Tsini Dimitra, Laboratory and Teaching Staff


Phone: 210772725  dimal@survey.ntua.gr

Office: University Campus of NTUA, Zografos, Lambadario building, 2nd floor, 217




She was born in Germany. She is a Rural and Surveying Engineer (200) and has a Masters Degree in Geoinformatics (2002). Since 2000 she has been working at the NTUA as doctoral candidate. In 2007 she was hired as administrative staff at the School of Rural and Surveying Engineering in NTUA, in 2015 as Technical Staff and finally at 2018 as Laboratory and Teaching Staff at the Geodesy Laboratory of the  School of Rural and Surveying Engineering in NTUA



Current position

Laboratory and Teaching Staff, Department of Topography



Research interests

• Collection and adjustement of observations
• Geodetic networks analysis



Professional etc interests

• General Geodesy






       Geodesy ÉÉ

       Geodesy ÉÉÉ

       Least squares method and adjustments É

       Least squares method and adjustments ÉÉ

       Satellite Geodesy

·         Special courses of Satellite Geodesy

·         Field Course in Geodesy II, Summer course after the 4th semester





Selected papers

Piniotis G., Stathas D., Nikolitsas Ê., Tsini D., Tsinis D. (2010) Real time collection, manipulation and presentation of measurments, 3rd Greek Conference of Rural and Surveying Engineers "From measuring to manipulation and from manipulation to intervantion",Atshens  December 2010 (in Greek)


O. Arabatzi, V. Pagounis, M. Tsakiri, D. Tsini «Geodetic technology for cultural heritage recording – The case study of KLEPSYDRA at the Acropolis of Athens». 8th International Symposium on the Conservation of Monuments in the Mediterranean Basin , Patras, 31.05 – 02.06 2010


Balodimos D.D.,Arabatzi O., Piniotis G., Tsini D., Tsinis D.(2007) "Displacement monitoring of tshe vertical control network of tshe Metsovon Municipality ". 5ï Interdisciplinary – Interuniversity  Conference of NTUA and Centre for Interdisciplinary Research of Metsovon of NTUA "Education, Research, Technology, from yesterday to tomorrow", Metsovon  27-30 September 2007. (in Greek)



D.Stathas, O.Arabatzi , S.Dogouris , G.Piniotis , D.Tsini and D.Tsinis,  Proceedings, 11th FIG Symposium on Deformation Measurements, Santorini, Greece, 2003