Phone :+30210 772 2628 office: B126, Veis Building, 1

Rural & Surveying Engineer, Nat’l tech.
Univ. Athens 1976, Graduate Studies at the Technical University of Berlin
(1976-1977) and University of Hanover (1977-1981). Dr.-Ing.
in Highway Design. Educating Staff at the NTUA since 1987. Professor in
2003. Expertise in Geometric Design of Highways and Streets and Road
Safety. More than 120 publications in Greek, English and German. Co-author
of Handbook in Highway Design in English. Coordinator and researcher in
European and National Research Projects. One of main authors of the Greek
Guidelines for the Design of Highways of the Ministry of Infrastructures,
Transport and Networks. Consulting Engineer in the Design of road projects.
Safety Auditor of main Freeway Projects. Member of Board in various
International Journals. Member in Transportation Research Board. Deutscher Verein für Vermessungswesen. Forschungsgesellschaft für
Straßen- und Verkehrswesen.
International Road Federation. Societa Italiana Infrastrutture Viare, Honorary Member. Vereinigung
der Straßenbau- und Verkehrsingenieure
in Niedersachsen e.V.. ISMARTI for Road Maintenance. President of European
Group of Surveyors for 3 terms.
Professor, Department of Infrastructure and
Rural Development
Highway design elements, intersection and
interchange design, road facilities design, speed modeling, operating
characteristics of various road users, access management, road safety
parameters and features, applications of geoinformatics
in road infrastructure
etc interests
Highway and Street Design, Road Safety Audits,
Road Safety Impact Assessment, Road Safety Inspections, Accident Reconstruction
- Highway Engineering I, 4th Semester. Mandatory course
- Transportation
Facilities Design-Principles of Economic Studies, 5th
Semester. Mandatory course
- Planning-Design and Operation
of Highway (highway project development), 9th Semester. Mandatory course for graduates in Transportation Engineering
- Application of
Informatics in Highway Infrastructure Projects, Postgraduate selective
papers & publications
R. Lamm, B. Psarianos, T. Mailaender “Highway
Design and Traffic Safety Engineering Handbook” McGraw-Hill Book Co, Í.Õ., 1999
Basil Psarianos “Der Griechische Kultur- Und Vermessungsingenieur”, Zeitschrift
für Vermessungswesen,
Heft 12, Stuttgart 1992
R. Lamm,B. Psarianos, E.M. Choueiri, T. Mailaender “Interchange Planning and Design - An
International Perspective”, , Transportation Research Record 1985, TRB,
Washington, D.C., 1993
S. Mavromatis, B. Psarianos “Analytical Model to Determine the Influence
of Horizontal Alignment of Two-Axle Heavy Vehicles on Upgrades”. Journal of
Transportation Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 129,
No. 6, 2003
B. Psarianos
“Strategic Road Safety Policies and Research Needs in Europe and the United
States of America”, Advances in Transportation Studies, Section A 7,
R.J. Porter, B. Psarianos, et al. “Operating
Speed Modeling”, Synthesis Report, E-Circular, Transportation Research
Board, Washington, D.C., U.S.A., In Print.