The European Workshop on General Equilibrium Theory is a series of workshops,
initiated in 1991. The first meeting was held in Geneva (1991). Since then,
meetings have been organized in Florence (1992), Louvain-la-Neuve (1993,1997),
Kopenhagen (1994,1999), Barcelona (1995,1998), Paris (2000) and Maastricht
(2001). The eleventh Worksop is organized in the National Technical University
of Athens.
The European Workshop on General Equilibrium Theory aims at a specialized
public. Its goal is to allow participants to present and be informed of the
latest developments in general equilibrium theory and its applications
in other areas of economics, such as macroeconomic and monetary theory, and
the theory of finance. The workshop encourages young researchers to present
their work, and (limited) funds are available to cover their expenses.
Senior theorists typically attend the workshop.
Participation to the workshop is not limited to researchers based in Europe.
The standing organizing committee for the workshop consists of:
Yves Balasko (U. Paris 1),
Bernard Cornet (U. Paris 1),
Egbert Dierker (U. Wien),
Joan-Maria Esteban (IAE Barcelona),
Jean-Michel Grandmont (CREST-CNRS),
Birgit Grodal (U. Copenhagen),
Jean-Jacques Herings (U. Maastricht),
Werner Hildenbrand (U. Bonn),
Alan Kirman (U. Aix-Marseille III),
Andreu Mas-Colell (U. Pompeu Fabra)
Herakles Polemarchakis (Brown University).