Constantine D. Memos - Personal web site

Constantine Memos is Professor Emeritus of Maritime Hydraulics and Port Engineering with the School of Civil Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece.

He holds an MEng degree in Civil Engineering (NTUA, 1969), a Mathematics Diploma (University of Patras, 1972), a DIC and a PhD in Maritime Hydraulics (Imperial College, 1977). At the academic level he has been teaching design of port structures, maritime hydraulics, and port planning for nearly 45 years in the School of Civil Engineering of the NTUA. Courses taught include Port systems, Fluid mechanics, Hydraulics, Maritime hydraulics & harbour structures, Unsteady flows, Free-surface flows, Topics of port engineering; also at postgraduate level: Design of sea outfalls, Maritime hydrodynamics, Maritime structures, Integrated coastal zone management, Computational methods in coastal zone. He has published more than 200 papers, books, or book chapters on the above subjects in international scientific journals, conferences, and the scientific or technological community at large. He has been elected or appointed to several administrative positions within NTUA including Head of the Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering (1998-99, 2007-08), Head of the undergraduate studies Committee of the School, member of the Senate and of its Committee on undergraduate studies, member of the Rector's Council. Outside the academia Dr Memos has been involved to date as consultant, project director or design engineer in a variety of port, coastal, and hydraulic engineering projects since 1980. He is an ASCE Fellow and a COPRI member, where he served in several committees; a member of PIANC, engaged as head or member in working groups; member of IAHR, where he led the Committee on Maritime and Coastal Hydraulics. He reviews papers for widely recognised international journals, conferences, and for competitive research contract awards. Dr Memos received an Unwin Prize from Imperial College, London; an Empirikion Prize for scientific achievements in technological sciences, Athens; and a David Hislop Award from the Institution of Civil Engineers, London. He has been academic head to a postgraduate programme in Environmental Design of Infrastructure of the Greek Open University for 7 years, and tutor for 5 years in Coastal Erosion Management in the International Postgraduate Programme in Water Resources and Environment Management "E-ducate!". Professor Memos has guided research as supervisor or member of advisory committees for more than 10 PhD NTUA students; he also supervised about 40 MSc and 70 MEng final year theses. He has been founder and President of the ASCE Hellenic Group and then Section, as well as founder and Head of the NGO "Engineers of the Earth" since 2008. Memos was appointed board member of the Higher Education Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency of Greece (2010-2014) and served as Acting President of the said Agency during 2012. Dr Memos is past International Director, member of the Board of Direction (2014-16) and of the Executive Committee of the ASCE (2015-16). Currently he is engaged in port engineering consultancy; supervises PhD students; contributes, as national representative, in the preparation of a Eurocode for wave and current actions on coastal structures, and reviews Hellenic Technical Specifications on the subject of port structures.


Constantine D. Memos

Laboratory of Harbour Works
School of Civil Engineering
National Technical University of Athens

5, Heroon Polytechneiou
157 80 Zografos
Athens, Greece
