Curriculum Vitae (brief)

Rural & Surveying Engineer (Ph.D),
Member of the Research and Educational Personnel of the
Remote Sensing Laboratory of the School of Rural, Surveying & GeoInformatics Engineering of the NTUA

e-mail & skype:
phone: +30 210 772 2598 (office), +30 6944 147 209 (mobile &
   viber & whatsapp)
fax:  +30 210 772 2594 (office)
Connecting research and researchers :
   orcID  -  SciProfiles  -  Research Gate  -  GitHub   -  Linkedin   -  Scopus
postal address:
   Remote Sensing Laboratory
   School of Rural, Surveying & GeoInformatics Engineering
   NTUA, Heroon Polytechniou 9, 15780, Zografou, Greece

these are some that interest me ...
A Remote Sensing Tutorial The world of Big Data Bayesian Inference GitHub search Wolfram Alpha CREODIAS
A database for RS indices KDnuggets Linear Models Configuring R in QGIS arXiv - preprint Repositories USGS Earth Explorer
RS Tutorials from Canada Geeks for Geeks MIT courses for Statistics JAGS tutorial using R Applied Time Series Analysis USGS Glovis
132 Q & A in HSI analysis Hack news MIT courses for Mathematics decoding Stan Econometrics with R Copernicus Browser
LSA SAF products R on Amazon Web Services Bayesian Statistics Big Book of R Bayesian programming Copernicus InSitu Ocean
Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) Algorithms Principles of Forecasting The BUGS Project Chess Programming Theory Near Real-Time Data
AeroNet Image Databases for testing online Statistics Data dredging WikiCFP NASA Earth Data
Emergency Copernicus Service Zoom Earth Statistical Lectures and Talks Project Euler - Project Nayuki Colaboratory IPUMS Terra
Remote Sensing News Sun movement and phases Global Forest Change Course on Data Science Quantum computing EO Browser
HSI Data for testing [1]-[2]-[3] online World Statistics American Math Society R BookDown Statistical Proofs NASA live
ML Datasets [1]-[2]-[3] ImageNet Measure of Influence Hitchhiker's Guide to Python SciSpace Earth online
Stanford:ML courses Nature Journals Julia Language Field guide to base R Google Earth Engine with R NASA Earth Observation
ESA Tools SAR Theory Exercises Data Mining Lib. chatGPT Open Data in Europe Convolutional Neural Networks