
Salura, “Reconstructing the Understanding of the Symbolic Meaning Behind the
Architecture of Javanese Traditional House”, in Civil Engineering and
Architecture 10(1): 305-322, 2022, DOI: 10.13189/cea.2022.100126, pp. 316,
Imen Helali, “La
Notion de Linéaments chez Alberti: Tracés Graphiques ou Traits
Mentaux?”, in Les Pages du Laa (Laboratoire Analyse Architecture),
Volume 35, 2022, pp. 1-32, available at:
Eliana Maria
Alejandra Alosilla Cabrejos, “La Nuéva Arquitectura y su
Relación con la Identidad del Lugar. Caso Sector Pampa Alta”, Tesis,
Universidad Privada de Tacna, Perú, 2022, pp. 39, 132
Rodrigo Vidal
Rojas, «Protestant Architecture in Latin America», in Jeanne Halgren
Kilde (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Religious Space, Oxford University
Press, 2022, pp. 422, 426
Thornberg J. “Lotman and Bakhtin in the Architectural Design Theories of
Today”, in Human Begin: Image and Essence. Humanitarian Aspects. Moscow:
INION RAN. Vol.1(49): Semiosphere: Special Aspects. To the 100th anniversary
of Yuri Lotman, DOI: 10.31249/chel/2022.01.01, 2022, pp. 9, 25, 27,
available at:
Romanos Ioannidis,
“Spatial Planning and Architectural Design for the Integration of Civil
Infrastructure into Landscapes: Inferences from Renewable Energy Works and Dams”,
Ph.D. Thesis, N.T.U.A., Athens, June 2022, p. 143
Ebru Eren, “The
Conceptualization of a New Semiological/Semiotic Model for the Understanding of
the Matters of the Causality and the Meaningfulness in/of the Built Environment”,
Ph. D. Thesis, Middle East Technical University, November 2022, pp. 155, 261
Minou Gharebaglou,
Laleh Reshad, “Presenting a Framework for the Presence of Nature in
Architecture Based on Systems Thinking”, in Human and Environment,
No. 62, Autumn, 2022, pp. 157-173 (In Persian).
Yvonne Elet, Architectural
Invention in Renaissance Rome. Artists, Humanists, and the Planning of
Raphael’s Villa Madama, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2017,
pp. 287, 317
Evangelia, Towards Spatial Porosity: Revisiting the Contemporary American
Campus Novel, Ph. D. Thesis, National and Kapodistrian University of
Athens, Department of English Language and Literature, Athens, 2023, pp. 3, 10,
18, 272
Leyla Alsibaai, Surdurulebilir
Mimarlik Baglaminda Yapili Cevrede Degisim ve Uyarlanabilirlik Kapasitelerinin
Islevsellik Acisindan Incelenmesi, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakif
Iniversitesi, Istanbul, 2022, p. 133
Merve Basdogan,
Tracey Birdwell, “Faculty Transition Strategies from In Person to Online
Teaching: Qualitative Investigation for Active Learning”, in Online
Learning 27 (1), 2023, pp. 431-432, 448. DOI: 10.24059/olj.v27i1.3229
Ali Chebaiki,
Mostafa Gouasmia, A Social Semiotic Analysis of Qatar FIFA World Cup 2022
Stadiums’ Architecture, Dissertation, Department of Letters and English
Language, Echahid Cheikh Larbi Tebessi University – Tebessa, Algeria, 2023, pp.
2, 76
Pirovolakis, Maria Mikedaki and Pablo Berzal Cruz, “Introduction”, in
the collective volume: Eftichis Pirovolakis, Maria Mikedaki and Pablo Berzal Cruz (eds.), Performing
Space, Nissos Publications, Athens, 2023, p. 12
Josep Muntañola Thornberg, Regina Garcia, “The Formalization of Architecture as
a Social Dialogical Tool: An Introduction to Innovative Theoretical Frames in
Architectural Design”. In: Plácido Lizancos Mora, David Leite Viana, Franklim Morais, Jorge Vieira Vaz (eds), Formal Methods in Architecture. FMA 2022.
Digital Innovations in Architecture, Engineering and Construction. Springer,
Singapore, 2023, pp. 3-16.
66. Zoghi Tutkaboni, M.,
Armaghan, M., Matin, M., «The Role of Designer Mindset on the Representation
of layers of contemporary Iranian architectural works through Deleuze’s
Significant Form Perspective», The Monthly Scientific Journal of
Bagh-e Nazar, 19 (117), March 2023, pp. 5-20. doi:
Kyriaki Tsoukala,
«Introduction», in Kyriaki Tsoukala (ed.), Social Practices and City
Spaces. Towards a Cooperative and Inclusive Inhabited Space, Routledge,
London and New York, 2024, p. 47.
Kyriaki Tsoukala,
«Architectural Toolbar and Art of Dwelling. Antagonistic Antinomies of a
Spatial Ethos», in Kyriaki Tsoukala (ed.), Social Practices and City
Spaces. Towards a Cooperative and Inclusive Inhabited Space, Routledge,
London and New York, 2024, p. 107.
Federico Rudari, “On
Why Architecture Matters: the Exhibition Experience”, in Studium-Contemporary
Humanism Open Access Annals, 2023, p. 162.
Sophie Gaber, Anna
Brorsson, “Designing for Social Citizenship in the Everyday Human Built
Environment”, in Generations, Volume 47, Number 3, Fall 2023, pp.
Bellentani, Mario Panico and Lia Yoka, “Introduction to Semiotic
Approaches to Urban Space”, in Federico Bellentani, Mario Panico and
Lia Yoka (eds.), Semiotic Approaches to Urban Space. Signs and Cities. Spatial
Interventions, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, Massachusetts, 2024,
pp. ix, 10.
Baridon, “Eugène Viollet-le-Duc, an Amateur Orologist on the Cusp
between Romanticism and Positivism”, in Nuncius,
39 (1), 2024, p. 36.
Shahhoseini R., Shaliamini V., Dabagh A., Irani Behbahani H., “Analyzing
the Characteristics of Cultural Meanings of Architectural Elements in Semiotic
Layers”, in CIAUJ 2022; 7(2): 209-228
Hande Tombaz, “Postmodern
Condition(s), Postmodern Language Games and An Assessment on Architecture”,
in Posseible: Felsefe Dergisi, 2024, 13(1), 57-76, pp. 72, 76. In
Mikko Koskela, Building
Virtue. Leon Battista Alberti, Filarete, and Rhetoric of Urban Environment,
Thesis submitted for assessment with a view to obtaining the degree of Doctor
of History and Civilisation, Department of History and Civilisation, European
University Institute, Florence, September 2024, pp. 40, 404.
i. Undergraduate Courses [23-year
· Courses (Synthesis and Theory): Housing (Arch.
Des. 3), Social Housing (Arch. Des. 4).
· Courses (Synthesis and Theory): Housing (Arch.
Des. 3), The Passage of Time and the Transformations of Space (Arch.
Des. 6), The Architecture of the Void (Special Topics 7), The
Architecture of Time (Special Topics 9).
· Courses (Synthesis and Theory): Housing (Arch.
Des. 3), Social Housing (Arch. Des. 4), Incorporation of a New
Function into an Existing Building Shell (Arch. Des. 6), The
Architecture of the Void (Special Topics 7), The Architecture of Time (Special
Topics 9).
· New Courses (Architectural Theory): Architecture
and the World of Ideas I: Renaissance – Scientific Revolution – Enlightenment (Special
Topics 7), Architecture and the World of Ideas II: Industrial Revolution –
Modernism – Postmodernism (Special Topics 8) [Conception, inauguration and
development of two new courses within the existing curriculum].
· Editing of two textbooks in Greek and English:
Nikolaos-Ion Terzoglou (ed.), Architecture and the World of Ideas I,
Patras, 2008 and: Nikolaos-Ion Terzoglou (ed.), Architecture and the
World of Ideas II, Patras, 2008
· Courses (Synthesis and Theory): Incorporation of a
New Function into an Existing Building Shell (Arch. Des. 6), The
Architecture of the Void (Special Topics 7), The Architecture of Time (Special
Topics 9).
· Courses (Synthesis and Theory): The Passage of
Time and the Transformations of Space (Arch. Des. 6), Dialogues Between
Philosophy and Architecture (Special Topics 8) [Conception, inauguration
and development of a new course within the existing curriculum].
· Courses (Synthesis and Theory): ‘Dwelling’ and
Housing (Arch. Des. 3), The Passage of Time and the Transformations of
Space (Arch. Des. 6), Conceptual Approach of Design Problems I (Special
Topics 7), Conceptual Approach of Design Problems II (Special Topics 9),
Dialogues Between Philosophy and Architecture: Concepts and Theories from
the Renaissance to Deconstruction (Special Topics 8).
· Editing of two textbooks, in Greek and English:
Nikolaos-Ion Terzoglou (ed.), Dialogues Between Philosophy and Architecture,
Athens, 2012.
8. 2014-2018: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor
[Appointment: 26.11.2014]: Department of Architectural Language, Communication
and Design, School of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens. [4
· Courses (Synthesis and Theory): ‘Dwelling’ and
Housing (Arch. Des. 3), The Passage of Time and the Transformations of
Space (Arch. Des. 6), Conceptual Approach of Design Problems I (Special
Topics 7), Conceptual Approach of Design Problems II (Special Topics 9),
Dialogues Between Philosophy and Architecture: Concepts and Theories from
the Renaissance to Deconstruction (Special Topics 8), Public Space and Communication of Ideas (Special Topics 9)
· Editing of two textbooks, in Greek and English:
Nikolaos-Ion Terzoglou (ed.), Concepts, Theories and Creators from the
Renaissance to Deconstruction, Athens, 2016.
9. 2018- : Tenured
Assistant Professor [Appointment: 17.8.2018]: Department of Architectural
Language, Communication and Design, School of Architecture, National Technical
University of Athens. [6 years].
· Courses (Synthesis and Theory): Collective Habitation (Arch. Des. 4), The Passage of Time and
the Transformations of Space (Arch. Des. 5), Conceptual Approach of
Design Problems I (Special Topics 7), Dialogues Between Philosophy and
Architecture: Concepts and Theories from the Renaissance to Deconstruction (Special
Topics 8)
· New (Research)
Courses from 2020-2021 (Synthesis, Design Research, and Theory): Utopian
Interdisciplinary Center of Eurythmics (Arch. Design 5N): Conceptual
Methodology of Spatial Design / Two (2) Workshops, The City as Archive:
Narrative Cartographies / Conceptual Architectures (Special Topics 7 + 9):
Open-Air Site Visits / Workshops in Six (6) Selected, Extended Areas in Athens,
(Mythical) Places for Thinking (Arch. Design 8A: Outdoor Public
Architecture in Physical and Urban Landscape).
ii. Post-graduate Courses [14-year experience].
1. 2009-2010: Adjunct Lecturer: Interdisciplinary Postgraduate
Studies Programme (M.Sc.): “Administration of Monuments: Archaeology, City
and Architecture”, Department of History and Archaeology, University of
Athens, School of Architecture, University of Patras, Department of Cultural
Technology and Communication, University of the Aegean [1 semester].
· New Course (Architectural Theory and Urban Design
Theory): City-Architecture-Archaeology: Concepts-Principles-Interrelations [Conception,
inauguration and development of a new course within the existing curriculum,
with Professor Yannis Aesopos].
2. 2010-2014: Adjunct Lecturer: 2-year Master Programme of
Postgraduate Studies (MA): “Fine Arts”, Athens School of Fine Arts [3 years].
· New Courses (Architectural Theory and Art Theory): Conceptual
Investigations of Space (1st year-1st Semester), Questions
in the Philosophy of Space: From Descartes to Deleuze (1st
year-2nd Semester), Conceptual Structures of Architectural
Thinking (2nd year-1st Semester), Architecture as
Art (2nd year-2nd Semester [Conception, inauguration
and development of four new courses within the existing curriculum].
· Conception, organization and realization of a new
experimental research workshop (a combination of theory and design, along with
walks and peregrinations in the city-center of Athens): The City as Archive:
Monuments – Ruins – Traces. [2012-2014: 2nd Year-1st
2015-2018: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor:
Master Programme of Postgraduate Studies (M.Sc.): “Architecture-Design of Space”, Option A: “Research in Architecture: Design – Space – Civilization”,
Specialization: “Advanced Issues of
Architectural Design”, National Technical University of Athens [3 years].
· Conception, organization and realization of a new
experimental course titled “Conceptual
Design of the City: Voids – Landscapes – Archives” (along with Professors
K. Moraitis and St. Stavrides)
· New Course (with Professor Yannis Aesopos): Theory of Architecture and Urban Design
(4 lectures).
· New Course (with Professors Yannis Aesopos + Georgios
Panetsos): Theory of Architecture and
Urban Design (4 lectures).
2017-2018: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor:
Master Programme of Postgraduate Studies (M.Sc.): “Architecture-Design of Space”, Option A: “Research in Architecture: Design – Space – Civilization”,
Specialization: “Architectural Knowledge”,
National Technical University of Athens [1 Semester].
· Conception, organization and realization of a new
experimental course titled “On Place:
Hermeneutical Prisms” (along with Professor Georgios Xiropaidis)
7. 2018-2020: Tenured Assistant Professor [Appointment: 17.8.2018]: Department
of Architectural Language, Communication and Design, School of Architecture,
National Technical University of Athens. [2 years].
· Master Programme of Postgraduate Studies (M.Sc.): “Architecture-Design of Space”, Option A:
“Research in Architecture: Design –
Space – Civilization”, Specialization: “Advanced Issues of Architectural Design”, National Technical University
of Athens: Conception, organization and realization of a new experimental
course (theory + walks in the city) titled “Conceptual Organization of the City: Voids – Ruins – Archives”.
· Conception, organization and realization of a new
theoretical course titled “On Place:
Hermeneutical Prisms” (along with Professor Georgios Xiropaidis)
· Three invited lectures / seminars on the
relation between Architecture, Phenomenology and Place:
· Master Programme of Postgraduate Studies (M.Sc.): “Architecture-Design of Space”, Option
A: “Research in Architecture: Design –
Space – Civilization”, Specialization: “Architectural Epistemology”, National Technical University of
Athens: Conception, organization and realization of a new philosophical course
titled “Nietzsche:
Architecture-Space-Culture”. Two collaborators, Three Invited Speakers.
• Master Programme of Postgraduate Studies (M.Sc.): “Architecture-Design of Space”, Option
A: “Research in Architecture: Design –
Space – Civilization”, new course on Phenomenology and Architecture
titled “On Place: Hermeneutical Prisms”.
· Master Programme of Postgraduate Studies (M.Sc.): “Architecture-Design of Space”, Option
A: “Research in Architecture: Design –
Space – Civilization”, Specialization: “Architectural Epistemology”, National Technical University of
Athens: Conception, organization and realization of a new philosophical course
titled “Nietzsche ÉÉ: Á Philosophy
of Rhythm”. Two collaborators, Two
Invited Speakers.
• Master Programme of Postgraduate Studies (M.Sc.): “Architecture-Design of Space”, Option
A: “Research in Architecture: Design –
Space – Civilization”, new course on Phenomenology and Architecture
titled “Concepts of Place: Hermeneutical Prisms”.
· Master Programme of Postgraduate Studies (M.Sc.): “Architecture-Design of Space”, Option
A: “Research in Architecture: Design –
Space – Civilization”, Specialization: “Architectural Epistemology”, National Technical University of
Athens: Conception, organization and realization of a new philosophical course
titled “Nietzsche ÉÉÉ: The Will to Power as Architecture”. Three collaborators.
• Master Programme of Postgraduate Studies (M.Sc.): “Theory and History of Art”, Athens
School of Fine Arts, new course on Philosophy and Architecture
titled “Conceptual Spaces of Architectural Thinking, 15th-20th
• Master Programme of Postgraduate Studies (M.Sc.): “Architecture-Design of Space”, Option
A: “Research in Architecture: Design –
Space – Civilization”, new course on Phenomenology and Architecture
titled “Space and Place: Phenomenological Investigations”.
· Master Programme of Postgraduate Studies (M.Sc.): “Architecture-Design of Space”, Option
A: “Research in Architecture: Design –
Space – Civilization”, Specialization: “Architectural Epistemology”, National Technical University of Athens:
Conception, organization and realization of a new philosophical course titled “Nietzsche ÉV: Agon”. Three collaborators.
· Master Programme of Postgraduate Studies (M.Sc.): “Architecture-Design
of Space,” Option
A: “Research in Architecture: Design – Space – Civilization” Specialization: “Architectural
Epistemology,” National
Technical University of Athens: conception, organization, and realization of
the new mandatory support course, an epistemological, methodological, and
philosophical course titled “Interdisciplinary Problematizations of
Architectural Space II: World Theoretical Models and Conceptual Structures.”.
· Master Programme of Postgraduate Studies (M.Sc.): “Architecture-Design of Space”, Option
A: “Research in Architecture: Design –
Space – Civilization”, Specialization: “Architectural Epistemology”, National Technical University of
Athens: Conception, organization and realization of a new narratology course
titled “Edgar Allan Poe: Architectural
Genius”. One collaborator.
iii. Public Lectures
· Two hundred and seventy three (273)
public (or invited) lectures (in Greek or English), in undergraduate and
postgraduate courses, scientific organizations and associations, seminars,
workshops, summer schools. [2001-2024]
Indicative Selection of one hundred (100) lectures:
1. Martin Heidegger and the Meaning of Place, invited lecture, course of 5th Semester “The Landscape of
the Archaeological Site”, N.T.U.A., 3 Dec. 2001.
2. The Idea of Type in Architectural Creation, lecture, 3rd Semester, N.T.U.A., 8 Dec. 2003.
3. Idea Time Space:The City of Athens, invited lecture, Harvard University Summer School, Olympia, 8 Jul.
4. Walter Benjamin: Art, Space, City, invited lecture, Postgraduate course “Aesthetic Theories”, N.T.U.A.,
28 Jun. 2007.
5. The Void Space: Readings of a Concept, lecture, 7th Semester, N.T.U.A., 9 Jan. 2008.
6. Social Housing and Modernism: Principles, Concepts, Values, lecture, 4th Semester, N.T.U.A., 27 Mar.
7. Concepts as Tools: Type and Trace, lecture, 4th Semester, N.T.U.A., 31 Mar. 2008.
8. Architectural Research: Subject, Method, Society, seminar to Ph.D. Candidates, N.T.U.A., 2 Apr. 2008.
9. The Reading of Place: the Architect as a Contemporary Archeologist, lecture, 4th Semester, N.T.U.A., 3 Apr.
10. Walter Benjamin:
Art and Culture, invited seminar,
Postgraduate course “Aesthetic Theories”, N.T.U.A., 17 Apr. 2007.
11. Concepts of Space
in the Passage of Time, lecture, 6th
Semester, N.T.U.A., 8 May 2008.
12. Monuments, Ruins,
Traces, invited lecture, Athens School of Fine Arts, 12 Feb.
13. Ideas of Space in
the Twentieth Century, invited lecture,
“Kosmas Psychopedis Seminar on the Epistemology of the Social Sciences”,
University of Athens, 14 May 2009.
14. Simmel – Kracauer
– Benjamin: City, Space and Modernism, invited seminar, Postgraduate course “Aesthetic Theories”, N.T.U.A.,
21 May 2009.
15. Interpretations of
the City as a Public Space, invited seminar,
School of Architecture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 21 Jan. 2010.
16. Structure and
Deconstruction, lecture, 6th
Semester, N.T.U.A., 19. Apr. 2010.
17. The Concept of
Time as a Design Tool, lecture, 9th
Semester, N.T.U.A., 5 Oct. 2010.
18. The Concept of the
Void as a Design Tool, lecture, 7th
Semester, N.T.U.A., 12 Oct. 2010.
19. Towards an
Un-Volumetric Architecture, lecture, 7th
Semester, N.T.U.A., 19 Oct. 2010.
20. Art-Memory-Utopia, invited talk for the presentation of Prof. M.
Spiliopoulos’ book “Human Trace”, 25 Oct. 2010.
21. Traces of
Conceptual Art in Greece, invited lecture
for the presentation of Prof. M. Spiliopoulos’ book “Human Trace”, 19 Dec.
22. Versions and Ideal
Types of the Void, lecture, 7th
Semester, N.T.U.A., 11 Jan. 2011.
23. The City as Text
I: Dwelling – Trace – Place, invited lecture,
Athens School of Fine Arts, 19 Jan. 2011.
24. Ideological
Principles and Logical Prerequisites for the Constitution of Museum Space, invited lecture, Postgraduate course on the “Museum
Organization”, N.T.U.A., 8 Mar. 2011.
25. Incorporation of a
New Function into an Existing Building Shell, lecture, 6th Semester, N.T.U.A., 14 Mar. 2011.
26. The City as Text
II: Agora – Void – Situation, invited lecture,
Athens School of Fine Arts, 12 Apr. 2011.
27. Conceptual Art as
an Utopian Politics of Place, invited lecture,
Center of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki, 7 May 2011.
28. The ‘Analysis’ of
Place as Architectural Synthesis, lecture, 3rd
Semester, N.T.U.A., 21 Nov. 2011.
29. The Concept of
‘Dwelling’: Benjamin and Heidegger, lecture, 3rd
Semester, N.T.U.A., 28 Nov. 2011.
30. Memory – Museum –
Archive, invited lecture, Athens School of Fine Arts, 1 Feb.
31. Four Ideal
Hermeneutical Types of Time in Architectural Space, lecture, 9th Semester, N.T.U.A., 14 Feb. 2012.
32. Conceptual
Structures of Leon Battista Alberti’s Thinking, invited lecture, “Kosmas Psychopedis Seminar on the Epistemology of
the Social Sciences”, University of Athens, 8 Mar. 2012.
33. Principles for the
Intervention in Derelict City Spaces, lecture, 6th Semester, N.T.U.A., 26 Mar. 2012.
34. Prerequisites for the Emergence of the Idea of the Museum in Modernity,
invited lecture, Postgraduate Course on the “Western Paradigm of the Museum”, 3
Apr. 2012
35. Trace, Ruin, Monument, Event, lecture, 6th Semester,
N.T.U.A, 4 Apr. 2013
36. The Flight of Time and the Transformations of Space: Design
Interventions in a Derelict Industrial Shell in Metaxourgeio, Postgradute
Programme, University of Stuttgart, BIOS, 9 Oct. 2013
37. What is the Character of Leon Battista Alberti’s Thinking?,
seminar, M.I.E.T. Philosophical + Literary Seminars, 13 Dec. 2013
38. Architecture as Building Discourse, lecture, External Evaluation of
the School of Architecture, N.T.U.A., 26-27 Feb. 2014
39. The City as Archive, lecture, Architectural and Urban Design
Workshop, PATRAS CITY LAB, 4 Oct. 2014 Watch the lecture (in Greek)
40. Public Space: Conceptual Approach, lecture, 9th
Semester, 4 Nov. 2014
41. Etienne-Louis Boullée: The Architecture of the City as Poetry of
Ideas, lecture, 16 Dec. 2014
42. Neoclassical Athens and the Archive of History, lecture, 13 Jan.
43. Conceptual Approach of Design Problems, invited lecture, Athens
Studio, University of Western Australia, Leicester School of Architecture, 6
Feb. 2015
44. Conceptual / Material Transformations of Space, lecture, 27 Apr.
45. Memory – City – Archive: A Genealogy +A Hypothesis, invited
lecture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 28 Apr. 2015
46. Memory – Landscape – Archive, invited lecture, Theory + Design
Workshop in Delphi, ASFA, 31 May 2015
47. Concepts of Public Space + Hospitality, invited lecture, Fine Arts
+ Architecture Workshop in Loutraki, 25 August 2015
48. Architecture as a Human Science, double lecture in English, 6 + 13
October 2015
49. The Concept of Architecture: Philosophical Approaches, lecture in
English, 20 October 2015
50. Four Concepts of Type, lecture, N.T.U.A., 7 December 2015
51. Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Concept of the ‘Lebensform’, invited
lecture, University of Ioannina, Postgraduate Seminar on the Philosophy of
Science, 15 December 2015
52. Etienne-Louis Boullée: Architecture as Poetry, invited
lecture, Hellenic Society for Aesthetics, Panayotis and Effie Michelis Foundation,
17 February 2016
53. Etienne-Louis Boullée (1728-1799): Epistemological
Presuppositions of Architectural Utopia, invited lecture, Psychopedis
Seminar, 7 April 2016
54. Towards a Utopian Politics of Place, invited lecture, Conference of
the School of Architecture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, on the theme:
“Spatial Narratives of Memory”,
Thessaloniki, 23 May 2016
55. Public Space: Conceptual Transformations, invited lecture,
Postgraduate Programme on “Architecture + Urban Design”, Athens, 25 October
56. Modernity + Postmodernity: Structure and Deconstruction, invited
lecture, Asfa Photo Courses, Athens School of Fine Arts, Athens, 31 October
57. Memory – Museum – Archive, invited lecture, Asfa Photo Courses,
Athens School of Fine Arts, Athens, 14 November 2016
58. Space – Narrative – Architecture, lecture, M.I.E.T. seminar, 25
November 2016
59. Eighteen Conceptual Dualisms in Henri Bergson’s Theory of Knowledge and
their Architectural Significance, presentation of Yannis Prelorentzos’ book
Knowledge and Method in Bergson,
Athens, 30 November 2016
60. Athens as an Archive, lecture, 7th Semester, 10 January
61. Conceptual Tools for the Analysis of Urban Space, 6th
Semester, 6 March 2017
62. Etienne-Louis Boullée: Conceptual Presuppositions of
Architectural Utopia, invited lecture, Studiolo of the History of
Architecture, NTUA, 16 March 2017
63. Memory-Museum-Archive: A Genealogy, lecture, M.I.E.T. seminar, 28
April 2017
64. The Idea of the Monument in the Age of the Enlightenment: Towards a
Conceptual Genealogy of Cultural Heritage, invited lecture, Opening Seminar
of the “Academy of Cultural Heritages”
(Prof. Tarasti), Finnish Institute, Athens, 6 October 2017
65. Conceptual Tools for the Analysis of the Urban Fabric, lecture, 6th
Semester, N.T.U.A., 1 March 2018
66. Architecture as a Human Science, double lecture, 7th
Semester, N.T.U.A., 2 + 9 October 2018
67. The Ruin, the Museum and the Archive, lecture, Post-graduate
Programme, N.T.U.A., 19 November 2018
68. Memory and the City in Hyper-modernity, invited lecture, Societe
des Architectes Hellenes, TEE building, Athens, 23 January 2019
69. The Concept of Dwelling: Place, Memory, Narrative, double lecture,
under-graduate programme, N.T.U.A., 14 + 18 March 2019
70. Charles-Edouard Jeanneret / Le Corbusier: Towards a New Theory of
Genius, invited lecture, “Psychopedis Seminar”, 18 April 2019
71. Conceptual Tools for the
Analysis of Place, lecture, Hermoupolis Workshop, Syros, 3 August 2019
72. Dwelling – Narrative –
Architecture: From the Poetics of Space to the Poetry of Place, invited
lecture, University of Western Attica, Postgraduate Programme “Interior
Design”, Prof. Dr. Zoi Georgiadou, Athens, 12 November 2019
73. The City as Archive: A Conceptual Genealogy, lecture, 7th
semester, N.T.U.A., 15 October 2020
74. City – Materiality – Narrativity, 5-hour flânerie,
open-air interdisciplinary course in the old district of Athens, with
performative readings of literary texts, 7th semester, N.T.U.A., 5
November 2020
75. Space – Narrative – Architecture, 5-hour on-line invited
lecture + discussion, University of Patras, Prof: A. Spanomaridis, 20 November
76. Boullée: Epistemological Presuppositions of Utopia – Architecture as Language –
Love and Place, 3-hour triple lecture, 7th semester,
N.T.U.A., 10 December 2020
77. Nietzsche – Jeanneret / Le Corbusier: A New Theory of Genius,
4-hour lecture, Postgraduate Programme, N.T.U.A., 7 January 2021
78. Semiotic Articulations between Literature and Architecture:
Spatial Meaning, Place and Narrativity, invited on-line lecture, as part of
the Open Guest Lecture Series Norfolk Architecture Talks, organized by
Prof. R. Quek, Course Leader, Norwich University of the Arts, 28 January 2021
79. Places for Thinking,
lecture, 8th Semester, N.T.U.A., 23 February 2021
80. ‘Space’ and ‘Place’: Philosophical Thought and Architectural
Praxis, invited on-line lecture, in the context of the Course 08TH16 “Sections
in Architectural Theory: Place-Locus-Chora” (Dr. St. Alifragkis),
Department of Architecture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2 March 2021
81. Love, Place, Walking: Three Ideal Types (Colonna, Ledoux, Breton)
and Three Dialectical Images (Nietzsche, Rimbaud, Rousseau), lecture, 8th
Semester, N.T.U.A., 28 May 2021
82. Languages for the Design of Space, lecture, 5th
Semester, N.T.U.A., 7 January 2022
83. Empty Public Space: Three Types of the Concept of the Void,
lecture, 7th Semester, 13 January 2022
84. Rhythmus, lecture, postgraduate course on Nietzsche II,
N.T.U.A., 20 January 2022
85. Concepts as Tools: Methodological / Epistemological Observations
+ Investigations, 4-hour lecture, undergraduate course on Places of
Thinking, N.T.U.A., 3 March 2022
86. The Void as Public Space: Conceptual Approach, lecture,
undergraduate course on Places of Thinking, N.T.U.A., 28 March 2022
87. Memory, History and Archive in Hypermodernity, extended
lecture, undergraduate course on Places of Thinking, N.T.U.A., 5 May
88. The Architect as Writer of the Plot of Place, extended
lecture, undergraduate course on Dialogues Between Architecture an
Philosophy, N.T.U.A., 2 June 2022
89. Nietzsche’s Concept of Place: Prelude to an Architecture of the
Future, extended lecture, postgraduate course on Nietzsche III: The Will
to Power as Architecture, N.T.U.A., 25 November 2022
90. Ideal Types of the Concept of the Void, invited lecture,
Assist. Prof. Koutsoumbos, undergraduate course on Elements of Theory in
Architectural Design, 9th Semester, School of Architecture,
NTUA, 30 November 2022
91. Semiotic Articulations between Literature and Architecture:
Spatial Meaning, Place and Narrativity, lecture, undergraduate course on The
City as Archive, 7th Semester, School of Architecture, N.T.U.A.,
13 December 2022
92. Étienne-Louis Boullée: The Poetry of
Architecture-Conceptual Presuppositions of Utopia, lecture, undergraduate
course on The City as Archive, 7th Semester, School of
Architecture, N.T.U.A., 20 December 2022
93. The Concept of Type as a Tool for the Organization of Space,
lecture, undergraduate course on The City as Archive, 7th
Semester, School of Architecture, N.T.U.A., 10 January 2023
94. Languages for the Design of Space, lecture, undergraduate
course on Utopian Eurythmic Center, 5th Semester, School of
Architecture, N.T.U.A., 12 January 2023
95. Concepts as Vectors of Creativity, extended lecture,
undergraduate course on Mythical Places of Thinking, N.T.U.A., 14 March
96. Architectural Language: Space and Narrativity, extended
lecture, undergraduate course on Mythical Places of Thinking, N.T.U.A.,
26 May 2023
97. The Concept of Struggle in Nietzsche: Interpretations, Readings,
Themes, Models [From the “Blue Notebook”], extended lecture, postgraduate
course on Nietzsche IV: Agon, 3 November 2023
98. Charles-Edouard Jeanneret / Le Corbusier (1887-1965): Towards a
Nietzschean Theory of Genius, invited lecture by the Greek Society of
Aesthetics, School of Architecture, N.T.U.A., 20 December 2023
99. Intertwining Architecture and Literature: Three Epistemological
Models, invited lecture by the Athens Research Seminar in Continental
Philosophy, N.T.U.A., 22 December 2023
100. Conceptual Approaches to Space in the Writings of Edgar Allan
Poe, invited lecture by the Athens Research Seminar in Continental
Philosophy, N.T.U.A., 13 December 2024
i. Design Research Programs / Participation in Competitions
/ Expert Interview
1. 2002-2003: Principal Researcher-Author: Research Programme “Aesthetic
Upgrade of the Historical Centre of Athens”, 2nd Phase,
National Technical University of Athens, Ministry of the Environment, Land
Planning and Public Works, Scientific Responsibility: Prof. G. Parmenidis. [1
· Theoretical Investigations and Design Approaches and
Proposals on the theme: Definition and Design of the “Limits” and “Gates”
of the Historical Centre of Athens. First Chapter in the final
publication of the Research Programme: pp. 1A/1-1A/18.
· Based on the theoretical criteria that were developed
for the definition of the “limits” and “gates” of the Athens’ historical
centre, six (6) greater areas were selected and re-designed. Those
urban design studies formulated strategic interventions concerning the built
environment, the landscape and the public places of each area, conceived as
spatial, interdependent totalities.
2. 2002-2003: Principal Researcher: Research Programme “Investigation
of Possibilities for Urban Regeneration and Environmental Upgrade of the
Central Area of the Municipality of Agrinio”, National Technical
University of Athens, Scientific Responsibility: Prof. P. Kosmaki [6 months].
· Theoretical Investigations and Design Proposals for
the creation of a network of open-air urban public spaces in the
city of Agrinio. This network would function as a conceptual map for a cohesive
understanding and perception of urban physiognomy and character.
· Urban Design of a central public square in Agrinio
and its incorporation in the social, functional and cultural context of the
3. 2001-2002: Participation in the International Theoretical Competition
on the theme “Writings in Architectural Education: New Ways of Conceiving
and Thinking Architecture”, EAAE Prize 2001-2002. Title of proposed paper: Architecture
as Culture.
4. 2007: Participation in the Pan-Hellenic Architectural Competition for
the Regeneration of the Hero’s Square in Eleusis [3 months].
· Design Proposal of an extended network of open-air
public spaces that create a functional, conceptual and historical continuity
between the contemporary city and the important archaeological site of
Eleusis. Formation of the Entrance to the Archeaological site as a Modern Stoa.
2020: Participation as an Expert in a Focus Group Interview of
the European Commission Research Programme SOPs4RI (Standard
Operating Procedures for Research Integrity-2019-2022), in the Field of «Humanities».
SOPs4RI is part of SwafS (Science with and for Society-Horizon 2020).
· The 3-hour interview took place in the Telepresence Room 1 of the
Central Library Building, N.T.U.A. (10.2.2020), as an open discussion with
Prof. S. Tsinorema and Prof. P. Kontos, and researchers V. Katsarelis and E.
Spyrakou (coordinator). The interview was audio recorded and the transcripts
will be used to define SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) for RPOs and RFOs.
ii. Architectural and Artistic Work / Research
· Twenty (20) architectural projects (6 (six)
built) as part of the collaboration with the Architectural Office “I. &
F. Terzoglou: Architects” [2000-2015].
Indicative Selection of eleven (11) projects:
1. Formation of an Open-Air Space and an Entrance to a Public Building [Built: 2001].
2. Conversion and Extension of a Country House in Attica [Built: 2000-2001].
3. Restructuring of the Spaces of a Scheduled House in Rome [Project: 2000].
4. Re-organisation of the Interior and Exterior Spaces of a Country House
in Attica [Built: 2004-2006].
5. Conversion of an Urban Apartment into a Studiolo for a Scholar [Built: 2004-2007].
6. Formation of an Open-Air Dwelling Space in the Landscape of Penteli [Project: 2007-2008]
7. Office, Research and Teaching Spaces of the Department III of the
National Technical University of Athens, School of Architecture [2001-2002, Built: 2002-2004].
· Published in the Greek Annual Architectural Review: Design
+ Art in Greece, 39 / 2008, pp. 160-162.
14. Four New Dwelling
Spaces in Maroussi [Project: 2013,
Conclusive Study: 2014]
15. New Interior Arrangement
of the Ceremony Hall “Lysandros
Kautantzoglou” of Averoff Building [Project + Implementation: 2015]
· Two (2) artistic research projects as part of
the undergraduate studies at the School of Architecture and at the School of
Fine Arts [1995-2009].
1. Design Approaches of the Archaeological Site of the
Acropolis, Studies and Sketches, National Technical University
of Athens, School of Architecture [1995-1998].
· Design sketches revealing the unity of architecture
and sculpture on the Acropolis as material “bodies”. Large-scale plans
revealing the archaeological space as a multi-layered palimpsest of ruins and
fragments that are transformed throughout history.
· Published in the collective volume: Vana Xenou, Xara
Kalaitzidou and Giota Tsinaki (eds.), The Landscape in the Archaeological
Sites, Student’s Projects from the Acropolis Area,
Athens, National Technical University of Athens, 1996, pp. 26, 28-30, 52, 72,
74, 93, 98, 105, 112, 123-126.
· A sketch from the Parthenon [Detail] was published in
the leaflet: Activities at the School of Architecture / 2,
Athens, 1996.
2. Urban Voids – Urban Memory – Urban Traces, Studies, Plans, Sections, Elevations, Models,
Archives, Photographs, Athens School of Fine Arts [2006-2009].
· Creation of an extended archive of a “contemporary
archaeology” of the Athens city centre, namely of a totality of traces,
abandoned buildings, open-air public spaces, ruins and voids that are not used
or were demolished recently. The aim of this laborious task (over two
hundred (200) urban voids and traces were recorded and plotted) is the
rescue and preservation of an unconscious memory of the city in its everyday
· Design proposal of an extended network of ten (10)
memory-places with ephemeral structures for the construction of situations.
Psychogeography, landscape art, installation art and conceptual art are
articulated in a micro-historical narration of Athens.
· A small part of this extended research was published
in the collective volume: Graduating Class 08 / 09, Athens School
of Fine Arts, Department of Fine Arts, Athens, 2011, p. 139.
iii. Doctoral Research (Ph.D.)
· 2001-2005:
Department of Architectural Language, Communication and Design, School of
Architecture, National Technical University of Athens. Development of an
extensive theoretical and philosophical research project on the theme: Conceptual
Structures of Architectural Thinking: Leon Battista Alberti – Etienne-Louis
Boullée – Le Corbusier, Athens, 2005, pp. 686. The Doctoral
Research was supervised by Professors Anny Vrychea, Solon Xenopoulos, Panayotis
Tournikiotis and Aristides Baltas. It lasted four (4) years and was supported
by two (2) Special Research Scholarships of the National Technical
University of Athens. A research travel was realized in England, in 2002,
(London, Oxford, Cambridge), in order to study at various libraries and
Research Centers.
· Content of the
Thesis-Summary: The basic theoretical
position of the Doctoral Thesis is that architectural creation is a dialectic
unity of architectural thinking and praxis. In this regard, built architectural
space can be understood as an outcome of architectural discourse and, at the
same time, as a symbol of concepts and values. Conversely, architectural
thinking can be considered as the building of ideas that prefigure and
determine the cultural and social meaning of architectural materializations in
physical space. In this context, the purpose of the Doctoral Thesis is the
critical analysis of selected theories of architecture and the localization and
correlation of basic conceptual structures of architectural thought and praxis
that could contribute to the enrichment of contemporary architectural knowledge
and creation. This critical investigation, both historical and philosophical,
focuses on the comparative reading of three paradigmatic written discourses of
Modern architecture, namely the text «De Re Aedificatoria» by Leon
Battista Alberti, the text «Architecture, Essai sur l’art» by
Etienne-Louis Boullée and the manifesto «Vers une Architecture»
by Le Corbusier.
The aim of the Thesis is the tracing, the new
signification and the genealogical connection of fundamental conceptual
structures, as they are codified in the above texts, in close relation
to the cultural frameworks of ideas and values that constitute the Renaissance,
the Enlightenment and Modernism. At the same time, it examines the possible
correspondences and correlations between the conceptual structures under
consideration and artistic, epistemological and philosophical discourses of
their times and other historical eras. The Thesis attempts to reveal the
relation between a general cultural space of ideas and values and a specific
field of architectural discourse, connecting each historical epoch with written
texts and bridging social values with individuals, as conscious creators of
conceptual structures.
The full text of the Doctoral Thesis can be accessed
here: Nikolaos-Ion
Terzoglou-Ph.D. (In Greek)
iv. Post-Doctoral
Research on the Philosophy of Space
· 2007-2008:
Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law, School of Applied
Mathematical and Natural Sciences, National Technical University of Athens: Elaboration
of an extensive Post-Doctoral Research Project on the Philosophy of Space, on
the theme: Ideas of Space in the 20th Century, Athens,
2008, pp. 411. Supervisor: Prof. Aristides Baltas. [1 and a half year: February
2007 – September 2008].
· Content - Summary: The above research project attempted to investigate
the conceptual transformations of the idea of space during the 20th
century, through an interdisciplinary prism of study. This investigation
revealed that the meaning, the understanding and the interpretation of the idea
of space in the 20th century, as it was elaborated by distinct
scientific disciplines, has followed multiple currents, ruptures, convergences
and metamorphoses.
· This research was re-worked and published as a book
in Greek. See the next section.
v. Sabbatical / Research on the Philosophy of Place
2019-2020: On a Sabbatical Leave from 1.9.2019
to 31.8.2020: Elaboration of an extensive Research Project on the theme: Concepts
of Place from 1960 to Hypermodernity. Research Trip to Weimar, Germany
(October 2019): Study of Archival Material, mainly dating from the Eighteenth
and Nineteenth Century. Research, reading and study in many Libraries, in
Weimar and Greece.
· Content - Summary: The research project investigated the many layers of
meaning inherent in the concept and experience of place, tracing their genealogical
history from the Seventeenth century onwards, through a new and original
interdisciplinary methodology based on the complex intersections between
architecture and philosophy. Two specific case studies attempted to offer
concrete examples of architectural materializations of places that translate
abstract philosophical categories and conceptual registers into concrete
experiences of locality.
i. Books / Edited Books
· Four (4) books (three (3) in Greek and one (1) in English): one (1) autonomous
monograph which is based on the Post-Doctoral Research, one (1) edited volume
and two (2) co-edited books.
1. Nikolaos-Ion Terzoglou, Ideas of Space in the
Twentieth Century, Nissos Publications, Athens, 2009, pp. 423.
· Summary of Content: the book develops an
interpretation of selected ideas of space in the 20th century, as
they were formulated mainly in the fields of architecture, art, social sciences
and philosophy. Those readings lead to ascertainments regarding their
conceptual origins, which cover the period from the 17th to the 19th
century. Along with the typological schematization of basic categories,
concepts and ideas of space, a simultaneous analysis of their mutual
interdependences and interactions is undertaken, with the aim of revealing
their significance for the contemporary era. It is argued that this study could
create the prerequisites for an interdisciplinary dialogue between
architecture, art, social sciences and philosophy, which could enrich the
conceptual dimensions for the interpretation and design of real, living spaces
in the beginning of the 21st century.
· The book consists of the following eight (8)
1 The Problem of Space in Contemporary Thinking.
2 Regarding Method: History of Ideas and Concepts.
3 Conceptual Foundations of the 20th Century:
Ideas of Space from Descartes to Nietzsche.
4 The Beginnings of the 20th Century: Modern
Architecture and Art: Metamorphoses of Absolute Space.
5 Social Sciences, the City and Civilization:
Interpretations of Public Space from Simmel to Castoriadis.
6 Phenomenology and Critical Regionalism: Readings of
Lived Space from Heidegger to Ando.
7 The Later 20th Century: Post-Modernism,
Deconstruction and Computer Science: Transformations of Relative Space.
8 Perspectives for the 21st Century: Natural
Environment, Cultural Places, Symbolic Landscapes, Conceptual Spaces.
2. Nikolaos-Ion Terzoglou (ed.), Research in
Architecture: Design – Space – Culture, Issue 2, A Biennial Journal of
the Postgraduate Programme “Architecture-Design of Space”, N.T.U.A.,
Alexandreia Editions, Athens, 2012, pp. 399.
· The scientific editing and the general co-ordination
of the publication lasted (1) year. The volume contains twenty (20)
distinguished, re-worked and expanded Diploma Theses (written essays) from the
Postgraduate Programme “Design-Space-Culture” of the School of
Architecture of the National Technical University of Athens (Director of the
Course and co-ordinator of the editorial committee: Prof. G. Parmenidis).
· In the context of the editorial work, Terzoglou
formulated new proposals and realized the following ideas: a new structure
of the contents of the journal, a conceptual diagram depicting this
structure, an introductory text that provides theoretical arguments that ground
the diagram, a new design of the cover, novel graphic layouts of the articles.
3. Nikolaos-Ion Terzoglou, Kyriaki Tsoukala, Charikleia
Pantelidou (eds.), Intersections of Ethos and Space, Epikentro
Editions, Thessaloniki, 2012, pp. 283.
· Summary of Content: Today we find ourselves at
a crossroads as regards the possible direction that the science and study of
space might follow. The pressing economic, environmental and social crises and
changes seem to suggest the need for a theoretical redefinition of our
appraisal systems, planning priorities and established ideological and
educational hierarchies. It is perhaps time to reconsider the moral dimension
of space. This collective volume seeks to reflect on architecture not only as a
confirmation and reinforcement of established moral rules, as a glorification
of the status quo, but also as a field of emergence of the possibility of a critique
of its unjust institutions. Can we reflect on a critical function of
architecture? Its potential not simply to reflect dominant value systems but
perhaps its capacity to create the ground of their criticism and contribute to
the emergence of new moral systems? The intention in the texts that follow is
to think about architecture as an active condenser and creator of ethos, a
workshop bringing a new ethos to birth. In this spirit, the Intersections of
ethos and space constitute a locus of meditation, reflection and critical
· The collective volume contains one (1)
introduction and eight (8) extended essays written by eminent scholars
and Professors. The editing lasted two (2) years. The Greek edition
consists of the following texts:
1. Nikolaos-Ion
Terzoglou, Kyriaki Tsoukala, Charikleia Pantelidou: Introduction.
2. John
Hendrix: Architecture and Intellectual Development.
3. Konstantinos
Moraitis: How Ethos is revealed in Space: ‘…Ordine Geometrico
4. Claudio
Conenna, Kyriaki Tsoukala: Ethics and Decoration in the Modern and the
Contemporary Era.
5. Nikolaos-Ion
Terzoglou: Towards a New Ethical ‘Paradigm’ in the Design of Space.
6. Charikleia
Pantelidou: Space and Ethos in the Concept of Access.
7. Jonathan
Hill: The Space of Weather.
8. Karsten
Harries: On the Ethical Significance of Space and Shaping Space.
9. Kyriaki
Tsoukala: Ethics and Public Space in Contemporary Western Societies.
· Apart from the general editing, the writing of his contribution and the
co-writing of the Introduction, Terzoglou translated the demanding, extended
essays written by John Hendrix and Karsten Harries from English
to Greek, adding a Greek, additional, bibliography as well.
Nikolaos-Ion Terzoglou, Kyriaki Tsoukala
and Charikleia Pantelidou (eds.), Intersections of Space and Ethos,
Routledge, London and New York, 2015, pp. 173. (re-issued in paperback, 2017).
· Summary of Content: Pressing
economic, environmental and social crises underline the need for a redefinition
of the dominant views, perspectives and values in the field of architecture.
The intellectual production of the last decades has witnessed an impressive
number of new design techniques and conceptual displacements, reflecting the
dynamic and fluid relation between man and his dwelling space. However,
contemporary market forces are favouring the growth of a star system in
architectural production based on technological innovation, spectacular imagery
and formal acrobatics, and are neglecting the social, environmental and moral
implications of spatial design. Perhaps the time has come to think anew about
the possible critical intersections between space and ethos, not only as an
answer to the negative consequences of modernity but also as a remedy to the
negative aspects of globalization.
· The collective volume contains one (1) Prologue, one (1) Epilogue and twelve (12)
extended essays written by eminent scholars and Professors. The editing lasted three (3) years. It is an expanded and re-worked version of (3). It
has three Parts, each one with its own Introduction.
ii. Chapters in Collective Volumes / Articles in
Scientific Journals
· Eighty Four (84)
published chapters, introductions or essays/articles in collective volumes or
scientific journals (in Greek, English
and French): Forty Seven (47) in Greek, thirty six (36) in English, one (1) in
Athens: the City of Thinking, in The World of Buildings, a Four-Monthly Journal
of Architecture and Building, Issue 25, 2001, pp. 114-122
Walter Benjamin and the Meaning of the Work of Art, in Utopia, a Bimonthly Edition of Theory and
Culture, Issue 48, Jan.-Febr. 2002, pp. 77-86
The Public Space in the Athens Centre, in Architecture
in Greece, Annual Review, Issue 36 / 2002, p. 54
History – Memory – Monument, chapter in the collective volume: Stavros Stavrides
(ed.), Memory and Experience of Space, Alexandreia Editions, Athens,
2006, pp. 261-291
The Concept of ‘Lineamentum’ in Leon Battista
Alberti’s Architectural Thinking, in the collective volume: Vasso Trova, Kostas Manolidis, Giorgos
Papakonstantinou (eds.), Representation as a Vehicle of Architectural
Thinking, School of Architecture, University of Thessaly, futura editions,
Athens, 2006, pp. 181-187
The Architecture of the City as Poetry of Values:
Etienne-Louis Boullée and the Enlightenment, chapter in the collective volume: Konstantinos
Voudouris, Evaggelia Maraggianou (eds.), Values and Justice in the Global
Era, Ionia Publications, Athens, 2007, pp. 226-240
Critique of Pure Reason: Immanuel Kant, in a2610, Journal of the School of Architecture,
University of Patras, Issue 3, 2007-2008, p. 35
Office, Research and Teaching Spaces in Athens
Technical University, (with Ioannis Terzoglou and Frosso Terzoglou), in Design
+ Art in Greece, Annual Review, 39 / 2008, pp. 160-162
The Concept of Dwelling: ‘Oikos’ and ‘Oikia’, in Architects, a Journal of the Association of
Greek Architects, Issue 68, March/April 2008, pp. 65-66. Available (in
Greek) at:
The Space of the City in the Writings of Walter
Benjamin, in Contemporary Topics, a
Quarterly Edition of Scientific Questioning and Education, Issue 101,
April-June 2008, pp. 87-96
Educational Dimensions of Architecture: Cultural
Ideals of Space in the Nineteenth Century, in the collective volume: Konstantinos Voudouris (ed.), Paideia:
Education in the Global Era, Ionia Publications, Athens, 2008, pp. 309-326.
Scale and Space: Readings of a Complex Relation, in the electronic, on-line Greek journal Greek
Architects, 16.11.2008, pp. 1-5
13.-14. Conceptual Structures of
Architectural Thought. Leon Battista Alberti – Etienne-Louis Boullée –
Le Corbusier, in the International Magazine ELSA,
Environment, Land, Society: Architectonics, Vol. 1: II, Switzerland, 2008,
pp. 73-78 (in both Greek and English).
15. Philosophical Approaches of
Architectural Thinking, in Utopia, a Bimonthly Edition of Theory and
Culture, Issue 84, Mar.-Apr. 2009, pp. 165-178
16. The Human Mind and Design
Creativity: Leon Battista Alberti and ‘Lineamenta’, chapter 12 in the
collective volume: Soumyen Bandyopadhyay, Jane Lomholt, Nicholas Temple
and Renée Tobe (eds.), The Humanities in Architectural Design: A
Contemporary and Historical Perspective, Routledge, London and New York,
2010, pp. 136-146
17. The Idea of the Archetypal House
in the Contemporary Era: Architectural Space and Philosophical Discourse, in
Architects, a Journal of the Association of Greek Architects, Issue 77,
Nov./Dec. 2009, pp. 28-29. Available (In Greek) at:
18. Modernity and Postmodernity:
Structure and Deconstruction, extended chapter in the collective
volume: Kyriaki Tsoukala, Maria N. Daniil, Charicleia Pantelidou (eds.), Postmodern
Viewpoints, Epikentro Editions, Thessaloniki, 2010, pp. 343-392
19.-20. Art – Memory – Utopia,
essay in the volume dedicated to the artistic work of Professor Marios
Spiliopoulos, Human Trace, Metaichmio Publications, Athens, 2010,
pp. 218-220, 238-241 (in both Greek and English).
21. Architecture: Culture and Nature,
in a2610, Journal of the School of Architecture, University of Patras,
Issue 5, 2010, p. 45
22. Contemplations of Space in the Thought
of Panayotis Michelis, chapter in the volume celebrating the fiftieth
anniversary of the Hellenic Society for Aesthetics, Annals for Aesthetics, Vol.
A, 2010-2012, Published by the Panayotis & Effie Michelis Foundation in
collaboration with the Hellenic Society for Aesthetics, Athens, pp. 57-68
23. Ideological Principles and
Logical Prerequisites for the Constitution of Museum Space, in Contemporary
Topics, a Quarterly Edition of Scientific Questioning and Education, Issue
115, Oct.-Dec. 2011, pp. 61-67
24. ICAR-CORA Prize 2011: Final Report: July
2012, (with Professor Pierre Pellegrino), in the International
Magazine: ELSA, Environment, Land, Society: Architectonics, Vol.
3 III-IV (Logics of Space, Architectonics and Engineering of Knowledge),
Lausanne, 2011, pp. 152-156
25. Architectural
Creation between ‘Culture’ And ‘Civilization’, in the collective
volume: Paul Emmons, John Hendrix and Jane Lomholt (eds.), The Cultural Role
of Architecture, Contemporary and Historical Perspectives, Routledge,
London and New York, 2012, pp. 167-174
26. ‘Activated’
Public Spaces in the Contemporary City: Philosophical and Architectural
Approaches, chapter in the collective volume: Kyriaki Tsoukala,
Charikleia Pantelidou, Claudio Conenna, Maria N. Daniil (eds.), youth.www.public
space. Irregular Meetings + Slanting Passages, Epikentro Editions,
Thessaloniki, 2012, pp. 77-91
27. Introduction
(with Kyriaki Tsoukala and Charikleia Pantelidou), in the volume:
Nikolaos-Ion Terzoglou, Kyriaki Tsoukala, Charikleia Pantelidou (eds.), Intersections
of Ethos and Space, Epikentro Editions, Thessaloniki, 2012, pp. 13-32
28. Towards
a New Ethical ‘Paradigm’ in the Design of Space, extended chapter in
the collective volume: Nikolaos-Ion Terzoglou, Kyriaki Tsoukala, Charikleia
Pantelidou (eds.), Intersections of Ethos and Space, Epikentro Editions,
Thessaloniki, 2012, pp. 139-182
29. Architectural Knowledge and Ideal
Types for the Organization of Space, diagram and introduction in the
collective volume: Nikolaos-Ion Terzoglou (ed.), Research in Architecture:
Design – Space – Culture, Issue 2, A Biennial Journal of the
Postgraduate Programme “Architecture-Design of Space”, N.T.U.A.,
Alexandreia Editions, Athens, 2012, pp. 3-10
30. Conceptual Structures of Leon Battista
Alberti’s Thinking, essay published in the half-yearly Publication of
Theory and Criticism Valuations, Issue 27, Sakis Karagiorgas
Institution, Nissos Publications, Spring 2012, pp. 97-116
31. Ideas of Space from Isaac Newton to
Étienne-Louis Boullée, invited contribution in the
South African Journal of Art History, Special Edition: The Expertise
of Architecture and its History (Guest Editor: Raymond Quek, Editor:
Estelle Alma Maré), Volume 27, number 1, 2012, pp. 29-44. Available (in
English) at:
32. The Wasteland as an Existential Utopia,
essay for the artistic work “Question of Faith” by Pantelis Handris, available
at the blog:
May 2013, pp. 1-14
33. Conceptual Dimensions of Space in the
Theoretical Production of Kyriaki Tsoukala, invited Prologue to the
book: Kyriaki Tsoukala, Spatial
Choreographies in a State of Flux and Educational Reflective Counterpoints,
Epikentro Editions, Thessaloniki, 2014, pp. 10-25, available (in Greek) at:
34. Prologue: Rethinking Space and Ethos:
Critical Intersections (with Kyriaki Tsoukala and Charikleia
Pantelidou), in the collective volume: Kyriaki Tsoukala, Nikolaos-Ion Terzoglou
and Charikleia Pantelidou (eds.), Intersections
of Space and Ethos, Routledge, London and New York, 2015, pp. xvii-xxii
35. Epilogue: Contemporary Problems and New
Directions (with Kyriaki Tsoukala and Charikleia Pantelidou), in the
collective volume: Kyriaki Tsoukala, Nikolaos-Ion Terzoglou and Charikleia
Pantelidou (eds.), Intersections of Space
and Ethos, Routledge, London and New York, 2015, pp. 161-166
36. Introduction to Part 3: Human Condition and
Space. Philosophical Orientations and Conceptual Transpositions, in the
collective volume: Kyriaki Tsoukala, Nikolaos-Ion Terzoglou and Charikleia
Pantelidou (eds.), Intersections of Space
and Ethos, Routledge, London and New York, 2015, pp. 103-107
37. Towards a New Ethical ‘Paradigm’ in the
Creation of Spaces (reduced and re-worked version of (28.), in the
collective volume: Kyriaki Tsoukala, Nikolaos-Ion Terzoglou and Charikleia
Pantelidou (eds.), Intersections of Space
and Ethos, Routledge, London and New York, 2015, pp. 150-160
38. The Passage of Time and the Transformations
of Space, in the collective volume: Kostas Karadimas, Elena
Konstantinidou (eds.), Architectural
Studies and Architectural Heritage, Archetypo Editions, Amfissa, 2015, pp.
39. Spatial Textures and Ways of Life: The
Concepts of Lebensform and Lebenswelt, in the collective volume: Kostas
Kalimtzis & Maria Veneti (eds.), The
Concept of Form and the Way of Life, Editions Ionia, Athens, 2015, pp.
40. School of Architecture, National Technical
University of Athens: Physiognomy, Distinctions, Activities: 2010-2015 (with
Professor Eleni Maistrou), in Polytechnic
News, Journal of Science, Technology and Research, Issue 1, October 2015,
pp. 18, (in Greek), available at:
41. The Juridical Character of Alberti’s Mind,
Chapter 13 in the collective volume:
Alberto Pérez-Gómez and Stephen Parcell (eds.), Chora: Volume Seven, Intervals in the
Philosophy of Architecture,
McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal & Kingston, London,
Chicago, 2016, pp. 285-302
42. Three Types of Design Intentions, in: Anna Chorzepa (ed.), The LSA Review, Leicester School
of Architecture Journal 2015: Oecumene and the Global Condition of Architecture,
pp. 76-82, at:
43. A Colloquy in Athens between Raymond Quek,
Professor, Head of the Leicester School of Architecture, and Nikolaos-Ion
Terzoglou, Assistant Professor, NTUA School of Architecture, on Ideas of Space
and the Creative Use of Concepts in Architectural Design and Education,
in Anna Chorzepa (ed.), The LSA Review, Leicester School of
Architecture Journal 2015: Oecumene and the Global Condition of Architecture,
pp. 83-92, óôï:
44. The “Will to Life” as Architecture.
Assumptions Regarding the Philosophical Background of Aris Konstantinidis’
Thinking, in the collective volume: Andreas Giakoumakatos (ed.), Greek Architecture in the 20th
and the 21st Century: History-Theory-Criticism, Gutenberg
Editions, Athens, 2016, pp. 586-595
45. Etienne-Louis Boullée : Cenotaph to Isaac Newton,
in the collective volume : Georgios A. Panetsos (ed.), Starting-Points, Volume I, Domes
Editions, Athens, 2016, pp. 18-23
46. The Epistemological Location of Karsten Harries’ “Research Programme”,
in the journal Cloud-Cuckoo-Land: International
Journal of Architectural Theory: Eduard Fuhr (ed)., Ethics in Architecture. Festschrift for Karsten Harries, Vol. 22,
Issue 36, 2017: 39-54.
47. Eighteen Conceptual Dualisms in Henri Bergson’s Epistemology, article
published in the Monthly Review the
books’ journal, 7th Year, Issue No. 77, May 2017, pp. 87-90.
Watch the presentation here (in Greek):
48. Philippe Hamon / Paul Ricoeur: Space, Narrative and Architecture,
in the collective volume: Sasa Lada, Kyriaki Tsoukala (eds.), Spatial Narratives of Memory, Epikentro
Editions, Thessaloniki, 2017, pp. 83-106
49. Prologue: Conceptual Dimensions of Space in Kyriaki Tsoukala’s
Theoretical Production, in the book: Kyriaki Tsoukala, Fluid Space and Transformational Learning,
Routledge, London and New York, 2017, pp. xi-xxi
50. Etienne-Louis Boullée: Epistemological Presuppositions of
Architectural Utopia, essay published in
the half-yearly Publication of Theory and Criticism Valuations, Issue
31, Sakis Karagiorgas Institution, Nissos Publications, Spring 2017, pp.
51. The Idea of the Monument in the Age of the
Enlightenment: Towards a Conceptual Genealogy, in the collective
volume: Manolis Korres et al. (eds.), Hero
Builder. In memory of Charalambos Bouras, Volume II, Melissa Publications,
Athens, 2018, pp. 563-571
52. Three
Ideal Types of the Complex Dialectic Between Love and Place, in the
collective volume: Panayotis Pangalos, Stavros Alifragkis (eds.), Love Architecture City, PrintUp
Editions, Patras, 2017, pp. 108-118
53. Architecture
as Meaningful Language: Space, Place and Narrativity, in the journal: Linguistics and Literature Studies Vol.
6 (3), May 2018, pp. 120-132. Available at:
54-55. Type
and Place in the Architecture of Yiannis Koukis, in the collective
volume: Panayotis Tsakopoulos (ed.), Yiannis
Koukis. Works & Projects, Potamos Editions, Athens, 2018, pp. 28-35 (in
both Greek and English).
56. Augustus
Welby Northmore Pugin’s ‘Functionalism’: A Reappraisal, in the journal:
Montreal Architectural Review Vol. 5,
2018, pp. 21-38. Available at:
57. Semiotic
Articulations Between Literature and Architecture, in the collective
publication: Dario Martinelli, Audrone Daubariene, Simona Stano, Ulrika
Varankaite (eds.), Cross-Inter-Multi-Trans-,
Proceedings of the 13th World Congress of the International
Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS/AIS), Kaunas 2017, 26-30 June, IASS
Publications & International Semiotics Institute, Kaunas, 2018, pp.
235-243. Available at:
58. Ideal
Types of Relations Between Literary Narrative and Architectural Space: Three
Epistemological Models, in the collective publication: Özgür
Öztürk (ed.), VI. International
Architectural Design Conference, Archdesign 2019, Conference Proceedings, Dakam
Yayinlari, Instanbul, pp. 33-49
59. Mapping
Three Ideal Types of the Concept of the Void: Towards a Spatial Ethos of
Immaterial Urbanity, chapter 2 in the collective volume: Konstantinos
Moraitis, Stamatina Th. Rassia (eds.), Urban
Ethics under Conditions of Crisis. Politics, Architecture, Landscape
Sustainability and Multidisciplinary Engineering, World Scientific Publishing,
Singapore, 2019, pp. 31-60. Available at:
60. Utopian Islands in Deserted Athens,
in the collective volume: Co-operative Group of Diploma Projects for Athens
(S.O.D.A.) (eds.), Athens: From Misprint to Counter-Example, Futura
Books, Athens, 2019, pp. 335-344
61. Landscape as a Wholistic Interpretation of
The Spirit of the Place (‘Genius Loci’): The Concepts of ‘Lebensform’,
‘Lebenswelt’ and ‘Stimmung’, in the collective volume: A. Vasilara (ed.), Landscape.
Natural and Cultural Receptions, 9th Interdisciplinary
Seminar of Sustainable Growth, Culture and Tradition, Syros, 2019, pp. 191-204
62. Ethical Dimensions of Architecture:
Genealogies and Concepts, in the collective volume: M. Sinou, E. Tatla,
N. Chiotinis (eds), Aesthetics and Ethics. Conference Proceedings,
University of Western Attica, Athens, 2019, pp. 56-61
63. Étienne-Louis Boullée:
Architecture as Poetry, in the journal Annals for Aesthetics
Vol. 48, 2015-2019, pp. 101-114
64. Open Letter Concerning On-line Education, in the Greek electronic journal of
architecture Archetype [28.5.2020], available at:
65. The Dangers of On-line Education for Architectural Culture, article
published in the Monthly Review the
books’ journal, 10th Year, Issue No. 110, July-August 2020, pp.
66. Alois Riegl, Time
and Architecture: Re-Interpreting Value Systems, [with Olga Psarri and Myrto Venizelou], in the collective volume:
Yildiz Aksoy, Efe Duyan (eds.), Contemporary Issues in Architecture.
Ecology, Urban Environment, Experience, DAKAM BOOKS, Özgür
Öztürk, DAKAM YAYINLARI, Instanbul, 2020, pp. 168-178
67. Articulations
Semiotiques entre Litterature et Architecture. Signification Spatiale, Lieu et
Narrativité. Les Hypothèses de Philippe Hamon et leurs
Conséquences pour le Design, in the collective volume: Pierre Pellegrino
(ed.), L’Architecture du Sens. Sémiotique de l’Espace.
Encyclopédie, Volume I, Structure, Fonction, Fiction, ELS A&S,
2020, pp. 267-276
68. On-line
‘Education’, Again: The New (Dystopian) Normality?, article published in the
Greek electronic journal of architecture Archetype [31.3.2021],
available at:
69. Spatial Plots:
Three Epistemological Models, in the collective volume: Kyriaki Tsoukala (ed.), Space
Interweavings. Ethos-Social Practices-Architecture, Interdisciplinary
Conference with International Participation, 21-23 May 2021, Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki, School of Architecture, NTUA, Conference
Proceedings, Volume I, Epikentro Editions, Thessaloniki, 2021, pp. 583-599
70. Interpretation and
Paradigm in Architectural Metatheory, [with Dimitris Hartonas], in the journal: International Journal of
Architecture and Planning, 1(2), 2021, pp. 28-36, available at:
[26.10.2021]. DOI:
71. Place and Ethnic
Landscape in the Writings of Dimitris Pikionis and Aris Konstantinidis, article in Greek,
published in the collective volume: Andreas Maratos (ed.), 1821-2021.
Memories of Arts – Fragments of History, Nikos Poulantzas Institute, Nissos
Publications, Athens, 2021, pp. 473-488
72. Nietzsche’s
Conception of Place: Blueprint for an Architecture of the Future, article in English,
published in: International Journal of Architecture, Arts and Applications,
Vol. 8, Issue 2, June 2022, pp. 49-63. doi: 10.11648/j.ijaaa.20220802.12.
Available at:
73. The City as
Archive: Genealogies and Hypotheses, article in Greek, published in the on-line
journal: GRAD Review (August 2022), available at:
74. Kyriaki Tsoukala’s
‘Activated (Public) Spaces’ in the Contemporary City: Philosophical and
Architectural Approaches, article in English, published in: Journal of Engineering and
Architecture, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 1-6, June 2022. Doi:
10.15640/jea.v10n1a1, available at:
75. Entangled Spatialities: Towards a
Nietzschean Architecture of Hypermodernity, article in English,
published in the collective volume: Özgür Öztürk (ed.), Dakam’s
Architecture and Urban Planning Spring 2023 Conferences Proceedings, Dakam
Yayinlari, Istanbul, June 2023, pp. 8-16
76. Nietzsche’s Labyrinthine Spatiality: Body, Place, and
Stimmung, article in English, published in the
collective volume: Eftichis Pirovolakis, Maria Mikedaki and Pablo Berzal Cruz (eds.), Performing
Space, Nissos Publications, Athens, 2023, pp. 21-41.
77. Spatial Plots.
Three Epistemological Models, invited chapter
(8) in English, published in the collective volume: Kyriaki Tsoukala (ed.), Social
Practices and City Spaces. Towards a Cooperative and Inclusive Inhabited Space,
Routledge, London and New York, 2024, pp. 108-122.
78. Edgar Allan Poe’s The
Fall of the House of Usher: Thoughts on an Architecture of Terror, [with Georgios Kokkalis], in the journal: Current
Trends in Engineering Science, Volume 4, Issue 1, 2024, 1-6, available at:
79. Urban Activated Public Spaces in the Contemporary City, invited chapter (15) in
English, published in the collective volume: Federico Bellentani, Mario Panico and Lia Yoka (eds.), Semiotic
Approaches to Urban Space. Signs and Cities. Spatial Interventions, Edward
Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, Massachusetts, 2024, pp. 259-267.
80. Árchitecture, Place, Sittlichkeit and Stimmung: The Concepts of Lebensform
(Wittgenstein) and Lebenswelt (Husserl), invited chapter in Greek, published in the collective volume:
Theodoros Zafeiropoulos (ed.), Here. Place-Landscape-Space-Time. Artistic
Practices and Hermeneutical Approaches, Tziolas Publications, Athens, 2024,
pp. 196-215.
81. The Concept of the
Monument in the Age of the Enlightenment: Towards a Genealogy of Mnemonic
Structures, invited paper, published
in the Conference Proceedings: Aspa Gospodini (ed.), Proceedings of the
International Conference on Changing Cities VI. Spatial, Design, Landscape,
Heritage and Socioeconomic Dimensions, Rhodes Island, June 24-28,
University of Thessaly, Volos, 2024, pp. 401-412.
82. Dimensions of
Architectural Praxis, [with Maria Karapavlou] invited paper, published in the Conference Proceedings: Özgür
Öztürk (ed.), Dakam’s ArchTheo 2024. XVIII. International Theory
and History of Architecture Conference Proceedings, Dakam Books, Dakam
Yayinlari, Istanbul, December 2024, pp. 59-73.
83. The Concept of the
“Architectonosphere”: A New Design Tool for the Narrative Organization of Space, invited paper, published
in the Conference Proceedings: Özgür Öztürk (ed.), Dakam’s ArchTheo 2024. XVIII.
International Theory and History of Architecture Conference Proceedings,
Dakam Books, Dakam Yayinlari, Istanbul, December 2024, pp. 110-115.
84. A Hypothesis of an
‘Epistemological Caesura’ in the Work of Dimitris and Souzana Antonakakis:
Three Conceptual Prisms of Interpretation, invited chapter in Greek, published in the
collective book: Athina D. Mirasgezi (ed.), Aesthetics Encomium. Contemporary
Approaches, Eurydice Publications, Athens, 2024, pp. 275-294.
· Participation with
papers-communications-presentations in forty eight (48) Panhellenic
and International Conferences of Philosophy, Architecture and Psychology
· Title of Paper: The Concept of Lineamentum in Leon Battista Alberti’s Architectural
· Title of Paper: The Architecture of the City as Poetry of Values: Etienne-Louis
Boullée and the Enlightenment.
· Title of Paper: Educational Dimensions of Architecture: Cultural Ideals of Space in the
Nineteenth Century.
· Title of Paper: Ideas of Space from Voltaire to Boullée.
· Title of Paper: Architecture, Human Mind and Creative Design.
· Title of Accepted Paper: Jean-Nicolas-Louis Durand: Architectural History as
Universal Space.
· Title of Paper: The Concept of the Self in Modern Architecture: Le Corbusier.
· Title of Paper: Un-built Space: Towards a Conceptual and Un-Volumetric Architecture. More informations can be found here: N.-I.
Terzoglou-Lecture and in English: N.-I.
Terzoglou-Lecture (In English)
· Title of Paper: Architectural Creation between ‘Culture’ and ‘Civilization’.
· Title of Paper: ‘Activated’ Public Spaces in the Contemporary City: Phenomenological,
Sociological and Architectural Perspectives. (Part of the Invited Symposium on the theme: “Re:
Planned and Contingent Youth-Happenings Places in the Contemporary City”).
· Title of Paper: The Architect as a Legislator of Ideas and Concepts of Space.
· Title of Paper: The Passage of Time and the Transformations of Space.
· Title of Paper: The Monument in the Age of the Enlightenment: Genealogy of a Concept.
· Title of Paper: A.W.N. Pugin and ‘Functionalism’: Towards a New Interpretation.
15. ××ÉÉÉ World Congress of
Philosophy on the theme: “Philosophy as
Inquiry and Way of Life”, Athens, 4-10 August 2013.
· Title of Paper: Way of Life, Ethos, and Place: The Concepts of
‘Lebensform’ and ‘Lebenswelt’.
1st Conference of the History of
Architecture, on the theme: “The Historiography of Architecture between the
20th and 21st Century: Arts and Architecture Between
Globalisation and ‘Greekness’”, Athens School of Fine Arts, 22-24 May 2014
· Title of Paper: The
‘Will to Live’ as Architecture: Assumptions Regarding the Philosophical
Background of Aris Konstantinidis’ Thinking.
17. Meeting:
Structures Index 02: Starting Posts, Benaki Museum, Athens, 16 June 2014
· Title of Paper: Etienne-Louis
Boullée: Isaac Newton’s Cenotaph. Watch the lecture (In Greek):
1st Panhellenic Conference of the
School of Artistic Studies, TEI, on the theme: “Aesthetics + Ethics”,
Industrial Complex of Gazi, 12-13 June 2015
· Title of Paper: Ethical
Dimensions of Architecture: Genealogies and Concepts.
Conference of McGill University, on the theme:
“Reading Architecture: Literary Imagination and Architectural Experience”,
Benaki Museum, 16-18 June 2015
· Title of Paper: Conceptual
Conjunctions Between Literature and Architecture: Philippe Hamon’s Hypothesis
and Its Consequences for Spatial Design.
20. Conference of the School of Architecture, National
Technical University of Athens, on the theme: “Le Corbusier: Genealogies”, Lysandros Kautantzoglou Hall, Athens,
29-31 October 2015
· Title of Paper: Charles-Edouard Jeanneret: Towards a New
Theory of Genius
21. Conference of the School of Architecture,
Post-graduate Programme, National Technical University of Athens, Coord. Prof.
P. Tournikiotis, on the theme: “History
and Utopia”, Amphitheatre/Tositsa Building, Athens, 20 February 2016
· Title of Paper: Utopia and Place
22. Conference of the School of Architecture, Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki, on the theme: “Spatial
Narratives of Memory”, Thessaloniki, 23-24 May 2016
· Title of Paper: Philippe Hamon / Paul Ricoeur: Space,
Narrative and Architecture
23. Conference of the Citylab 2016, on the theme: “Architecture_City_Love”, Patras, 22-28
September 2016
· Title of Paper: Three Ideal Types of the Complex Dialectic
between Love and Place.
Watch the lecture (In Greek):
· Title of Paper: Contemplations of Space in the Thought of
Panayotis Michelis
· Title of Paper: Advancing the Hypothesis of an
Epistemological Rupture in Antonakakis’ Work: Three Conceptual Interpretative
Prisms. Watch the lecture (In Greek):
· Title of Paper: Semiotic Articulations Between Literature
and Architecture: Spatial Meaning, Place and Narrativity
· Title of Paper: Concepts of Space in Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s
Phenomenology of Perception. Watch the lecture (In Greek):
· Title of Paper: Ethical Dimensions of Architecture:
Structure and Place. You can watch the lecture + read the relevant text
here (In Greek):
29. VI.
International Architectural Design Conference: Archdesign 2019, DAKAM, Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research
Center, Athens, 22 March 2019
· Title of Paper:
Ideal Types of Relations Between Literary
Narrative and Architectural Space: Three Epistemological Models
30. Conference of the Interdisciplinary Postgradute Programme “Administration of Monuments: Archaeology,
City and Architecture”, on the theme: “Cultural
Administration: Its Past and Future”, University of Athens, 9-10 May 2019:
· Title of Paper: The City as Archive: Genealogies and
31. 1st
International Conference: “Ferekydes”, on the theme: “Modern Western Civilization and Its Greek References”, Syros
Institute, Hermoupolis, Syros, 7-9 June 2019:
· Title of Paper: The ‘Neo-Hellenic’ Ideal of Johann Joachim
Winckelmann: Constructing the Concept of the ‘Classical’
Hermoupolis Workshop: “Architectural and
Urban Design: Re-use of Abandoned Ruins”, Societe des Architectes Hellenes,
University of the Aegean, Thematic Session “Genius
Loci” (in collaboration with Nikitas Siniossoglou), Syros, 4 August 2019:
· Title of Paper: Genius Loci, Narrative and Architectural
Hermoupolis Workshop: “Architectural and
Urban Design: Re-use of Abandoned Ruins”, Societe des Architectes Hellenes,
University of the Aegean, Thematic Session “Genius
Loci” (in collaboration with Nikitas Siniossoglou), Syros, 4 August 2019:
· Title of Paper: Ruin – Museum – Archive: A Genealogy
34. 9th Interdisciplinary
Seminar of Sustainable Growth, Culture and Tradition, on the theme: “Landscape: Natural and Cultural Perceptions”,
Syros Institute, Ano Syros, 18 September 2019:
· Title of Paper: Landscape as a Wholistic Interpretation of
The Spirit of the Place (‘Genius Loci’): The Concepts of ‘Lebensform’,
‘Lebenswelt’ and ‘Stimmung’
35. Winter Solstice Celebration, on-line
event, organized by DUTH, AV Lab, invited as a commentator by Prof. Athanasios
Spanomaridis, on the theme “Christmas Nostalgia”,
21-22 December 2020
· Title of Paper: Nostalgia for Modernity, in Seven Dialectical
Images of Thought (B. Lubetkin, Constructivism, Le Corbusier, Mies, Structure,
Bauhaus, Marx)
36. Interdisciplinary
Conference with International Participation, on the theme: Space Interweavings. Ethos-Social
Practices-Architecture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of
Architecture, NTUA, 21 May 2021
· Title of Paper: Spatial Plots: Three Epistemological Models
37. 8th Mediterranean Congress for
Aesthetics, organized by the Hellenic Society for Aesthetics as a
webinar, on the theme “Aesthetics of Everyday Life in Contemporary Cities”,
9-11 September 2021.
· Title of Paper: The Void: A Conceptual
38. 31st International Congress on
Nietzsche, organized by the Friedrich-Nietzsche-Stiftung and the
Nietzsche-Gesellschaft, on the theme “Wie Weiter, Herr Nietzsche? Medien und
Künste im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung”, Nietzsche-Dokumentationszentrum,
Naumburg (Saale), Germany, 14-17.10.2021.
· Title of
Paper: Nietzsche’s Conception of Place: Blueprint for an Architecture of
the Future?
39. Keynote Speaker, Performing Space 2022
Conference, organized by the University of the Peloponnese, in
collaboration with the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Nafplio, 27-29.8.2022.
· Title of
Paper: Nietzsche’s Labyrinthine Spatiality: Body, Place, and Stimmung
40. 15th World Congress on Semiotics,
organized by the International Association of Semiotic Studies, on the
theme “Semiotics in the Lifeworld”, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki,
30.8-3.9. 2022.
· Title of
Paper: Wittgenstein and Husserl: Lebensform, Lebenswelt, and the Spatial
Production of Meaning
41. 10th
International Online Architectural Design Conference ARCHDESIGN 2023,
organized by DAKAM, 19.5.2023. Available at:
· Title of
Paper: Entangled Spatialities: Towards a Nietzschean Architecture of
42. Scientific Meeting “Space as Meaning: Pierre
Pellegrino in Memoriam”, organized by Semiolab and Prof. Lia Yoka,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 23.5.2023.
· Title of
Paper: Conceptual Conditions of the Production of Spatial Meaning
43. 13th International Conference on
Semiotics, “Semiotics Across and In-Between”, organized by
the Hellenic Semiotics Society, the Department of Communication, Media
and Culture, and the Cultural Informatics, Data and Computational Cultural
Studies Lab of Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens,
· Title of
Paper: Thoughts on the Architectonosphere
44. 33rd (XXXIII) International Annual Conference of
the Nietzsche-Gesellschaft and Friedrich-Nietzsche-Stiftung on the theme “Struggles over Nietzsche (Kämpfe Um Nietzsche):
Nietzsche as Protagonist in European and World Culture up until the First
Postwar Period”, Nietzsche-Dokumentationszentrum, Naumburg (Saale), 12-15 October 2023.
· Title of
Paper: Henry Van de Velde: Nietzsche’s
“Great Style” as a Vitalistic Struggle for Expressive Lines
45. Colloquium “Art-Eroticism-Ecology”, organized by the Hellenic Society for Aesthetics
and Université Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne, Averoff
Building, Lysandros Kaytantzoglou Ceremony Hall, 15-16 May 2024.
· Title of
Paper: Erotic Poetics of Architecture: Four Mytho-topo-logical Models
46. 6th
International Conference on Changing Cities VI: Spatial, Design, Landscape, Heritage &
Socio-Åconomic Dimensions, organized by the Laboratory of Urban Morphology and Design, Department
of Planning & Regional Development, Faculty of Engineering, University of
Thessaly, Rhodes Island, 24-28 June 2024.
· Title of
Paper: The Concept of the Monument in
the Age of the Enlightenment: Towards a Genealogy of Mnemonic Structures
47. 8th
International History and Theory of Architecture Conference ARCHTHEO 2024, organized by DAKAM, Nippon
Hotel, Istanbul, 15 November 2024.
· Title of Paper
(with Maria Karapavlou): Dimensions of Architectural Praxis
48. 8th
International History and Theory of Architecture Conference ARCHTHEO 2024, organized by DAKAM, Nippon Hotel, Istanbul,
15 November 2024.
· Title of Paper:
The Concept of the “Architectonosphere”: A New Design Tool for the
Narrative Organization of Space
i. Member of Scientific Organizations + Committees
1. Member of the Technical Chamber of Greece (from 17.11.2000).
2. Member of the Association of Greek Architects (from
Jan. 2001).
3. Member of the International Society Leon Battista
Alberti (S.I.L.B.A.). (2005-2015)
4. Member of the Architectural Humanities Research
Association (AHRA).
5. Member of the European Association for
Architectural Education (EAAE).
6. Member of the International Association of Greek
7. Member of the Hellenic Society for Aesthetics.
8. Member of the Greek Society for Eighteenth-Century
9. Member of the Chamber of the Fine Arts of Greece (from
10. Member of the International Advisory Board of the South
African Journal of Art History (from 2013).
11. Member of ISPA-International Society for the Philosophy of Architecture (from
12. Member of the Hellenic Institute of Architecture
(from June 2015).
13. Member of
numerous Academic and Scientific
Committees of the School of Architecture, N.T.U.A. (from 2012). Member
(Judge) of 7-Member Committees for Ph.D.
14. Member of the Societe des Architectes Hellenes (from
June 2017). Surrogate Member of the Administrative Board (from May until June
ii. Exhibitions
· During his studies at the School of Architecture,
N.T.U.A., (1995-2000) he participated in five (5) collective exhibitions
of student design projects and in three (3) collective exhibitions of
paintings and sketches.
· Two (2) student projects (“Stoppage Space” and
“Exhibition-Room for Folk Art”) were published in the collective book: Architectural
Synthesis, Student Projects 95 -96, National Technical University of
Athens, Athens, 2002, pp. 19, 24.
· One (1) student project (“Open-Air Country Church”) was
published in: Housing, a bimonthly review of architecture and decoration, Issue
85, Oct.-Nov. 2000, p. 152.
· He has organized, co-curated and also participated
with his own works and projects in the following group exhibitions
1. Exhibition of Student Projects from the Workshop
of Painting, Historical Building of the
Rectorate, School of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens, 20
Nov. – 20 Dec. 2001.
2. Exhibition
of Student Projects: Architectural Language, Communication and Design:
Conceptual Approaches of Design Problems: The Void, Time and the Minimal,
Two Galleries “Astrolavos”, Athens, 23 Apr. – 15 May 2004. The exhibition had a
very favourable critical reception by the public and the press.
3. Exhibition of Posters: Students of the Athens
School of Fine Arts, Central Hall of
the Athens Subway, Syntagma Square, 17-18 June 2009.
4. Graduates of the Athens School of Fine Arts, Exhibition Space “Nikos Kessanlis”, Athens School of
Fine Arts, 20 Jan. – 20 Feb. 2011.
5. Exhibition of Design Projects: Architectural
Heritage, Poster 70 / 100, Averoff
Building, School of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens, 27
May – 25 June 2011.
6. Exhibition of Student Projects: The
Architecture of the Void, The Architecture of Time, Averoff Building, School of Architecture, National
Technical University of Athens, May – June 2011.
7. Exhibition of Forty (40) Student Projects: The
Passage of Time and the Transformations of Space, Averoff Building, School of Architecture, National
Technical University of Athens, July 2011.
iii. Presidencies + Co-ordinations
· As a President of the Academic Committee of this
highly prestigious Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis in Architectural
Research, Terzoglou performed many duties:
1. Composition and forwarding of the Invitation for the Award, in
two languages (English, French) (in collaboration with Prof. K. Tsoukala and
Prof. P. Pellegrino).
2. 1st Phase of the Award: Reception of all the Submissions
(abstracts), classification, valuation. The valuation was based on a new system
of academic criteria proposed by Terzoglou.
3. 1st Phase of the Award: Drafting of the explanatory Report of
the first phase and co-ordination of the discussion with the Members of the
4. 2nd Phase of the Award: Composition and forwarding of the Invitation
for the Award / Phase 2 to those Candidates that have succeeded during the
1st Phase.
5. 2nd Phase of the Award: Reception of the original Ph.D.’s,
co-ordination of the discussion with the Members of the Committee, based on
additional criteria proposed by Terzoglou.
6. 2nd Phase of the Award: Receipt of the Final Results and the
Decisions of the Committee and drafting of the Final Report of the ICAR-CORA
AWARD 2011. (in collaboration with Prof. P. Pellegrino).
7. Preparation of the Certificates and the Confirmations for
the first three (3) Winners. (in collaboration with Prof. P. Pellegrino).
4. Co-ordination of five (5)
papers / presentations, brief critical commentary and extended introduction
titled “The Adventures of the Concept of the Self”, in the context of
the 5th Section (Subject / Self) of the Conference titled “Le Corbusier: Genealogies”, Lysandros
Kautantzoglou Hall, Athens, 31 October 2015.
5. Co-ordination of Section B: Critical Approaches I, at the Scientific Meeting on the Work
of the Greek Architect Nicos Valsamakis, Benaki Museum, Athens, 19 December
Participation at
the Round-Table discussion of the
Conference of the School of Architecture, Post-graduate Programme, National
Technical University of Athens, Coord. Prof. P. Tournikiotis, on the theme: “History and Utopia”, Amphitheatre/Tositsa
Building, Athens, 20 February 2016.
Co-ordination of the Section “Demographies in Space: Urban Design,
Mobility, Wanderings”, at the Seminar titled “Cultural Technologies and Everyday Practices in the 60’s: Consumption,
Culture and Social Change” (ed. By M. Bilalis and Y. Papatheodorou),
Ermoupolis, Syros, 9-10 July 2016.
Co-ordination of Section 4: History + Theory,
at the Conference: “School of Architecture, N.T.U.A.: 100 years’ Anniversary”,
on the theme: “The Teaching of
Architecture: Objects and Perspectives”, Averoff Building, Athens, 4
November 2017.
Vice-President of the Societe des Architectes
Hellenes (from July 2018 until July 2019).
· As a Vice-President of the Hellenic Society of
Architecture, I have participated in the following events and initiatives:
1. Active participation in the study group for the
re-activation of the Mediaeval Settlement of Anavatos in Chios.
2. Co-conception and co-ordination of the Thematic
Session “Towards a Greek Dialogical
Architecture”, with lectures by eminent scholars and young architects on
the themes: “Architecture and Place”
(October-November 2018), “Architecture
and the City” (December 2018-January 2019).
3. Initial Conception and initiative to co-ordinate a Summer Workshop of Architectural and Urban
Design (2019) on the theme: “Re-use
of Abandoned Industrial Buildings in Ermoupolis”, at the island of Syros.
The workshop’s main goal is to investigate the ‘genius loci’ of Ermoupolis and
to integrate new interventions in the specific atmosphere of urbanity
characterizing this new city of the 19th century.
10. Co-ordination of Sections 4 + 8: 1st International Conference: “Ferekydes”,
on the theme: “Modern Western
Civilization and Its Greek References”, Syros Institute, Hermoupolis,
Syros, 7-9 June 2019.
11. Presidency and co-ordination of session C.II (‘Architecture-Politics-Ethos:
Philosophical and Epistemological Approaches’) at the Interdisciplinary Conference with International Participation, on the
theme: Space Interweavings. Ethos-Social Practices-Architecture, Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki, School of Architecture, NTUA, 21 May 2021.
12. Presidency
and co-ordination of the Round-Table Discussion, based on the
formulation of four (4) bundles of questions / plateaus for discussion,
elaborated by N.-I. Terzoglou, and sent beforehand to the conveners: David
Vanderburgh, Anastasios Kotsiopoulos, Yannis Stavrakakis, Kathrin
Golda-Pongratz, Stavros Stavrides, Konstantinos Moraitis, Vasiliki Petridou,
Anastasia Lada, Aris Stylianou, Kyriaki Tsoukala, 22 May 2021.
13. Co-ordination of the 2nd Scientific
Meeting of the Ph.D. Candidates of the School of Architecture, National
Technical University of Athens. Section: Architectural Language, Communication
and Design, 2 July 2021.
14. Presidency
and co-ordination of the Session B1 titled “Local / Global Aspects of
Contemporary Cities”, in the context of the 8th Mediterranean
Congress for Aesthetics, organized by the Hellenic Society for
Aesthetics as a webinar, on the theme “Aesthetics of Everyday Life in
Contemporary Cities”, 9-11 September 2021.
15. Critical Commentary in the 3rd Scientific
Meeting of the Ph.D. Candidates of the School of Architecture, National
Technical University of Athens. Section: Architectural Language, Communication
and Design, 4 July 2022.
16. General Co-ordination and Critical
Commentary in the Scientific Meeting of the Ph.D. Candidates of the
School of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens. Section:
Architectural Language, Communication and Design, 18 September 2023.
17. Presidency
and co-ordination of the Session III titled “Human-non-human, from
Anthropocentrism to Blending”, in the context of the Colloquium “Art-Eroticism-Ecology”,
organized by the Hellenic Society for Aesthetics and Université
Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne, Averoff Building, Lysandros
Kaytantzoglou Ceremony Hall, 15 May 2024.
iv. Travels, Seminars, Conferences.
· Many research travels in most European cities from 1994
until today: study of monuments and buildings, visit of exhibitions and
examination of artistic works.
· Research travel: study of the various works of Le
Corbusier in-situ (1996-1997).
· Travel in England, Oxford, Cambridge, as part of the Doctoral
Research: Cambridge: 7-27 July 2002: attendance of the University of Cambridge Art
History Summer School, on the theme: “Art, Light and Space
from the Middle Ages to the Present”. Written essay on “Goethe
and Newton: Theories of Light” (Supervisor: Dr. John Gage).
· Travels in England (November 2007) and France
(July 2007) as part of his Post-Doctoral Research. Visit of many
public and private libraries and Research Institutes.
· Travel in Ioannina
(University of Ioannina) for research and teaching activities (December 2015).
· Travels in Germany
(October 2019, October 2021) for research and study on the philosopher Nietzsche.
· Attendance of over one-hundred and forty one (141)
conferences, seminars, and scientific meetings in Greece and abroad:
philosophy, history of art, history of science, urbanism (1995-2022).
· Organization of two
(2) student excursions, in order to visit emblematic houses, designed and
built by well-known and important Neo-Hellenic architects of the 20th
century (2016, 2017).
v. Participation
in Design + Theoretical Workshops and Studio Criticisms
· 2012-2013: Organization of an experimental
design + theory workshop titled “The City as an Archive: Monuments – Ruins –
Traces”, Postgraduate Program of the Athens School of Fine Arts.
2013-2014: Organization of an experimental design + theory workshop
titled “The City as an Archive: Voids – Ruins – Traces”, Postgraduate
Program of the Athens School of Fine Arts.
2014: Participation and Studio
Criticism at the Patras City Lab Architectural Workshop, Organizer: P. Pangalos,
Patras, 3-9 Oct. 2014.
· 2015: Studio
Criticism at the Athens Studio Workshop, co-organised by The University of Western Australia, School of Architecture,
Landscape and Visual Arts êáé De Montfort University, Leicester School of Architecture, Faculty of Art, Design and
Humanities. Coordinators: Prof. N. Westbrook, Prof. K. Kontozoglou, Australian
Institute of Archaeology, 6 Feb. 2015.
· 2015:
Participation and Criticism at the Fine Arts and Theory Workshop titled “Ambiguity + Puzzlement in Delphi”,
Organizer: K. Ioannidis, Delphi, 25-31 May 2015.
· 2015: Lecture and
Studio Criticism at the Fine Arts and Architecture Workshop titled “Hospitality”, Organizers: P. Pangalos,
K. Daflos, Z. Pyrini, Loutraki, 24-30 August 2015.
· 2016: Participation and
Studio Criticism at the Patras City Lab Workshop 2016: City_Architecture_Love,
Organizers: P. Pangalos, St. Alifragkis, Patras, 22-28 Sep. 2016.
· 2016: Participation as an invited Assistant Professor
at the Asfa Photo Courses, on the theme: “Issues on the Theory of Visual Arts + Photography”. Organizer: K.
Ioannidis, ASFA.
· 2019: Participation as an invited speaker at the 9th Interdisciplinary Seminar of
Sustainable Growth, Culture and Tradition, on the theme: “Landscape: Natural and Cultural Perceptions”,
Syros Institute, organizer: Prof. I. Stefanou, Ano Syros, 16-21 Sep. 2019.
· 2020: Invited Critic in Studio Criticisms and
Theoretical Discussions at the Final Presentation of the Course in
Architectural Design Arc_070, School of Architecture, University of
Patras. Theme: “Urban Tissue and Landscape”. Topic of the Discussion: “A
Colloquy on the Limits of Architectural Praxis”, Room A96+, Patras,
Professor: Athanasios Spanomaridis, 21 February 2020.
• 2020: Invited Critic and Commentator in
Advanced Architectural Design Studios + in seven (7) Lectures organized
by Prof. Athanasios Spanomaridis, on the Theme “The Intangible”,
University of Patras, November 2020-February 2021.
• 2021: Invited Critic + Commentator in Studio
Criticisms and Theoretical Discussions at the Final Presentation of two
Courses in Advanced Architectural Design: Arc_ES105 + Arc_E803,
School of Architecture, University of Patras. Themes: “The Hidden
Dimension” and “Landscape Formations”. Topic of the
on-line Discussion: “Research by Design: The Crucial Role of Theory and
Concepts”, Professor: Athanasios Spanomaridis, 11 February 2021.
vi. Organization and Co-ordination of Conferences
+ Seminars + Workshops:
· 2012-2013: Co-founder, along with Professor K.
Moraitis and Professor S. Stavrides, of the Research Seminar for Ph.D. Candidates “Anny Vrychea”.
· 2012-2017: Founding member, along with numerous
academic colleagues, of the Research
Seminar “Friday Readings”, an interdisciplinary reading + research group
trying to bridge the gap between literature, architecture, theatre, philosophy,
psychoanalysis and political science. The seminar communicates its research results
in the series called “demo”,
published by the publishing house of the National
Bank Educational Institute (M.I.E.T. Editions).
· 2015: General Conception, organization and
co-ordination of the Conference “Le Corbusier: Genealogies”, which
took place in the Lysandros Kaytantzoglou Ceremony Hall, at the National
Technical University of Athens. The conference lasted three (3) days and
consisted of a round table discussion between five (5) honorary Professors and
five (5) Thematic Sections with five (5) speakers each: 1. City / Urbanism /Utopia. 2. Architectural
Layouts / Mechanisms 3. Dwelling: Sacred / Profane 4. Architecture
/ Art 5. Subject / Self. Website:
· 2017: Conception, organization and co-ordination of a
thematic session within M.I.E.T. Research Seminar, titled “Memory and Place in Hypermodernity”. Speakers: N.-I. Terzoglou, T.
Tsimpouki, E. Solomon, N. Kokkomelis (28.4.2017-19.5.2017).
· 2019: Conception, general co-ordination, scientific
editor of the Summer Workshop of
Architectural and Urban Design in Hermoupolis, Syros: 1-8 August 2019: 22 invited lectures, 3 thematic sessions, 21 participants, 3 guided tours, 7
invited critics for 3 powerpoint presentations. Organizing Team: 12 persons. Website:
• 2019-2021
Co-organizer and member of the Organizing and Scientific Committee of the
Panhellenic Conference with International Participation on "Spatial
Entanglements: Ethics-Social Practices-Architecture", co-organized by
the Department of Architectural Engineering of Aristotle University in
collaboration with Aristotle University Of Political Science, AUTh, the School
of Architectural Engineering of NTUA, the Department of Architectural
Engineering of the University of Thessaloniki and the Department of Architectural
Engineering of PI (May 21-23, 2021). General coordinator: Prof. Kyriaki
Tsoukala. In the above roles, he contributed to the drafting of the
invitations, the general texts describing the theme of the Conference, the appraisal
of five (5) abstracts (based on a new multi-criteria evaluation model of his
own invention) and the final editing, evaluation (and translation) of five (5) texts
for the publication of the collective volume. Website:
• 2021: Conception and co-ordination of a Postgraduate
Conference titled “Space and Architecture in the Thought of Friedrich
Nietzsche”, Thursday 11.11.2021, Department III, Architectural Language,
Communication and Design, National Technical University of Athens.
• 2022: Conception,
organization and co-ordination of a Postgraduate Conference titled “Friedrich
Nietzsche + Architecture”, Friday 18.11.2022, Department III, Architectural
Language, Communication and Design, National Technical University of Athens.
· 2023-2014: Co-founder of the Athens Research
Seminar in Continental Philosophy.